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Panther Protection

Page 2

by Gracie Meadows

  Chapter Two

  Millie smoothed out her dress once again and sat down after the nice secretary told her where to wait. It seemed that Mr. Mayweather was going to be running a tad late. She had the urge to tell Gage she was going to be later than normal, but two things stood in her way: one, she didn’t have his cell phone number and two, she wanted to do this on her own. If he wanted to be a pain in the ass and wait, then so be it. But the guilt started to eat at her. Gage may be the quiet one, but he did have something to say. He might not talk to her, but she was bound to get him to speak more. She wanted to be the one to break that pattern of silence. However, when it came to Axel, she wanted to hit him over the head with a damn meat mallet. He always found a way to poke at her and make her see red. Granted, she admitted she did care for him at first, especially when she was injured by the bastard and the bitch. Trying to keep calm as the thoughts started to flash back to her. She looked up when her name was called. Plastering a sweet smile on her face, she knew how to act the sweet thing part, and yet, she could be a ruthless bitch if needed, especially when it came to her friends.

  Once inside the office she was taken aback by the environment. She had expected a stark white office with cold steel and very impersonal. Instead, she found a soft green with various pictures hanging on the walls. Tall trees in the corner created a feel of a forest, bringing the focal point to the wooden desk in the middle of the room. It looked amazing and she was tempted to run her hands along the soft wood. She could stand and look around and find various things, but she focused on the task at hand, the interview. She walked to the desk and was met by a large male who seemed to be larger than most. His wide shoulders and lean waist had her staring at him. His long blonde hair was pulled back into a leather tie that seemed to fit his business casual dress. His golden eyes pinned her as he smiled, holding his hand out.

  “Amelia Rose, I presume.”

  “Yes, thank you so much for taking the time to interview me, Mr. Mayweather,” she responded. He motioned to the seat in front of her and she sat down on the soft leather chair. Taking her seat, Millie waited for him to start.


  “Millie please, my…um mother calls me, Amelia,” she half laughed. She couldn’t stand her full name. Yes, it was pretty, but when she was in trouble with her Gran, she would get yelled at by her full name, and now Xandria used it on a regular basis.

  “Millie then…” and from there he asked her various questions about her employment history and if she would be able to handle the stress of the job. She answered him the best she could, but his last question shocked her.

  “So, Millie, I need to know, my last assistant had, well some issues and I am sure you are well aware of them. However, I need to know you are capable of doing this job and not let your personal issues get in the way. I don’t do drama. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir, I understand.”

  “Good, well I have two other people I had interviewed for this position, but you seemed to be the most levelheaded one. When do you think you might be able to start?”

  Millie stared at him dumbfounded. “I got the job?”

  He chuckled and it sounded like a rumble. “Yes, Millie, that is if you want it.”

  “Yes, of course yes. Thank you so much, Mr. Mayweather.”

  “Please call me Travis, and how about we start Monday and start the week off on the right foot.”

  “Yes, thank you so much, Travis, and I will be here bright and early.” Travis went over a few more details. She would be getting a new phone, computer, and so on. She couldn’t be happier. Even though she would rather be doing something more in the talent field, this would allow her to help Becky out when her little bundle comes, plus she would miss the girls. She thanked him again and headed out to see Gage. She was shocked to see him leaning against the truck looking hot as hell. She admitted Travis was hot, but he was too, hell, she couldn’t put her finger on it. But looking at Gage now, his faded jeans, black fitted t-shirt, and sunglasses made him look dangerous and she was always drawn to the bad boys. He smirked at her as she approached.

