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Tampa Black: Part !

Page 9

by Unknown

  Sliding down his pool. Meena’s tight, moist walls effortlessly gripped Carlos’s manhood as she rode his dick like a pornstar. After multiple orgasms, they both fell asleep in a state of bliss. Even in his sleep he knew that he had found a jewel, so he held onto her as she snored slightly with her head on his chest.

  Although love wasn't part of the life he lived, Carlos new that what he felt for Meena was a little more than lust; however, he decided that he would allow time to be the judge.

  That night Los pulled out of Tampa at 11:30. He decided to arrive in Key West early the next morning, so that he could secure a hotel room just in case things took a little longer than expected. This was his first time meeting with Falco so he wanted to be on point. Trion had informed Carlos that Flaco was a little off the wall so he didn't know what to expect, but his intentions were to be ready for whatever.

  Arriving at Flaco’s mansion later that afternoon, Carlos had to silently salute the kingpin’s taste for luxury. The long “U” shaped cobblestone drive-way of the mansion was sprinkled with a fleet of exotic cars. The manicured lawn was so plush and flawless that it was almost unreal. Although The Family was seeing money, this was a whole other tax bracket.

  Ringing the doorbell, Carlos waited patiently for someone to answer. After a few moments, the door came open revealing a beautiful petite Panamanian goddess. Frozen by her beauty, Carlos couldn't help but to stand there and stare at her captivating features. Breaking the silence, she giggled before speaking.

  “Come in Carlos, Flaco is waiting for you by the pool.”

  The fact that the petite beauty had on next to nothing, and had the body of a stripper only amazed Los more. As he followed her to the pool, he couldn't help but to notice how her long silky black hair fell to her waist as her ass cheeks jumped and giggled with every step.

  Stepping into the pool area, he was even more impressed by what he saw. Flaco was sitting beside an in-caved swimming pool with what seemed to be a small waterfall flowing into it. On the other side of the pool no more than twenty yards away from the mansion was a small Harbor with a sailboat attached to its dock.

  Standings to greet his guest, Flaco looked into Carlos's eyes almost as if to assess him briefly while shaking his hand.

  “Greetings hermano... It is a privilege to meet you. Your cousin Trion has spoken highly of you. Come... Let us sit and have a drink my friend”

  Pressing the button on his mobile intercom, Flaco gave instructions for drinks to be brought to him and his guest.

  While engaging in small talk, Carlos noticed two beautiful topless women coming out of the dining area of the mansion carrying a tray of drinks and fresh sliced fruit. Smiling to himself, Carlos thought,

  “Now this is the good life ...”

  As the ladies dropped off the refreshments, Flaco slapped one of them on the ass and told them to go cool off. Stepping out of their panties exposing their beautiful bodies, they slipped into the lavish pool and began to enjoy themselves. Noticing the look in Carlos’s eyes, Flaco handed him a cigar and lit it for him.

  “Relax my friend. Women are one of life's most precious treasures, they are meant to be enjoyed... Where have you decided to stay during your visit to Key West?”

  Slightly guarded, Carlos looked at Flaco for a moment before waiving off the paranoia.

  “I'm staying at the Ritz Carlton ...”

  Frowning to show his disapproval, Flaco shook his head.

  “No... No... No hombre, you are my guest. Trion is like family to me, so you are also like family. You will stay here until you return home. Everything that you see here is mine, so likewise, it is also yours. The business is taken care of so enjoy yourself. The women are quite beautiful and pleasing!”

  Laughing to himself, Flaco stood from the table and stepped off to answer a phone call. Lost in thought, Carlos watched the women as their bodies glistened while they relaxed in the pool. As he looked on, the sexy petite woman that had greeted him at the front door caught his eye. Stepping out of the opposite side of the pool, he could see now that her body was flawless.

  Laying down in a recliner across from him, she put on a pair of shades and begin to sunbathe naked. Looking at her perfect bronze body and neatly trimmed pussy sitting plumply between her thighs, Carlos's manhood began to betray him. All though his mind was supposed to be on business, his body was beginning to develop other plans.

