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Tampa Black: Part !

Page 4

by Unknown



  As Zion’s plane landed at Kingston International Airport, he began to stir from his sleep feeling a dull ache in his shoulder. Walking out of the plane terminal making his way to the luggage claim, Zion noticed a tall dark skinned woman with dreads hanging down to her plump behind. Instantly he knew that he was looking at his childhood ride or die chick Patra.

  Reluctantly allowing his memories to flood his senses, Zion flashed back to the last time he had set foot in Kingston… As young Patra wine her voluptuous body against Zion on the crowded dance floor, he became aroused feeling her softness pressed up against his manhood. The smoke was so thick in the air that you could hardly see as Zion’s twenty second birthday raged on.

  Everybody who was anybody was in attendance, even Zion’s street rival Emanuel and his henchmen. Becoming aware of Emanuel’s intrusion, Zion was far too intoxicated to tolerate the disrespect. Walking up to where Zion and Patra were standing, Emanuel looked Patra up and down with a cocky smile.

  “Hey beautiful. Why is it dat I find one of life’s most beautiful treasures in the hands of a peasant?”

  Before anyone could blink, Patra slapped Emanuel, starting a domino effect of assaults.

  As the mayhem ensued, chairs and bottles were being thrown, and knives and pistols were being drawn. In the midst of the madness, Emanuel punched Patra in her eye as payment for her slap, but this would prove to be a deadly mistake. Seeing Patra fall to the floor was more than Zion could take. With lightning speed, he pulled out his pocket knife, slitting Emanuel’s throat in one smooth motion.

  Time seemed to stand still as Emanuel’s blood flew through the air spraying out of his open wound as his lifeless body hit the floor. Due to the fact that Emanuel was the nephew of the Kingston police chief, there was no way that Zion could remain in Kingston. As Zion and Patra had said their final goodbyes, he promised to return when the time was right, and she promised to wait for him until he did.…

  Slipping back into the present, Zion stepped up behind Patra and tapped her on the shoulder. When she turned around her heart did summersaults as she looked into Zion’s eyes. Kissing her tenderly on her lips, Zion eased through the small talk as they made their way to her awaiting Navigator limo. Riding through the hills of Kingston brought back an array of memories. Although the circumstances weren’t picturesque, it still felt good to be home.

  Pulling up at Patra’s mansion overlooking the coast, Zion was impressed. Noticing the prominent presence of security, he decided he would just relax and enjoy his stay. Walking into the mansion was like a breath of fresh air, the marble floor and lavish spiral staircases were immaculate. Between the two staircases stood a beautiful glass elevator that demanded attention. Directing her maid Gretchen to place Zion’s bags in the bedroom, Patra lead her first love to her balcony overlooking the beach. Sitting to eat brunch, Patra spoke in a seductive tone,

  “sweetheart watever your heart desires is for the asking …”

  Smiling, Zion replied with almost playful curiosity


  Patra loved his boyish charm so she slid closer placing her hand on his thigh while purring,

  “Anyting …”

  After their meal, Patra lead Zion upstairs into her Roman sculpted bathroom equipped with a step in tub like the one in Scarface, centered with hand sculpted lions head.

  Disrobing herself, she slowly began to undress Zion. After getting completely naked, she ran her finger tips across his upper body causing chills to run up and down his spine. Grabbing his hand while stepping into the tub, Patra lead him into the warm sea of bubbles. There were so many unanswered questions and years of longing that she couldn’t contain her desires.

  Wading her way through the bubbles, she slid on top of his lap; gently caressing his erect manhood. As Patra slid her tongue into Zion’s mouth, he tried to wrap his good arm around her, and pull her closer. Nibbling a playful path from his lips to his earlobe, she began to whisper,

  “just relax and let me do dis baby …”

  Slipping her tongue back into his mouth, she continued sensually stroking his manhood until it was at full mass.

