Page 28
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 68
Good Morning America (TV show), 192
Gore, Al, 287
Gorsuch, Neil, 307
Graham, Lindsey, 270–71, 285
Gray, Boyden, 37
Guardian, 254
Guinier, Lani, 65
Gurney, Edward, 19
Hale, David
825 loan and, 47, 93–94
Whitewater trial and, 107, 111
as witness, 49–51, 61–62, 128
Hanson, Jean, 148
Harding, Warren G., 162
Harkin, Tom, 290
Harrelson, Charles, 103
Heaton, Rodger, 207
Helms, Jesse, 39
Heuer, Sam, 129
Hill, Robert, 119–22
Hirschhorn, Robert, 104, 106
“His Cheatin’ Heart” (Brock), 160
Hochberg, Josh, 180
Hogan, Donna, 257
Holder, Eric, 178, 179–80, 213, 261, 262–63, 304
House of Representatives
full House votes for impeachment, 287–88
Judiciary Committee votes for impeachment, 284–85
Kendall’s cross-examination of Starr, 271–73
OIC referral to House for impeachment (Starr Report), 245–49
Starr Report released unredacted to public, 248–49
Starr’s testimony before House Judiciary Committee, 267–73
Howard, George, Jr., 95, 106, 108, 110, 112–13
Hubbell, Suzy, 90, 91
Hubbell, Webster, 64, 87–91, 166, 304
cooperation deal with OIC, 87–89
at DOJ, 65, 87
embezzlement and billing fraud by, 87
Fiske moving toward indictment of, 49
resigns from DOJ, 87
second tax evasion case against, 91, 169, 298
sentencing of, 89
White House financial support of, 89–91
Huber, Carolyn, 123, 205
Hyde, Henry, 248–49, 267, 273, 284, 292, 294
Ickes, Harold, 189
Immergut, Karin, 198, 228, 229, 246
impeachment, 283–88
Byrd’s dismissal motion rejected, 291
censure as alternative to, 286–87
Clinton’s apology to nation after acquittal, 295–96
closing arguments in Senate trial, 294
Judiciary Committee votes to impeach, 284–85
Lewinsky interview in Senate trial, 291–93
OIC referral to House for impeachment (Starr Report), 245–49
public opinion against, 284, 285
Senate impeachment trial, 290–95
Senate votes not to impeach, 294–95
senators not jurors (ruling by Rehnquist), 290–91
Starr’s testimony before House Judiciary Committee, 267–73
Irons, Steve, 60–61, 169, 175, 180
Isikoff, Michael, 187, 219, 262
It Takes a Village (Clinton), 204
Jackson, Andrew, 287
Jahn, LeRoy, 104, 113
Jahn, Ray, 103–4, 105–6, 117, 129
Jaso, Eric, 104
Jefferson, Thomas, 164, 165
Johnson, Lyndon B., 165
Johnson, Norma Holloway, 196, 207, 217–18, 219–20, 250
Jones, Paula Corbin, 37–39, 157–161
Jones v. Clinton, 37–39, 157–65
Clinton asked to produce communications with Lewinsky, 171
Clinton claims immunity from lawsuit while in office, 161–62
Clinton’s denial of Jones’s allegations, 161
Clinton’s denial of sexual relationship with Lewinsky, 185–86
Clinton’s deposition in, 185–86
Clinton settles, 300–301
Court of Appeals denies Clinton’s immunity claims, 162
Jones’s reputation attacked, 161
Lewinsky and other women subpoenaed in, 171–72
Lewinsky’s affidavit read into record, 186
Lewinsky’s testimony ruled inessential for, 194
sexual harassment alleged in, 158–61
Starr’s views on Clinton’s immunity claim, 163–64
Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling against Clinton’s immunity claim, 163–65
Jordan, Vernon, 90, 172, 174, 176, 226, 291, 294
Judiciary Committee of House of Representatives
Starr’s testimony before, 267–73
votes for impeachment, 284–85
Kavanaugh, Brett, 144, 248, 307
