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Tampa Black: Part !

Page 8

by Unknown

  Reaching the bed, Zion laid her down softly as her long beautiful dreads

  scattered wildly across the comforter. Relieving her of her blouse and bra,

  Patra’s erect nipples stood firmly on top of her perky chocolate breasts craving attention. Sensing their desire, he engulfed her nipples with the warmth of his mouth sending chills of ecstasy racing up and down her spine.

  As he pulled her skirt up and slid his fingers into her panties, he could feel the warm sticky wet welcome of her throbbing pussy. Feeling her erect clit, Zion began to massage it as his fingers slid in and out of her wet walls, and he sucked on the chocolate drops that sat on top of her breast. Firmly grabbing his wrist to hold his hand in place. She began to wine her hips slowly picking up the pace as she rode his fingers until her body began to spasm and she came.

  Throwing aside her skirt and panties, Patra pushed Zion on to his back and removed his pants. Stroking the length of his dick, her mouth began to water as she took him deep into her throat while playing with her wet pussy. As she deep throated his dick twirling her tongue around its head the way he liked it, she felt his manhood begin to stiffen in her mouth. Knowing that he was about to culm, she took his dick out of her mouth and straddled it, allowing it to stretch out her moist walls.

  As she rode his dick, she wined her hips taking him deeper and deeper inside of her until she consumed every inch of him. Feeling herself about to explode, Patra began to speed up the pace as he skeeted deep inside her. After Patra’s pussy exploded all over Zion’s dick saturating it with its juices, she laid her head on his chest breathless. Fulfilled, she closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat until she drifted off into oblivion. Neither of them knew the blessing that this night would bring, but time would tell.

  The following morning as Patra and Zion were having breakfast at her favorite beachfront café, she noticed a black Yukon with dark tinted windows parked across the street. The truck may not have seemed out of place under normal circumstances, but Patra had been eating at this restaurant for years and had never seen this truck. To add to her suspicion, the brake lights were visibly being pressed signaling that someone was inside.

  Wiping her mouth, Patra spoke to Zion through her napkin masking her words.

  “Darling don’t look, but it looks like we have some company wit questionable intentions. Whoever is in de black Yukon parked across de street has been watching us since we sat down.”

  Feeling the tension in the air, Zion eased the safety off on the black P.90 that he had hidden in his waistband.

  “Listen Flower, I am going to step into de restaurant and try to come out behind de truck. If de mon is watching you, he will never see me coming. Sit still until I return …”

  As Zion stepped into the cafe to execute his plan, she slid her hand into her purse; taking her favorite chrome glock off safety. After waiting a moment or two, Patra quickly became annoyed with the waiting game. Seeing a taxi coming up the road, she sized up her chances and seized the opportunity. As the taxi pulled between the cafe and the Yukon, Patra waved it down quickly making her way to the rear passenger door with her hand still in her purse.

  What happened next sent the whole block into a state of chaos and panic. Just as the two dreads in the Yukon decided to seize what they thought was the perfect opportunity for their hit, Patra quickly turn towards the truck as her hand came free of her purse and bullets from her glock begin to savagely eat through glass and flesh. As the glass shattered and the bullets begin to rip through the dreads face and chest, the cab driver’s instincts kicked in. Stomping on the gas pedal, he tried to put as much distance as possible between himself and the bloodshed. On the island everyone knew that a witness to a murder was more than likely the next victim, so they kept it moving as if nothing happened.

  Running up to the passenger side of the Yukon with his gun drawn, Zion aimed his firearm inside of the truck; looking for any sign of life. Opening the driver’s side door, Patra looked inside. When she saw the tiger emblem hanging from the rear view mirror, she knew exactly who had sent the hit; Tigga...

  Making their way back inside of her phantom, Patra pulled off into traffic like she didn't have a care in the world.

  Looking over at the only woman whom he had ever truly loved, Zion couldn’t restrain his tongue any longer.

  “I thought I told you to stay put and let me handle it?”

  Amused by his protectiveness, Patra smiled to herself as she sensually rubbed his thigh.