  Feeling that Zion had reached his peek, she slowly eased her throbbing pussy down onto his rock hard phallus. As Patra felt her pussy walls begin to stretch to their limits, she closed her eyes and began to wine her hips while gripping his dick with her pussy lips, as she vigorously slid up and down on his pole. Feeling his manhood begin to jump inside of her, she took every inch of him inside of her body and climaxed as they came in unison…

  Waking up the next morning, Zion could hear the birds singing as the spring breeze caressed him with its warm embrace. Sensing that he was alone on the Victorian canopy bed, he reached out for Patra only to find an empty space. Deciding to shake off the sleep, he got up and made his way to the rest room to relieve himself and take care of his hygiene.

  When he finished, he walked out onto the balcony. To Zion’s surprise, he found silver lids on the table keepsafing a delicious looking breakfast that was prepared by Gretchen. To his delight, he found that the food was still warm, so he fixed himself a plate, and began to eat as he gazed out at the ocean view.

  While he was indulging in his meal, Patra walked up behind him placing a hand on his shoulder, before kissing him on the cheek. Taking her place at the small table, she fixed herself a small plate. Looking into Patra’s eyes for a moment, Zion couldn’t escape the enchantment in the undercurrent of her gaze. Attempting to gather his thoughts he looked away to the sea shore as he spoke,

  “this is a beautiful home, and an impressive staff you have sweetheart.”

  Sensing the true essence of his inquiry, Patra decided to quench his curiosity.

  “Darling der are many tings dat you will come to know in due time, not all of dem are as pleasant or as innocent as you may like, but I survived.

  When you left Kingston, Emanuel’s uncle put an A.P.B out on you. One day he showed up at my moda’s home, and asked me where you were. When I failed to tell him what he wanted to know, he ordered my moda and fader’s deaths, den watched as I was brutally beaten and raped by his men.

  After my parent’s deaths, I had to learn to survive on my own, so I began to hustle and rapidly gained a reputation for being equally intelligent and deadly. As my notoriety grew, so did my wealth. Once I acquired de power necessary to extract my revenge, I orchestrated the chief’s murder, and secured his connections. De rest is history …”

  Stunned by all that he just heard, Zion began to think about the chess game of life and death that he had left unfinished back in the States. One day he would return to finish the game, but for now; things were too hot. Feeling a mixture of both sympathy and respect for his child hood love, Zion reached across the table grabbing Patra’s hands as he spoke softly.

  “One day I must leave to finish my own game of chess, however, for now my queen, I will stand by your side, and togeda we will eat from de fruit of our hands...”



  Pulling up into Daytona at about 5:20 PM, it felt like stepping into the garden of Eden, the weather was perfect. As Carlos and Smoke slid through traffic in Carlos’s new sky blue Porch, Carlos dropped the top allowing the cocaine white Louis Vuitton seats and interior to glow like a cloud drifting through midair. The strip ran through two beaches so you could smell the salty scent of ocean air with every breath. Hearing Rich Homie Quan’s song

  “Differences” come through his speakers, Carlos turned up the volume and quoted the trap anthem as they nodded their heads to the hypnotic beat.

  There were so many half naked beautiful women everywhere that it was hard for any man to choose just one, but then again; Carlos had his game face on. Today wasn’t about choosing, it was about getting chosen, after all the first rule of spring break was never act too thirsty… As traffic crept along, Smoke noticed how fat the girl in the G-strings ass was that was standing
next to his side of the car. Writing his number down on a crisp hundred-dollar bill, Smoke slipped the currency into the waist band of her swim suit, and playfully slapped her ass. As the young Dominican goddess looked back ready to protest, she was caught off guard by the sight of the two clean young hustlers sitting in the new convertible Porsche 911.

  Allowing a slightly flirtatious smile to spread across her lips Tina’s voice was tainted with a heavy Dominican accent as she spoke,

  “I see you like to touch things that don’t belong to you…”

  Smiling with an air of confidence, Smoke continued the small game of cat and mouse,

  “no offense ma, but in my eyes that’s a temporary situation… If you decide not to use the number on the bill, I’ll respect it but I learned a long time ago that in life you have to go for what you want, or it will pass you by …”

  Tina liked Smoke’s cocky demeanor, so she winked her eye at him as she smiled; and jogged off to catch up with the rest of her girlfriends a few car lengths away. Once she caught up with the crowd, Tina looked back over her shoulder with a seductive smirk on her face, it was at that moment that Smoke knew that he had to have her.