  “I got it!” she squealed, which shocked her and his grin grew bigger as he opened his arms and she ran into them, unable to hold the excitement anymore. He circled his arms around her lifting her off the ground and spinning her around forcing her to wrap herself around him. The spin stopped and he lowered her down onto the ground. She looked up at him and she felt his breath start to quicken. She felt the connection with him and she knew one day she would succumb to the stupid mating thing, but she couldn’t see it with Axel. Gage, on the other hand, she felt she could be herself with him. She wasn’t able to see his eyes as they were shielded by his sunglasses, but she could almost bet they would be glowing. She had seen this a few time when his panther was near the surface. And when he lowered his head down to her, she waited for him to kiss her but instead, he buried his face into the crook of her neck, breathing her in before he started to purr. Purr, was he really purring right now. She couldn’t help but giggle as he rubbed his cheek along her throat. The simple action reminded her of a cat she once had as a little girl.

  “Umm, Gage...” her voice haltered as he licked the side of her neck right below her ear. Her blood stirred and she felt her body start to respond to him as he nipped and licked her once again. Unable to stop herself she moaned at the sensation of his rough tongue leaving a hot flaming trail along her neck.

  Gage couldn’t hold back anymore when Millie ran into his open arms. She didn’t stop but smiled and was truly happy. His panther started to claw at him with the closeness of her. Her sweet honeysuckle smell was calling to him and his panther wanted to do nothing more than to take her and mark her as theirs. He knew she felt a connection with him, but it would be a challenge to get her and Axel in the same room to even talk without someone yelling at each other for one reason or another. He buried his nose into her neck and breathed her in and couldn’t resist the urge to taste her. The sweet call of her sexual arousal called to him. The first taste of her and he knew the spark and desire that both of them felt at the moment. Her sweet meowing pulled at him and his cock stirred in his pants, making his loose fit jeans very uncomfortable.

  Lifting his head, he knew she couldn’t see his eyes, but he already knew they were glowing a golden color. She was almost panting when he lowered his head once again, this time it was to taste her sweet lips. Gentle at first, he moved his lips tenderly over her soft plump lips. He applied a little more pressure directly on her pouty lips and was rewarded when she moaned and gripped his hair, pulling him closer to her as she stood on her tiptoes. Opening his mouth slightly, he ran his tongue along the seam of her mouth and she opened, and like a moth to a flame, he found himself lost in her taste. The mint she ate earlier was evident still in her breath. She tangled her tongue with his and soon they were all hands and tongue as they exploded with desire that seemed to unfurl and explode suddenly in the parking lot of Mayweather Corp. He wanted so much to pull her into the cab of his truck and taste her sweet nectar that he could smell as it filled the air around them at that moment, but he knew cameras would be able to see, and he didn’t want his mate to be caught in the throes of passion by anyone other than Axel. Yes, he wanted to bury himself deep inside her, but he wouldn’t risk her.

  Slowing the kiss down, he placed a sweet soft one on her lips and looked down at the small little creature the Gods had given him. He was one lucky bastard. Her eyes were closed, skin a slight pink, and her lips swollen from their kiss just seconds ago. She was a true vision, and if anything, he couldn’t wait to watch her come apart in his arms. Smiling down at her, he watched as she became aware that he was looking at her. The blush on her skin grew even brighter and she cleared her throat.

  “Umm…well, that was, um…can we go home now?” she asked him as she walked around him trying to get into the cab of the truck. He knew she wouldn’t be able to climb inside by herself, so once she was turned, he picked her up
and placed her inside. She nodded and buckled as he shut the door heading to the other side to drive. The drive home was done in silence, except for the radio that seemed to be playing something he didn’t know. He was a little upset that she didn’t say anything about their kiss, but then again, he didn’t either. As they pulled in he saw Axel outside working on something with a table saw.


  Axel looked up and saw Gage and Millie pull into the drive. Gage was smirking, and Millie was just looking at him in shock. She jumped out of the truck, which seemed to have shocked Gage some and stomped toward him. He really did want to try to be civil with her, and he admitted he was attracted to her—a lot, but she acted like a brat sometimes and treated people like crap. Whatever she said went and people were happy to go along with it. It pissed him off royally, but he bit his tongue. He tried to be nice and ask her how her job interview went, but was cut off by her waving at the wood and tool, then at him.