Kelley, Bill, 198
Kendall, David, 86, 107, 125, 140, 301
accuses Starr/OIC of violating grand jury’s integrity, 217–18
cross-examines Starr in House Judiciary Committee hearing, 271–73
negotiates terms of Clinton’s testimony, 232
rebuttal to Starr Report, 250–251
strategies and tactics of, in defending Clinton, 211, 212
threatens Starr before Clinton testimony, 235–36
Kennedy, Anthony, 32
Kennedy, John F., 162
Kirkland & Ellis, 27, 304
Larry King Live (TV show), 133
Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The (TV show), 311
Lauer, Matt, 193
Learned, Steve, 60
Lee, Henry C., 74–75
Lee, Sheila Jackson, 269
Leipold, Andy, 198
Leno, Jay, 254
Lerman, Brad, 60
Lerner, Craig, 198
Levin, Carl M., 40
Lewinsky, Monica
glamour spread in Vanity Fair of, 208
Jordan helps find job for, 174, 176
recent chance meeting with Starr, 310–11
Senate impeachment trial testimony, 291–93
Tripp asked to provide false affidavits by, 175, 176
Tripp informs OIC of Lewinsky-Clinton affair, 169–72
See also Lewinsky investigation
Lewinsky investigation
attorney-client privilege claim, 197
Brill’s misleading reporting of Starr interview, 215–17
Clinton provides blood sample, 231–32
Clinton’s attacks on, 192
Clinton’s denials of sexual relationship with Lewinsky, 185–86, 189, 192–93
Clinton’s grand jury testimony, 231, 235–40
Clinton’s grand jury testimony released to public, 250
Clinton strategy employed against, 195
Clinton surrogate’s attacks on Starr and OIC team members, 197, 198, 199
Currie’s statement in, 223
DOJ and Special Division judges approve, 179–80
Drudge breaks story on internet, 187
executive privilege claim, 196, 197–98
Ginsburg’s negotiations for immunity for, and representation of Lewinsky, 186, 187–88, 190–91, 192, 196, 207–10
Lewinsky details affair with Clinton, 228–29
Lewinsky immunity agreement, 228
Lewinsky’s blue dress delivered to OIC, 228
Lewinsky’s cooperation sought by, 180–83
Lewinsky’s handwriting and fingerprints, subpoena for and taking of, 208–10
Lewinsky’s temporary immunity and OIC assessment interview, 226–28
Lewinsky’s testimony before grand jury, 229, 246
OIC preparation for Clinton’s testimony, 232–33
OIC referral to House for impeachment (Starr Report), 245–49
OIC staffing additions for, 198
“Prom Night” operation, 180, 225
protective function privilege claims, 214–15, 225r />
Reno’s refusal to support, 199–200, 212–14
Starr and OIC accused of violating grand jury integrity, proceedings related to, 217–22, 260
Starr receives death threats and placed under protection, 190
Tripp informs OIC of Lewinsky-Clinton affair, 169–72
Washington Post and mainstream media report on affair, 187
witnesses’ testimony in, 195–96
Lewis, Ann, 192
Lewis, Bernard, 183
Lewis, Jean, 147–48
Lewis, Marcia, 181, 182–83
Lieberman, Evelyn, 171
Life, 65
Lindsey, Bruce, 60, 119, 197–98
Livingstone, Craig, 66, 146, 204
Lott, Trent, 290
McCain, John, 286
McDougal, Jim, 28
acquitted in Castle Grande case, 83
background of, 78–80
buys failing bank and thrift and renames Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, 81
contacts Gerth at New York Times with Whitewater story, 84
conviction in Whitewater trial, 114–15
cooperation with OIC, 129–32
death of, 167
825 loan and, 47, 93, 94