  “Relax darling. Some tings require a womon’s touch, Besides, dere are plenty of issues left to be handled. Your turn will soon come…”

  Turning up the volume, she allowed Sade’s lyrics to ease her spirit as she plotted revenge on her enemies for today’s disrespect. Tigga would have to pay dearly for his transgressions. He had just made a fatal mistake, and little did he know; it would cost him everything…

  As greyhounds raced around the dog track chasing the mechanical rabbit, Tigga sat in a Lazy Boy recliner inside of his spacious Sky box in the AC; as millions were being won and lost on the races below. The second race of the day had just gotten underway, and anxieties were at an all-time high. Tigga’s premier dog was favored to win with five to one odds, so he had just bet two of his comrades two million dollars apiece. Although Tigga’s dog Lucky Feet began the race in an astonishing speed, it was now the last leg of the race and he had fallen to third place. Sensing Tigga’s anxiety, one of the attractive twin sisters that he had chosen to accompany him for the day, poured him a drink before walking over to him. Sitting on his lap, she handed it to him. When the dogs crossed the finish line ending the race, Tigga exploded at the thought of the four million dollars he had just lost.

  “Jah! … De blood clot dog just cost me four blood clot million dollars!”

  Knowing that they wouldn’t live to spend the money they had just won if they stayed, Tigga’s comrades excused themselves while the twins made it their business to take Tigga’s mind off of his losses. One of the sexy caramel completed twins sat on the arm of the recliner. Leaning over she slipped her tongue into Tigga’s mouth, while the other twin effortlessly unbuckled his Armani slacks freeing his manhood from his captivity. Slipping it deep into her throat, she worked it like a professional…

  In the meantime, back at Tigga’s secluded mansion, his wife was cooking while his sons Zie played in the yard. Sadly, the bodyguard watching over Zie never stood a chance. As he watched Zie play, a silent slug from Zion’s glock 40 ripped through the back of his skull, causing his body to crumble to the ground instantly.

  Snatching little Zie up by surprise, one of Patra’s men covered the child’s mouth and moved inside of the mansion with military precision. Wiping her hands on her apron, Tara turned around to call Zie to come in and eat when she came face to face with the barrel of Patra’s glock. Dragging Tara and Zie into the living room, Patra instructed Tara to tango Tigga.

  As Patra waited for Tigga to answer the call, she looked around at the inside of the mansion with admiration.

  “You have a beautiful home darling. It's too bad it's about to get bloody, tanks to your husband.”

  With pleading eyes, Tara begged Patra to spare Zie.

  “Please... Spare me son’s life. I don't know wat my husband has done, but Zie is only eight. Don't punish him for de sins of his father...”

  Finally getting himself together, Tigga fumbled to answer the call. As the screen of the phone came to life, nothing could help prepare him for what he saw. Two AK47’s were pointed at his wife and his son's head as they sat side by side with tears in their eyes. Sensing that death was near, Tara said a silent prayer for herself and her son. Tigga was devastated as he looked on hopelessly.

  “Wat is the meaning of dis? I will pay, wat is de price? Please spare my family...”

  While Tigga watched his family getting slaughtered, one of the sexy twins pulled a small hunting knife from her holster on her thigh. Walking up behind Tigga, she slit his throat from
ear to ear without hesitation. Watching the life leave his body through the screen, Patra and her small team of shooters walked out of the front door of Tigga’s bloody mansion, leaving the dead bodies in her wake as a sign of her dominance.

  Now with Tigga dead, Patra had consolidated her power over Kingston. There were sure to be more attempts on her life, and even more contenders for her throne; but for now she was a lioness and Kingston was her pride. From this day forward, Patra would rule with an Iron fist…



  Listening to reggaeton with his feet kicked up on his desk, the Cuban crime boss whom everybody knew as Cuba; was watching his accountant crunch numbers when his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. Annoyed by the interruption, he answered the call. “Who the fuck is this?”

  Unfazed by Cuba’s rude inquiry, Smoke spoke into the receiver with a hint of laughter in his voice.

  “Damn wet back, you're rude as fuck dawg. Is that how you talk to everybody, or just me killa? ...”

