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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

Page 5

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  She let him take it, and he removed his hold on her, allowing Camilla to continue her voyage to the mural.

  On one side, men played basketball on a court. Three on three, one of them looking oddly like Hunter. Camilla walked the length of the wall, haphazardly driving her fingertips across the images as she moved. The scene changed with each step she took. An older man with a bald head and a long gray thin beard sat at a table playing chess with a more frustrated, younger looking brother. Camilla peered closer at the image.

  “Is that you?” she asked.

  “It is.”

  Hunter offered no further explanation, and Camilla didn’t expand on her thoughts of the scene. It was clear, the young man wasn’t winning the game, and again five other younger men stood off to the background with an outburst of laughter written all over their faces. Camilla stood with a smile, and then she moved on to the next image. A garden with an abundance of beautiful blooming flowers with blue skies and a beaming sun in the backdrop trailed down his hallway. It hadn’t dawned on Camilla that she’d left his living area and was now sauntering deeper into Hunter’s space.

  “Are you certain you want to go back there,” his voice drummed.

  Camilla halted her steps just as her eyes traveled over a single word written across the sky of the mural, Trevor. She blinked and rotated slowly on her bare feet.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. Your wall is captivating.”

  Hunter smiled easily as he stood with his hands thrown inside of his pants pockets. Camilla’s eyes roamed over the pecs in his chest, and she’d almost wondered how she was able to take her eyes off his excellence.

  She blinked and went to speak again when a light in her peripheral caught her attention. Turning toward the opposing side of the wall came with another magnificent delight. Instead of a wall, there was a sweeping view of Chicago’s skyscrapers behind a thick pane of window glass. A light stood off in the distance on top of another building just across the way. Camilla’s eyes bulged as she moved closer to the barrier of glass that ran from the room she’d just left, past her, and down the hallway before disappearing around a corner she’d yet to venture into. She’d been so taken with the mural that Camilla failed to notice the view.

  “Why do I suddenly feel cheated,” she mumbled. “This is amazing. I would’ve paid…” her words faltered. “I mean I would’ve sold an arm and both legs if it was needed to pay for a view as spectacular as this.”

  “You may have needed a full body, and that would only cover the deposit,” his sexy voice grooved.

  Camilla smiled, somehow knowing that he was right.

  “Is it possible that the building has another view like this, that’s available for rent?”

  Hunter ventured closer to Camilla. He’d watched her from afar as she trailed, mesmerized by his memorial. He took special note of the way her pecan eyes lit up and her beautiful lips parted as she assessed the detail on it. It wasn’t the only thing he’d noticed; the sexy way her hips moved each time she placed one foot in front of the other, and the curve of her derriere and the soft sway of her mane as she progressed.

  Hunter had seen beautiful women from different countries across the globe; exotic and racy, that hailed from different tribes. But here in his own backyard, he’d found a rare diamond; as if she was a mixture of all of those beautiful faces combined into an original chef-d'oeuvre. He wanted to know her, and it wasn’t a matter of a possibility. His first step to making sure it would happen was getting her inside his suite. So, when she declined, Hunter pushed forward, with no plans on letting up. Now she was in his lion’s den, and Hunter wanted to make sure being here made her want to return, again and again.

  Closing the distance, Hunter stood over Camilla and answered her question.

  “There’s not a view of this magnitude, but there is one on a lower level. I’m not sure if it would tickle your fancy, but let me check with the building owner, and I can get back to you.”


  Hunter smiled again. The way her eyes twinkled when she was excited was becoming his favorite thing to watch.

  “For sure,” he responded. He pulled his bottom lip in with his teeth, and Camilla’s eyes dropped to his mouth.

  She shivered then glanced back toward the window then to the mural.

  “Who’s Trevor?”

  The sparkle in Hunter’s gaze dimmed, and she watched him stare at her as if deciding whether to reveal the message behind the mural.

  “My brother,” he said. “Have you had dinner by any chance?”

  Camilla blinked at the quick turn of conversation.

