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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

Page 6

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “I’ll make a deal with you. If you get to ask me about my family, I can ask you about yours.”

  Hunter didn’t jump at her proposal right away. Instead, he let it linger there, and Camilla could tell he wasn’t up for it.

  “One question,” he said finally.

  Camilla looked him over completely. The warmness in his eyes had paused, and his jaw seemingly locked tightly.

  “Yes,” Camilla answered. “I’m an only child.” Instead of asking the question she really wanted to know, she decided to save it for another time, if ever a time came. “The men on the mural playing basketball. Are they your friends? Brothers?”

  The question seemed to make Hunter relax, and the warmness she’d gotten used to returned along with his relaxed jaw.

  “They’re my brothers.”

  “It must be nice to have siblings.”

  “Sometimes,” he joked.

  Camilla smiled. “Are you the oldest?”

  Hunter smirked. “You could say that.” He chuckled at her quizzical look. “We were born together. Me first by one and a half a minutes. So, I guess you can call me the oldest.”

  Camilla thought she’d heard wrong. “Wait, all of you!?”

  “Yes. We’re septuplets. Not identical. My mom is a warrior.” His smile was easy.

  “Oh my God, how amazing! When I first heard of the famous Octomom who had eight babies at once, I thought surely that was a rare occurrence, but seven is still… wow.” Camilla thought back to the mural. There were only six of them in each drawing. “Wait,” she said, going over it again in her head. Trevor. Camilla wanted to pry more, but she held on to it. She lifted the flute to her lips and drained the remaining contents.

  “You don’t mind if I have a bit more, do you,” she asked. “I swear this is my last round.”

  “Of course. It is yours after all.”

  She gave him a gracious smile. Oddly, Camilla also wondered what it would be like for Hunter to be hers, too.

  Chapter Eight

  They were enjoying each other’s company too well; that much was apparent when Camilla failed to check the time, and the minutes had turned into hours. Camilla and Hunter polished off their meals and moved from the dining room back to the main living area where they sat next to each other on the sectional sofa. Camilla crossed her legs and made sure to keep a gap between them, but Hunter closed in, leaving only a minor space between them. He offered Camilla another glass of wine, which she took despite her earlier statement that the previous glass was her last.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have musical talent, would you?” Hunter asked. He suddenly wanted to know everything about Camilla. She’d been a refreshing change to the women who only came around in the hopes that he would bed them. It didn’t matter that Hunter never propositioned the women. They would lay themselves at his feet, and being the bachelor he was, more times than he wanted to admit, he took them up on their offer.

  Camilla giggled. “I sure do. I have this splendid rendition of Etta James’ ‘At Last’ that I sing in the shower.”

  The timbre in which Hunter’s laugh trekked from the depths of his throat sent a detonation of chills scouring over Camilla’s skin. She joined his chortle, unable to keep from smiling as she watched his gorgeous masculine face spread with a humorous glee.

  She shrugged. “I’m just keeping it real. No one can top my shower song. Not even Rihanna herself.”

  Hunter tried to calm himself, but Camilla kept at it. It had been a long time since he’d laughed that hard about anything, and he couldn’t help but appreciate her for it.

  “A woman with a sense of humor,” he said amid a chuckle. “I love it.”

  Camilla stood and did a curtsy then pushed off his shoulder playfully.

  “I’m just being myself,” she said.

  Hunter nodded. “I think I love yourself,” he said before realizing what he’d actually spoken.

  Both of their smiles dropped instantly, and they stared at each other.

  “I didn’t mean… what I meant was—”

  “It’s okay,” Camilla spoke softly. “I understand what you meant.”

  Hunter assessed her for another long minute. Camilla had turned him into a stuttering fool. Never mind it had lasted only a second. It was new. She got under his skin, and he didn’t know how to feel about that.

  Camilla tried to change the subject. “I guess you asking me that question means you have musical talent yourself?”

  Going with her flow, Hunter reached for her hand, and Camilla sat back down next to him. Her thigh grazed against his, and she tried to ignore the ripple of heat that poured over her.

  “I’ve got a thing for the saxophone. I play down at the Velvet Café once a week. You should come and check me out.”

  “Nice,” she said, “you have to have solid talent to play that instrument. I don’t mean because of its actual sound but because of its build. You need big hands and a bit of muscle just to hold that big boy up.” Camilla swept her eyes over Hunter’s solid physique. “Which I’m sure you have no problems with,” she added with a sip of her wine.

