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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

Page 27

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Dammit Joan, why didn’t I get called.”

  “I didn’t want to worry you with all those last minute details.”

  The doctor was listening unashamedly.

  “Do me a favor in the future, worry me a little?” Grace gentled her voice. Shaking her head at Joan she went to sit on the edge of the bed and held her hand. Leaning over her she examined Joan’s face which was very white. “We’re getting married tomorrow, I have a right to worry.”

  Smiling at her Joan nodded and removed the cloth from her forehead. The doctor removed the IV from her arm and bandaged the spot. Thanking him Joan watched him leave before looking back into the concerned eyes of Grace. “I’m sorry. Your right, you should be informed. I felt the same way in Los Angeles and thought I’d get it all done before you got back.” changing the subject she asked “well is everything ready for tomorrow?”

  Letting the subject drop Grace nodded. “Are you up to dinner tonight?”

  “Yes, I’m starved. I’m actually looking forward to it.” She smiled and avoided the worried look in Graces eyes.

  The wedding planner had arranged an impromptu luau on the beach for them and their guests this evening. It had taken a lot for an ‘impromptu’ luau to be arranged but with these clients the planner had gone out of her way. The wedding was at noon tomorrow with the reception afterwards. By evening everyone would be on their own. Several guests would leave the following day but many had opted to take advantage of the trip and vacation there.

  After resting an hour Joan got up to change into a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. She told Grace she would catch up with her at the luau and that she had an appointment. She wouldn’t tell her what it was either. Grace went to her own room to change for the party.

  Joan hurried down to the hotel spa for her appointment. They had a tanning bed that she lay in for twenty minutes totally naked. After this quick fix she dressed and hurried to the luau. The tan wasn’t apparent yet but she had another appointment in the morning for another session before the wedding.

  The luau was awesome. No one there had been to a real one before and everyone had a good time. Only one or two of their expected guests hadn’t arrived yet and everyone else was in high spirits. Toast after toast was drunk to Grace and Joan. Joan stuck to mineral water or orange juice as she didn’t want a hangover for tomorrow. Grace was suspicious as to the appointment that Joan had kept earlier but Joan told her she would tell her at the wedding.

  ~ CHAPTER 32 ~

  The day of Joan and Graces wedding was simply beautiful. As most days in Hawaii were paradise this one wouldn’t disappoint. Joan kept her early morning tanning appointment and the two sessions produced minor results. She lost some of the pasty look that she had acquired on tour. She also had them clean her pores and exfoliate them. Refreshed she sat in the steam room for awhile and then had a massage. She arrived back at the suite to find Bryan nervously pacing there. She wasn’t late she still had a couple of hours. Evidently he had been sent by Grace to check on her and when she couldn’t be found it had caused panic in the ranks.

  Laughing it off she gave him a package to give to Grace and sent him back to her. She went to bathe when there came a knock on her door. The hairdresser she had hired was there. Sitting there in her robe they unbraided her many braids together. The hairdresser waited while Joan took a long hot bath and washed her hair. It was the first time in over four years that she had seen it loose and it took some getting used to. The hairdresser brushed out it’s length. With the braids in she had known it was long but the braided lengths pulled them up and together. Unbraided her hair fell to mid thigh. The hairdresser exclaimed over it’s red brown color and length. Joan was lucky, heredity had blessed her with no gray hairs as of yet. Grace kept her blonde hair colored the same blonde over the years and no one could tell if she was hiding gray hair. The hairdresser helped her dress and again brushed out the hair. She rubbed it until it shone. Covering up her dress Joan applied her makeup and jewelry and applied her perfume carefully so as not to stain her dress. Slipping on her heels she was ready and none to soon as a knock at the door attested.