  “Um, no. I planned to make a salad when I got home, but I needed to get my card from you since I now owe my coworker money for lunch.”

  “I see.”

  The doorbell rang a tune that sounded throughout the penthouse.

  Camilla’s brows rose. “I should probably go. It wasn’t my intention to interrupt your company. If you don’t mind, could you—”

  “Not company,” his baritone voice cruised along her skin. “Dinner.”

  Camilla didn’t speak, and she almost felt foolish that she’d assumed otherwise. Almost.

  “I’d like you to stay. Have dinner with me. I hate dining alone.”

  Camilla smirked. Of course, he did. Hunter Valentine, alone? Oh, the horror, she thought. Her stomach rumbled, and they both heard it.

  “What are you having?”

  “Chicken with Beurre Blanc and dilled parsnips and carrots. You’ll love the seasoning, it’s like a tango on your tongue.”

  Camilla was finding it extremely hard to keep everything Hunter said from being sexual. But the man made her libido overactive like nothing she’d ever felt.

  “I don’t usually have dinner with bare-chested men,” she said.

  A deep echoing guffaw spilled from Hunter’s throat, and it floated over and tickled Camilla’s eardrum. She squirmed, and her hands sailed down her hips as if to calm her nervous system.

  Hunter nodded as his laugh subsided, leaving mirth in his soulful eyes. The doorbell rang again.

  “I’ll put on a shirt if you get the door,” he said.

  Camilla arched a brow. “You want me to answer your door?”


  “What if it isn’t dinner, but one of your…” she paused, and this time Hunter lifted a brow.

  “One of my what?”

  Camilla swallowed. If she was going to keep the location of her apartment a secret, she’d have to remember to mind her tongue. Camilla couldn’t very well tell him she’d seen his company leave this morning. But it was hard to do. Being around Hunter the few times they’d shared space had proven that. Even her actions were out of whack when with him.

  “Nothing,” she said.

  Amused, Hunter reached for her hand, and a squadron of heat assaulted their flesh. Singed, they both stared at each other before Hunter tugged her toward the front room. Entering again was like entering for the first time for Camilla. It was now that she saw the black leather sectional sofa, the sleek contemporary leather chair sitting adjacent from it. Gray accessories sat quaintly around the room, and a chandelier in the shape of a multifaceted globe hung from a tray ceiling.

  “I love the design of this place, it must have cost you a fortune to have it set up just the way you wanted it.”

  “A mini fortune,” he said with a smirk. Hunter closed in on the door then reached for the handle and opened it.

  “Macalister’s,” the older man on the other side cajoled, pronouncing the restaurant Hunter had ordered from.

  “Thank you, Phillip. I’ll take it from here.”

  Hunter pulled the cart inside and handed Phillip a tip.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Phillip didn’t stay around to chat. He departed quickly, leaving Camilla and Hunter alone again.

  “Are these blackout blinds?” Camilla questioned, still admiring Hunter’s space.

  “They are,” he res

  Knowing that at the push of a button his blinds would drop, sealing the room in total darkness sent a spiraling zing shooting through Camilla. Besides that thrill, she wondered why she hadn’t thought to install the same feature in her suite. Because you’re not rich, and you broke the bank paying the rent. That thought seemed to put her in her place.

  “I think I envy you,” she said, turning from the blinds to look at Hunter.

  “Don’t. You can enjoy them whenever you like. For as long as you like.”

  The invitation not only surprised Camilla, but Hunter, too. Had he really just invited her to come over when it pleased her because that wasn’t a request he’d bestowed upon anyone.

  “Come with me,” he said before either of them could think too long about the idea.

  Camilla sauntered up to him, and Hunter reached for her hand and linked their fingers. They strolled down another long corridor before entering a dining area with more tray ceilings, black Italian marble floors, and luxurious surroundings. The table they approached was fit for royalty. The Lucite tabletop and modern leather chairs had a back so massive it rose seven feet; no doubt to accommodate his massive frame.

