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JENNY: A Novel of Sexual Enslavement

Page 16

by C. A. Tessler

  The brief span of time from the moment she first touched Mark's leg to the moment he began making love to her was, to Jenny, very erotic. She tried to picture Janet in Mark's place. She even twisted her head a little, tying to see Janet from the same angle she would see her if Jenny were lying down and Janet were standing beside her. Janet is a beautiful woman, admitted Jenny. But how would I feel if it were Janet crawling on top of me?

  She couldn't answer that question, so she tried to think about something else. She knew her master would visit her sometime before lunch, and for a moment she feared his visit might turn into a threesome with her in the middle again. She quickly dismissed that idea when she remembered that her master had offered to ask Janet to leave when he visited. Janet is going to be here, said Jenny to herself, Janet is going to be here. Perhaps I can show my master how happy I am with him and at the same time show Janet that I definitely prefer men. Maybe then the sex with Janet will fade into the background and both of us can forget about it.

  About two hours later, Maurice appeared as promised. He had managed since the night before to adjust his attitude about Jenny. Today, he again felt comfortable as her master. He wanted to avoid doing anything that might give Jenny the impression he was not comfortable in that role.

  Jenny heard him approaching, and fairly leapt over Janet to reach a spot on the floor just inches away from where her master usually placed the chair. Jenny in flight and Maurice on foot were enough to awaken Janet, and in a moment the two slaves were sitting on the floor in front of Maurice. He looked at both of them for a moment, then strode out to fetch the chair. When he returned, he took off his clothes and sat down in front of Jenny without saying a word.

  The moment his ass hit the chair, Jenny had his dick in her mouth. She was much too eager, and Maurice was taken aback. Jenny got his dick as hard as she could, then lowered herself a little and began licking his balls. She licked him as though she were about to have an orgasm. Maurice shook his head a little, wondering what it could possibly mean.

  When he told Jenny to stop licking him, Jenny acted as though she didn't want to stop. He was about to tell her again to suck his dick when she stopped, stuck out her tongue as far as she could, and slowly licked the length of his dick. It took her a full five seconds to reach the head of his dick. When she did, she repeated the blow job she had given him the night before, only much more passionately. Twice Maurice had to stroke Jenny's hair to calm her. She writhed on the floor in front of him in a way that reminded him of a porno movie. Whatever she ate for breakfast, he thought, she should cut back on it. He glanced up at Janet for a moment. The blond slave's eyes were open very wide.

  When Maurice came, Jenny acted as though she had given him a blow job for the sole purpose of swallowing. Then, the instant she felt that her master had finished cumming, she flipped herself around, put her tail in the air, and wiggled provocatively. Little girls, Maurice said to himself. Perhaps there was more than one reason they should not be allowed to gamble their freedom.

  Maurice obeyed the call of Jenny's hips and positioned himself behind her. Perhaps my slave can be a bit more subdued, he thought, now that she has made me have an orgasm. He got himself inside Jenny and stroked her with about half the length of his dick a few times. Jenny got up on all fours and began rocking back on her master. She rocked back further and further until her ass bumped against him. When it did, she let out a little cry and then began rocking back and forth in earnest.

  For Maurice, the days of wild, passionate sex were long gone. He much preferred sex that was erotic and sensual to the slam, bang, thank you ma'am style that characterized his first year as a master. He wanted his slaves to be eager, but eager like a female, not like a male. Jenny's blow job put him in mind of a slut in the middle of a gang bang, and Maurice now had no doubt that his slave could entertain a bachelor party. Her duty now, though, was to please her master. He firmly grasped Jenny by the hips and pulled her back against him.

  "Go slower," he said, after holding himself inside her for several seconds.

  When he let go of Jenny's waist, she began rocking back and forth again, slowly, but she was simply not in the mood for the kind of sex her master wanted. In less than a minute, she was again rocking back and forth, almost ferociously. Maurice tried to slow her down again by holding her against him. This time, he spoke to Jenny much more firmly.