  The hairdresser let herself out as she let Craig in. Joan came out of the bedroom and he stopped in his tracks. He too had gotten used to her braids and the site that greeted him overwhelmed him. This stunning woman was his MOTHER? Smiling broadly he told her how beautiful she looked. Blinking back tears she thanked him. Going to her room safe she took out the ring that she had ordered last from the jeweler. Handing it to Craig she warned him not to lose it. Laughing he told her she should have warned Aaron who would be carrying it down the aisle for her. He escorted her down a private elevator and hid her on one side of the chapel where the ceremony would be performed. She stood there nervously trying not to faint from it all. Her heart was beating so hard she could hear it. In a few minutes she would go out there and marry the woman she loved.

  Grace had awoken early despite the party of the previous evening. She felt so good this morning that she was sure everything would go smoothly. Promptly at 8 the wedding planner arrived to help with the last minute details. Grace had already bathed and shaved. No knicks to bleed all over her gown or to jinx things. She applied her makeup carefully today. She brushed her hair out until it every lock was in place. Her careful coloring over the years made it look natural and soft. It framed her face beautifully. She sat there in her robe talking to the wedding planner. Bryan stopped by to eat breakfast with her. She asked him to check on his mother and when she couldn’t be found she became frantic. Suppose she had passed out from exhaustion or dehydration she phoned the local hospital to find out if Joan was admitted there or a woman of her description only to be told no. Grace spent a very worrisome time until Bryan returned with a package from his mother. She had returned to her suite and was getting ready. Annoyed Grace calmed herself to open the package from Joan. How sweet, a wedding gift. Opening it she found a large jewelry box that contained a pendant, earrings, a bracelet, and even an anklet, all of it matched her ring with the slender hands. The sapphires sparkled in their settings. It was a very expensive and incredible set. Grace was overwhelmed. A note was inside the lid. Pulling it out Grace read:

  Something old, an old design

  Something new, made just for you

  Something borrowed, well that is up to you

  Something blue, they are real sapphires

  I love you, Joan

  She showed the note and the jewelry to Bryan who helped her on with it all. He was adept at the necklace and bracelet but the earrings and anklet he let her do. She started to tear up when she saw them in the mirror. Bryan warned her that she’d ruin her make up and handed her a saphire blue silk handkerchief to ‘borrow’. Such thoughtful gifts so much work had gone into them. She touched her necklace and thought about Joan. She’d be married to her in about a half an hour. She went to get dressed and the planner helped her on with her dress careful not to smudge it with her makeup. She carefully dabbed on her perfume. Freshening her lipstick she was ready. A last minute touch to her hair and they left. She had to run back for the ring she was giving Joan, she had almost forgotten it!

  Bryan escorted her to the chapel and put her in the room opposite the one his mother stood in. He took the ring to tie it to the pillow that Aaron would carry. The chapel was already full of family and friends. Signaling the organist he walked to his place. At the music both doors opened to the rooms on either side of the altar. The minister stood there waiting for the brides. Joan came out of the left side one and Grace was on the right. Looking straight into each others eyes they met in the middle. Aaron stepped up to where they stood facing each other, holding the rings on a velvet pillow. He had done this for his uncle Adam earlier this year and knew what to do. Craig, Adam, and Bryan stood across the main aisle. The chapel was small and the aisle not so wide. They were an impressive wall of men.

  Joan was thrilled to see Grace walking towards her from her room. She looked beautiful. She had chosen a
lacy cream colored gown of layers that flowed about her making her look angelic. It reminded Joan of something she had seen once on an old movie about a harem girl but it didn’t have that sleaziness. Joan wondered though if she had removed all those flowing lacy scarves what she would find underneath. The scarves crossed in front in a deep V. They covered her shoulders and V’d down over them to her elbows and a little below. It flowed halfway down her calves and her long legs looked incredible. Joan caught a flash of blue on her ankle. She’d worn all the jewelry! Her elfin grin was fixed on her face and threatening to explode into a toothy smile. She finally stopped fighting it and smiled beautifully at Joan. She looked into Joan’s admiring eyes as she came up and she met her in the middle.