financial fraud and conspiracy charges against, 94
Fiske moving toward indictment of, 49
in Governor Clinton’s administration, 80
marriage to Susan, 79–80
moves Madison Guaranty legal work to Hillary Clinton at Rose Law Firm, 82
real estate deals of, 78–79, 81, 82
removed as officer of Madison Guaranty, 83
sentenced to prison, 137
Starr meets with, 129–31
suspects Susan of affair with Clinton and offered pardon, 168
testimony in Whitewater trial, 113, 116
McDougal, Susan, 28
conviction in Whitewater trial, 114–15
criminal contempt case, 205–6, 298–99
825 loan and, 47, 48, 93–94, 95
financial fraud and conspiracy charges against, 94
Fiske moving toward indictment of, 49
marriage to Jim, 79–80
pardoned by Clinton, 304
refusal to answer grand jury questions, 133–35
refusal to cooperate with OIC, 116–17, 132–33, 166
removed as officer of Madison Guaranty, 83
McLarty, Thomas, 90
McNulty Paul, 271
Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, 28
failure of, 83
loans to Hillary Clinton, 81
McDougal’s purchase of failing banks and renaming as, 81
Mahan, Roberta, 7
Mann, Ronald, 198
Maraniss, David, 3
Marceca, Anthony, 146
Marcus, Jerome, 173
Marshall, John, 165
Marshall, Thurgood, 17
Massey, Rick, 99
Master Marketing, 48
Mathews, Sylvia, 189
Mayopoulos, Tim, 60
Medlar, Linda, 208–9
Mehta, Nancy, 298
Mehta, Zubin, 298
Melvin, Craig, 311
Meyers, Dee Dee, 161
Mikva, Abner, 99–100, 101–2
Mills, Cheryl, 234, 235
Moore, Michael, 257
Morris, Dick, 127–28, 162–63, 195
Myers, Julie, 298
My Life (Clinton), 115, 301, 306
Nannygate, 65
Nardella, Judi, 264
Newsweek, 187
New York Times, 28, 36–37, 40
New York University Law Review, 14
Nields, John, 87–88, 89
Nightline (TV show), 112
Nixon, Richard, 16, 17, 33–34, 41, 165, 213, 249
November 22, 1963: You Are the Jury (Belin), 70
NPR, 189
Nussbaum, Bernie, 29, 38, 204
O’Brien, Pat, 201, 202
Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC)
Branscum-Hill campaign finance case, 119–22
Dash’s resignation, 274
Filegate investigation and findings, 145–47
Foster investigation. See Foster investigation
Hubbell tax evasion case, 91, 169, 298
Lewinsky investigation. See Lewinsky investigation
Reno launches investigation of Starr and OIC, 261–63
Starr leaves, 299–300
Starr prepares for House Judiciary Committee testimony, 263–64
Starr’s Senate testimony on independent counsel law, 303–4
Starr’s testimony before House Judiciary Committee, 267–73
Steele case, 297–98
substantial and credible standard for impeachable offenses, 245, 247, 283
Treasury Department pressure to scuttle Madison Guaranty investigation, 147–49
Tripp contacts OIC with Lewinsky-Clinton affair tip, 169–72
Tripp wears wire in meeting with Lewinsky, 175–76
White House Travel Office scandal (Travelgate) investigation and findings, 144–45
Whitewater investigation. See Whitewater investigation; Whitewater trial
OIC. See Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC)
Packwood, Robert, 36, 249
Page, Ed, 208–9
Patkus, Mike, 61, 137
Paul, Dean, 93
PBS, 189
Perry County Bank (PCB), 119–20, 202–3
Peters, Ellen, 152
Phillips, Ron, 152, 153
“pink press conference,” 124, 145
Podesta, John, 189
Porter, Richard, 173
Powell, Lewis, 15, 16, 17
“Pressgate” (Brill), 216–17
Price, Robert, 9
“Prom Night” operation, 180, 225
