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The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles)

Page 38

by D N Simmons

  “Having second thoughts about sharing your life with them?” Billy asked, wondering if Natasha was going to seek a more peaceful existence.

  “It’s not always like this. For practically two years, we’ve had a peaceful life and I’m very confident we’ll have more years of peace. Honestly, Billy, I can’t imagine my life without all of you in it. Does that make me an irresponsible mother? Am I being selfish?” she asked, greatly confused about her own feelings.

  “I don’t know if I’m the right person who you should be asking all of these questions.”

  “But you have an opinion? That’s all I’m asking.”

  Billy took a deep breath, releasing it slowly.

  “That’s not a good sign,” Natasha said, noting his apprehension.

  “That’s not it. I mean … Well, it’s like this, when I took over the head security detail at the mansion, I knew the dangers I was getting myself into. The last guy was murdered by the mob of all people, so I knew Darian’s life wasn’t ordinary.”

  Natasha chuckled slightly. “Tell me about it.”

  “It takes fortitude to live this life. I never know when some glory-seeking vamp slayer is going to try a take out the Master vamp of Chicago, so I’m always on my P’s and Q’s. And if that’s not enough, shit like this happens. The money I make is sweet as hell, and I’m able to send my son to college without struggling. So, to me it’s worth it, because I’m ensuring a future for my child. But you, your situation’s different. You’ve fallen in love, started a family and found your place here. Really, that’s what everybody looks for, a place to call home. The mansion is your home. Darian and Xavier are your, I guess, men … lovers, I don’t know, domestic partners, babies daddies? Shit, I don’t know what cutesy terms you call them,” Billy chuckled.

  Natasha smiled. “It’s cool, I get it. I’d like to be able to call them my husbands, but that would just be crazy.”

  “Not to mention illegal. But we’re getting off subject here. You’ve been through enough shit with them to know what you were getting yourself into. You knew the risk and I’m guessing the rewards outweighed the risks. I mean, you’re happy aren’t you? The little guy up there seems very happy. You have two doting men, who love fatherhood and life with you. I don’t think you’re being selfish in wanting that to last.” Billy took a swig off his soda.

  “You don’t think I’m putting my children in unnecessary danger?” Natasha asked softly.

  “Would leaving Darian and Xavier guarantee they’d never be in danger again? See, the way I look at it, your children were in the same predicament Elise’s kids were in, not to mention Tatiana’s and Madeleine’s. You sure you don’t want to talk to them about this?”

  Natasha smiled. “No, I think I have my answer.”

  “You do?” Billy looked at her, eyebrows raised.

  “Yeah, I do. Thanks Billy,” Natasha hugged him then rose from the sofa, heading into the bedroom. Deep down, she knew her answer was to stay with her lovers. All she needed was confirmation that it was the right decision. Elise’s life is no less dangerous than her own, yet she lives it everyday with the people she loves, regardless of what dangers may arise. She climbed under the sheets, content about her future and the future of her children.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Warren woke up the next day, his heart heavy wih the weight of his decision. His head throbbed with pain caused by the stress he was under. When he sat down at the breakfast table, Tatiana placed a plate loaded with delicious smelling foods in front of him.

  He looked down at his hearty meal, inhaling deeply. “Shit, I hope this ain’t my last meal as a free man,” he semi-joked.

  “I say if you’re going to jail, let your last meal be the motherfucker who put you there,” Justin said, shoving a forkful of cheesy eggs into his mouth.

  Warren smiled. “It’s a thought.”

  “Enough talk about jail, eat up,” Tatiana instructed. She then placed a bowl of cereal on the high-chair tray in front of her daughter. “Eat all of it, too. No playing with your food.”

  “Mommy, can I have juice?” Nyah asked in her sweet childlike voice.

  “You sure can,” Tatiana answered. She poured her daughter a glass of orange juice and set it on the table beside her bowl of cereal. Satisfied, the toddler began to eat her breakfast.