  Grace was sure her heart would cause an attack before the wedding had even started. When she heard the music start it was their signal to go out there and meet. When she caught her first sight of Joan she was sure her heart stopped for a moment. Joan had chosen to wear her hair loose. Not since she had first met Joan had she seen it loose. It was gorgeous flowing down over her back, her butt, below to her thighs. It’s color sparkled in the sun pouring through the colored leaded glass of the chapel. Joan had chosen to wear a silk off white gown that made her appear taller than she was. It was a simple cut but so elegant and sophisticated. As Joan walked towards Grace it was sexy beyond measure. It crossed in front over her breasts and made her waist look incredibly tiny. Her broad shoulders carried it very well without padding. It came to mid calf and her heels made her even taller.

  The two of them complimented each other admirably. No one realized that they hadn’t coordinated their finery. They matched beautifully. Joan with her red brown hair loose. Grace with her blonde good looks. Many people that they had invited caught their breath as the two met in the middle.

  The minister asked that they hold hands as he began the ceremony. Grace mouthed the words “your hair” letting Joan how much she liked it. Joan mouthed back “your jewelry.” Her eyes took in the earrings, the pendant. Her fingers could feel the ring. She didn’t want to lose eye contact with Grace so she could see the bracelet or the anklet. Grace drank in the details of how Joan looked at this moment and their photographer captured it all on film. The minister asked who giveth this woman meaning Joan and the guys answered in unison “we do.” Joan broke eye contact to look at her son’s in amusement. They didn’t sit down. The minister asked who giveth this woman meaning Grace and the guys again answered in unison “we do.” Tears sprang to both woman’s eyes. Joan looked again at her son’s in gratitude and they sat down smiling cheekily. She glanced down at the ring bearer and met the eyes of her grandson. He smiled and exchanged a wink with her. He’d been working on that wink for awhile now ever since Grace had taught him it.

  The ceremony continued and it came time to exchange the rings. The minister leaned over to bless the rings that Aaron held up. He untied the ties that bound the rings to the pillow. The minister had Grace take her ring first to place it on Joan’s hand. Removing her engagement ring so Grace could slide the wedding band on closer to her heart Joan smiled as Grace repeated after the minister “I Grace Monroe take thee Joan Woods as my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness, and in health, until death parts us. This ring is a symbol of that eternal bond, never ending.” She pushed the ring onto her finger. Joan pushed her engagement ring in behind it. Then it was Joan’s turn. Grace removed her engagement ring and Joan took the wedding band from the proffered velvet pillow. Looking down again at her grandson they exchanged a smile as Aaron said “here you go Grandma.” People laughed around the chapel as his clear voice rang out. No one had had trouble hearing him or Grace in the small chapel. The minister said “Repeat after me” and Joan did “I Joan Woods take thee Grace Monroe as my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness, and in health, until death parts us. This ring is a symbol of that eternal bond, never ending.” She didn’t push it on Grace’s finger though. Grace had listened to Joans vows looking down at the ring. Joan waited a moment and Grace looked up as Joan continued “in the olden days a ring was given that had meaning. This ring that I give you spells out in stones what you mean to me. The first stone is a diamond, the second an emerald, the third an amethyst, the fourth a ruby, the fifth another emerald, the sixth a sapphire, and finally the seventh, a topaz. If you take the first letter of each of those stones you will find it spells DEAREST.” With that Joan pulled Graces hand to her heart and said “because that is what you are to me, my dearest love.” Then she carefully pushed the ring on Graces finger. Dumbstruck Grace stood there looking at the ring. Finally, remembering her part she put her engagement ring back on her finger. It fit perfectly with her wedding band which had a notch in it that allowed the flowing hands to hold the sapphire and nest it into the second ring.

