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Everything for Her

Page 26

by Alexa Riley

  As I walk out from behind the rack, Kimmi looks up from her phone and beams at me. “That’s the one.”

  “Whoa,” Skyler says, giving me the once-over. “He’s going to kill you.” Then she smiles like the Grinch, and I can’t help but laugh.

  Kimmi pulls a full-length mirror from inside the rack and I stand in front of it. The dress is gorgeous and accentuates all my best features. It has tiny strings that crisscross in the back and it dips low at my waist. The gold mesh isn’t see-through, but gives the illusion it is. The dress is cut low in the front as well, revealing my ample cleavage. The way the dress catches the light makes it looks like my skin is dusted with shimmer. It curves around my hips, and then goes straight to the floor, where it pools at my feet. It looks like I’m wearing liquid gold, and I’ve never felt sexier.

  “He’s going to kill the both of us,” Kimmi says, but she’s got the biggest smile on her face. “I’ll make sure it’s wrapped up when it’s delivered. It will be our secret until it’s too late.”

  “I like her.” Skyler nods in approval.

  I look myself up and down, still not believing what I’m seeing. I’ve never worn anything like this in my life, but I look good. Even I can’t find a hidden flaw, and that’s saying something.

  “It’s a shame, really,” I say, running my hands up and down the material.

  “What?” Kimmi says, looking at me in the mirror.

  I turn around and shrug a shoulder. “When he rips it off me, I won’t be able to wear it again.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  * * *

  After work, Oz and I walk out holding hands, and it gives me warm fuzzy feelings floating in my belly. I’m over the moon in love with him; it’s like nothing can touch us.

  “Dinner?” I ask, as my stomach growls.

  “I’ve got something planned.”

  Oz winks at me, pulling me closer, and we get into the back of his limo parked out front. When we get inside he hands me a small duffel bag. I look at it skeptically, but he smiles and tells me to unzip it. Inside, I see a change of clothes, and my suspicions are up.

  “Are you wanting to watch me undress?” I ask, giving him a rueful smile.

  He takes his tie off, pulling out his own bag. He opens it and takes out a gray T-shirt. He unbuttons his dress shirt, removing it, and my eyes trail down his chest and hard abs. There has to be some kind of law against looking this good, but I ogle him as he tugs on the fitted shirt. It hugs his body in all the right places and he winks at me because he knows I’m getting distracted.

  “We’re having a date night, baby. Keep your hands to yourself.”

  I roll my eyes at his cocky, yet accurate request, and watch as he pulls out a blue baseball cap. It’s then I see the Yankees logo on it, and on his shirt. Taking out my own clothes, I see we have matching hats and shirts.

  “A Yankees game?” The excitement is clear in my voice.

  “Hope you like baseball.” Oz slips off his slacks and puts on a pair of jeans and tennis shoes.

  I look down in my bag and pull out a pair of jean shorts and blue cork wedges. The man thinks of everything. I turn my back to him so he can unzip my dress, and he places a soft kiss on my spine as I slip it off. When I look back at him he pulls his cap down low, making him look even sexier. He stretches back in the limo seat and gives me that earth-shattering smile of his.

  I take off my dress and put on the shirt and shorts. “Not really a fan, but I love hot dogs and beer. I went to a couple of games in college, but never to a professional one. I’m not sure I get what all the initials mean, but I understand the basics. More importantly, I hear the Yankees put on a spread.”

  He laughs at me, and then proceeds to tell me everything he knows about the team. His favorite players growing up, and about the few times he was able to go. As he talks, his face lights up with excitement, and I can picture him as a young man and it melts my heart. It makes me happy to know that even through all the shit with his father and growing up, that there were good times for him to look back on and be able to share with me. By the time the car pulls up in front of the stadium Oz is happily grabbing my hand and tugging me behind him. His own enthusiasm is driving mine, and I’m nearly giggling as we reach the gate.

  As is usually the case when we go somewhere, the security guard at the gate looks at him and smiles, opens the rope and allows us unobstructed access. Oz gets the VIP treatment everywhere we go, and it’s still a little dizzying to get used to. I’ve never had the best of everything, and sometimes on this kind of scale it’s overwhelming, but at the same time, kind of badass.

  We make our way to the concessions stand first, grabbing beer, hot dogs and soft pretzels. After that we walk to our seats, right behind home plate. The view of the stadium is incredible, and my simple college experience can’t compare to something on this grand scale. Even if you’re not into baseball, or the Yankees, there’s something to be said about the magic of it all. Being surrounded by this many fans of a sport they love, and seeing top athletes compete is a thrill. But the best part is being with Oz. I think he could take me to clean toilets and we’d still end up having the best time together. He’s become my other half, and as long as he’s with me, I’m good to go.

  We sit and chat for a few minutes and he points out players and coaches as they warm up. To my surprise one of the pitchers he pointed out earlier sees him and calls him out by his last name.

  “Osbourne! Who’s your girl?”

  The player looks over at me and throws his hand up, waving. I begin to wave back, but Oz grabs my wrist and puts my hand back on my thigh, gripping it possessively.

  “Mind your business, Rodriguez.”

