JENNY: A Novel of Sexual Enslavement
Page 17
As soon as they were alone together, Jenny threw her arms around Janet's neck. "Gawd, I've never been so scared in all my life. Those women are so mean. I think that one woman wanted to fight."
Janet sat down on the floor and Jenny followed her example. Janet drew Jenny toward her so that Jenny sat between Janet's legs. "Don't worry about them," said Janet as she embraced Jenny. "It's all talk. They know they'd get whipped for starting a fight."
"That one woman called me a brat. I'm not a brat, am I Janet? I've never been a brat."
"No, no, you're not a brat," said Janet. You're sometimes a little girl, like now, Janet said to herself, you're sweet, pretty, sexy, and your master has you wrapped around his little finger. But you're not a brat.
"Janet, what does it mean to strap it on?" asked Jenny.
My gawd, she doesn't even know what that is. How is it possible, Janet wondered, in this day and age that a girl as old as Jenny doesn't know what strap it on means?
"Sometimes when girls have sex, one of them straps on a dick and screws the other girl."
"Really?" Jenny giggled a little. "Why not just go to bed with a guy? He doesn't have to strap on anything."
"I think it's mostly a role playing thing for the girl who's wearing the dick," answered Janet.
Jenny pictured Janet, on all fours above her, with a dick strapped between her legs. She turned somber.
"You don't want to do that to me, do you Janet?"
"No, of course not," said Janet. "I'm a woman and I'm happy being a woman. I'm just not happy being a slave." She gave Jenny a little squeeze. "Now come on, if you like I'll shave your legs."
The confrontation with the felons at dinner had its predictable effect on Jenny. Slavery was awful but she could easily imagine it being worse. I could be rooming with a felon tonight, she told herself.
Janet went into the bathroom and took down the shower curtain. Then she laid it on Jenny's blankets, wiped it dry with a towel, and told Jenny to lie down. She fetched some shaving cream and a razor. She sat down next to Jenny, lifted one of Jenny's legs off the floor so that it was bent at the knee, and began applying cream to Jenny's thigh. The cream did feel very nice, and so did Janet's hand, but Jenny couldn't shake the feeling she was being prepared for something. Janet carefully shaved Jenny's thigh, then turned around to shave her lower leg. She pulled Jenny's knee up a bit further, then leaned against Jenny's thigh as she bent over to shave her calf. Jenny could feel Janet's breasts pressed against her leg. After doing both legs, Janet had Jenny turn over so that she could shave the back of Jenny's thighs. The entire operation took nearly an hour.
When Janet told Jenny she was done, Jenny rolled over on her back.
"So, am I ready?" asked Jenny.
"Ready? Ready for what?"
"For tonight. Am I ready to sleep with you tonight?"
Janet couldn't tell whether Jenny's question was meant to be humorous or serious. She looked down at Jenny.
"No, no you're not ready."
"Why not?" asked Jenny.
"I'm sure there are several reasons, but for one thing, you need to shave around your lips. It tickles when you lie next to me."
"And I suppose you'll do that for me, too?"
"Only if you want me to," answered Janet.
"Might as well," said Jenny. "You'll probably be more careful than I would be."
What's that supposed to mean? wondered Janet.
Janet got a small pair of scissors from the bathroom. The points had been dulled, then capped with plastic, to prevent their being used as a weapon. She trimmed the hair around and above Jenny's lips, then brought out the cream and the razor. As Jenny had supposed, Janet was very careful. She was careful, not only because she wanted to avoid nicking Jenny, but also because she wanted to avoid an accidental slip with her finger that could be construed as something that happened on purpose. Just shaving Jenny, Janet thought, was suggestive enough.
"OK, all done," said Janet finally.
"So now I'm ready?" asked Jenny.
"Jenny, I'm not trying to get you ready for anything."
Jenny was hoping that Janet would say a little more. She didn't. The slaves fell silent for a few minutes. Janet was too much awake to go to bed, so she maneuvered Jenny into talking about herself.
"That boyfriend you were talking about last night. What was his name?" she asked.