  The minister as well as the assembled congregation were all touched by Joan’s speech to Grace. Joan’s eyes had never left Graces as she told her the meaning of her ring. Tears sprang to Graces eyes and she tried desperately to stop them with the silk handkerchief that Bryan had ‘lent’ her. No one assembled had heard of the kind of ring that Joan had given Grace. The minister after a lengthy pause continued the service and pronounced them partners for life. “Ladies and Gentleman, I give you two committed and admirable woman. Mrs. Joan Woods and Mrs. Grace Monroe. Ladies you may kiss your bride.” Both of them looked startled to be addressed as ‘Mrs’ but then exchanged a grin as he continued. For the first time everyone saw them exchange a kiss. Many felt squeamish about it but after all they were at a lesbian wedding, what could one expect. Joan and Grace turned to the assembled congregation and the boys started to clap and cheer. Everyone took the opportunity to come forward and wish them well.

  The guys each gave their mother a hearty hug and kiss. They took turns to do the same to Grace. Jane and Gwen hugged Grace and then Joan. They were both tearful over the ceremony. Joanne and several others told Joan how beautiful the meaning of the ring was. Many were truly touched by it. The photographer was catching it all for them. He took formal pictures of the two brides. The two brides with the minister. The two brides with the ring bearer. The two brides with the three men who had given them away to each other standing tall behind the brides. The two brides, the men and their spouses, a family. He took single pictures of each of the brides as well. Finally, he was done posing them and they could all go to the reception.

  Joan and Grace didn’t really get a chance to talk until that evening. The reception was small and fun. They danced with each other, with each of the guys, with their guests. Joan didn’t sit down for hours. The food was fabulous, the conversations with the guests were exciting. Everyone had a good time. Finally at about five the guests started departing. Joan and Grace retired to Joan’s suite together. Grace’s things had been brought up by the hotel staff during the wedding and waited for her there.

  Joan helped Grace carefully remove her dress and then Grace did the same for Joan. It was harder with all that hair but they managed. Grace was amazed at it and couldn’t stop playing with it. They both changed into their robes and sat down with a sigh. It had been an eventful day and it was only 6 PM! They discussed the wedding itself in detail, their feelings about it, their impressions. They shared stories from the reception.

  It was after 9 when Grace mentioned the ring and how beautiful Joan’s explanation had been. Grace had been so touched she was still in awe of it. How incredible it all was. She stared at it forever feeling touched right down inside her heart. She felt slightly guilty as the band she had given Joan had been very simple. Joan assured her she loved it. She told her she didn’t wear rings often because of the size of her hands and she was honored to wear these. With love in their eyes, in their hearts, in their bodies they exchanged kisses. It didn’t stop at one and they consummated their wedding in that suite on that bed in Hawaii.

  ~ CHAPTER 33 ~

  Waking up the next morning Grace lay there awhile thinking. I’m MARRIED! Did s
he feel any different? She’d never been married before so she wasn’t certain. She’d had offers back in college. Two of them. Even then she was pretty certain she was gay and was very glad she had refused them. Turning she looked at her bride of not even a full day. Joan was sprawled out on her side of the bed. Her long hair wrapped and tangled about her. She’d pay for that later Grace knew. Allan had commented on it saying they should get some new photos done of Joan with her like this. He wasn’t one to miss a thing. She looked down at her hand and examined her rings. How Joan had come up with them she didn’t know but she was thrilled that she was the recipient of them. This artist had expressed her love in a truly wonderful way, pieces of jewelry that were art. She could feel the love right down inside her heart. It choked her up somedays it was so intense and after their engagement it had only gotten worse. Now after the story of the ring yesterday she didn’t know what she would do with herself. She could feel her throat choking up already. Swallowing she thought of other things.

  She thought about waking Joan and making love to her but knew that she needed all the sleep she could get. The tour had been difficult on both of them. Joan looked too thin, too pale, and too tired. The tan she had gotten from the tanning bed had given her some color but not enough. She’d doze off in a car at the drop of a hat. She would forget to eat if something caught her interest. Grace intended to take care of her now that she would be home for awhile. She knew though that eventually there would be other exhibits and things that would stress out Joan.

  She was contemplating what they would do today the first day of their honeymoon when Joan woke up. She simply opened her eyes. She had caught Grace looking at her like this frequently and sometimes it unnerved her. Instead, this time she smiled and said “good morning” in that throaty morning voice.


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