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Deadly Obsession

Page 6

by Duncan, Mary

  Nick had been exceptionally helpful to Carmen and her parents; he mowed their grass on a regular basis and helped her father make a few other long needed repairs around the house. The Haines’s were thankful for his friendship and the kindness he’d shown them.

  “Help mom! Come quick, please!” Carmen screamed from her bedroom.

  Eva Haines hurried to her rescue without hesitation.

  “What’s wrong Carmen? What is it?”

  “I’m bleeding; I need to get to the hospital right away, something’s wrong with the baby.”

  On the bed where Carmen was lying, Eva could see a vast amount of blood, immediately alarming her, causing her to scream for her husband.

  “What’s going on?” Dave asked nervously.

  “Get the car and pull it out front, we need to get her to the hospital, she’s bleeding.” Eva explained.

  Dave Haines grabbed his keys and scurried out the door. Nick had been helping him do yard work and wondered what the chaos was all about. He quickly ran inside, Eva explained the circumstances to him and asked for his assistance in getting Carmen to the car. They couldn’t afford to waste any time for the baby’s sake.

  Carmen was terrified, with only two weeks remaining in her pregnancy; she could be losing her baby. She had definitely experienced enough loss in her life recently; she couldn’t bear the thought of losing anything else, especially her child, he had to be alright. Dave wheeled his car into the emergency parking in front of the doors and hastily ran inside to get help.

  “We need a wheelchair, my daughter’s in the car, she needs help, she’s pregnant and bleeding, her due date is two weeks away!” Dave shouted.

  The nurses hurriedly located a chair and ran to assist Carmen into the hospital.

  “Who’s your doctor ma’am, your OBGYN?” asked the nurse.

  “Doctor Harrell, will you call him please. I don’t want to see anyone else, he knows my pregnancy, and I’m scared.”

  By now Carmen was shaking uncontrollably, she was frightened of the final outcome they were leading up to. She was exceptionally careful not to do anything physically strenuous throughout her pregnancy but feared her stress level had taken a toll.

  After careful consideration of Carmen’s condition, Doctor Harrell decided it best to perform an emergency C-section as the baby was in distress, causing Carmen to be even more alarmed. She needed Dexter, she couldn’t go through this alone, just having him at her side would make all the difference but unfortunately it wasn’t possible.

  Eva and Dave were shown to the waiting room; they were terribly concerned for their daughter and grandson as they could die during the procedure. Nick had gone to the hospital with the Haines’s and was trying to help them find calmness during their scary ordeal. He excused himself from the waiting room after assuring the couple that he would shortly return. He was in need of the men’s facilities, he told them.

  “I’m here at the hospital with the Haines’s, Carmen’s been taken back for an emergency C-section, something’s wrong with the baby.” Nick told her.

  “Keep me informed. Has she said anything concerning Dexter’s case?” Carol asked.

  “The investigation into Ava Crane’s accident is still on-going. The cops feel there’s some connection between that case and Dexter’s. I need to get back upstairs but I’ll keep you posted.”

  Finally, after two hours of patiently waiting, the doctor came in with an update.

  “Are you the Haines’s?” he asked.

  “Yes sir, how’s Carmen and the baby?” Dave asked.

  “It was touch and go there for a moment but they’re both fine. You can see them once we move Carmen to her room. We’ll let you know, until then relax, everything’s great, congratulations grandma and grandpa.” He said shaking their hands.

  Eva Haines grabbed her husband around the neck, relieved at the news that her daughter and grandson were well. Moments later the nurse showed them to Carmen’s room. On her chest was a beautiful healthy baby boy. Carmen was very thankful that her son was healthy but extremely sad that his father couldn’t be here to welcome him into the world. She couldn’t hold the tears back as they uncontrollably flowed down her face.

  “So what are we calling him mommy?” Eva asked.

  “I’ve decided to name him Zachary David Crane, David after daddy, we’ll call him Zachary.”

