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Deadly Obsession

Page 7

by Duncan, Mary

She turned to see him, his appearance was unbearable. What had Carol done to him?

  “Oh my God Dexter, what did she do to you? You look terrible. I’m so sorry.”

  “She left me at the cabin, if you don’t find me soon, I’ll die. Please hurry Carmen.”

  She sat straight up in the bed, realizing that it was a dream. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

  “Officer, can I help you?”

  “Are you Carmen Haines?”

  “I am how can I help you?”

  She asked him inside.

  “Have a seat please.” She invited.

  “I’m here concerning Ada Crane’s accident. Did the two of you get along?”

  “Of course we did, surely you don’t think I had something to do with her accident do you? Ada was a very sweet and caring person with great courage and determination. She and Dexter were extremely close. I love Dexter, why would I hurt his mother?”

  He held up a clear bag, as Carmen examined it closely, she couldn’t believe it.

  “Where did you find it?” she asked.

  “You recognize it ma’am?”

  “Of course I do, it’s my engagement ring. It was stolen from my house; I didn’t think I would ever see it again. Where did you find it?”

  “It was recovered from Ada Crane’s vehicle, in the passenger’s floor. Are you sure it was stolen?”

  “Yes, I made a report, you can check it


  “I’ll check the report but just to be on the safe side for now, I must ask you not to leave town until all of this has been cleared up.”

  “Where would I go, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  Carmen showed the officer to the door. She couldn’t believe it; Carol had tried to frame her with Ada’s death.

  In the meantime, Carol Avery was wondering the country-side aimlessly. She had no idea where she was going but was scared to remain in any one place for a long period of time for fear of being identified. The authorities in Georgia had issued an APB for her arrest, her picture along with a description of her car would be given to every state. Every highway cop in the country was searching for her. And though she knew it was only a matter of time before they found her, she wouldn’t willingly turn herself in.

  Unfortunately the fuel light was

  blinking; Carol had no choice but to stop for gas. She pulled into a station and took a cap from her passenger’s seat and put it on, lessening her chances of being noticed. She then reached into her purse and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and took it inside to pay the attendant.

  She quickly pumped her gas and got into her car. As she pulled away from the pumps, she noticed a police car circling the lot. She tried to remain calm but it only lasted a short moment, she panicked. Her only focus was getting out of here as quickly as she could but the car’s sudden acceleration immediately gained her attention from the policeman, prompting him to follow after her.

  Carol gave no recognition to the blue flashing lights or the loud sirens following behind her. She recklessly led the chase in and out of traffic, giving no thought or concern for the innocent lives she now placed in danger. Freedom was her only priority and she refused to give up until she found it. Her life was flashing before her eyes, uncertain as to which crossroad she had chosen this dead-end turn which caused her to end up here in this moment. Her mind was racing with endless thoughts; it was too late to turn back and there was nowhere to go from here. There was no way out, only one thing left for her to do now. She pulled her cell from her purse.

  “Mom, it’s me”

  “Carol where are you, what’s wrong?”

  “I need to know, why did you let daddy be so mean to me all those years?”

  “I’m sorry Carol; he was mean to me too. I tried to stop him but there was nothing I could do.”

  “You could have left him, had him locked up, killed him. You should have done something to protect me but you didn’t. That’s why I had to take care of him.”

  “You killed your father? I thought it was an accident, you said he fell down the embankment. How could you kill your own father?”

  “It was easy after everything he did to me. Did you know about the molestation? Did you let him do that too?”

  “What are you talking about Carol?”

  “He came into my bedroom at night and he raped me, time and time again, while you were in the next room asleep. How could you not know?”

  “Oh Carol, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, I swear I didn’t.”

  “I hope you’re telling me the truth mom. I love you; I have to go now.”

  Janice, Carol’s mother, was sickened by the strange conversation she’d just had with Carol. She thought her husband’s death was accidental but his own daughter had taken his life, and given the newly learned details she somewhat understood how she could do it. All the beatings they’d received at his hands wasn’t the extent of the abuse suffered as her daughter was being forced to satisfy her husband’s sick sexual obsessions.

  Without another thought, Carol guided her car into a telephone pole standing at the side of the roadway. The speedometer registered 100 mph, causing her chance of survival to be absolutely none. She had sealed her fate in the mangled wreckage, ending her life instantly upon impact. Her cares were ended and she was freed from prison, the prison which held her hostage in her own mind.

  The policemen looked on in amazement; Carol Avery had purposely slammed her car into the pole at full throttle. One of the officers radioed the accident in, requesting an ambulance. He then got out of his car and went to investigate the scene. Though he’d seen many accidents, this one was by far the most gruesome. The vehicle’s metal was twisted and bent around the tree in such a way that it’s make and model was uncertain without prior knowledge. Rescue was unnecessary as the victim’s body was severed at the waist, which was now lying on the hood. The force of impact was so severe that it pushed the dash forward causing the steering wheel to penetrate the seat. Recovery was the only remaining effort left, besides contacting family.

  Lying on the ground was Carol’s cell phone; the screen was still lit up. The officer picked it up and dialed the last number called.

