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The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles)

Page 39

by D N Simmons

  Danielle turned toward him. “What do we do now?”

  Adan exhaled. “We see our friends through this difficult time.”

  “After that, then do we go home?”

  “I don’t know. I doubt if our land is even our land anymore. Besides, having been challenged by Marcus and being unsuccessful, we’re going to be targeted for that land a lot.”

  “Marcus wasn’t challenging us for our land. He wanted us to hunt.”

  “As you know, that doesn’t really matter in our world. A challenge is a challenge, and all any other supernatural will see is our failure to defend ourselves,” Adan said.

  Danielle took a deep breath. She turned toward the window, looking out at the buildings going by in a blur. “Adan, what are you thinking?”

  “That maybe it’s time for a change.” He tossed her a glance.

  She turned back toward him. “What are you saying?hat you want to stay here in Chicago? This place, though absolutely exquisite, is simply overrun with vampires and shifters. It’s intolerable.”

  Adan chuckled. “Not Chicago. Not Illinois.”

  She studied him for a few moments before responding. “Perhaps you’ve found something you desire in Montana?”


  “That man is insufferable.”

  Adan chuckled again. “He is.”

  “Then why?”

  “Because I’m powerfully attracted to him … I want him as he wants me.”

  “And this reason alone is why we should abandon what’s ours?”

  “You’re treading a thin line. I’m the King of this Pride. All decisions I make are final,” Adan warned.

  “Forgive me. It’s just … we’ve been through so much. Is relocating us to a new land so that you can pursue your desires the best decision?”

  “The pursuit of my desires is not the only reason why I am contemplating the move. I’ve grown bored of our current location. Not too mention, the very fact that I and I alone am constantly challenged for that territory and the challengers increase in power and strength every time.”

  “But you are powerful as well.”


  “But you are.”

  “Don’t be so naive. You know they’ll also know that I had help in defeating Marcus. They’ll know that I couldn’t protect my members on my own. It’s only a matter of time before the attacks come again.”

  Danielle placed her hand gently on his arm. “Adan, we don’t blame you for what’s happened.”

  Adan patted her hand, silently thanking her for her words. “That means a lot to me.”

  Danielle smiled sweetly. “Adan, may I be frank?”

  “Go on.”

  “Do you fear any other challengers?”

  “Fear? No. To feel fear, I would have to fear death. I don’t. However, I am weary of fighting. In the short time that I’ve been King of the Pride, I’ve been challenged thirteen times. When Rashad was King, he had ruled for nearly two hundred years and had only been challenged four times!”

  “And yet, you are still King, you were victorious all of those times”

  “Don’t you understand, Danielle? I’m tired of fighting. Because I am a young King compared to other lion Kings, I am a constant target,” Adan said. “And I am always concerned about what will happened to all of you if I should parish in battle. Will the lion who killed me take care of you, or will he imprison you.”

  Danielle was silent as she thought about what he said. She never considered what it meant to him to have faced so many challengers on his own. He was only one hundred and sixty-six years old, yet he managed to become King of a Pride and had defended it successfully for forty years. But she had to admit it to herself, finally. Thirteen Challenges for Authority was excessive. She knew what it meant. It meant others found him weak, too young to rule a lion Pride. Although she was sure they had found their underestimation of him unfortunate in the end, it didn’t take away from Adan’s own suffering, his stress, his many sacrifices or his pain.

  She nodded. “I understand.”

  “You do?”

  “I do now. Adan, are you sure about this decision to go to Montana? What if he changes his mind?”

  “There’s always that, but I don’t think he’ll tire of us so quickly.”

  “He’s ancient. The older ones are always fickle.”

  “Is my company that undesirable?” Adan asked, one eyebrow rose.

  Danielle scoffed. “Of course not! It’s just, what if he doesn’t want us, but only you?”

  “He knows he can’t be with me, if he can’t be with us.”

  “You then, you won’t grow tired of us?” she asked softly, apprehensively.

  Adan looked at her. “Is that what this is about? You think I want to abandon you as I am abandoning our land. You think I’m abandoning my position?”

  “It is my fear, yes.”

  “Oh, Danielle, I would never do that. The decision I’m making isn’t an entirely selfish one. It’s true, I do desire him, but his land is vast. Instead of us owning a city, we’ll have free and complete reign as the only shifter community in all of Montana. A land that is plentiful of hunting grounds. A land so luscious and beautiful! Do we not deserve this?”

  “Well, when you put it that way.” Danielle smiled sweetly.

  “I thought you’d be open to that point of view,” Adan chuckled, and then he grew more serious. “Not to mention, it will be a land free of challenges.”

  “Well, I’m still surprised Kysen is willing to share that land, when the man didn’t even want to share his home.” Danielle rolled her eyes upward.