  Warren devoured his meal in a matter of minutes. Xander entered the dining room, dressed in a pair of black slacks and a red ribbed v-neck pullover. He sat at the head of the table as his wife handed him his plate.

  “Sleeping late, Xander, you’re normally the first to eat?” Justin commented.

  “My mind and body needed the rest,” Xander replied, scooping eggs onto his fork. He looked at Warren from across the table. “Are you prepared to face your commanding officer this morning?”

  “Not really, no. I just know I want this all to be over. Matt and I are going to go in together,” Warren answered.

  Xander nodded. “Will Darian’s lawyer be accompanying you?”

  “No, not until they try to discipline us; that’s when he’ll get involved. I don’t know what the punishment will be, if there is one.” Warren sat back in his seat.

  “They’ll be one, all right. It’s the only way humans can put themselves over us,” Adrian said.

  “Can we not make this a ‘them verses us’ argument?!” Warren said.

  “You know what, Warren? You can live with your head in the clouds if you want to, but the truth is the truth. It’s always going to be about us and them!” Adrian shot back.

  “Are you calling me idealistic?” Warren asked sarcastically.

  “More like unrealistic. Look, I know for a fact that there are some amazing humans out there who don’t hold what we are against us. However, there’s an outrageous amount of those who do. They vote in congress to keep our children separate from theirs. They create laws which govern the populace unfairly. They try and silence those who fight for equality. And every time one of us does something stupid like this Marcus guy, they use that against the entire spernatural population. You put your life on the line for them every damn day, how dare they call you into question with this ridiculous fucking witch hunt!” Adrian’s anger ignited the room, and everyone could feel what he felt.

  “I actually agree with my son in this debate, Warren,” Xander said, breaking his silence.

  “I don’t do what I do to please them, Xander,” Warren said in his defense.

  “I know why you joined the S.U.I.T., but that still doesn’t take away from the fact of what’s happening now. Every supernatural had their own reasons for enlisting in the CIA, FBI, S.U.I.T. or any other Force, just like every human did, but only we are being persecuted. This was something that I feared would happen to you, but I allowed you to join anyway. Mark my words Warren, if this matter is not settled amicably … fairly, it will get worse. How much worse, I do not know,” Xander said.

  “Will you take action if the outcome isn’t what you deem fair?” Tatiana asked her husband.

  “I will. As will Richard and most likely every supernatural leader whose members are caught in this scandal.” Xander finished his meal, handing his plate to his wife who put it in the dishwasher.

  Warren listened to Xander, reflecting on what he’d said. He knew what it meant, the threat behind his words. “I should get going, I’m supposed to be meeting Matt there.” He rose from his seat, leaving the room.

  Adrian watched him leave then he looked at his father. “I heard on the news, they killed one of their officers who resisted arrest.”

  “My God!” Tatiana gasped, shocked and horrified.

  “I know. I read it in my morning paper.” Xander said, sipping his coffee.

  “That’s totally fucked up. Here this guy is, keeping their asses safe, and they shoot him. I guess Law number two was in effect there. They reserve the right to kill any of us who try to flee. I’m having a hard time liking humans right now … except for the ones I consider family,” Just
in said.

  “As far as I’m concerned, this matter has gotten well out of control at an alarming rate. It’s mind-blowing, actually how horribly this situation is being handled,” Xander said.

  “I’m worried for Warren and Matt,” Adrian said.

  “Me too,” Justin added.

  “I won’t let any harm come to either of them,” Xander said, then he rose from his seat, leaving the room. He opened the door to his study quickly enough to catch the telephone before the voicemail picked up the call. It was Richard.

  “Xander, it’s pure chaos out there concerning this government matter,” Richard said gravely.

  “I’m aware of just how terrible things are. This morning I learned a hyena was killed because he resisted arrest. Shot down by his fellow officers, it’s unforgivable,” Xander stated.

  “I actually called you to ask at the cremation of your member. My Pack and I would like to attend the ceremony.”