  “What the hell, Axel? What are you doing? This was my Gran’s house, my house.”

  “I’m not doing anything to it that didn’t need to be done. Those porch steps need replaced, and hell, a few things need fixed. I figured since I am here for right now until the Alpha wolf man decides what to do next, I might as well make myself busy.”

  “I don’t need your help. I can hire someone to do that.”

  “Really, princess, do tell me with what money?”

  “I have you know that I got the job, and I can call in some favors or something. I can make it work. I don’t need you.”

  “Look, you really need to work with me here. I am trying to play nice, I admit this mating sucks, especially since I seemed to be stuck with a spoiled selfish princess, but I am willing to work it out. But you can’t go around halfcocked and yell at me for trying to help. Now get inside before you hurt yourself on all these tools.” And with that he watched as she paled and he swore he saw the look of hurt cross her face before she rushed in the house. He was an ass, but it needed to be said. She couldn’t live in this bubble she created and face the world around her, but he could still remember her beaten and bruised body when they rescued her just a few weeks ago. He could hear her at night crying out if she slept at all. He didn’t know what to do to help. He wanted to go and help her, but she was always disgusted with him and he spoke first and then thought.

  “You need to play nice, man.” Gage came up behind him as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Dude, I try, then shit, she starts yelling and all I want to do is shut her up, or put her over me knee for acting like a brat. Will you go see if she is okay? I want to finish this last step and then I will head inside and start dinner. The gang invited us over tomorrow for a BBQ. So I figured we could do chili tonight.”

  Gage nodded and then headed inside as he finished cutting the last piece of wood for the bottom step. He needed to talk with Dmitri and Nik and see what they do with a mate, because right now he had no clue what the hell to do. As he carried the wood over to the step he nailed it down and he was done. Smiling at his handy work, he put the saw and wood away and headed inside.

  Chapter Three

  Axel was on edge and thought a good run and sparring with Nik and Dmitri the next morning would help cure some of his frustration. It also gave Millie a chance to talk with Becky, their other friend was working. They were all supposed to have a BBQ again this evening and he was generally excited to be around people, and wanted to run ideas by the head Alpha, Becky’s father, before he and Gage opened a shop, or left. Hell, he hated waiting. As a panther, it was like being caged. Granted he didn’t mind lying in wait for his prey, but sitting down was not his thing. As he ran, Gage stayed at the house to make sure someone was with the woman at all times. He loved feeling the wind blowing in his fur as his paws barely hit the ground as he bounced off rock and fallen tree trunks. It didn’t take long until they reached the back yard again. The twins went inside to change, where he didn’t have an issue with nudity, he dressed outside, but if was to be honest, he just didn’t want to see Millie right now.

  She was quiet this morning and didn’t look at him at all. He knew she had another hard night, but was keeping it to herself. She was stronger than people gave her credit for. Even at last night’s dinner, she didn’t say anything, just thanked him and took her food to her room. He and Gage sat and watched some cage fighting on TV. He would have probably changed it if she wanted to watch something with them, but whatever happened yesterday seemed to throw her in a bubble. He needed the damn thing to pop so they could figure the shit out. She started work on Monday, and today was Friday. Not much time to figure out what the hell to do before she becomes a personal assistant to some big shot. His panther growled at the thought of her around another male.

  His was stopped short when Dmitri and Nik came to the yard after he dressed and handed him a water bottle. “Here ya go, man.”

  “Thanks, and thanks for letting me run today. I was feeling a little cooped up.”

  Dmitri laughed, “Yeah, we know that feeling. One of us have been home with Becky since we got back, and now with the babies, she is either crying, throwing up, or blowing up the microwave.” Nik must have caught his surprised expression because soon both of them were laughing.

  “Well it was only one microwave, and she was mad because the popcorn wasn’t popping fast enough for her and the little pups. But enough about us, how are you guys doing? I heard that your mates with Millie, should I say congratulations or I’m sorry?”