  Pulling up to the reserved parking space at the Laquinta Suits hotel, Carlos and Smoke knew that they had made the right decision by taking the mini vacation. In the last few weeks they had caused so much bloodshed to lace the streets of Tampa, that local law enforcement agencies had to call in a Federal Task Force to help moderate the violence. Once the Feds hit town, Carlos and Smoke knew that it was time to kick their feet up for a minute, so that’s what they did.

  Walking into the spacious suite, Carlos laid across his king sized bed exhausted, as Smoke made his way through the French doors that led to an identical adjoining suite. The rooms were equipped with a hot tub, a personal refrigerator, and mini bar that was fully stocked. Money had its advantages so Smoke decided to make the most of his leisure time while he had the chance.

  As the sun began to set, Smoke stepped out onto the balcony, and lit up a freshly rolled Optimo sport laced with cocaine. Sitting back in a reclining chair, he closed his eyes as he relaxed and let the boonk work its magic. Suddenly Smoke’s meditation was interrupted by the sound of his cell phone. “RING!”

  Slightly annoyed, he answered the call with a twinge of frustration;

  “Yo what up …”

  Hearing the way Smoke answered the phone made Tina think to herself,

  “hum … Is that how you always answer your phone, or did I just catch you at a bad time?”

  Hearing Tina’s sexy voice immediately gave him an attitude adjustment.

  “I apologize for being rude sexy. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon, what’s on your mind?”

  Choosing her words carefully trying not to sound too desperate, Tina spoke softly,

  “Well I was hoping that you and I could get together later on tonight if possible.”

  Hearing what sounded like music to his ears, Smoke agreed to meet her at the beach after he and Carlos hit the strip. Little did he know, tonight would be one to remember in more ways than one.

  Waking Carlos up, they both got dressed to impress before jumping in the 911 and heading to the strip. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. was lined with hotels on both sides of the street. The traffic was so packed that you could walk faster than the traffic was moving, so Carlos decided to park near the beach entrance and watch the action.

  Sitting on the hood of the car, smoking a blunt, Carlos noticed a commotion taking place in a crowd twenty feet up the side walk. Looking closer, he and Smoke saw a young man breaking out of the crowed at full speed, bleeding everywhere. For a moment Smoke could have sworn that he had seen a female with a knife that looked like Tina, but he waved it off and hit the blunt he was smoking; never giving it another thought. Carlos was ready to find something to get into, so he got up and headed towards a free concert that a hotel was holding in its parking lot. Smoke decided to sit still and play with his phone.

  Walking up to the crowd Carlos noticed a sexy redbone twerking on the back of a brand new candy apple red Dodge Ram. As Carlos stared in amazement, an equally thick and attractive brown skinned Mia Long looking sister stepped up beside him and smiled. Her voice was like velvet when she spoke, and the heart of one of the coldest hustlers ever, melted as soon as the first word fell from her lips.

  “Hi, how are you doing? My name is Candice…”

  Looking down at the young attractive specimen, Carlos admired her beauty, but what stood out the most was her class.

  “How are you doing Candice? My name is Carlos. It’s a pleasure to meet you…”

  As the evening went on, Carlos and Candice hit it off well. Deciding to take a stroll on the beach to get away from the noise, the two shared old personal memories of themselves that brought them closer together. The two new companions now felt more like old lovers.

  As Carlos and Candice sat in the sand looking out at the tide rolling in, Carlos was just about to get his first kiss of the evening when his phone rang interrupting the vibe. Seeing that it was Smoke, Carlos answered with a sigh,

  “Yo what up dawg?”

  Smoke instantly began to laugh when he heard the frustration in his cousin’s voice.

  “Damn nigga, you must be in some pussy or something?”

  Speaking in code, Carlos confirmed his intentions.

  “Not exactly, but I’m on my way, what up?”