  Getting up to defuse the growing tension in the air, Carlos made his way back into the mansion. Noticing that his guest had left the pool side, Flaco put his caller on hold and pressed mute.

  “What's wrong hermano? Are you not enjoying yourself?”

  Amused by the sincerity and Floco’s question, Carlos smiled.

  “Nah hermano, everything is beautiful. I just need to go back to the hotel and pick up my bags. I'll be back by this evening ...”

  With a smile and a nod of the head, Floco agreed before returning to his phone call and disappearing upstairs.

  Later that evening when Carlos arrive for dinner, he was received by the same young lady from earlier. Wearing an almost see through curve fitting dress, she was breathtaking. Grabbing his hand, she leads him into the dining room where everyone was seated, enjoying their meal; and some casual conversation. As Carlos was seated, Flaco raised his champagne glass effortlessly silencing the room. All attention was on the drug lord as he spoke.

  “I would like to propose a toast to my guest Carlos. To good friends, good food and unmeasurable success...”

  After the meal, Carlo stuck around for a few drinks before going up to his room. There was something about a good meal and champagne that relaxed him, so he decided to take a shower and get some rest before he hit the road the next morning. For some reason he couldn't get the petite beauty off his mind as he lay in bed, so he closed his eyes and tried to force Sleep to come.

  Finally drifting off to sleep, Carlos heard a light tap on his room door before it opened briefly, and then closed. When he opened his eyes, what he saw made his manhood stand at attention instantly. The beautiful petite Panamanian goddess was standing at the end of his bed in an untied robe...

  Allowing the robe to drop to the floor, she stood there for a second and allowed Carlos to visually take in every inch of her perfection. Seductively climbing onto the bed, she pulled the sheets back and straddled him before easing her tongue into his mouth. The kiss was so intense that Carlos wanted to feel and taste every part of her.

  Rolling over on top of her, he pushed her thighs back and plunged inside of her deep and hard. Desire had dissipated all resolve and rationality as they devoured each other sexually deep into the night. After hours of intense sex and multiple orgasms, Carlos drifted off to sleep like a baby. The next morning as he greeted Flaco on his way out, he noticed that there were two extremely huge body guards with him.

  Smiling like he had just won a billion dollars, Flaco greeted Carlos warmly.

  “Good morning hermano… I trust that you rested well last night?”

  Seeing no difference in his report, Carlos begin to relax a little.

  “Yeah hermano I slept well, thanks for the hospitality...”

  Pleased to hear that his guest was satisfied, Flaco began to chuckle.

  As Flaco's butcher rolled a wheelbarrow covered with a bloody sheet in front of the group of men, Flaco uncovered it revealing the petite Panamanian goddess’s mutilated chopped up body as he spoke.

  “I see you got better acquainted with my wife after dinner last night. It seems that she really enjoyed your company...”

  As surprise and shock began to spread across Carlo’s face, he couldn't believe what he was seeing or hearing. Tightening his jaws at the thought of his chances, Carlos knew that reaching for his gun was suicide. With tension in his voice, he looked at Flaco and spoke.

  “What do you mean your wife? …”

  While speaking, Carlos subtly reposition himself for a better vantage point to get to his gun.

  Taking noti
ce of Carlos’s movement, Flaco began to laugh out loud.

  “Relax hermano. You are too tense. Stress kills my friend.”

  Looking down at the chopped up corpse, Flaco went on.

  “It is no big deal, women; they come and they go. Every woman that lives under my roof is my wife. I bought this one in Panama when she was fourteen. Until last night, I was the only man that she had ever been with. She is no longer of use to me. At any rate hermano, please enjoy your ride home. Do not worry about the police until you are out of Miami, I pay them very well for the security of my friends.”

  Pulling out of the mansions driveway, Carlos couldn't help thinking to himself how his trip had almost ended. Looking back in his rear view mirror, he knew that he had just met a truly dangerous made man. Flaco was rich and untouchable...