  Hunter pulled out her chair, and Camilla sat. In no time, he added their dishes and her bottle of wine to the surface. She watched the way his muscles flexed as Hunter strolled around the table, and an expedition of chills found their way down her skin. Hunter removed the silver cloche, and the smell of freshly roasted chicken filled the room.

  “I’ll be back in just a second.”

  Hunter disappeared before Camilla could change her mind. Maybe she did want to have dinner with a shirtless man after all. First time for everything. Camilla shook her head. No. Stay focused. But it was a bit too late for that. Especially seeing as how he’d managed to have her stay for dinner. She let her fingers trail up the wine bottle and tried to shift her thinking, but at that moment, Hunter was all her mind cared to commemorate.

  Chapter Seven

  When Hunter returned, the magnificence of his washboard abs was hidden, but the muscles weren’t held back by the garment as they pushed through the seams and teased Camilla as if he hadn’t shielded himself at all. The swagger in his long stride held her in rapture, and an avalanche of heat swept down her spine.

  “How’s this,” he asked.

  Camilla nodded, not trusting her voice.

  “Good, I aim to please.”

  Camilla smirked. Sure, he did.

  Hunter disappeared around another corner and returned with champagne flutes and a corkscrew. Placing one flute in front of her, Hunter lifted the bottle and popped the cork then poured her glass halfway. She admired his thoughtfulness. He could have filled it to the top to get her drunk. But so far, Hunter had only shown sincerity, and Camilla could appreciate a man like that. He grabbed a utensil and added food to Camilla’s plate than his own and took his seat while filling his own glass.

  “Do you pray?” He asked.


  “What are your religious preferences?”

  Camilla smile again. Thoughtful.

  “I’m a Christian.”

  “Shall we?”

  Hunter reached for her hands, and they bowed their heads.

  “Father God…”

  As Hunter prayed for a blessing and the nourishment of their bodies and soul, Camilla found herself praying for forgiveness of having naughty thoughts as Hunter spoke at the throne.

  Please Lord, forgive me, for I have sinned and can’t seem to stop.

  The depth in his vocals and the way Camilla’s body vibrated slightly from the bass of it caused her to shift and cross her legs then repent more. She was so busy begging for forgiveness that she almost missed it when the prayer ended.

  “Amen,” Hunter said.

  His perfectly curled lashes fluttered as he looked over at her.

  “Amen,” Camilla responded.

  Hunter gave her hand a squeeze before releasing it and reaching for a knife and fork.

  “This dish is best served if you eat it like this.”

  He took the knife through her chicken, cutting a corner of it just right to fit the spear of the fork. When he had enough, Hunter dipped the food into the Beurre Blanc sauce then lifted the dish to her lips. Without dissuasion, Camilla settled her mouth over the food, and her lids fluttered at the attack on her palate.

  “Good, right?”

  Camilla nodded as her mind processed the flavor.

  “Wow,” she said finally. “That is incredible.”

  Retrieving her own utensils, Camilla cut into her chicken and followed his lead, dipping then taking another bite. Her eyes rolled back to a close then fluttered open and rounded to him.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned with a soft shake of her head. “Heavenly.”

  Hunter’s dick bucked against his zipper, and inwardly, he told himself to calm.

  “Are you going to eat?” Camilla asked, watching him stare at her mouth unflinchingly.

  Hunter cut into his chicken while keeping his eyes on her.

  “How was your first day on the job,” he queried, dipping his chicken and taking a bite of his own.

  Camilla lifted the glass of wine to her mouth and took a sip. The sweet liquor mixed with the meal so enticingly she thought about having the cuisine again tomorrow.

  “It was good. The staff is great and very enthusiastic. The atmosphere is light and non-pervasive.” She licked the corner of her lips, and Hunter’s gaze followed her tongue. “But, I think my co-anchor has a thing for black women.”

  That didn’t seem to surprise Hunter. Any man worth his salt would be attracted to Camilla.

  “Actually, I know he does since the coworker I owe money to said as much.”

  Camilla made sure to put that out in the air again. Since Hunter, still, had yet to hand over her card.

