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Tampa Black: Part !

Page 5

by Unknown

  Passing by the horse shoe pit, there were two old men talking trash about their game, oblivious to their surroundings. Under one of the gazeebo’s there was an intense poker game under way, as young jits ran back and forth running errands for spare dollars from gamblers. Trion remembered being their age running the same errands. Finally finding the birthday girl, Trion and Tasha joined the large crowd that was surrounding momma under the packed gazeebo on the hill overlooking the park. Besides the music playing in the distance, not even a pin drop could be heard as momma shared with the crowd what Trion called, “The Gift.”

  As momma spoke, it was as if an angel had descended to Earth from the right hand of God himself, momma was sharing ages of wisdom like precious jewels with those who were patient enough to listen.

  Although she was polite, momma’s soft voice commanded the air like a trumpet of truth…

  “Children, love is God’s greatest gift to his people, so don’t waste your time on hating each other. Learn to forgive and move on, because both good and bad times are promised but neither one is permanent …”

  As momma’s words penetrated the hearts of the crowd, it was as if their spirits were being cleansed by God’s own hands.

  Finally, the crowd began to disperse, so Trion and Tasha made their way to where momma sat. Reaching down to hug mommas small frame, chills ran through Trion as he kissed her on the check.

  “Hey momma, happy birthday.”

  Happy to see him, momma smiled,

  “hey baby. I see you made it to the party. Who is this young lady that you brought with you?”

  Slightly blushing from being put on the spot, Tasha stepped forward and gave momma a hug.

  “Hey momma, my name is Tasha.”

  As momma looked into Tasha’s eyes, it was almost as if she could read her soul. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, Tasha didn’t flinch.

  “Tasha … Aint you Cent’s daughter?”

  Momma asked examining Tasha’s facial features.

  “Yes ma’am, I am how did you know?”

  Momma began to laugh softly as she answered,

  “child, I done changed half of West Tampa’s pampers, including yours. You must be the reason why I keep dreaming about fish lately?”

  Hearing this revelation, Tasha looked at Trion with dumb-founded expression before speaking,

  “Excuse me ma’am? I don’t understand what you mean?”

  Giving Tasha a knowing look, she examined her further before responding.

  “Child your face is glowing like a light bulb, and God don’t make no mistakes. Cherish the life that’s growing inside of you. There is going to be a time when you’re going to need him as much as he needs you …”

  A look of amazement consumed Trion’s features as he looked down at Tasha’s stomach realizing what momma had just revealed to them. Up until this point, Tasha hadn’t experienced any signs of morning sickness or anything, but for some reason, deep inside they both knew that she was speaking the truth. They could feel it…

  As the evening came bringing an orange hue, Tasha was lost in thought as she watched the children running around playing tag and enjoying themselves. It was at that moment when she began to wonder if her and Trion would ever find their happily ever after. The streets of Tampa had claimed many lives, but only time would tell if they would beat the statistics, or become one of them.

  Giving momma a ride home, Trion pulled into the projects just after sunset only to find that a block party was in full swing. Luxury whips and tricked out old school rides filled the streets, as radio systems competed to be heard over the madness…

  Dropping momma off making sure she got inside safe, Trion decided to stop by his Aunt Pam’s house before taking Tasha home for the evening. Pulling up in the driveway, Trion saw a few of his Aunts and Uncles standing outside with a few friends of the family; so he introduced Tasha. Immediately Trion could tell that something was wrong, but no one’s lips seemed to want to reveal their secret. At that point Trion knew what no one would tell, his Aunt Pam and her alcoholic boyfriend of thirty years Tony were at it again; like an old Tina Turner song

  “What’s Love Got to Do with It…”

  Although Trion wanted to go inside and break them up, he knew better. Getting in the middle of their domestic dispute would only make him the enemy, so he decided to stay outside until things calmed down. After about ten minutes of curse words and broken glass, things got deathly silent. The silence was surreal like the uncanny calm before the storm. Just as everyone began to relax, they heard Pam screams,

  “Oh my God, he got a gun!”