"You mean Gary?" Jenny couldn't remember talking about Gary the night before, but Janet's question had startled her. Jenny felt like she had admitted guilt even before Janet suspected her of anything.
"No, that wasn't it."
"Oh, then Mark," said Jenny.
"Yeah, that's it, Mark. Who's Gary?"
"Nobody, really, just a guy I met once."
Right, said Janet to herself, just a guy who makes you jump when you think I'm asking about him. Janet, though, didn't want to interrogate Jenny. She didn't care who Jenny talked about as long as she filled the silence. Besides, Janet knew that of all the relationships Jenny had when she was free, none would remain the same now that she was a slave. Whether Jenny talked about Gary or talked about Mark made no difference to Janet.
"So what's Mark like?" asked Janet.
"He has a gorgeous face and he was the sweetest guy when we were dating. He'd do stuff like take my notebook when I wasn't looking and write a little note in it. We had sex at his place nearly every day, but he still called me every evening. I loved sitting next to him when he had his arm around me. I could just sit like that for hours. And he was a great dancer. He could swing me around, and he was so sexy when we danced slow. He was cute when he got jealous, too. He wasn't super possessive and he never told me who I could talk to and who I couldn't talk to, but I could always tell when he was jealous. Sometimes after he saw me talking to another guy he'd ask me in a joking kind of way if I was going to dump him. I found out when I got here that he has a small wienie, but that was never a problem when we were dating."
"Compared to your master, every guy has a small wienie," said Janet.
"Yeah," said Jenny, "the stuff you learn when you become a slave."
Janet hadn't meant to divert Jenny from talking about Mark, and she certainly didn't want Jenny to launch into another explanation of her philosophy of slavery.
"What else did Mark do?" Janet asked.
This question admirably served Janet's purpose. She spent the rest of the evening learning nearly everything there was to know about Mark. She decided early on that Mark wasn't her type. He didn't sound very adventurous.
Janet let Jenny go on until she thought she was tired enough to quickly fall asleep. She said as much to Jenny, then went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After Jenny had done the same, they lay down the same way they had the night before. Jenny, during her discourse about Mark, had wondered how she would react when she lay down next to Janet. Now she found out. She couldn't keep herself from thinking about the threesome earlier in the day, and that, combined with Janet's proximity, aroused her. Her nipples got hard. She didn't think that Janet noticed, but she was afraid of sending Janet the wrong signal. Janet, the moment Jenny's body leaned against her, was wide awake. She stared at the ceiling, unable to ignore the girl next to her. She was determined, however, to do nothing. Jenny, unable to close her eyes, stared at Janet's breast. She tried to decide if Janet's nipple was always as erect as it now was. Every few minutes, one of them would shift a little, trying to get comfortable. When one moved, the other would too, and the slight friction generated by each move only exacerbated the situation.
Janet's right arm, during all the shifting about, was resting on the floor. Without thinking about it, she bent her arm and rested her hand on Jenny's shoulder.
"What?" asked Jenny, raising her head a few inches.
"Nothing, nothing," said Janet, "just bending my arm."
"Oh, OK," said Jenny, as she again rested her head on Janet's chest.
They lay awake for several more minutes, during which time Jenny
decided that Janet's nipple was definitely erect. She realized that getting to sleep was almost hopeless. She got up and went to the bathroom. She stayed in the bathroom a long time, hoping Janet would fall asleep in her absence.
When she returned, though, she could see that Janet's eyes were still open. She sat down on the blankets with her back to the wall.
"I can't get to sleep," she told Janet. "I'm going to sit up for a while."
Janet thought this was an excellent idea. "OK, if you want to," she said, trying to feign drowsiness. "See you in the morning." She rolled over on her side and, after a long struggle, finally fell asleep. Jenny stared at her roommate's back until she thought Janet's breathing had slowed. Then she carefully lay down next to Janet and, after many minutes, fell asleep herself.
