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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

Page 28

by K'Anne Meinel

  Returning the smile and answering Grace asked her if she’d like some breakfast and what she would like to do today. She leaned down for a good morning kiss.

  Joan said yes to breakfast and that she wanted to go sight seeing today. She’d already arranged for a car for them. Grace leaned over and picked up the phone ordering breakfast for two. Joan tried to get up but her long hair simply wouldn’t let her. She rocked back and forth and finally scrunched down trying to get up but she was trapped. Grace started laughing into the phone seeing her predicament and helped one handed the best she could. Joan finally arose and padded to the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth when Grace came in wrapping her robe about her. Grace offered to help brush out Joan’s hair and she gratefully accepted. If you did it in sections it wasn’t so bad. Joan had a lot of conditioner in it and the snarls weren’t too bad. The problem was that it was simply too thick and too long. Snarls often hid and pulled those tiny hairs at the back of her neck, annoying the hell out of her. They had just finished braiding one thick rope down her back when room service came and Grace went to answer it.

  Joan came out of the bedroom belting on her robe as Grace was looking at the dishes. The bellboy had set the cart next to a table near the patio doors so they could look out and enjoy the beautiful day. Chatting, they put away most of the meal. Grace was pleased to see Joan eating as much as she, she wondered if Joan was even aware of it as they chatted.

  Leaving the hotel Joan leaned over to a parking attendant and spoke with him for a few minutes. He nodded and ran off. Grace looked at her wondering but Joan didn’t say a word as they waited for a car to be brought around. People came and went as they stood there. A red Ferrari pulled up as they stood there and Grace stood there bemused looking at it until the attendant stood in front of her to hand her the keys. She looked at him shocked until she saw Joan standing there laughing at her. “For me?” she asked and the attendant nodded smiling. Joan thanked him with a handshake handing him his tip as Grace got behind the wheel. Sliding into her own seat Joan remarked, “buckle up!”

  Grace couldn’t believe she was driving a Ferrari and in Hawaii of all places. It was fast, it was sleek, it was incredible! How exciting. People stopped to stare at them as they passed and when she got out on the open road she had a hard time keeping it under the speed limit. They drove for awhile and were talking when Grace noticed Joan had become quiet. She looked over and she was asleep. Shaking her head at her Grace mused about it. Here they were in one of the most beautiful spots in the world and she falls asleep. Grace drove for awhile and finally stopped at a roadside restaurant on top of a hill with an awesome view. The sound of the tires getting off the road and crunching on the driveway woke Joan. She looked around sleepily. “Something wrong?”

  “No, I thought we’d stop for lunch.”

  Joan looked at her gold watch surprised to find it was indeed after noon and was further surprised at the passage of time. They got out and went into the shack styled restaurant. Looking out over the ocean they ordered drinks until their seafood meals arrive. Joan was drinking orange juice and Grace was drinking club soda. Grace left to use the bathroom when a waiter came over.

  “Ma’am” Joan looked up started as she’d been lost in daydreams. “The gentlemen at the bar would like to buy you and your friend a round of drinks.” Joan looked over at the bar and saw two good looking men that had to be in their forties looking at her earnestly. She smiled and told the waiter, “no thank you.”

  She was looking out at the ocean again, you could hear the waves crashing far below when a shadow fell across the table. She looked up, shading her eyes at the glare of the sun. It was one of the men from the bar. Raising an eyebrow she asked “can I help you?”

  “I was wondering why you refused our drinks?” he asked with a kind grin. He was even cuter up close she thought.

  “Well to tell you the truth I’m on my honeymoon. We’re driving around and I’d hate to get drunk and drive.” She smiled back at him still shading her face.

  “Your honeymoon? Wow, that must be exciting.” He had an off center kind of grin. He turned it on her. He must really be something when he turns his charm on the ladies she thought.

  “It is” she agreed.

  “Well, I don’t see a husband anywhere,” he looked around for effect “just you and your friend.” She could tell he thought she was lying or making excuses.