  Rushing through the front door, Trion paused at what he saw. Tony was standing in the middle of the living room sweating and shaking as he pressed the barrel of his revolver tightly against his temple.

  As tears began to fill his eyes and fall, everyone was transfixed in the moment, trying to anticipate Tony’s next move. The answer to that question would come soon enough. Looking into Pam’s eyes, Tony’s lips began to tremble as he spoke,

  “girl I love you… How you gone say you don’t want me no more after all these years?”

  Terrified and not wanting to say the thing that may set him off, Pam tried to re-assure him

  “I love you Tony, but baby you need help. Look at what you’re doing!”

  Placing her trembling hands over her mouth, she struggled to contain her sobs.

  “Tony baby please don’t do this…”

  As Tony closed his eyes, it was too late for reason. Everything began to move in slow motion as he detached himself from the moment. As the hammer on the revolver slammed shut, the old fire arm roared to life sending chunks of Tony’s brain matter flying out of the other side of his head. Captured in the gravity of the moment, nobody moved until Pam ran to Tony’s side, falling to her knees crying and begging him to wake up.

  When the ambulance finally arrived, they strapped Tony to a stretcher and began to try to stabilize him. Hooking him up to the heart monitor, the paramedics noted that his vitals were fading fast, so they did everything in their power to keep him alive. Losing the battle, Tony’s heart beat flat lined several times. Saving his life would be an uphill battle, but the odds were that he had seen his last days on Earth…



  Turing onto the Cosway bridge, Tecko turned up the volume in his canary yellow Dodge Challenger, allowing Sizzler to pour through the speakers. Thinking back to his narrow escape, Tecko knew that it was over for the spot in Ebor City; so he allowed his mind to replay what had taken place…

  Laying between two twin freaks, Tecko stirred from his sleep to an accelerated heartbeat, finding it hard to breathe. Something was wrong, and he could feel it. Rolling off of the bed, dodging the two naked bodies of the young woman lying next to him, he grabbed his Desert Eagle from the dresser and peaked out of the curtains. To the unrefined eye things would have appeared to be normal, but to a seasoned veteran like Tecko the signs were all too clear. It was a sting. Observing the small tactical team subtly position itself, Tecko knew that he didn’t have much time so he woke the twins, and gave them last minute instructions.

  Grabbing an army duffle bag, he opened the safe in his room and stuffed the four bricks of cocaine and $150,000 in cash that it held inside of the bag. Before running out of the back door, he turned up the pilot on the old gas stove emitting the flammable toxins into the air, and lit a match throwing it to the carpet.

  As the twins ran out the front door screaming at the top of their lungs butt naked, the house went up in flames before exploding with the intensity if a miniature atomic bomb. As the Federal agents dropped to the ground to avoid the flying debris, Tecko pulled into traffic a block away evading capture….

  Re-emerging into the present, he knew that he had been lucky, he had escaped the hands of the law once again. Next time he knew that he may not be so lucky, so he made a mental note to stay alert. Remembering what Zion always said, he lit a blunt
and reclined as he placed his Desert Eagle on his lap.

  “It is better to die like a man in de streets, den to live like an animal in a cage …”

  Traveling south, it was about two hours before Tecko pulled into Miami Gardens luxurious upscale community, Coconut Cay. Letting the windows down, he lowered the volume on his stereo system as not to draw any unnecessary attention to himself. Driving through the gated community, it was like a smaller version of Beverly Hills. There were Luxury vehicles everywhere, they were parked in every driveway. Everything from F-type Jaguars to Maybachs were visible. This was the home that very few people knew about. Even Zion was oblivious to Tecko’s safe haven, and that’s how it would stay. The streets were the streets, and home was home. Tecko never mixed business with his personal life, he had learned that it was best this way.

  Pulling into the driveway of his one point five-million-dollar home, Tecko pressed the button on his garage door opener. Once inside, he parked his Challenger next to his black Porsche 918 Spyder, and closed the door. Stepping into his plush dining room area, Tecko spoke allowing the voice censor in his smart home to hear his command, propelling the dim lights to invade the open space.