Jenny and Janet were both still sleeping when an escort arrived to take them to breakfast. After finally falling asleep, Jenny's rest had been interrupted by several dreams, all of them about threesomes. In most of the dreams, she was in the middle. In one dream, Janet was in the middle. As Jenny ran her finger around Janet's clit, she could feel the palm of her hand moistening as Janet became aroused. When she woke up from that dream, she ran a finger across her palm. At breakfast, she wondered how she would get through another night with Janet.
"Boy, teen angel must have had a heavy night," said the brunette. "Did you sneak into Janet's room last night, little one?"
Jenny was about to say that she didn't have to sneak anywhere, then realized that the felons might not know that Janet was rooming with her. She thought it possible that at least one of the felons suspected as much. She waited a few anxious moments, but no one said anything.
"If Jenny's making house calls," said another felon, looking straight at the brunette, "she's not the only one." Jenny thought the accusing felon was named Debbie.
The brunette looked daggers at Debbie. "I'm no fucking carpet muncher," she said. She turned again to Jenny. "Drop by any night, little one. I'd love find out what you can do."
Janet was as surprised, as Jenny was terrified, to hear that BB's were sneaking around at night. To Janet, it was behavior that risked a whipping. In fact, there was little danger of getting caught. The escorts went home at eight, and until seven the following morning a security guard on his hourly rounds was the only non-slave in the BB's area.
Since the brunette hadn't threatened to visit Jenny, and since Janet couldn't think of a snappy comeback, Janet said nothing. When Jenny and Janet were alone again after breakfast, though, Jenny had plenty to say.
"Gawd, Janet, I'm going to be alone tonight. What if that woman comes after me? I could never get out of here. Tell me where your room is," she said, not thinking that if she couldn't get out of her own room it would do her no good to know where Janet's was.
"I'm in the group of rooms furthest away, but on the opposite side. I don't know how you would find it, though. It isn't marked. None of the rooms here are marked."
"Oh, gawd, what am I gonna do?" asked Jenny in despair.
"Jenny, I think you're overreacting. Teri – I think that's her name – didn't say she was going to come after you. She just asked you to visit, and she didn't even tell you how to find her room. Besides, how is she going to find you?"
"Janet, I'm serious. She scares me to death."
"Well," said Janet, "if she shows up just scream like crazy."
"Janet, have you ever heard a sound from another room? Have you ever heard anything from the rooms next to you? These places are nearly soundproof."
"The front is open," said Janet, "kind of. I'm sure that you'd be heard outside if you screamed."
This was small consolation for Jenny. "I wish you were staying here tonight," said Jenny.
"Well," said Janet, as she sat down and leaned her back against the wall, "I don't think that would help you sleep any better."
"Why not?" asked Jenny, and then she realized what Janet meant. She sat down next to Janet. "Yeah, last night I guess we were both a little restless."
"Well that's one way to put it," said Janet.
"I just don't know what was wrong with me. I'm sorry I kept you awake."
"It wasn't your fault," said Janet. She looked down. "Besides, I think I know what kept you awake."
"You do?" said Jenny, shifting uncomfortably.
"Yeah, I think so. Same thing that kept me awake."
Jenny didn't know how to respond.
"You know you said my name last night when you were dreaming," said Janet.
"I did?"
"Yeah, you did." She paused. "What were you dreaming about?"
"Oh, you know," said Jenny. She picked at the blanket like it was grass, then threw the imaginary grass down in front of her.
"Can't you tell me?" asked Janet.
"Yeah," sighed Jenny, "I guess. I was dreaming about that threesome with the escort. I still don't know what to think about that." Then she remembered something. "Janet, you said that you've had two customers at the same time. Did they do anything like that to you? I mean, you know, with you in the middle?"
"Yeah, I've had a guy in front of me and a guy behind at the same time," she said.
"Well, wasn't it hard to, you know, keep your cool?"
"A little," answered Janet.
"I got much too carried away yesterday when I was the one in the middle. It was scary."
"Why was it scary?"
"I just felt like I was not in control at all. It was like I had to do whatever," here she paused a moment, "whatever the person behind me wanted me to do."