  Just then Grace walked up. A curious look on her face. Joan smiled and said “here she is.” Grace sat down, a frown of puzzlement on her face.

  The man looked at them for a moment. He didn’t get it and Joan hadn’t volunteered much. “So, are you interested in sharing a drink with me and my friend?” He directed the question to Grace.

  Joan looked at her with a straight face. Grace could see a twinkle though in her eye. She looked at the man and said very nicely “No, but thank you for asking.”

  He didn’t know what to think or to do. His friend came over as he stood there. “So, are we all going to have drinks?” He asked heartily. He threw a charming smile at both the ladies.

  “I was trying to explain to your friend here that we weren’t interested. I thank you both for the offer. We’re on our honeymoon and driving around the island sightseeing. We wouldn’t like to drink and drive now would we?” Joan asked patiently.

  “I don’t see your husband around” the first one said again. He still thought she was giving them the brush off.

  “Let me introduce you to my wife” Grace interjected.

  At the word wife the second guy had a look of dawning comprehension on his face and held up his hand “don’t bother. I’m sorry we interrupted your lunch.” Pulling his friend along they left them as the waiter came up with “What was that about?’ Grace asked her.

  “Pretty much what you saw. Nothing more” Joan smiled at her. She felt so good. She was with the woman she loved, she was on her honeymoon, she didn’t have to worry any more about that damn tour. She could relax for the first time in months.

  The seafood platter that they ordered had a variety of different choices on it. They tried many different tastes and the calamari alone kept them busy for awhile. It was very chewy and seemed to grow in their mouth despite small bites. Watching off into the distant ocean they decided that one of the days they would take a boat tour.

  After their lunch they headed back to the Ferrari. All through their lunch the men had watched them. Both Joan and Grace had been aware of it and ignored them. Grace drove them out of there and down the hill back towards their hotel.

  They spent the afternoon on the beach walking along. Occasionally they would run into the beautiful water. It was so warm. It reminded them both of Fiji. They ran into Joanne and her partner as well as Adam and Gwen. Keeping the conversations short so everyone could enjoy their vacation. Joan had made it clear, once the wedding was over the guests would go their own way.

  That night they spent quietly in their room. Joan fell asleep on the couch and Grace read for awhile. Finally she woke Joan and helped her to bed. A fine honeymoon when my bride is sleeping all the time thought Grace with a laugh.

  For three days they explored Honolulu. They took a helicopter ride around the island. A second ride took them to the volcano on one of the other islands which was just awesome. Joan couldn’t seem to catch up on her sleep. She was always dozing off it seemed. Grace wondered if she should worry or not.

  Joan and Grace took a ferry to some of the other islands and walked and rode around them too. They looked at the vast sugar and pineapple plantations. Amazing how lush everything was. They took picnics in the national parks. Joan fell asleep one afternoon under the trees. She awoke to find Grace quickly gathering their picnic items as a rain storm swept down on them.

  One night they went to a club. They danced until 2 am. Joan was really dragging after that. She tried not to show it but she was simply exhausted. She spent the next day sitting on the beach pretending to read a magazine and get some sun as she d
ozed. She convinced Grace to go shopping with Jane and Gwen. The boys had fishing to do. She awoke hours later to find a pretty rotten sunburn had gotten a hold of her. Her legs, her torso, her arms. Her face had been shielded by her hat. Annoyed she went and saw the hotel doctor and he gave her a cream. She was laying on the center of the bed trying not to move and smear the cream when Grace came in. She still had her swim suit on for modesty.

  Grace, Gwen, and Jane were discussing their purchases. Jennifer was trying to get Jane’s attention. Finally, wandering away she came into the bedroom. Seeing Joan laying there so quietly she thought she had died. She screamed “GRANDMA!” The three woman came running and Joan moved, groaning loudly as she did so. Grace came immediately to the bedside “what happened to you?’

