Page 29
as staff assistant for Representative Price, 9–10
threats to and stress on family, 253–58
20/20 interview with Sawyer, 277–80
views on special prosecutor law, 31
See also Lewinsky investigation; Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC); Whitewater investigation; Whitewater trial
Starr, Randy, 256
Starr, Vannie Trimble, 5–6
Starr, William Douglas, 5–6, 23
Starr Report, 245–49
Steele, Julie Hiatt, 297–98
Stein, Jake, 210, 226
Stevens, John Paul, 23
Stewart, Potter, 17, 18
substantial and credible standard for impeachable offenses, 245, 247, 283
Supreme Court
appointments to, 307
Clinton sanctioned by, 301
Clinton’s immunity claim, unanimous ruling against, 163–65
upholds constitutionality of Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 31–32
Sutton, Buddy, 108
Tenth Justice, The (Caplan), 37
Thomases, Susan, 28, 204
Thomason, Harry, 67
Thompson, Fred, 303
Thornburgh, Dick, 22, 36
Time, 296
Today (TV show), 193
Travelgate, 67–68, 144–45
Tribe, Laurence, 38
Tripp, Linda, 68, 181
contacts OIC with Lewinsky-Clinton affair tip, 169–72
granted immunity for telephone recordings, 172
Lewinsky asks Tripp to provide false affidavit, 175, 176
wears wire in meeting with Lewinsky, 175–76
Truman, Harry, 162
Trump, Donald, xxiii, 286–87, 307
Tucker, Jim Guy, 78, 81, 82, 155, 304
conviction in Whitewater trial, 114–15
825 loan and, 47, 94
financial fraud and conspiracy charges against, 94
Fiske moving toward indictment of, 49
steps down as governor, 116
Tuohey, Mark, 71, 72–73, 112, 141, 142
20/20 (TV show), 277–80
Vanity Fair, 208, 310
Vlasto, Chris, 277–78
Wall Street Journal, 66
Warner, John, 20
Warren, Earl, 17, 70
Warren Commission, 70
Washington Post, 37, 39, 40, 188
Watergate, 15–16, 33–34, 72
Waters, Maxine, 269–70
Watkins, David, 144–45, 204
Watt, Bill, 110–11
Webster, William, 20, 22–23
Wellington, Harry, 152
White House Travel Office scandal (Travelgate), 67–68, 144–45
Whitewater investigation, 27–28
background of Clinton-McDougal investment in Whitewater, 80–83
Branscum-Hill campaign finance case, 119–22
Clintons’ claim to be passive investors in Whitewater, 48
Clintons’ denial of Hale’s accusations, 50
Clintons deposed in, 95–102, 201
DOJ subpoena to Clintons on behalf of Little Rock grand jury, 85–86
825 loan, mechanics of, 47–49, 93–94
Fiske investigation and handoff to Starr, 45–51
Fiske’s investigative and prosecutorial team, 54–57
Hale as witness, 49–51, 61–62, 128
Hubble embezzlement investigation and conviction, 87–91
initial positive reaction to Starr appointment, 36–37
Jim McDougal’s cooperation after conviction, 129–32
Judge Woods’s dismissal of indictment and subsequent reversal on appeal, 94–95
McDougals indicted for financial fraud and conspiracy, 94
McDougal-Tucker trial. See Whitewater trial
Madison Guaranty loan check to Clinton found, 137–40
OIC team’s deliberations and decision not to indict Hillary Clinton, 201–5
partisan attacks on Starr’s appointment, 37–41
reassignment of case to Judge Howard, 95
Reno appoints Fiske as special counsel, 30
Susan McDougal’s indictment for criminal contempt, 205–6, 298–99
Susan McDougal’s refusal to answer grand jury questions, 133–35
Susan McDougal’s refusal to cooperate after conviction, 116–17, 132–33, 166
Starr interviewed and appointed independent counsel by Special Division, 27, 31–35, 43
Starr’s investigative and prosecutorial team, 57–62, 103–5
Tucker indicted for financial fraud and conspiracy, 94
See also Whitewater trial
Whitewater trial, 103–18
Bill Clinton implicated, 110–11
Bill Clinton’s testimony in, 112–13
Bill Clinton’s thoughts on convictions in, 115
convictions in, 114–15
defense tactics, 107–8
Hale as witness, 107, 111
Jim McDougal’s testimony in, 113, 116
jury deliberations, 113–14
jury selection, 106–7
local public sentiment toward prosecutorial team, 108–9
McDougals convicted, 114–15
prosecution’s case, 106–7
Starr’s prosecutorial team, 103–5
Tucker convicted, 114–15
Wilkie, Curtis, 168
Wilkinson, J. Harvie, 20
Willey, Kathleen, 172, 297–98, 311
Williams, Edward Bennett, 211, 236
Williams, Maggie, 204
Williams & Connolly, 86, 211
Wirth, Mary Anne, 227, 228, 229, 246
Wisenberg, Sol, 201, 217, 226, 227, 233, 238
Wittes, Ben, 200
Wolohojian, Gabrielle, 59
Wood, John, 103
Wood, Kimba, 65
Woods, Henry, 94–95
Woodward, Bob, 234
Wright, Susan Webber, xxiv, 120, 133–35, 185, 194, 303
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