  “We’re holding off on the ceremony until Warren is with us. I know he’d want to say his final farewell to Phillip. The cremation however, is to take place tonight, his sister wants to be present.”

  “Understandable. I was going to mention we should have the farewell ceremony when our members were present. It’s good that we’re on the same page,” Richard commented. “All right, I know you’re busy. I’ll leave you to your own matters.” He ended the call.

  Xander replaced the handset back onto the base. Reclining back into his leather chair, he thought about what course of action he’d take if matters worsened for his young wolf. He prayed he wouldn’t have to interfere.


  Richard starred at the telephone for a few seconds, contemplating the conversation he’d just had. Ignacio stepped into the room, taking a seat across from him.

  “I’m worried for Matt,” Ignacio said.

  “The worst I’ll allow them to do to him is fire him,” Richard said.

  “Yeah, but what if they arrest him?”

  “I’m sure they will. It seems to be their raison d’Ítre at this point,” Ryan said as she entered the room.

  “I still think one of us should go down there just in case some shit kicks off,” Ignacio said.

  “Well, they’re wearing the wires, that should keep us abreast of their situation,” Ryan said.

  “Actually, I convinced Matthew not to wear the wire last night,” Richard said.

  “You did? Why? Now we won’t be able to listen in on them,” Ryan asked, confused.

  “They would be searched upon being arrested. The listening devices would be discovered on their person and might shine negative light on them. They need to look defenseless and most importantly, harmless to the humans at this point,” Richard answered.

  “I see what you mean. What about Warren, is he still going to wear one?” Ignacio asked.

  Richard shook his head. “No. Matthew spoke with him on the matter and he agreed.”

  “Too bad, I thought it was a great idea,” Ryan said. “But you’re right, baby.” She kissed Richard on his forehead.

  “I really hope shit doesn’t kick off now,” Ignacio said.

  Richard looked at the both of them. He knew Matthew would not try to resist arrest. Matthew would not give them any reason to take aggressive action, but still, he didn’t trust the government and the latest events were making his thread of trust even thinner.

  eight="0height="0" width="29">“I think what you said before is a good idea, Ignacio. You should go down there, just to keep an eye out,” Richard suggested. “I want to know what’s going on there, the mood, the gossip, keep me posted on everything.” “Should I tell them that Marcus is dead?” Ignacio asked.

  “No. They’ll have questions you can’t answer. See if you can get in contact with this Marshall Galen. He has assured both Warren and Matthew that he is on their side. I want to know exactly how much influence he has, not to mention the extent of his support.”

  “Will do. What if things don’t get under control soon? What if they try to do something to them?”

  “As I’ve said, I’m not going to let any harm come to either of them and I’ll do whatever it is in my power to ensure that they return to us.”

  “That’s what I want to hear!” Ignacio grinned as he rose from his chair, leaving for the precinct.

  Ryan looked at Richard. “You think it’s going to get worse, don’t you.”

  Richard nodded. “I know it will.”


  Elise rolled over, her body still slightly stiff from her ordeal but fully functioning. With her hand shielding her eyes from the brightness of the sun shining through her bedroom window, she looked around the room, realizing that she was now safe and sound in her own home. She was so exhausted, she didn’t even remember arriving home. Climbing out of the bed, she stretched all of her muscles, relaxing her body. Looking down, she noticed that she was dressed in one of her pink pajamas with the ostrich feather cuffs and trim.

  “Sergio,” she said to herself, smiling, knowing it was her lover who had dressed her. The first thing she wanted to do was check on her Pride. Quickly, the snatched up her pink bathrobe, slipping it on as she exited her room. The house was relatively quiet; all of the noise she could hear seemed to be coming from one room. She made her way to the den, where everyone was sitting, discussing their fallen members as well as the issue with the government.

  “Hey Elise,” several members of her Pride greeted her when she walked in. Some of them rising to embrace their Queen. Sergio was the last, kissing her passionately.

  “I don’t know what I would have done without you,” he said, running his hands lovingly over her shoulders and arms.