"I think you just got caught by surprise, that's all."
"No, Janet, I don't think that was it. I mean, yeah, of course I was surprised when you," she shifted nervously, "when you started touching me, but that doesn't explain why I..."
"Why you had an orgasm," said Janet softly.
"Yes," said Jenny.
"Everyone is going to respond differently to a situation like that. People are different, that's all."
"Yeah," said Jenny. "And how do you think I responded?"
"Um, I'm not sure what you're asking," said Janet. Janet felt edgy. She had learned, by now, to be wary whenever Jenny talked about herself and sex.
"I thought about this last night when I couldn't go to sleep."
Uh oh, Janet said to herself.
"I might as well tell you, since you know anyway. I couldn't get to sleep because I was really excited when I was lying next to you. And then I sat up and tried to figure out why."
Oh gawd, thought Janet, here it comes.
"I thought for a long time about you and about the threesome, and then I figured it out. I'm just not a normal person; I mean I'm not a normal girl. I'm," but here she stopped.
Another crisis, said Janet to herself. Jenny has analyzed herself into another crisis. Janet knew that Jenny wanted her to ask what kind of girl she was. She grit her teeth.
"You're what?"
"I'm a slut."
"What???!!! Jenny, that's ridiculous. A slut runs all over town trying to get laid. She's never had a guy she wouldn't screw for again. She calls guys up, for christs sake, and invites herself over for sex. I just can't picture you doing any of that.
"Look, Jenny, you've just got to get your head on straight. Otherwise, you'll analyze yourself into the dumpster. First of all, when something new happens to you, you can't just start leaping to conclusions about it. So you had an orgasm when I massaged you. So you got excited last night. That's not a whole lot to go on. I mean, I was excited last night, but I'm not worried about becoming a sex maniac."
"So why were we both so excited last night?" asked Jenny.
"I'm surprised that you haven't thought of it," said Janet. "It's simple. We're alone. We fuck all day, but we're alone. Most people don't like to be alone. We don't like to be alone. I like having you next to me, and I think you like having me next to you. I don't think us sleeping together is about sex. I think it's about being close to someone
"Then why couldn't I get to sleep last night?"
"That's just part of being human, Jenny."
"But don't you think it means–"
Janet cut her off. "It means you're human, Jenny, that's all. It doesn't mean you're a lesbian, and it doesn't mean you're a slut."
"Oh," said Jenny.
That was enough of a response to settle the issue for Janet. She didn't want to listen to any more of Jenny's morbid observations. Since, like Jenny, she had slept fitfully the night before, she could truthfully say that she was too tired to say any more.
"If you're anything like me," she said to Jenny, "you can barely keep your eyes open. I'm going to take a nap, a long nap if the escorts let me."
She lay down on Jenny's blankets. Jenny had only to watch Janet for a minute before she started yawning. Realizing that the two of them were too tired to think of anything but sleep, she lay down next to Janet, put her head on Janet's chest and her arm around Janet's waist. Janet put her hand on Jenny's shoulder. Both were asleep in five minutes.
It turned out that not only the escorts but also the masters were willing to let Janet and Jenny have their nap. The slaves didn't wake up until mid afternoon, shortly before an escort came to take them to lunch. They napped again for an hour after lunch. Sufficiently rested at last, they chatted a little in their waking hours before dinner. Janet finally talked about herself. She liked horses.
"I first rode a horse at girl scout camp," Janet said. "She was an old, beat up mare, and she was terribly head shy."
"What's that mean?" asked Jenny.
"It means she spooked whenever something was waved near her head. I was sitting on her once and I waved to someone. She took off like a race horse, damned near threw me. She galloped a mile before I could rein her in."
"Did you own a horse?" asked Jenny.
"Me? No, my parents never had the money. It costs a bundle just to keep one. The bad part was that I took a liking to expensive horses, thoroughbreds, because I worked at a racetrack for a while. I got a job as a hot walker when I was thirteen. Daddy knew an owner who had a small stable. The owner let me have the job because daddy told him I wouldn't last two days."