  "I said go slower, slave. Understand?"

  "Yes, master," said Jenny between deep breaths.

  It was no use. Jenny had made up her mind, before her master arrived, exactly what she wanted to show her master and her roommate. A minute later, she was back at it.

  Maurice was not angry. He had not allowed himself to get angry with a slave in more than four years. That didn't mean he demanded less from his slaves than other masters. It simply meant he was always under control when he demanded obedience. For the third time, he held Jenny against him.

  "Don't move," he said, and Jenny could tell it was an order, not a request. Maurice pulled himself out of Jenny, shifted a quarter turn clockwise, and slapped Jenny on her right hip.

  After Jenny yelled, Maurice positioned himself behind her again. In a calm but firm voice he again instructed her to go slowly. Finally, Jenny listened to her master. In another fifteen minutes he had an orgasm.

  When he pulled his dick out of Jenny, he squatted back and sat on his feet. Jenny, instead of turning around and sitting in front of him, crossed her arms on the floor, laid her head on them, and tried to rotate her hips the way Janet had for the escort. Maurice was flabbergasted. Was his slave asking him to screw her again? It didn't occur to him that Jenny might be inviting him to stick his dick up her ass. Worn out, he resumed his position in the chair.

  "Turn around and sit, slave," he said.

  "Yes, master," he heard her say. Jenny turned around and made a production out of sitting in front of him. With her head down, she spread her legs as far apart as she could, nearly getting her knees on line. Then she slowly raised her head until she was looking straight before her. She paused for a moment, then bent her shoulders back as far as she could and stuck out her chest.

  Maurice wanted to ask Jenny what was going on, but he didn't dare engage Jenny in a conversation with another slave present. He didn't want to just get up and leave, either. He wanted to do something, besides slapping Jenny's ass, to indicate to both slaves that he was the master.

  "Clean off my dick, slave," he told Jenny. When Jenny immediately moved to obey him, he added, "Gently," in a firm voice. Jenny did as he bid.

  After Jenny had stroked him long enough that he felt he had reasserted control, he told her to stop, dressed himself, and left.

  As soon as he left, Janet was at Jenny's side. "Jenny," said Janet breathlessly, "that man is huge. He is definitely bigger than my master. How can you have sex with him?"

  Jenny didn't know what to answer, but Janet didn't allow time for an answer anyway.

  "Boy, you weren't kidding when you said your master expected a lot from you. I've never seen anything like that." Janet here was thinking of the blow job. "I mean, it's not like I've watched people have sex before, except in a movie, but that was unbelievable. You must be exhausted."

  Jenny admitted that she was a little worn out, but didn't want to say anything more. She had obviously impressed Janet, just as she had wanted to, and didn't want to spoil things by talking.

  "Jenny, why don't you take a little shower and calm down. I don't think there will be any more men for a while, and if someone does show up, I'll be here."

  Well, said Jenny to herself, that's certainly a surprise. Janet is offering to work while I shower. She went to the bathroom and took another long shower.

  Janet still couldn't believe what she had just seen. Just what kind of girl am I spending the weekend with, she wondered.


  Not long after Jenny finished her second shower of the day, the escort came to take the slaves to lunch. Again, Jenny and
Janet were led along with two other slaves. One half hour after they returned from lunch, it was Janet's turn to entertain her master.

  Richard had never seen Jenny before. After he took his clothes off, he spent a few moments looking at her before he sat down. Jenny could tell, by now, when a man was looking at her without having to see his eyes. She thought she might soon become part of another threesome, only this time Janet would be in the middle. As Janet began slowly stroking her master, Jenny pictured herself reaching between Janet's legs. It made her uneasy.

  Richard though, like Maurice, had no intention of making a threesome. When a BB was with her master, it was her responsibility alone to please him. She had to show him, and anyone else present, that she was his slave.