  Making his way over to his fully stocked bar, Tecko mixed himself a drink before sitting down in his favorite recliner. Feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket, he pulled it out and answered it.


  As Zion voice came through the receiver, Tecko felt a flash of relief. “Now say Boss it’s good to hear your voice. How are you healing?”

  Slightly sighing to suppress a momentary flash of pain in his shoulder, Zion spoke through clinched teeth.

  “I am well youth. I was just alerted of your situation in Ebore City…”

  At times it still amazed Tecko how in tune Zion was with the streets. Even from a thousand miles away. While Tecko gave the details of what had occurred, Zion listened intently.

  Once Zion had digested the whole story, he spoke while struggling to maintain his composure.

  “OK bruhdren listen, Quest has a booth in U.S.A flea market. Link up wit de mon. I need you to oversee de operation until I return to de States.”

  Tecko had been loyal to Zion for years so there was no question about the matter, he would do whatever needed to be done.

  “Say no mo bruhdren, it’s done.”

  Hearing a rattling sound coming from his front door, Tecko ended the call and slid his hand into his waist band taking his Desert Eagle off safety. As his adrenalin began to elevate at the potential of war, he heard the voice of his ten-year-old son as he guided his wheel chair into the house.

  “Momma is Poppa home?!”

  Meeting his son. Trenton at the thresh hold of the living room, Tecko balled his fist up and threw a few playful punches at his little man. Trenton was born paralyzed from the waist down, so although he loved boxing, this was the closest that he could get to inside of a ring. The playful exchange was their father son greeting.

  Smiling happy to see his father; Trenton laughed at the missed punches. Suddenly Trenton remembered what his father had promised him months ago. Becoming excited, his eyes opened wide.

  “Poppa, you said dat you were going to take me to get some video games!”

  Considering his promise to his son, Tecko thought about his pending visit to the flea market, so he decided to kill two birds with one stone. Tomorrow would be a father and son day. Tecko missed his only son so he made himself a silent promise, he would make up for lost time.

  Stepping into the living room, his wife Aesha’s dark mahogany skin tone was in contrast with the flawless snow white furniture and carpet. Allowing a soft seductive smile to cross her lips, Aesha walked over to her husband and gave him a warm hug and kiss.

  “Tecko, baby when did you get home?”

  Aesha felt so good in his arms, that Tecko knew that she was truly his other half.

  “I just got in about an hour ago bae.”

  As the evening faded, the family caught up on recent events, and shared a few laughs.

  Once Trenton had drifted off to sleep, Aesha and Tecko got a chance to catch up on some quality time before sleep swallowed them as well. The next morning Tecko woke up to the smell of scrambled eggs, baked fish and cheese grits. Stepping into the living room, he stopped to admire the picturesque view of his family. They were the reason why he did what he did in the streets. Today Tecko would enjoy every moment with his son, and he looked forward to it. Pulling out an hour later he and his son were on their way…

  Across town behind a small booth in the U.S.A flea market, Trion’s nosey cousin Meeka noticed a man with some gold tipped dreads getting out of a black Porsche Spyder. On sight, Meeka had a feeling that this was one of the guys that her cousin had described, who was responsible for her aunt’s death. Picking up her phone she called Trion. As the phone rang, she waited for him to answer.

  “Yo, what’s up?”

  “Who dis?”

  Glad to hear her cousin had answered the call, she spoke into the receiver.

  “Cuz?... This is Meeka. What’s up boy?”

  Trion hadn’t heard from Meeka since his mother’s funeral, so he was glad to hear her voice.

  “What can I do for you young lady?”

  As the words poured out of Meeka’s mouth, Trion’s blood began to boil. Ending the conversation, he called Smoke, and told him to meet him at U.S.A flea market a.s.a.p.…

  Today there were going to be fireworks, and chances of survival were slim to none. Time would soon tell how the chips would fall…

  As Tecko walked into the flea market, Meeka took note; and decided to watch his movements. Walking up to Quest, he gave him a pound, and a half hug as they greeted. Sitting down to discuss business with Quest, Tecko noticed a thick red boned sister watching him from another booth as she talked on her phone. The woman was attractive, but he had more than enough issues on his hands, so he continued to focus on the business he had come to conduct with Quest.