  “Carol, what happened? Are you alright, you scared me?”

  “Who am I speaking with? How do you know Carol?”

  Janice Avery was confused as to why a strange man was answering her daughter’s cell phone.

  “My name’s Janice, Carol is my daughter. Who are you and why do you have her phone.”

  “Ma’am my name is Officer Jack, I’m afraid your daughter has been in a bad car accident.”

  “What do you mean; is she okay?”

  “I’m sorry to tell you ma’am but it doesn’t look good at all.”

  “Where did it happen? Where is she?”

  “It happened here in Lakeland ma’am.”

  “You mean Lakeland, Florida, what was she doing in Florida? She lives in Georgia.”

  “I can’t answer that ma’am.”

  “I have to come to her. Tell me where to go.”

  “Do you have someone to drive you down?”

  “Yes, I can get my brother to bring me down there, just give me the address please.”

  Janice took down the address.

  “Jason, I need you to drive me to Lakeland, Florida. Carol’s been in a bad car wreck down there. The officer said it didn’t look good for her. I need to go to her as soon as possible.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  News of Carol’s accident began to spread through the small community like wildfire. It wasn’t long until Carmen heard about it.

  “I can’t believe it, it’s over, Dexter can finally come home; he’s coming home!” she screamed excitedly.

  “What are you yelling about? What’s going on?” Eva Haines enquired.

  “They found Carol in Florida.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “She was involved in an accident while she was attempting to flee pol

  “Is she okay?”

  “I don’t know but Dexter can finally come back to me.”

  “Was he with her?”

  “I don’t know but surely he was. I know he’s been with her. Where else would he be?”

  Fear suddenly came over her. There was no mention of Dexter being with Carol when they found her, what did that mean?

  Chapter Ten

  Janice and Jason had ridden for hours with nothing but silence between them, other than the sobbing of Janice’s crying.

  “Please tell me why this had to happen? I just don’t understand.” Janice asked.

  “I don’t know sis, I don’t understand either. Why was she in Florida?”

  “I don’t know, except for the purpose of eluding the cops. I know you’ve heard about the whole Dexter Crane case.”

  “Yeah, did she really kidnap him?”

  “I don’t know but she called me just before her accident and told me some disturbing details concerning her father.”

  “What kind of details?”

  Janice swallowed hard.

  “She said that her father molested her for years, she even asked me if I knew it was happening.”

  “Are you kidding me, that sick piece of crap?”

  “Imagine my surprise; I had no idea, none at all. How could he do that under my nose for so many years without my knowing? That’s not all.”

  She paused.

  “What do you mean? There’s more?”

  “I’m afraid so. She said that she killed him. His death was ruled an accident but it wasn’t, Carol killed him. She didn’t seem remorseful at all.”

  They were arriving to their destination. They parked and went inside the hospital.

  “I’m Janice Avery and this is my brother, my daughter Carol was brought here a few hours ago. She was in a car accident, can I see her please?”

  “Be seated ma’am, I’ll see what I can find out for you.”

  It wasn’t long until she returned with the doctor.

  “Are you Mrs. Avery?”

  “Yes sir, how’s my daughter, is she okay?”

  “Follow me please.” The doctor advised.

  He led Janice and Jason to the chapel. As they travelled the distance of the hallways, anxiety grew. Reaching the chapel entrance, reality sunk in for Janice, Carol was gone. They followed the doctor in and sat down, by now the tears were flowing as she knew what the doctor had to tell her. She’d hoped this day would never arrive, yet here she stood, a mother isn’t supposed to outlive her children. She took Jason’s hand and held it tightly as she braced herself for the news.

  “As you know Carol was in a horrific car accident. The injuries she sustained were fatal, she died on impact; there was nothing we could do for her. I’m so sorry for your loss, if there’s anything we can do; don’t hesitate to let us know. We’ll need some information concerning arrangements for her body, and again, I’m so sorry Mrs. Avery.”

  Hysteria set in for Janice upon realization of true reality at that moment. Jason desperately tried to console her. His heart was breaking in two for his sister but there was no comforting her, her daughter was dead. Her only child had been tragically met by destruction. How could she ever overcome the horror she now felt, there was no bringing her back, she was gone forever.

  “This is my fault; I should have protected her. Why didn’t I take her and run away from him. Oh my God, why her, why did this happen to my baby?”

  “Janice, you can’t blame yourself. This isn’t your fault; you didn’t know what he was doing.”

  “I should have known; I should have stopped him. I’m her mother; it was my job to protect her.”

  Jason felt horrible for Janice, not only had she lost her only child but felt it was her fault. He held her tightly as she began to grieve for Carol. She finally managed to pull herself together and went to the receptionist and asked for direction on how to go about making arrangements for Carol’s body to be sent back to Georgia for her funeral. An officer approached.

  “Mrs. Avery, I’m the officer who spoke with you on the phone.”

  “Yes sir, how can I help you?”

  “First let me say, I’m very sorry for your loss. How much did you know concerning Carol’s circumstances with the police?”