  I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing as Oz practically shoves over in front of me to block me from view. Sitting back in my seat, I rub his broad shoulders, hoping that helps the jealous streak pass.

  After the national anthem, Oz gives me a kiss on the cheek and whispers in my ear.

  “Sit tight, baby. I’ll be right back.”

  He walks over to the side of the dugout, where there’s a small door, and security opens it for him. My jaw nearly hits the ground as I see him walk onto the field and the Rodriguez guy gives him the baseball. There’s a second of teasing between the two of them before they do a man hug of slaps on the back. After that, Oz takes the pitcher’s mound and the arena claps and cheers.

  “Holy shit.” I cup both hands over my mouth. Suddenly I’m so nervous and excited all at once. I can’t believe he’s about to throw out the first pitch at a Yankees game and he never told me.

  I watch as he stretches his long muscular arms and the catcher moves into place. The crowd starts to cheer, and Oz looks to me and winks before taking his stance. I hold my breath as he winds up and releases the ball. It’s like time stands still as I watch the ball slowly leave his hand and make its way across home plate and into the catcher’s glove.

  My man is good at everything. And throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game is no exception. His form is worthy of any major league team, and the speed and precision are perfect. I could say I’m shocked, but I’m not.

  I jump up and down, throwing my arms in the air and cheer the loudest I can. If I’m not mistaken, I see a blush on his cheeks as he leaves the pitcher’s mound, and the Yankees take the field. He stops and poses for a few pictures with some staff, and then makes his way back up to the arena and over to where I’m sitting.

  I leap into his arms and wrap myself around him in pure excitement, like he won the World Series, instead of throwing a single pitch. He kisses my neck and hugs me back before putting me in my seat and taking his beside me.

  “You were incredible. How could you not tell me?” I playfully slap his arm and he reaches over, squeezing my thigh.

idn’t want to jinx it.” He kisses my neck and I catch his warm amber scent. It makes my toes curl, and my heart flutter, but all too soon he’s moving back. “Besides, I like surprising you.”

  “So it seems.”

  We watch the game for several innings, ordering beers and having a great time. I never thought I could have so much fun at a baseball game, but being with Oz does that to me.

  “Okay, where’s the bathroom?” I ask, looking around.

  “At the top of the stairs on the left.” Oz points. “Hang on a second and I’ll go with you.”

  Just then a reporter comes over and asks for a quick interview with Oz. I see the look on his face and he begins to tell them no, but I squeeze his arm and let him know it’s okay. He looks longingly at me for a moment, and I laugh, leaving him talking to the reporter, while I slip off to the restroom.

  Once at the top of the stairs I see Captain. It’s like he pops out of nowhere. I give him a small wave, then spot the restroom right away. I take a step without looking and run straight into someone.

  “Oh, sorry—” I stop suddenly when I look to see it’s Joel. I haven’t seen him since the night of the club when Oz came in and punched him in the face. It takes him a second to recognize me, but when he does he throws his hands up and takes a step back.

  I want to explain about that night, and apologize. “Hey, Joel. I didn’t get a chance to—”

  “Mallory. You’re a nice person, but I’m not getting in the middle of you and your boyfriend.” He takes another step back. “I don’t need your drama.”

  “My drama?” I take offense at his insinuation. Like his trying to grope me without my permission was totally okay.

  “Yeah, I don’t need your man chasing me down”

  He turns, walking away, and I think about yelling something to his retreating back, but then I think about how it’s probably best to let it go. Oz will always protect me and keep me safe, and as much as I liked Joel as a professor, I never had any feelings beyond professional for him. Walking to the bathroom, I decide that I have no guilt about what went down that night, and I’m glad to be done with him.

  After I finish, I walk out and see Oz leaning against the wall. He looks so hot in his low-hanging jeans, tight shirt and down-turned baseball cap. Something about the way he’s leaning makes him look cocky, and I can’t help but like it a little more.

  Walking over, I wrap my arms around him, and he bends down to kiss me sweetly.

  “Funnel cake?” he mumbles against my lips, and I immediately perk up.

  “Oh, you really do know the way to a woman’s heart.”

  “There’s only one woman’s heart I want.”

  God, the things he says are like something out of a romance book. How could I have gotten so lucky?

  “Keep buttering me up like that and I might share some of my funnel cake with you.”

  I wink at him, but I’m a little bit serious, too. I grab his hand, pulling him behind me as I lead us over to where they’re selling them.

  * * *

  By the end of the game, the Yankees have won and I’m nearly hoarse from singing and cheering. I never thought going to a baseball game could be so much fun, but I should have known with Oz, everything is better than I imagined.

  When we walk toward the exit, Oz pulls me in the other direction. “This way, baby. One more stop before we go home.”

  He leads me down a hallway, and to a set of elevators, after a second the doors open and I’m surprised to see his mom.

  “There’s my guy!” Vivien beams, and reaches out, giving him a warm hug. “Excellent pitch. I’m sure you could hear my instructions from the box.” She lets go of him and turns, pulling me in the same embrace. “Mallory, you two looked adorable cuddled up down there. So sweet of you two to walk me out.”