  Joan groaned out “sunburn” and tried to rise. It was too painful and she laid back. Trying to hide her laughter the woman snorted. “Oh you poor baby. Can I help?” She looked up helplessly at Gwen and Jane who pulled Jennifer out of the room.

  “Sleeping pill” Joans answer was short and to the point.

  Grace got her a cup from the bathroom and the two pills necessary. In no time at all Joan was asleep. Grace wasn’t sure that Joan had really needed the pills but at least she wouldn’t be feeling the pain. She was pretty red.

  Gwen and Jane were in the living room of the suite when she closed the door behind her. Asking after Joan they joined in her laughter over Joan’s plight. It really wasn’t funny but it was their honeymoon and she was as red as a lobster. The girls left and Grace settled in for a night alone.

  Joan was better the next day. A good nights sleep from the pills and the cream had done wonders. She was a bit stiff but could at least get around. They decided to go snorkeling. The salt water on her burns wasn’t pleasant but she was determined to no longer be such a party pooper the remainder of the trip. In her opinion which she didn’t share with Grace, the honeymoon had sucked.

  After a couple of days the sunburn and it’s pain faded leaving a darker and healthier tan. They decided to go parasailing. It was incredible rising up above the boat on the parachute. You could see forever. Grace wasn’t as enthused about that activity. Joan had to go first and after exclaiming over it and bragging about it Grace reluctantly did it. She was glad she did too. The scenery was breathtaking and you could see for miles.

  Good news came midway through their second week. The auction for “Aphrodisiac” had generated world wide attention. The final bid which had been paid promptly came in from Japan for over $300,000. This made headlines in the art community. Joan remembered the gentleman because he had come to their exhibit and fallen in love with the painting. He’d been very persistant to have them sell it to him. They’d explained over and over again about the auction but he didn’t wish to wait. Joan was glad that he had purchased it as he’d seemed very anxious to acquire it. She didn’t know what his plans were to do with it but she wished him well. She briefly wondered if it affected him like it had others. She quickly squashed that thought, not really wanting to know.

  One night before the boys went home they all had dinner together overlooking the terrific beaches. The talk between Joan, Craig, and Bryan was mostly about the foundation. This year had been particularly busy. For the second year in a row they had endowed Wausau Central. The endowment had been pretty hefty and the hospital wanted to give Joan an award but she had refused. Between her schedule and everything it just wasn’t feasible. To her a letter of thank you would have been enough. With Grace working there she didn’t want the people in the know to know of her relationship, she didn’t want it to affect Graces position. Breaking up their serious conversation on so beautiful a night, Craig announced that he and Jane were pregnant again and would have a beautiful baby late next spring. Toasts were drunk and jokes were made. Everyone was happy for them. Adam and Gwen waited until it died down to announce that they too were pregnant and expecting. Apparently Gwen had gotten pregnant on their honeymoon! Everyone was excited for them. A new round of toasts were drunk. It was a perfect ending to a perfect evening. Everyone except for the newleywed’s would be leaving the following day.

  All too soon Grace and Joan’s last night came. They walked on the beach as the sun set. They kissed in the shadows of the palm trees as the ocean lapped at the shore. Taking off her sandals Grace talked Joan into walking in the water. Feeling mischievous Joan started a water fight that ended with both of them soaked. Their hair hung in tendrils, their shirts clung to their bodies. They were both wearing sari’s and these became almost impossible to walk in. Laughing hysterically at their condition they had to sit for awhile on the beach to catch their breath and hope some of it would dry. Luckily as they finally made their way back to the hotel they caught up some towels from the pool and covered up as best they could. They were snickering through the lobby, onto the elevator which fortunately didn’t have any other passengers and up to their suite. They burst into genuine laughter when they got back to the suite. Here they had looked so nice when they started out and now they looked like drowned rats. Taking off the towels they exchanged a look as the laughter wound down. Their blouses clung to their bodies along with the sari. It was incredibly erotic and they were both affected. They ended up making love right there in the living room as they peeled each others clothes off of their bodies. A pleasant memory of their last night in Hawaii.