  Elise reached up, caressing his cheek. “My darling, my brave king. I love you.” She kissed him once again then Sergio assisted her to her chair.

  “Elise, I’ve already contacted Rachel’s family in your absence,” Madeleine said. “I figured you could be spared having to do so, considering all that you’ve been through.”

  Elise smiled sadly. “Thank you, Madeleine. I do appreciate your doing so. How did they take to the news?to the n

  “As expected. However, her family was please to know that we killed the ones responsible for not only Rachel’s death, but for the death of all those innocent humans,” Madeleine replied.

  “It’s been a great loss for many,” Elise said. Her lips were tight as she struggled to fight back her tears for her deceased Pride member. Her memories of Rachel flooded her mind. She had known her for ten years. The two first met when Rachel was attending college for her teaching degree, but since she was a young shifter in a territory without a Pride to belong to, she was an orphan. Rachel had been so humble when she came to Elise to ask for a pardon. During that time, Elise’s late husband had controlled the Pride and had forced Rachel to join if she didn’t want to be killed. That was the day she became family to Elise. Rachel had been her friend; her family and her heart ached at the thought of never hearing her laughter again, or seeing her beautiful smile. Her very life, her future ripped away from her in a mindless act of violence. For Elise, there was no greater crime.

  “Elise?” Sergio called to her, bringing her out of her thoughts. “Where did you go just now?”

  Elise blinked, clearing her mind. “I … I was thinking about the first time I’d met Rachel. Of what we’ve lost in losing her.”

  The others in the room were somber; they had all shared her thoughts at least one time since accepting Rachel’s demise.

  “Elise, when should we have the cremation ceremony?” Madeleine asked.

  “We want to make sure everyone who wants to attend the ceremony can attend.” Elise looked at Sergio. “Where is she now?”

  “Her body is in the garden shed. We were going to take her to the crematorium this morning, but wanted to wait for you,” Sergio said.

  “I think we should wait until this crap with Warren and Matthew is over. This whole police business has got everyone in a frenzy,” Daniel

  “Humans are going the hell crazy, is what it is,” Miranda stated.

  “What else has happened?” Elise asked, remembering what she had learned.

  Daniel nodded. “It’s escalated in a very bad way.”

  “Meaning?” Elise asked, eyebrows creased.

  “Meaning, it isn’t just the S.U.I.T. under fire now, but all of law enforcement. What’s worse is, they’ve already killed one S.U.I.T. officer they found out was a shifter when he tried to resist arrest,” Devin said.

  “My God! Have they gone insane?” Elise asked, her face a perfect mask of disgust, outrage and fear for what was to come.

  “Yeah, they’ve fucking lost it,” Sergio said. “News is spreading fast about them killing that cop. It’s just a matter of time to see what reaction the supernatural community is going to have about it.”

  “The Council is going to have to step in and get things under control,” Carmen said.

  “Shit, that’s if they can,” Devin commented.

  “How are Warren and Matthew?” Elise asked.

  “We don’t know. The two decided to turn themselves in, state their case and are going to see where that gets them,” Sergio said.

  “It’s going to get them arrested, just like the others. I don’t think they should do it,” Devin said.

  “They might not have a choice. They have people who support them, they’re taking a chance, it might help them more than hurt their case,” Madeleine said.

  “All we can do for them is pray that it all works out,” Elise said.

  “That’s all we can do for now. If things don’t work out, then what do we do?” Devin asked.

  “What we must,” Elise answered.

  The others nodded. Now that Elise was awake, they all dressed quickly and left for the crematorium. It was their first step in giving their friend a proper good-bye.


  Leaving the members of his Pride to assist Darian’s human servants in cleaning up the mansion, Adan had taken his deceased members to the crematorium Darian had suggested. He had paid the director a hefty amount, as was suggested for his services and silence. He left there with the ashes of three members of his Pride. He would contact the other leaders to see if they would be interested in having a combined ceremony in which all would say a final good-bye to their members. With his Matron sitting beside him, they drove the SUV toward Darian’s mansion,


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