  “What would make your coworker tell you that?”

  Camilla smiled softly. “He’s a flirt. It was minor, but I can spot a flirt a mile away.”

  “Because you have superpowers?”

  Camilla laughed an ambrosial sound that heated Hunter’s skin, sending a flare to his groin.

  “No, but the tell-tale signs are there.”

  “Hmm,” Hunter’s intoxicating voice grooved. “What is your coworker’s name if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Allison. She reminds me of my friend back in Florida, Corinne.”

  “Florida,” he said. “The Sunshine State.”

  Camilla nodded. “Born and raised. Gators all day, skee-wee!” Camilla called, and a beautiful smile covered her face as she tossed up her fingers in her signature sorority hand gesture.

  Hunter’s eyes lit up. “You’re Alpha Kappa Alpha,” he pointed out.

  Camilla’s smile held steady. “Yeaaaah baby,” she crooned, going in for another bite of her chicken Beurre blanc.

  “A-Phi!” Hunter shouted, and Camilla almost choked on her food. She swallowed quickly then dabbed her mouth with a napkin.

  “No way,” she said, sitting forward astonished. It couldn’t be possible that he was a part of the brother fraternity to her sorority.

  The gorgeous smile that ran across Hunter’s face was proof in the pudding.

  “Yeaaaah, baby…” his thick voice drummed, repeating what she’d said in the sexiest manner Camilla had ever heard it.

  “You’re Alpha Phi Alpha…” she gushed.

  Camilla sat back against her seat, and Hunter reached out and stroked her chin.

  “I pledged because I wanted to offer positive change not only in the brotherhood, but in the Black community. I was already popular in society because of my family’s reputation, so spreading positivity on a greater scale was my goal. Once I became a sophomore, I was elected Pledge Class Vice President. I held that position for another semester before I elevated to General President.”

  “Wow, what an advancement,” Camilla said.

  The corners of Hunter’s succulent lips lifted, and he
nodded. “True that. It was a ton of responsibility, but I was up for the challenge.” His gaze lingered on her. “I’ve got the feeling we were destined to meet, Angel.”

  Camilla smirked outwardly. Inwardly, she shivered. “You think?”

  “I do.”

  They watched each other for another long moment, Camilla taking in the sudden coincidence and Hunter wondering what else fate had in store when it came to his Angel.

  Camilla took a sip of her wine, needing to calm herself, but it only seemed to make her even more comfortable with Hunter.

  “Tell me, why did you pledge AKA?” he asked.

  Camilla crossed her legs, and Hunter wanted to pat himself on the back for not looking.

  “Initially, I’d watched as the sorority groomed young women to be outstanding leaders of the community. It not only sparked my interest, but it made me want to recruit more women for the sorority. But I needed to be a part of it first. Instead of jumping the gun, I did a little research. There are a lot of great ones, but Alpha Kappa Alpha stood out the most. I created a lot of friendships from being a part of it. And now that I’m long gone from college, I still recognize my sisters when I see our colors or hear our call. It’s amazing that even though I may not know the individual personally, being a member connects us instantly. There have been many times when I have been in public and walked past a sister wearing our logo, and I’ll shout skee-wee!” Camilla laughed, and Hunter enjoyed the serenaded sound of her voice. “We’d stopped instantly and take a selfie with each other. It’s a bond like I’ve never experienced.”

  Camilla reached out and lifted the wine glass to her lips, taking a sip of the last contents. Hunter stood from his seat and poured her a little more. At her inquisitive look, he paused.

  “Enough?” He asked.

  Camilla mulled it over. “This should be good. I’m not a big drinker, so I can already feel it working me out.” Her eyes swept over him before meeting his stare again.

  “You said it’s a bond like you’ve never experienced before,” Hunter said, sitting the bottle back down and reclaiming his seat. “Are you an only child?”

  Camilla didn’t have a problem answering his question, but she couldn’t help but remember how Hunter had instantly shifted the conversation when she inquired about Trevor.


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