  “He’s so beautiful Carmen, can I hold him please?” Eva asked.

  Carmen handed Zachary to his grandma. She could only weep as she realized the overwhelming love she already felt for him, it was amazing. She feared he may never know his father, life seemed so unfair at times, and this was one of those times.

  Back at the cabin, Carol decided to test Dexter’s true feelings.

  “Carmen was rushed to the hospital earlier, the doctors had to perform an emergency C-section and take the baby.” She told him.

  “Is she okay, and the baby, how is he?” Dexter questioned.

  “They’re fine but what do you care? You said you loved me and was moving on with your life. I thought you didn’t want that responsibility, were you lying?”

  “I just wondered how they were, I don’t really care; I was just trying to be polite in asking. You’re the one I care about, I love you Carol.”

  Later that night as Carol appeared to be sleeping, Dexter slipped out of bed, taking Carol’s cell phone with him.

  “Can you connect me to Carmen Haines’s room please?” Dexter asked the hospital operator.

  There was silence for a moment.

  “Hello?” Carmen answered.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s you, I’ve missed you so much, how are you?”

  “Dexter, is that really you, where are you, are you okay?”

  “I don’t really know where I am, I haven’t been able to go outside the cabin since I’ve been here. Carol brought me here in the trunk. I tried to escape once but it didn’t work out well.”

  “It’s so good to hear the sound of your voice. I thought you were dead, what can I do to help you?” Carmen asked.

  “What do you think you’re doing, who is that? Give me my phone right now.” Carol demanded angrily.

  Dexter whirled around and by the look on Carol’s face, she was extremely angry with him. He knew the outcome of their altercation couldn’t end well for him.

  “I was trying to get the number for the flower shop, I want to send you some roses but I didn’t get it, do you know it by chance?” Dexter lied.

  “Why are you lying to me Dexter, you were talking to her wasn’t you?”

  “No, I told you what I was doing, why can’t you believe me?”

  Carol opened her cell phone and pulled up her directory, redialing the last number called.

  “Floyd Medical Center, can I help you please?” the voice said.

  Carol turned to Dexter.

  “Do you think I’m stupid Dexter? You just had to do it didn’t you; I thought you were over her, I should have known better.”

  She didn’t think twice before hitting Dexter with the stick. She pulled it back as far as she could and let him have it in the left knee. She hit him so hard, he almost passed out. There was no doubt in his mind that Carol had shattered his kneecap; the pain was tremendous.

  Meanwhile, Carmen was hysterical concerning the sudden abruptness which ended Dexter’s call. He was alive a few minutes ago but she was unsure how long he would last. She feared for his safety more now than ever before, considering the agitation she heard in Carol’s voice as she commanded Dexter to hang up the phone.

  “Can I speak with Officer Smith please, it’s urgent; it’s concerning Dexter Crane’s case.” She requested.

  Shortly he came on the line.

  “This is Smith, what can I do for you?”

  “This is Carmen Haines, I’m at the hospital and I just had my baby.”

  “Congratulations Carmen.”

  “Thank you but the reason I’m calling is to let you know that Dexter called me a
few minutes ago. He’s still alive or at least he was then. You have to find him, he’s in real danger.”

  “Did he say where he was?”

  “He doesn’t know, he was in the trunk the entire way there but he did say something about a cabin. I heard her in the background ordering him to hang up the phone when she discovered him to be using it and then the call abruptly ended. I’m afraid for him; you have to find him before it’s too late.”

  The new lead in Dexter’s case was further confirmation that police were on the right trail. Carol Avery was responsible for his kidnapping and was holding him hostage in a strange unknown location.

  Chapter Eight

  The pain in Dexter’s knee was excruciating.

  “I need to go to the hospital Carol, my knee is turning black and it hurts something fierce.”

  She went to the bathroom and returned with an ace bandage.

  “Here, wrap it with this, you’ll be okay.”