  “I didn’t know you were here.” I smile back at her. She looks adorable in her navy slacks and Yankees cardigan.

  “Oh, Oz got me season box seats. What can I say, my blood bleeds Yankee blue.” She gives me a little smirk, and it’s then I can see such a resemblance between mother and son.

  “Just thought I’d walk you to the car and listen to you tell me how amazing my pitch was,” Oz says, holding his arm out for his mom.

  “Always searching for a compliment.” Vivien rolls her eyes. I really do love this woman.

  We walk out front to where her driver is waiting and she reaches up to give Oz a kiss on the cheek. She gives me one too, but before she pulls away she whispers in my ear.

  “I’ve never seen him smile so much. Thank you, Mallory.”

  With that, she steps back and Oz helps her into the back of the car. Once the door is closed the driver takes off, and we walk a little farther down to where Oz’s limo is waiting.

  “What did she say to you?” he asks, squeezing my hand affectionately.

  “She said I looked good in Yankee blue, too.”

  He laughs, and the sound tickles my ears. His smile is big, and his dimples are full-on showing, and I realize that there’s not much I wouldn’t do to keep this sight before me.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  * * *

  I stretch lazily in the bed, loving the smell of Oz wrapped around me. I’m on my back in his bed, with his head between my breasts and a leg thrown over the both of mine. I’ve gotten used to sleeping with his weight on me now, to the point that I don’t know if I could sleep without him.

  Hearing a faint knock, I stop stretching to listen. After a moment, the knock comes again.

  “Oz, I think someone is at the door.”

  “Mmm?” he hums, burying his face farther into my cleavage.

  His hips thrust forward, and his heavy length is against my thigh. My pussy automatically clenches, wanting to accommodate his insatiable need.

  This time when the knock comes, it’s louder. Oz looks at the bedside table and checks the time.

  “It’s nine-thirty. They can wait,” he grumbles, then stuffs his face directly back into my breasts.

  I laugh and push at him but don’t move him an inch.

  “Who’s here?”

  “Someone who’s cock blocking,” he says, moving his big body over mine.

  Without taking his face away from where he’s nuzzling, he knees my thighs apart and pushes his cock against my opening. He’s not even fully awake and he’s demanding entrance. I wrap my legs around him, opening up for what he wants, and he plunges inside me all the way to the root.

  “Good morning, baby.” His words are muffled by my nipple, which he’s now sucked into his mouth.

  His thick cock spreads me wide as he begins to thrust in and out. There’s another knock, but now I’ve stopped caring because he’s inside me and nothing else in the world matters when we are connected like this.

  Suddenly, the landline beside the bed rings, and Oz lets out a growl. He thrusts hard into me one time before reaching out and grabbing it.

  “What?” he shouts, still buried balls deep inside me.

  I hear someone speaking into the phone but can’t make out what they’re saying. After a second, Oz puts his hand over my mouth and moves again. My eyes grow wide with shock that he’s fucking me while he’s on the phone. But for another, darker reason, I’m soaking wet because of it.

  “I heard,” he says, licking his lips and looking down my body. I know he wants his mouth on me. He can hardly keep it off every inch of me when we’re making love.

  I spread my legs wider, and my slickness coats his cock as it slides in and out of me.

  There’s more talking coming from the phone, and I decide to play along with this.

  I open my mouth under his hand and lick his palm. When I look into his beautiful sapphires, I see them darken, and he grips the phone tighter.r />
  “Five minutes,” he growls into the phone and then he slams it down beside the bed.

  He removes his hand and kneels, taking me with him. He growls as I sit up, and he takes hold of me, thrusting angrily into my body. The fierce look in his eyes and the aggressive possession flowing from him make me climax instantly.

  I cry out into the room as he thrusts one last time, emptying his own orgasm into me. We cling together, trying to catch our breath as we both come back down from the crazy, hot sex.

  “Where did that come from?” I ask, smiling against his chest. I kiss the tattoo that bears my name, and then press my cheek to it.

  “There’s a team of people here to help you and Paige get ready for tonight, and I wasn’t ready to give you up yet.”

  As I look up into his soft blue eyes, he gives me the sweetest kiss.

  When he pulls back, I smile at him and climb off the bed. “Let me rinse off then, and you can greet our guests.”

  I hear him grunt behind me, and I look over my shoulder to see him watching me walk away. He’s insatiable.

  I pile my hair up and take a quick shower, not knowing what to expect today. Oz told me last night that he had Kimmi arrange for someone to come do my hair today, but this is kind of early. I guess she wanted to make sure she had enough time, because the event isn’t until six tonight.

  When I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around me and go into Oz’s closet. I plan on grabbing a button-up shirt and some of his shorts to wear while I’m getting my hair done today. I flip on the light and then stop, looking around the space.

  “Miles!” I shout, not moving from where I’m standing.

  After a second he comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kisses my bare shoulder and I wave my hands around the room.

  “What the hell is this?”

  Over half of the closet has been filled with clothes I know damn well aren’t mine but will fit me like a glove.

  “I don’t see the problem, Mallory. You don’t want me to push and do things without talking to you. So I didn’t move your things from the third floor up here. I got you new things.”


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