  An hour later, getting up to leave, Tecko was walking towards the entrance when the woman who had been watching him approached him smiling flirtatiously. Meeka only had one interest in Tecko, and he would find out what that was sooner than later. Giving him her best innocent smile, Meeka licked her lips,

  “Hey how are you doing handsome?”

  Amused by her frankness, Tecko openly studied Meeka’s body from head to toe.

  “Hey to you as well beautiful. Why is it dat you’ve been watching me so intently?”

  Growing a little nervous, Meeka was just about to panic when a text alert sounded on her phone. Pulling the phone out of her Marc Jacobs tote bag, she exhaled in relief as she read the text. Her job had been done. Faking frustration, she looked up at Tecko before speaking.

  “Damn, I was just about to give you my number, but I guess that will have to wait until next lifetime …”

  Before he could respond, she had stormed off disappearing into the crowd of shoppers; leaving him slightly perplexed by her choice of words. Remembering that he had to get to his son who was in the car playing video games. Tecko made his way to the parking lot dreading the afternoon heat.

  Approaching his car, he could see his son smiling as the glow of the video game system radiated through the front windshield. Suddenly an overwhelming feeling of despair came over him. Captured by an air of paranoia, Tecko quickly scanned the parking lot for potential danger, but he saw none. As he unlocked the door and sat in the driver’s seat a hail of bullets invaded his vehicle ripping through its fiberglass frame like hot knives through butter. Ducking in an attempt to dodge the barrage of bullets, Tecko shielded his son as best he could while reaching under his seat to grab the Tech-9 that lay there.

  When a pause in the gunfire came, he peaked over the dashboard and saw two heavily armed gunmen strategically approaching him. Raising his firearm, he squeezed the trigger releasing a multitude of bullets from his extended clip. As the shots rang out, the gunmen took cover behind the parked v
ehicles. Hearing the roar of machinegun fire, the pedestrians in the parking lot began to run and duck trying to find refuge. Just as Smoke swung around the side of a van and opened fire, an elderly couple tried to run for safety. As the bullets ripped through them, their lifeless bodies dropped to the pavement.

  Countering his cousin’s movements, Trion rolled around to the passenger side of Tecko’s Porsche. Ten feet away all he could see was the silhouette of a body ducking down inside as fire spit from the muzzle of a weapon being fired by Tecko. As visons of his mom laying in her casket flooded Trions thoughts he opened fire instantly killing the passenger of the Porsche, and silencing the gunfire coming from the driver’s side.

  Hearing the police sirens getting closer, Trion and Smoke retreated, jumping into a stolen van and disappearing into traffic. As the police and paramedics pulled up, a crowd of nosey bystanders began to fill the parking lot. The smell of gunpowder was still heavy in the air when the E.M T’s arrived on the scene. Running to check the vitals of the two elderly pedestrians who were laying on the ground, the medics pronounced them both dead on the scene. Making their way over to the bullet ridden Porsche, no one was prepared for what they saw inside. When the E.M.T’s opened the passenger side door, blood was everywhere.

  Placing two fingers on the neck of the dead body of the child who occupied the passenger seat, they pronounced him dead as tears filled their eyes. The child looked to be no more than ten or twelve years old, and a handicap patch could vaguely be seen beneath the blood stains on his jacket. Pulling Tecko’s unconscious body from the mangled car, the medics immediately strapped him to a gurney and fought to keep him alive. Tecko had been hit ten times, and had lost a lot of blood. It would be an uphill battle, but it was possible for him to make it, however only time would tell…



  As Patra’s white Land Rover drifted through the slums of Kingston, huge droplets of rain cascaded down the windshield. Laying back in the reclined passenger seat, Zion closed his eyes taking a trip down memory lane…


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