  Wasting no more time, Smoke told Carlos what the business was.

  “Look dawg, you remember the thick Dominican chick I met?”

  Patronizing his cousin, Carlos said


  “Well she just hit me so we’re going to head back to the room, and see what we can get into ya dig?”

  Hearing that his cousin was on a mission, Carlos smiled,

  “alright, one little nigga.”

  Closing his phone, Carlos got back to his kiss as him and Candice explored each other a little more deeply…

  Stepping into the lavish suite, both Smoke and Tina were past tipsy. As Smoke watched Tina’s soft round behind jiggle while she walked across the plush carpet, his manhood began to stiffen. Locking the door behind him, he took off his shirt revealing his chiseled physique before making his way to the king sized bed where Tina now lie.

  As Smoke gave the voice commanded to the stereo system, R. Kelly classic 12 play began to pour through the room like a gentle wave. Laying back on the bed, Tina straddled Smoke, softly kissing and sucking on every inch of his upper body while unbuckling his pants, and pulling them off exposing his manhood at full mass.

  Gently stroking his manhood, Tina slid the head of his falice into her mouth as her tongue made circles around it’s tip, tempting it to prematurely ejaculate. Knowing that if he didn’t take control of their exchange he would go out bad, Smoke pulled off Tina’s summer dress; and was pleasantly surprised to see that she had no panties on.

  Laying her on her back, Smoke’s lips consumed her nipples as she gasped in pleasure. Kissing a trail down to her love hole, Smoke ate Tina’s hairless dessert like it was his last meal causing her to cum as her juices gushed down his throat. Turning her over while putting her up on all fours, he entered her in deep long strokes almost as if he was punishing her for being so attractive. As Smoke beat Tina’s pussy with no mercy, she squirted Cumming all over his long shaft. Pushing himself deeper inside of her sweet walls, he felt himself about to explode. At the very least moment, he found the will to pull out while skeeting his semen all over her ass cheeks.

  Rolling over, Smoke closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep like a baby; as Tina lay with her head on his chest rubbing his stomach. His snores were like a round of applause for her performance, so she smiled slyly knowing that her plan had worked. When Smoke woke up the next morning, his head was beating like a marching band. Reaching out to feel Tina’s body, he was dumbfounded to find the bed vacant. Getting up to check the bedroom and the balcony, he noticed the
door to the miniature safe in his wall in which he had a small stash was now open, and empty… Taking a closer look around the room, Smoke noticed that his jewelry was also missing.

  As anger flooded his veins, Smoke grabbed his pistol off of the night stand next to the bed and cocked it only to find that the clip was missing;

  “Damn, this trifling ass bitch even stole my muthafucking clip. What kind of shit is this?”

  Running to the balcony to see if there was any sign of Tina leaving was a waste of time. All he could do now was charge his loss to the game until he saw her again.

  “Dirty Bitch …”

  Feeling defeated, Smoke sat down on a recliner and fired up his last blunt allowing his nerves to settle. He had just got touched for over twenty grand in cash and jewelry. All he could think about was what Trion had always told him about suckers.

  “Slippers Count…”



  Easter Sunday was a big event for the residence of West Tampa’s housing projects for two reasons. One, it was a holiday; and two it was the birthday of West Tampa’s favorite candy lady Ms. Easter Henderson. At 83 years old, Ms. Easter or momma as everybody who knew her called her was the oldest resident in the projects. Momma had been around since the Cubans ran Main street back in the 40’s, and had helped raise the majority of the young men and woman in attendance today. Everybody loved momma, especially Trion. She was like a second mother to him since birth, so today was a time for celebration.

  Pulling up in the overcrowded parking lot of Mcfallen Park, Trion and Tasha stepped out of his Rang Rover glowing like two angels as they emerged into the beautiful spring air dressed in all white. You could smell the bar-b-q in the air from a mile away as Trion and Tasha made their way closer to the festivities. There were warm smiles and laughter in the air as the D.J played Earth, Wind and Fire’s throwback hit “Happy Feelings.”


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