  “I know they think that she kidnapped Dexter Crane but that’s about all I know. She made no mention of it.”

  “What does all of that have to do with what happened tonight?”

  “We were in pursuit of her when she crashed her car. She led us on a high speed chase. We still don’t know where Dexter Crane is as he wasn’t in the car with her. Do you know where she might have taken him?”

  “Why would I know, she didn’t tell me anything?”

  “Dexter made mention of a cabin during his last phone conversation with his fiancée; do you know where she might have been talking about?”

  “No I don’t, now if you’ll excuse me I need to make arrangements for my daughter’s body.”

  He turned and walked away, suddenly it hit Janice.

  “Wait a minute officer. There’s only one place that I know she could be talking about. We have a cabin in Ellijay; we vacationed there every summer when Carol was a kid.”

  She gave him directions. He was on his way to contact Georgia with the news of Carol Avery’s death as well as, the address to the cabin and as usual, it didn’t take the news long to circulate throughout the small community of Felton.

  Carmen had just put Zachary down for a nap when her mom appeared in the doorway. The expression on her face indicated trouble.

  “What’s wrong mom?”

  “She’s dead, Carol was killed in the wreck but Dexter wasn’t with her. Police still don’t know where he is. But they did mention a new lead; something about a cabin in Ellijay.”

  “Dexter said she was holding him in a cabin but he didn’t know where it was located. His surroundings bore no familiarity.”

  Carmen felt sick. Carol had left Dexter behind at the cabin. Was he still alive or was his murder the reason for her being on the run?

  Carmen cried herself to sleep as the only man she’d ever loved could be dying and there was nothing she could do to help him. Her son would never know his father and the slightest hope of ever finding him vanished completely with the news of Carol’s death. She was dead and her troubles were over but everyone she’d left behind was paying the price for her mistakes.

  At Lakeland Medical Center, Janice Avery was finalizing her daughter’s arrangement to be sent back to Georgia.

  “Can I see her please; I want to tell her goodbye?” she told the nurse in charge.

  “Sure you can, I’ll show you the way.”

  As they reached the door to Carol’s room, Janice froze up, she was having second thoughts.

  “Jason, will you go in with me?”

  He agreed. The nurse told them to take as much time as they needed. Janice slowly pushed the door opened. There she was, Carol was laid out on the table with a blanket covering the majority of her body, concealing the extent of her injuries.

  “Oh Jason, I’m not sure I can do this.”

  “It’s okay sis, I’m right here, I won’t leave you.”

  She slowly inched closer; she had to tell her goodbye. Her body was a pitiful sight to behold, broken and distorted. How she must have felt in her last moments of life, was a horrifying thought for Janice. She took her hand and began to cry.

  “Oh baby, I’m so sorry, I should have protected you. I love you so much Carol, please don’t leave me; don’t go, I need you here with me. I don’t know how to get through this, how am I supposed to go on without you? If only I’d known what was happening to you, I should have known.”

  Janice pressed her face next to Carol’s causing her more pain and anguish. There was no breath in her daughter’s body, not one sign of life, she was definitely gone. Her young life was over.

  “Please tell me this is all a terrible nightmare, Jason; please
tell me that she’s not dead. Oh God, my baby, my sweet girl is gone. What am I going to do?”

  Jason was sad for Janice but there was nothing he could do to ease her pain, nothing but be there for her through her grieving process.

  The necessary papers were signed and Carol was on her way back to Georgia as were Janice and Jason. Memories of the cabin and the summers they had spent there as a family came flooding back to Janice’s mind. She felt such an overwhelming need to be close to Carol.

  “Jason, do you think that we can stop at the cabin on the way home, since it’s right on the way? I just want to be in a place where I remember Carol happy and having fun.”

  “Sure, we can stop off there if you want.”

  Meanwhile back in Georgia the authorities were already in route to the cabin, thanks to Janice. It was their last hope of finding Dexter, he had to be there. As they pulled into the drive it appeared to be abandoned at first. They suited up and prepared for a forceful entry. The entire cabin was surrounded, if someone was still here, they’d never make a successful escape.

  “Police, is anyone there?” the officer yelled as he beat on the door.

  He made one last attempt to summons the occupants to the front door, nothing happened. There was absolute stillness, no one was there. They forced their way through the front door and began to fully investigate the premises in search of Dexter.

  “In here.” An officer yelled.

  They all rushed in and to their surprise there he was; Dexter was tied to the bed, perfectly still and lifeless. His appearance gave no indication that he was alive. The officer checked for his pulse, it was extremely weak but present. They immediately requested assistance from paramedics. From the looks of Dexter, there was no time to waste in getting him to the hospital. The mystery of his disappearance was solved, and Carol Avery was the perpetrator. She had beaten him severely and left him here to die.

  The sound of sirens was becoming louder as the ambulance closely approached. In no time at all, the paramedics had Dexter loaded into the back of the ambulance and were on their way to the hospital.

  As the cops worked to secure the scene, they were suddenly distracted by the sound of chaos outside.

  “Let me inside, this is my cabin, you can’t keep me from going in, move out of my way.” Janice demanded.


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