  Recognizing Trions younger cousins voice, Cuba lightened up a little bit. If Smoke was calling, it meant more guns, and more guns meant more money.”

  “O… que Paso puto ... What do you have for me today?”

  Ignoring Cuba’s little verbal jab, Smoke got straight to business.

  “Listen dawg, we got three cases of M 1’s, four cases of AR’s, and two crates of hand grenades. Los said the ticket for you is fifteen grand, and we can drop them off tonight.”

  “No... No... No... fuck that puto, I'll give you 12 grand and my people will meet you at the docks to pick them up. Homie you still owe me for shooting up my fucking restaurant last week. You know better than to bring violence to my place of business hombre. You can't just run around like a wild animal....”

  Taking a second to allow the thought to set in, Smoke finally gave in.

  “Okay dawg, you can get the tools for thirteen, but fuck that pussy ass nigga I wacked in your spot. That bitch owed the family money. Everybody pays their dues, either in cash or in blood; it don’t matter to me!”

  Sitting in front of his projector screen, Carlos was relaxing in his recliner watching Shottas when Smoke called.

  “What's up cuz?”

  Skipping the small talk, Smoke got straight to the business.

  “Listen cuz, I talked to Cuba. The business is official on that end, but I just got offline with our guy in uniform. We've got a problem.”

  Anxious to get to the details, Carlos almost lost his patience.

  “Spit it out cuz, what's bothering you?”

  Getting the green light, Smoke gave him the business play by play.

  “The word is that the D.E.A and the Feds are looking into a couple of our spots. A detective named Lawson kicked in fat Freddy’s front door this morning asking about Trion and the family. Niggas say dawg kept his mouth closed when the cops hit, but our guy in uniform said that fat ass nigga just walked out of the precinct on an O.R bond... The thing is that, I know we just sent ten blocks to his spot yesterday...”

  After hearing what Smoke had to say, Carlos knew two things for sure. One, detective Lawson was going to be a problem; and two, Fat Freddy was working... Although Freddy was a longtime associate of the family and made work disappear like a magician, Carlos knew that an executive decision had to be made. Speaking in code Carlos gave the instructions that his cousin was waiting for.

  “Okay dawg, grab a few Brooms out of the closet for the maids, and tell them that I want the house spotless. ...”

  Although Smoke had guys in position to clean up the mess, his loyalty to Trion and the family wouldn't let them. Pulling out a duffle bag loaded with a small arsenal, he opened it and pulled out two silencers to attach to his Desert Eagles. This message was more than just business, Smoke wanted to make a statement in the streets. The price of disloyalty was death period....

  Pulling up into the projects in a primed down smoke grey box Chevy, Smoke sat behind the dark tinted windows watching the streets for any sign of Fat Freddy. Seeing a junkie staggering out of the alley dressed in tatters clothes, Smoke flashed his lights signaling her to come talk to him. Letting down his window, he took a closer look at her. After a second, he was able to place her face. The junkie’s name was Vanessa Grey. Vanessa was one of Smoke’s old high school flames. At one time she was a beautiful and ambitious girl, until one day her mother was brutally raped and murdered by another junky while nodding off from a hit at a dope house. Vanessa was now the same junkie her mother used to be, and she was headed down the same road.

  Recognizing Smokes face, Vanessa instantly looked down at her worn and tattered clothes and shoes before looking back up and becoming extra animated in order to cover up her inadequacy.

  “Smoke! Hey Baby, long time no see. What brings you over this way?”

  Not wanting any extra eye witnesses to their exchange, Smoke unlocked his passenger door.

  “Get in, I need to talk to you really quick. ...”

  Excited by the opportunity to try to dig into Smoke’s pockets, Vanessa jumped into the passenger seat.

  Pulling off from the curb, Smoke rolled his window back up before turning into the alley that Vanessa had just walked out of moments ago. Thinking that pulling into the alley was a sign that he wanted to get his freak on for old times’ sake, Vanessa reached over into his lap and begin to massage his manhood through the fiber the black cargo pants. Grabbing her wrist, Smoke looked into her eyes with a twinge of regret as he noticed her battered broken down features.