  They had to rush to catch their plane the next morning. The Ferrari was returned, their bags were packed. The hotel shuttle took them to the airport. Joan spent most of the flight to LA sleeping. Grace watched a very boring moving and drank more than she should have. In LA they changed planes to Chicago. They had to run to catch the flight and wouldn’t you know it, it was in another terminal. Their plane from Hawaii had encountered headwinds and been late in it’s landing. The flight from Chicago was turbulent due to storms in the Rockies and on the plains. Joan tried again to sleep. The alcohol that Grace consumed didn’t agree with a bouncing plane. She felt miserable. It was a long flight. The one from Chicago to Central Wisconsin was short and for that they were both grateful. Craig picked them up with his minivan and as they walked up to the vehicle Grace threw up. She’d fought it all through the Midwest on the planes but she just couldn’t hold it anymore. When Craig asked them in the car how the honeymoon was they both started laughing, remembering their last night. He didn’t ask anymore questions about it, preferring not to know.

  They both agreed it hadn’t been their best vacation but it had it’s moments. The wedding and the reception was the best part but the last night was the funniest.

  ~ CHAPTER 34 ~

  Grace went back to work. She was so happy. The chaos of the plans was over. Joan was home! She couldn’t remember feeling this good in a long time. Many people congratulated her. Everyone had understood that with the wedding in Hawaii that not everyone would be invited. Grace and Joan planned to give a party in two weeks to invite everyone who couldn’t come to Hawaii. It was a pretty busy morning and it was almost 2 before she had a chance to sit down for a sandwich in the cafeteria. She was reading some charts when she heard “may I sit down?”

  Looking up she saw it was Beth. Smiling pleasantly at her she said “by all means.”

  She and Beth’s friendship had cooled since the movies. Grace had decided to pretend it hadn’t happened but Beth couldn’t forget it. After she had left Grace she had convinced herself that Grace was secretly interested in her and just playing a game. She started following Grace around the hospital. At first Grace didn’t notice but when she did she found she couldn’t ignore it anymore. Everywhere she turned there was Beth. It couldn’t be sheer coincidence. Beth was what they termed a ‘floater’ nurse and had the run of the hospital but it was happening too much that Grace would run into her. Beth always had something to say to her too. It wasn’t just a matter of saying hello but she wanted a conversation each and every time Grace noticed her. Grace found herself avoiding her even. It got to the point where Grace decided to mention it
to Beth’s supervisor. The supervisor couldn’t release details but she implied that Beth was becoming difficult to work with and disappeared frequently. Her job got done which was the bottom line but no one could find her half the time. Grace finally requested to the ER attending that Beth NOT work with her when she saw patients. This created a ripple affect and people began asking why.

  Grace finally brought things to the attention of her superior. Greg was a nice guy. He really respected Grace and her abilities as a physician. He had been very happy to steal her away from LA Medical. He had been very surprised to find that she was gay. Such a waste he had thought at first, but then he had met Joan and thought how much they complimented each other. He enjoyed socializing with them. He listened to her complaint. She tried to be very fair about things but there was just so much she could excuse. He took another meeting with Grace and with Beth’s supervisor. There just wasn’t enough tangible evidence about Beth. The supervisor promised to try and keep a tighter watch on Beth but since she floated that was difficult to do. They asked though that Grace begin documenting these incidences. Grace found this to be a hassle but she understood, everything must be documented.

  Beth was thrilled to see Grace sitting in the cafeteria. Normally she tried to see her somewhere in the hospital a couple times a day but it had been weeks since she had seen her. She heard that she had taken a vacation to Hawaii. There was a nasty rumor going around the hospital that Grace had married her lesbian partner but she knew that couldn’t be true. Going over to the table she asked to sit down.

  “Well I haven’t seen you in awhile?” she began joyfully. Her eyes sparkled with her infatuation.

  “I’ve been on a trip.” Grace tried not to divulge too much information about her private life at the hospital. She also didn’t want Beth to know anything more about her.


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