  After a long night of love making, Zion sat up on the side of the bed and looked back at Patra with regret in his eyes. Before he could part his lips to say a word, Patra stopped him in his tracks.

  “Don’t say a ting… I can feel it in de pit of my stomach, if you must leave to go finish playing your little game of life and death, den I will send a few of my most trusted soldiers wit you. I only ask one ting …”

  Looking into the eyes of his first love, Zion felt a twinge of guilt.

  “Ask and it’s yours …”

  As a small tear left its trail down her smooth mahogany cheek, Patra’s bottom lip began to slightly tremble as she spoke.

  “Just promise dat you will come back to me in one piece? …”

  Leaning over to kiss away her freshly fallen tears, Zion spoke with an uncertain determination.

  “I promise dat nothing, not even death will keep me from you… Now rest your eyes. I will be leaving Kingston tomorrow…”

  As they drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms, Zion and Patra found their small piece of paradise right there in each other’s arms.

  In the silence of her slumber, something deep inside Patra’s spirit told her that this would be the last time she would see Zion alive, but still, she prayed that she was wrong. They now shared a bond more precious than life its self. Only if Zion knew what he was leaving behind…

  Landing in Tampa international airport, when Zion stepped out of his flight terminal with his four men, he was met by one of his street generals Isea.

  Isea was the son of a Jamaican mercenary named Kon, and had an unlimited supply of weapons as well as an insatiable lust for bloodshed. His loyalty to Zion was unquestionable, so when Zion called and gave him the plan, Isea was more than ready to put in the work.

  Pulling into a harbor front warehouse in Port Tampa, Zion and his men stepped out of their vehicles. Greeted by his men that were left scattered throughout Central Florida, his army was now fully intact. The only thing that pierced his heart was the absence of his right hand man “Tecko.” Zion had heard about Tecko’s fate while he was in Kingston, and now that he was back in the states, he vowed that when this war was over, he would free his faithful soldier by any means.

  As he stepped into the open bay of the warehouse, he looked around at his soldiers intently before speaking.

  “Now say Bruhdren, a lot of our money, blood and territory has been lost in dis city and I want it back.…”

  Focusing his attention on the capo that he has placed in charge of governing Tampa, Zion smiled.

  “Amon come, it has been months since I’ve seen you…”

  Joining Zion in the center of the open space, Amon hugged him before stepping back to look at his mentor.

  “Yes indeed, it has been too long old friend …”

  Turning to look at the attentive faces in the crowd for a brief second, Zion pulled a 45 from his shoulder holster before turning back to place the barrel to Amon’s head and squeezing the trigger. As splatters of Amon’s blood decorated the floor, his lifeless body dropped to the ground releasing its fluids at Zion’s feet. As Amon’s unsettled nerves twitched causing the body to spasm, Zion emptied the clip into his face and chest cavity.

  Stepping away from the body to avoid getting blood stains on his shoes, Zion spoke to his men with the smoking gun in his hand and death in his eyes.

  “De price of failure is death. I shall not spare you or your families should you disappoint me. I want every single spot dat De Family operates to be shut down permanently. No one survives, and that includes women and children ...”

  Lighting a cigar, Zion stepped back into his truck before signaling for his driver to pull off. Revenge and power were now like a drug to Zion, they were all that he lived for; and even if it meant his life, he thought to himself that he would have it at all costs... As the brutal murders and mayhem begin to hit the news, Trion’s phone began to ring off the hook. Six of The Families most lucrative spots in the city had been hit in the last two weeks, and over twenty of The Family’s soldiers were now dead.

  All of the violence that was going on in the city was attracting detective Lawson’s attention. Putting two and two together, it wasn't long before the detective figured out that Zion was back in Tampa, and things were about to get hotter. Picking up the phone to call his cousin Carlos, Trion sighed to relieve some anxiety. Hearing Carlos answer the phone, Trion begin to deliver his instructions.

  “Listen dawg we've had six spots hit in the last few weeks, and the only thing we know is that the shooters are some dreads. I need you and Smoke to ride with the shipping crew to secure the surplus product that those spots usually move to our meat packing plant on Nebraska. If anything looks out of place, clean up before you leave ...”