  “Look, I didn't come here for all that Vanessa, I just need some information. I heard that Fat Freddy is out here in these project somewhere. Have you seen him?”

  Embarrassed by Smokes rejection, she caught an attitude. Smacking her lips, her words came out dripping venom.

  “Fuck you dawg ass nigga! Your punk ass started getting a little money, now you're too good for a bitch huh?! fuck you Smoke, I aint telling you shit ...”

  Before she could get another word out, Smoke grabbed her by her throat and viciously slapped her with his Desert Eagle before shoving the silenced barrel into her mouth. Speaking in a slow drawl, he struggled to compose himself.

  “Listen bitch, I don't know who you think you're talking to, but you've got two seconds to tell me what I want to know before I blow your motherfucken brains out of your junkie ass head...”

  Knowing that Smoke was a certified killer was more than enough to loosen her lips.

  “Okay... Okay... Okay... Please don't kill me baby... Fat Freddy got a baby by my friend Asia. I just saw him a few minutes ago. He's over on Lumbar street right now.”

  Seeing the fear in her eyes, Smoke knew that she was telling the truth. Pressing the button on the console, Smoke rolled the passenger side window down; Forcing Vanessa's headed to hang out of the threshold. As soon as Vanessa looked into his eyes, she knew her life was over. Before her thoughts could even fully developed, two silenced hollow tips ripped through her skull, blowing chunks of her brain out of the window into the alley. After dumping Vanessa's body, Smoke pulled off to go pay Fat Freddy a visit…

  Coming up the block where Asia lived, Smoke notice a chubby figure bending over into the trunk of a Camaro. On site, his instinct told him that it was Fat Freddy. Parking his box Chevy behind of utility trucks a few cars away, he pulled his ski-mask over his face and eased out of the car. Fats was so caught up in situating the duffle bag in his trunk, he never saw what was coming...

  Stepping up behind Fats, Smoke tapped him on his shoulder. Shocked, Fats jumped; Spinning around only to meet the barrels of Smokes twin Desert Eagles. As soon as Fats face was fully exposed, Smoke release multiple rounds into it; literally blowing it into pieces. The power of the bullets impact drove Fats upper body into his trunk, causing him to slump into a sitting position.

  Noticing the gas container sitting next to Fats inside of the trunk, Smoke pulled it out and begin to saturate him with its content
s. Lighting Fats pants on fire, Smoke walked back to his car and pulled off as the bystanders began to crowd their windows and the sidewalk. To Smoke the act was a necessary evil, just another day at the office. Family business was just that, business...

  Meeting Felipe at the dock an hour later, Smoke made the transaction and pulled off unaware that he was under surveillance. As Detective Lawson took note of the exchange. He also made note that Smoke was in a box Chevy fitting the description of the one that was seen leaving the scene of a murder in the projects only an hour ago. The police officer inside of Mr. Lawson wanted to book this low life street punk now, but the detective inside of him knew that there was food higher on the chain to be caught, so he just took pictures and assigned a tail to the vehicle...

  “In due time...”



  Opening his eyes for the first time in the morning, Carlos felt an amazing tingling sensation in his manhood as the Cuban model that he had brought home the night before teased his shaft with her tongue. As Meena deep throated Carlos’s dick, he felt himself about to come just as his phone began to ring...

  “Damn man who the fuck is this? ...”

  Pulling Meena’s head back so he could concentrate on the phone call, Carlos spoke into the receiver.


  Noticing the slight sound of irritation in his cousin’s voice, Trion decided to get to the business.

  “Yo, what up dawg listen, I set up a meeting for you with one of our business associates in Key West. He's kind of throwed off, but he's good people. I need you down there by noon tomorrow to lock things in. Hit me when you're back in the city ...”

  Ending the call, Carlos allowed Meena to continue showing him the wonders of her tongue until he exploded in her mouth. Meena had wanted to get with Carlos for so long, that she didn't mind swallowing every drop as she climbed on top of him and straddled his manhood.


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