  Janet stroked her master the same way she had stroked the escort earlier in the day, but she was careful to get her master down her throat several times. Jenny noticed, though, that Janet used the same slow, sexy approach she had used that morning. She rarely hummed, and she certainly made no noise that could be called a little girl sound. Janet spent more than twenty minutes stimulating her master before he had an orgasm. When she was done, she gracefully turned around. She made a little show of arching her back, then slowly lowered her head to the floor. Then she rotated her hips in a near perfect circle a few times, first clockwise then counterclockwise.

  Richard watched his slave perform for him and waited several seconds after Janet stopped moving before getting behind her. He got himself inside her and then let Janet do nearly all the work. This time, it took Janet half an hour to make him cum. Throughout, Janet betrayed almost no emotion. Now and then she would take a deep breath, but aside from her movements Jenny could hardly tell that Janet was having sex.

  When Richard was finished screwing his slave, he motioned to her to clean off his dick. Then he dressed and left. He had not said a word during his visit. After he left, Janet stood up as though nothing had happened, went into the bathroom, and cleaned up.

  Jenny thought the whole thing had an eerie quality, and the idea of sex with Janet made her feel a little creepy. Jenny herself had given men the businesslike treatment several times, but when she had she sometimes felt that she wasn't too far from making things much less businesslike. Jenny never sensed that with Janet. Janet can treat her master that way, Jenny thought, because she's so beautiful.

  When Janet emerged from the bathroom, she told Jenny they were probably done for the day. "The two escorts that are working have probably fucked themselves out by now," she said. "We've got at least an hour before dinner. I'm going to shave my legs. The shaving cream they give us is the most wonderful stuff. That will be the one thing I take out of here. The shaving cream."

  Janet went back to the bathroom and busied herself with shaving. She shaved her legs, under her arms, and the hair around her lips. She spent well over an hour doing it. When she returned to Jenny's room, she found Jenny, back against the wall, playing with her fingers.

  "Gets kinda boring here, doesn't it?" said Janet.

  "Yeah," said Jenny, "even with someone else here. I don't mean you're bad company." Jenny added quickly. "But, today hasn't been much different than the other days. It's just wait for sex, have sex, then wait some more." She looked up. "How long are we going to be BB's? Have you heard anything about that?"

  "Heard anything? From my master? Ha!" said Janet. "The only thing I've heard him say for the last week is, ‘Stand up against the wall.' Maybe they have some kind of quota, like you have to screw two or three hundred guys before you become a soph."

  "Screw three hundred guys," said Jenny pensively. "I can't believe that. If you told me a week ago that I would screw twenty-five guys my entire life I would have said you were crazy. I've sucked off that many in just one week. After tomorrow, I'll be screwing everything that walks in." She paused. "It's kinda scary. It's like," but then her voice trailed off.

  "Like what?" Janet asked.

  "I don't know, like maybe I'm standing on the edge of a sheer cliff and down below, really far down, there are all these men, like three hundred of them. On Monday I'm going to step over the edge of the cliff. After I've screwed the three hundred, they'll show me another cliff, and I'll step off that one, too."

  Janet thought Jenny's imagery was a bit too colorful. She also thought Jenny had missed something very important. "I'd say you're being pushed off the cliff, not stepping over the edge on your own."

  "No," said Jenny, "no, that's the difference between you and me. I'm afraid to do what my master wants, but I'm more afraid of not doing what he wants."

  "Well," said Janet emphatically, "I think it's more the difference between masters than between us. If my master told me to like it, and caned me enough, I probably would do what he wanted." Janet was bending the truth. She might learn to act as though she enjoyed sex with her customers, but she would fight to the end to keep from actually enjoying it.

  "Maybe I didn't say it quite right, Janet," said Jenny, and she looked down at the floor.

  "Didn't say what quite right?" asked Janet.

  "When I said I was afraid of doing what my master wants. It's a little more than that."

  "OK, what more?" Janet asked a bit impatiently.

  "I mean," said Jenny, and she sighed, "I mean, I want to do what my master asks me to do."