  “I won’t be okay, I need something for pain, it’s killing me.”

  She had no sympathy for him, she didn’t care how bad his knee hurt as she was still furious with him.

  “Suck it up, you big sissy, you’ll be alright. You men make me sick, you’re supposed to be masculine and tough but you’re not, you’re weak. My father was a big man too as long as he was the one handing out the punishment but that wasn’t the case at all when I hit him in the head with a hammer. He fell down to his knees, crying and begging for mercy but it didn’t get him anywhere with me, I just kept hitting him, over and over, until he wasn’t moving. I didn’t feel sorry for him; he asked for it, he deserved it.”

  Dexter couldn’t believe what he was hearing, Carol had taken her father’s life and without an ounce of regret or remorse. His hopes of ever escaping alive instantly faded completely away. She would kill him before releasing him to go back to Carmen and his son. If he had to die, he’d do it with dignity.

  “You’re sick Carol, you need to be put away somewhere.”

  “Don’t talk to me that way, I’m not crazy, I’m just tired of being treated so badly by you men. Who do you think you are?”

  “I’m being held here against my will, and yet you think that I’m doing you wrong, unbelievable.”

  “Shut up Dexter, you’re lucky to still be alive.”

  “I don’t feel so lucky, being stuck here with you. Why don’t you just go ahead and put me out of my misery? I can’t take much more of your sick games. I’ve been lying to you too, I don’t care about you; I just told you that. You make me sick.”

  “I’m warning you Dexter, you need to

  shut your mouth.”

  “I won’t shut up, you can’t make me, and what are you going to do; kill me, big deal. I’d rather be dead than to be stuck here with you for the rest of my life. My wife and son need me, what good am I to them here? They’re my only reason for living anyway.”

  That was it, Dexter had finally crossed over the line, and Carol was outraged. She wanted him dead; he should pay for the inconsiderate treatment he’d given her. She snapped, delivering blow after forceful blow to his body without mercy. Dexter was unable to defend himself as he was bound with rope. He could do nothing but endure the violent brutality of the beating. Carol wanted him to hurt; to feel her pain and wouldn’t be satisfied until he did.

  By now, things were no more than a blur for Dexter, he was losing consciousness. He felt something warm running down his face, he knew what it was without seeing it. He’d taken it too far this time, she was going to kill him and he’d never see Carmen again or have the opportunity to meet his son: his life was over. Suddenly everything was dark; Dexter had lost all consciousness.

  The ringing sound of Carol’s cell

  phone, snapped her out of the uncontrollable fit of rage. Had she stopped too late for Dexter, he was a bloody mess. Was he breathing, did he have a pulse? Did I kill him, she thought.

  “It’s me Nick; I just wanted to let you know that Carmen and the baby are going home today. Her parents are tied up with business so they sent me to get them. How’s everything at the cabin?”

  “Not so good, I think I’ve killed him, he isn’t moving and he’s bloody all over. What should I do?”

  “Check for his pulse and make sure he’s breathing.”

  Carol searched frantically for a pulse, it was faint but present. She put her face next to his, he was breathing. She let out a sigh of relief.

  “He’s alive.” She told Nick.

  “I was calling to let you know that you are the number one suspect in his case. Carmen raised their awareness to the last contact he made with her. They don’t have a definite location but they know you’re at a cabin. Cops are swarming everywhere and your picture is plastered all over the front page of the paper. You’re sure to be noticed if you go out so be careful.” Nick warned.

  “Keep me informed, you know where to find me if you need me.”

  Carmen had just arrived home from the hospital; it felt good to be in her own room. She laid Zachary down for a nap and in the absolute stillness; her mind automatically went back to Dexter. Where was Carol hiding him and would she ever free him or would her jealous obsessed mind cause her to kill him?

  “That’s the last of it, everything’s unloaded. Do you need help putting it away?” Nick offered.