  “You don’t like him, do you?” Adan asked, smiling.

  “He’s an asshole.”

  Adan laughed outright. “I saw a side of him that was sweet and gentle … loving. Give him a chance.”

  “I guess I don’t have a choice. I’ll give him a chance,” Danielle said, not sure how the others were going to feel about this new arrngement.

  “Still, I feel bad leaving them with all that’s going on, knowing that a part of it is my fault,” Adan said, thinking about Darian and the others.

  “I don’t believe that. It was bound to happen at some point. The government is growing ever more suspicious of its people every day. It was only a matter of time.”

  “Yes, but this particular exposure was brought about by my bringing Marcus to their doorstep.”

  “How long are you going to beat yourself up about that?”

  “I don’t know. Until I feel as if I’ve done something about it.”

  “What can you do?”

  “I know I’ll do whatever it is in my power to help them.”

  “Even if that means”

  “Yes. Even if it means that.”

  Danielle nodded, willing to stand by his decision. The two drove on toward Darian’s mansion. Once it was cleaned and in respectable order and the funeral ceremony was over, he would leave. There was no place for him in Chicago and he was looking forward to his life with Kysen and all the promise the possibility held.


  When Warren’s cell phone rang, he answered it on the third ring. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Warren, it’s me, Brian.”

  “How’s things going for you?”

  “Not good. Colin’s been fired, not to mention, he’s holding a grudge against me.”

  “Why? It’s not like you fucking bit him!”

  “Because I never told him what I was.”

  “Shit, he didn’t make it easy for you to tell him. His hate for our kind didn’t instill confidence, I’m sure,” Warren said, greatly annoyed.

  “No, it didn’t. He said I should have trusted in our friendship enough to tell him. I think he’ll get over it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath, he was pretty fucking pissed.”

  “What about you?”

  “My Captain’s put out an APB on me. You know, it’s pretty fucked up. They don’t even know Marcus and his coven are dea
d, but this is there damn priority, getting rid of the only people who can help!” Brian’s anger was intense, matching Warren’s.

  “My Pack’s pissed and for the first time I can’t disagree with any of their sentiments. I tried, but my heart’s not in it. Not when I see what’s going on.”

  “What about you and Matt?”

  “We’re turning ourselves in.”

  “Are you insane?!”

  “It was our best choice. We can’t hide, if we do, we’re already going to be labeled shifters, so there goes our jobs. Besides, it’ll make us fugitives if we continue to avoid the inevitable. We don’t want that.”

  “The radical human groups are demanding we all be shot dead, you have congress giving permission to our co-workers to kill us on the spot if we show any signs of resistance, it’s really ugly, are you sure you don’t want to wait until the smoke clears?”

  “And then what?”

  “You could … .”

  “Exactly. Brian, I love being a cop. I love being able to help people and save lives. I want to work this out, and the only way I can do this is to show that I’m not a threat.”

  “Good luck, man,” Brian said. He understood Warren feelings, he had them himself, but he didn’t trust in the human government to be fair to him in how they would handle his case. His Alpha demanded that he steer clear, and he would obey his order.

  “You to, take care of yourself.”

  “You sound like we’re not going to ever talk or see each other again.”

  “We are, I’m just saying ‘good-bye’ in a nice way.”

  “I prefer ‘see you later’ .”

  “Okay, then. See you later.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Both men ended their call as Warren pulled into the parking lot at the S.U.I.T. precinct. He climbed out just as Matthew pulled into the spot next to him.

  “Hey babe,” Matthew said, kissing Warren passionately. He stepped back, looking into his lover’s beautiful gray eyes. Reaching up, he brushed a lock of Warren’s black hair from his forehead. “Are you ready to do this thing?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Let’s go, then.”

  Both men stood outside of the main entrance, looking in. Taking deep breaths, mentally preparing themselves for whatever was to come. Warren wrapped his fingers around the handle, opening the door and the two men entered.

  To Be Continued.

  Oh yeah! … I ended this on a cliffhanger, baby!

  Love ya!



  D. N. Simmons lives in Chicago IL., with a rambunctious German Shepherd that’s too big for his own good and mischievous kitten that she affectionately calls “itty-bitty”. Her hobbies include rollerblading, shooting pool, bowling, reading, watching television and going to the movies. She has been nominated at Love Romances and More, winning honorable mention for best paranormal book of 2006. She has won “Author of the Month” at Warrior of Words. She was voted “New Voice of Today” at Romance Reviews and “Rising Star” at Love Romance and More.

  To learn more, and have the opportunity to speak with the author personally, please visit the official website and forum at . D.N. is always interesting in meeting new and wonderful people.




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