  Janet didn't say anything. Jenny knew she had to explain herself. She told Janet about her fear of learning to never enjoy sex. She tried to explain why doing what her master wanted was better than the alternative. Finally, she told Janet that she liked her master enough to do what he wanted.

  Janet listened impassively. She thought Jenny could have said everything in two sentences, but she didn't interrupt as Jenny wound her way through her tortured logic. The net effect on Janet was merely to confirm what she already suspected.

  "Jenny," Janet said, "every slave has to find her own way to deal with this place. You have to do whatever works for you. You're worried about enjoying sex when you get out of here. I'm not. That's an honest difference between us, but I'm not gonna beat myself up over it."

  Jenny couldn't decide whether Janet was being truly understanding or simply didn't care. Either way, she had said her piece and Janet had said hers. For the moment, at least, they could leave the subject alone.

  Janet was ready to do exactly that. When Jenny, blessedly, had nothing more to add, Janet broke the silence.

  "Jenny," said Janet, "maybe you should shave, too. It will definitely make you feel better."

  "I've never used a razor before," said Jenny. "I'd probably cut myself a hundred times."

  "Will you think I'm trying something if I offer to do it for you? I mean, after dinner?"

  "No, no I won't think you're trying anything," said Jenny, though she wasn't sure. "Might as well have someone who knows what they're doing."

  "OK, then," said Janet. "After dinner."

  They waited in silence for half an hour before an escort came to fetch them to dinner. Jenny wasn't hungry. She listened to the felons whisper among themselves.

  "That limp dick escort came after me again today," one said.

  "If you weren't such a whore," said another, "you wouldn't have to fuck so much."

  "Me a whore? Who butt fucked for her master the second day she was here?"

  "What can I say? I thought he had a nice cock," came the reply.

  "Slut," said the first.

  Jenny couldn't tell whether this was a real argument or just the way felons normally talked to each other.

  "Yeah, I'm a slut all right. I'm the one who said she was glad to be here and out of prison."

  "You would be too after a few guards fucked you with a night stick," countered the first woman.

  "The only reason you're happy to be here," came the reply, "is because you wore out all the night sticks."

  This last line caused a bit of laughter from the other felons. Then they jumped into the conversation, which only accelerated the trading of insults.

y had carefully avoided any intercourse with the felons, even to the point of blocking out their conversation. All of them were at least four or five years older than Jenny and they terrified her. She never looked up during their conversation. Janet followed along, but said nothing. There was a momentary lull in the conversation, and then one of the felons addressed Jenny.

  "What about you, little girl?" asked a brunette. Jenny didn't look up. "Hey, you, teen angel, you butt fucking your master yet?"

  Since she had arrived at DiMarcos, Jenny had heard a few crude remarks, but this was the first directed to her by another slave. The brunette's question was the type that a slut might expect to hear. Jenny felt like she was about to cry.

  Very calmly, and without giving Jenny's questioner more than a glance, Janet spoke. "Shut your fucking mouth, bitch."

  "Oh ho, now we know who is fucking the little brat," said the brunette. "I'd like to see that. Which one of you straps it on?"

  "It's gotta be Janet," said another felon.

  "You're jealous of anyone who has sex," said Janet to the brunette. "I hear you're the first slave in DiMarcos' history that customers pay not to have sex with."

  This raised a bit of laughter, but it was almost drowned out by the brunette.

  "Who said that?" she hissed.

  More laughter.

  "Better watch out," another felon said to the brunette. "DiMarcos might give you back to the prison. You know, cut their losses."

  Things would have continued this way, but the sophs, of whom there were only three, got up to leave.

  "C'mon, Jenny," said Janet. Once outside the restaurant, the BB's sat on line against the restaurant wall. Janet made sure that she and Jenny were sitting at one end of the line and away from the brunette. When the escort led Jenny and Janet back to Jenny's room, the brunette was not in their foursome.


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