protective function privilege claim, in Lewinsky investigation, 214–15, 225
Rangel, Charlie, 193
Rapoport, Bernard, 90
Ray, Robert, 299–300
Reasoner, Stephen, 95
Rehnquist, William, 16, 289, 290, 295, 301
Reign, David, 61–62
Reno, Janet, 24–25, 44, 91, 145
appoints special counsel to probe Whitewater allegations, 29–30
launches investigation of Starr and OIC, 261–63
refusal to support Starr and OIC investigation, 199–200, 212–14
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), 28, 83, 147
Rice, Condoleezza, 255
Rich, Marc, 304–5
Richardson, Elliot, 33–34
Riley, Bob, 79
Riley, Richard, 192
Ritts, Herb, 208
Rivera, Geraldo, 199
Roberts, John, 23, 307
Rodriguez, Miguel, 141–42
Rogan, James, 293–94
Roll Call, 189
Rose Law Firm, 64, 65
Rose Law Firm, Hillary Clinton’s billing records from
disappearance of, 66
discovery in White House of, 123–26
OIC assessment as to disappearance and discovery of, 204–5
Rosenstein, Rod, 104
Rosenzweig, Paul, 167, 173–74, 202, 218
Rotunda, Ron, 198
Ruckelshaus, Bill, 33–34
Ruff, Charles, 135, 235, 294
Russell, Neille, 77
Safire, William, 125
St. Eve, Amy, 59–60, 104, 106, 129
Sawyer, Diane, 277–80
Scalia, Antonin, 32
Schmidt, Sue, 219, 277
Schumer, Chuck,
Seligman, Nicole, 235
impeachment trial, 290–95
Starr’s testimony on independent counsel law, 303–4
votes not to impeach, 295–96
Sentelle, David, 27, 30, 31, 34, 39–40
Shalala, Donna, 192
“Shame at the White House” (New York Times editorial), 250
Shippers, David, 259–60, 263
Simpson, Glenn, 219
60 Minutes (TV show), 2
Smith, Steve, 104
Smith, William French, 19–20
Sneed, Joseph, 30, 32, 33
Solomon, Lon, 22, 219
Soros, George, 217
Souter, David, 36, 307
Spaeth, Merrie, 263–64
Special Division of D.C. Circuit
interviews Starr and appoints him as independent counsel, 27, 31–35, 43
role and composition of, 29
special prosecutor law. See Ethics in Government Act of 1978
Specter, Arlen, 21, 295
Spitzer, Arthur, 37
Starr, Alice Jean Mendell, 12, 13, 53, 255, 257, 258, 274
Starr, Billie Jeayne, 6
Starr, Carolyn, 253–55
Starr, Cynthia, 257, 258, 309
Starr, Jerry, 6
Starr, Ken
abuse-of-power count in referral, views on, 274–75
appointed D.C. Circuit judge, 21–22
appointment as independent counsel, 27, 31–35, 43
attends Brown University, 11
attends Duke University, 13
attends George Washington University, 9–12
attends Harding College, 8–9
Baylor University scandal and, xxii–xxiii
censure, views on, 286–87
as chief of staff for Attorney General in Reagan administration, 19–20
childhood of, 5–6
as clerk for Chief Justice Burger, 16–18
clerks for Judge Dyer, 13–15
Clinton’s immunity claim in Jones case, views on, 163–64
as contract program officer with U.S. State Department, 12–13
death threats against and protection for, 190
Disney vacation of, 280–81
faith of, 6, 9, 15, 22, 24
family life of, 22, 53–54
First Among Equals, 304
at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, 15, 18–19
in high school, 7–8
marriage of, 13
Pepperdine University teaching offer turned down by, 151–56
on presidential immunity in civil suits, 37–39
reasons for writing book, xxi–xxiv
recent chance meeting with Lewinsky, 310–11
regrets question, response to, 306–7
returns to Kirkland & Ellis after leaving OIC, 304
as solicitor general for Bush, 22–25