  Nodding his head in agreement, Carlo spoke into the receiver,

  “yeah, say no mo dawg. I'm about to let Smoke in on the move. It's done.”

  After calling Smoke, and the captain of the shipping crew, it was settled; the package containing a hundred and twenty-six bricks of cocaine, and twenty-two bricks of heroin would be in motion at six p.m. that evening.

  A package that big had never been held in one spot due to The Family rules, but sometimes circumstances dictate change. Needless to say, everyone was on edge.

  Pulling onto Nebraska behind a convoy of Family vehicles, Smoke had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach as he looked in the rearview mirror to monitor the traffic behind them. As the middle trucks containing the narcotics pulled into the loading port of the building, the bay doors were immediately closed behind them by the workers. Stepping out of his sky blue Porsche, Carlos gave Smoke a knowing look before stepping back and lighting up a black and mild.

  Pulling out his phone, Smoke instructed the workers inside to move to plan “B”. While Carlos and Smoke stood in the parking lot talking, down the street detective Lawson and a few more undercover agents were taking pictures of every move that they made. Something inside of detective Lawson told him that there was a lot more than just meat in those trucks, but without probable cause, all he could do was wait and watch.

  After night fell like a dark blanket covering the sky, Zion’s phone buzzed as a text came through disclosing the location of the meat packing plant. Mobilizing his team of ten man; Zion gave the orders to kill Carlos and Smoke on site and to seize everything in the building. Although Zion’s team had suffered casualties over the last few weeks, overall he was winning the war so far. If everything went according to plan, after tonight Trion’s two strongest soldiers would be dead.

  At eleven PM., Zion’s men pulled into the meat packing plants parking lot four cars deep. Noticing that both Carlos and Smokes vehicles were still parked outside, they knew that tonight they could kill two birds with one stone. Forcing their way into the building, Zion’s men opened fire chopping the figures that stood in the shadows in half. As the semi-automatic rounds tore the warehouse apart, the men began to notice that not only was nothing moving, but there also was no blood flowing from the victims or return gunfire.

  Forging deeper into the interior of the warehouse, the
dreads took a closer look at the bodies that had fallen. At closer inspection, they saw that all the bodies were dummies. Angered by the insult to his intelligence, Zion’s young Copa exploded with venom.

  “Jah! These bodies are blood clot dummies! Check the bumberass cargo...”

  Breaking into the trucks, the men broke open the crates that were inside only to find them packed with raw chicken and beef products.

  Parked down the street, detective Lawson sprang into action after hearing the gunshots. Pulling into the meat packing plant parking lot, multiple backup units arrived drawing their firearms while taking position behind their vehicles. Leading the pack, Lawson pulled a bullhorn from his car and began giving instructions to the occupants of the building.

  “This is detective Lawson of the FBI; the building is surrounded. Put your weapons down and come out with of the building with your hands raised above your head.”

  Being that everyone inside of the building was already wanted for murder, they knew that surrendering wasn't an option.

  After almost an hour long standoff, law enforcement agents and sharpshooters stormed the building killing everything inside as the news helicopter hovering above, aired footage on a live broadcast. As Carlos and Smoke watched the monitors positioned in the meat market from the safety of a nondescript warehouse a block away, they knew that not only had they just dodged a bullet, they had also just ducked a slew of federal indictment.

  The botched hit by the dreads told them two things. One Zion was back and playing for keeps, and two somehow the FEDs were on their heels. Looking over at Smoke, Carlos was visibly agitated.

  “Dawg what the fuck just happened? How the fuck did the FEDs know about this spot?”

  Almost as soon as he spit the question out, him and Smoke looked at each other and spoke the obvious at the same time.

  “Fat Freddy ...”

  Lighting a Black & Mild, Carlos smiled to himself.

  “I guess we're at the boiling point dawg. Call Trion and let him know what the businesses is. This nigga Zion has to be dealt with ...”


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