  “Neither, I guess. Shit, I don’t know what to do. Sometime she acts like a pampered princess, and gets under my skin, but then she has these soft moments that I like about her. She hates me, and I can never say the right thing with her.”

  “Well, we haven’t known her as long, but she has always been outspoken and it’s just been her and her Gran, and when she passed away, according to Becky, she put up a shell to protect herself. Now with her being taken, I don’t know. Becky was getting worried because Millie is not sleeping, and even though she could try to help, with her being pregnant and just finding out that she is only going to be pregnant for six months has her freaked out some. I wouldn’t ask her for anything. Maybe you could talk to Lilly, she is still at the Alpha’s house.”

  “Yikes, sorry about that, but as soon as the pups are born, she should be back to normal, but I will talk to Lilly tonight.”

  Both men nodded and they all talked some more about possibly setting up a shop in the town to give the women some more time to talk.


  Millie couldn’t believe Becky already had a baby bump, granted it was still small but she couldn’t get over how amazing it was that her best friend was going to be having a baby, well no, she was going to have twins. The beacons of hope and love according to her fairy mother. But she was just excited to be an auntie to them.

  “So how are you doing really?” Becky had asked her. Gage was downstairs keeping guard, but really he was playing some type of Mario game on the Wii while the other men talked outside from their run.

  “I’m good, really, just a little tired.” Becky laughed at her.

  “Tired, hell. Millie, I know you better than that. You look like shit. You haven't been sleeping, have you?”

  “Gee thanks, you know how to make a girl feel all nice and fuzzy. But to answer your question, no, I haven't. I have tried. Can you do anything?”

  “About you sleeping? Oh, Millie, I wish I could, but all I can do is go into dreams, I can't change what you see. I know what you dream about, and hell, I wish I could take it all away, but I can’t. I can't make you feel safe. Have you talked to your mates about this?” she countered.

  “Mates, if you mean Gage and Asshole, I mean Axel. No, they are only concerned with themselves. I admit I did kiss Gage yesterday,” as she admitted it to Becky, she felt a blush creep across her skin.

  “Well, I take it that it was a nice kiss.”

  “Hell, Becky, it was like Fourth of July and New Ye
ar's fireworks all rolled into one.”

  Becky was laughing. “You think a kiss is good, trying having sex.”

  “Becky, you're married, or will be in a few weeks.”

  “Mated, and soon married, doesn’t mean I’m dead and my sex life isn’t rocking. Seriously, making love with your mates is like nothing else.”

  “Well the sex won’t happen, ever. I can see Gage possibly, but with Axel, I don’t know what he has against me. Maybe it’s because I’m a stupid fairy, or because I’m broken.” Millie tried to stop the tear she felt leak out of her eyes. She hated crying, but it hurt her to know she was so weak that she let someone do that to her, and that Axel was probably disgusted by it. But hell, before they came into the picture, she admitted she had sex, she had sex more than her friends, though she was still wondering about Cece, she never mentioned anything about men, and she often joke that Cece was batting for the other team. Cece would laugh and tell her she was acting like a girl from high school.

  “Oh, Millie, come on, it’s not that, and you’re not broken. I promise, you are perfect, beautiful, and talented. You always seem to have people wrapped around your fingers and now you don’t, and it’s hard to cope. Just try to talk to them, like talk and listen. It can’t be easy for them either, they have mating urges too, and hell, they gave up their life to stay here to watch and protect you. I heard they had an amazing shop, and now they have a cousin or someone running it. They must be going stir crazy not working.”

  “I wouldn’t say they weren’t not working, Axel has been fixing things around the house and yesterday he fixed the porch steps, but shit, Becky, it's my Gran’s house and I should do all of it.”

  “Really, you with a hammer, that's something I would pay money to see. Why not let them fix it up. Hell, it may be the thing to bring you together. Why not give them a list, because aren’t you working soon? They can’t sit at home doing nothing. Give them small things that need fixed. Let’s face it, Millie, the house has seen better days and could use some TLC.”


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