  “No thanks, I can do it but thanks for the kind offer.”

  While Zachary was still sleeping, Carmen decided to unpack as many of her things as she could but first she needed to make a phone call.

  “Officer Smith please, this is Carmen Haines.”

  “This is Smith.”

  “It’s Carmen; I was calling for an update on Dexter’s case.”

  “Nothing new Carmen but I assure you

  that it’s only a matter of time before we find him.”

  “Where can he be, I’m so frightened for him? I’m afraid she’ll kill him if we don’t find him soon. My son needs his father.”

  “We’re doing everything in our power to bring him back to you Carmen and we will bring him back. I’ll keep you updated.”

  Their conversation only heightened Carmen’s level of fear. With each passing moment, Dexter’s existence was slipping further away.

  Chapter Nine

  Several days had passed since Carol’s attack on Dexter and yet he still hadn’t regained consciousness. He appeared to be in a comatose state. He was virtually unrecognizable; bruises and swelling to his face. Carol had really done a number on him. Though alive for the moment, Dexter’s recovery wasn’t a definite guarantee. Carol could quite possibly end up facing murder charges after all. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in; I was just about to get myself a soda would you like something?” She offered.

  “What you got?” Nick asked.

  “Coke and sweet tea, take your pick.”

  “A coke would be great, please.”

  Carol went to retrieve the drinks, Nick enquired about Dexter.

  “He’s in the bedroom.” She told him.

  Nick was in disbelief concerning Dexter’s appearance; he was an absolute bloody mess. His eyes were swollen shut, deep gashes in his face, his left leg was badly distorted and his knee cap was repositioned on the side of his leg. He didn’t look well at all, he needed a doctor.

  “Are you crazy, Carol, is he alright?” Nick asked.

  “I hope so, he hasn’t woken up yet but he’s tough, I think he’ll make it. I bet he won’t talk down to me anymore.”

  “Do you have no self-control at all, what were you thinking, I won’t go down for this. I’m already facing murder charges for his mother’s death, this one’s all on you.”

  “Shut up, Nick, don’t act as if you’re some sort of saint, you’re no better than I am. I did what I had to; I won’t stand here and listen to this.”

  “You didn’t have to do this, you almost killed him, if you didn’t, and there’s a good chance he still may die. You went too far Carol.”
r />   “I’m warning you Nick, I won’t keep listening to this, not from you of all people. What makes you think you have a right to judge me?”

  Carol’s animosity towards Nick was obviously growing causing him to back off as he had no desire to be her next victim.

  “Do you need anything from the store?” Nick asked.

  “I could use some food and drinks.”

  Carol made out a list of items and handed it to Nick. He promised to get them and bring them back but in the back of his mind, he never planned on it. He didn’t want to be anywhere around here when the cops found Dexter in his condition.

  Several hours passed as Carol anxiously awaited Nick’s return before coming to realize he wasn’t coming back. She could only wonder what his true intentions were; what if he turned her in to the police for a reward. The brutal beating she’d given Dexter could cost her the rest of her life in prison; she wouldn’t go down without a fight. She packed her car and left Dexter and the cabin behind her. She had to make a get-a-way while there was still time.

  Carmen was adjusting well to motherhood. Zachary was a wonderful baby, only crying when he was hungry or wet. The one thing that would make her life perfect was Dexter’s return. She seemed to see him everywhere, especially in Zachary’s face; he was a spitting image of his father. Why didn’t God return him to his family? The time passed only caused Carmen to fear the worst. She felt certain that he would have found his way back to her by now if he was still alive.

  It was Zachary’s nap time, so Carmen laid him in his crib. She decided to take a nap with him as she was tired. She stretched out on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

  “Carmen, wake up I need you.” The voice called.

  She shook her head in disbelief, rubbing her eyes.

  “Dexter, is that you?”

  “I need your help, I’m dying and I don’t have much time. My life is quickly fading away.”


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