  Hunter chuckled. “For someone who doesn’t play the instrument, you know enough about it.”

  Camilla shrugged. “I played around with instruments in college, but it was never my thing. However, I remember staying away from the saxophone specifically because of how large it was.”

  “It’s not so bad once you get used to it. I’d like to show you if you’d be willing to learn a thing or two.”

  Camilla twisted her lips. “I dunno…”

  Hunter chuckled again. “I’ll hold it for you, and all you have to do is put your lips on its tip and blow.”

  A quiver raced down Camilla’s spine, and a freak nasty image of her giving Hunter fellatio ripped through her mind. She blinked frantically. Oh my God. A nervous laugh skittered from her.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said, hoping to get it out of her head before the night was over.

  “Trust me, you’ll like it.”

  Camilla’s thoughts were still in the gutter, and she haphazardly licked her lips. I’m sure.

  “And you know that because you know me,” she asked, keeping a neutral expression as she tried to extinguish the naughty reflections.

  She was being sarcastic. This much Hunter knew.

  “You seem like the type of person who likes to have fun and learn a thing or two. I feel you will enjoy it.”

  I feel it, too. “Hmm, you might be right,” she said, ignoring her thinking. “Okay, on what days do you play?”

  “Tuesdays and Wednesdays.”

  “Tuesday’s tomorrow,” she said, and Hunter nodded. “What time do you start?”

  “Six p.m. I’ll save you a seat on the front row, but you don’t really need the spot since you won’t see me.”

  Camilla frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not on stage. There’s usually a speaker on stage. The club is known for its undiscovered spoken word artists.”

  “So, you’ll be in the background, but the music will be coming from you.”


  Camilla thought it over. “All right. That would give me a chance to focus on your talent and not your… um,” she fumbled, and Hunter’s gaze darkened.

  “Say what’s on your mind, Angel.”

  Camilla sucked in a breath of wind. “It’ll keep me from being distracted is all.”

  Hunter’s eyes fell over her. “Do I distract you?”

  A scutter of heat sailed over her. She didn’t want to stroke his ego. Camilla knew he’d probably had enough of that to go around for a lifetime. But once again, her fast-talking had her caught in a bind.

  “You’re a beautiful man, Hunter. I’m sure you distract many women. I apparently don’t seem to be immune.”

  “Why thank you, Angel. I’ve been called many things, but I don’t think beautiful is one of them.”

  Camilla arched a brow. “Lies.”

sp; Hunter smirked. “I don’t mean I’ve never been complimented, but beautiful? He rubbed his chin. “Yeah… that’s a new one.”

  “Maybe I see you differently than everyone else. No one is represented the same through someone else’s eyes.”

  “True that.” Hunter’s hand lifted to her face, and his fingers caressed the skin on her chin. “I think, it is you that is the beautiful one.”

  Camilla blushed. “Thank you.”

  “It’s been more of a pleasure than you know. Thank you for taking pity on me and allowing me to sit and eat with you this morning.”

  Camilla’s soft smile turned into a smirk. “You’re welcome.”

  The temperature in the room grew warmer, and Camilla dropped her gaze from his to check the time.

  “I must get going. I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

  She stood and slipped a hand down her blouse and skirt to smooth them down. Hunter rose with her.

  “I’ve enjoyed your company. You haven’t overstayed at all. As a matter of fact, I haven’t had enough of you.”

  Camilla squirmed, and she bit the corner of her lip with her teeth.

  “Maybe I’ll come back sometime.”

  Instantly, Camilla wanted to rebuke herself. What the hell, girl?

  Hunter stepped closer to her, the wall of his breastplate grazing across her own. Her eyes dropped, and she inhaled a thorough breath. Reaching out, Hunter trailed a finger up the archway in her neck and tapped the underlay of her chin. Camilla lifted her head, bringing her lips mere seconds from his. Her heart knocked as he moved toward her slowly, his eyes low and breath even.

  Camilla froze. When his mouth sank into hers she let go of a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding. Their lips mixed; him covering her bottom while hers covered his top. Heat sailed over them in a blanket so warm the fine hairs on Camilla’s neck stood at attention. Oh God. She panted into his mouth, and their lips shifted as Hunter pulled in her top and she his bottom. A blaze of heat traveled down the middle of her chest to her clitoris, and suddenly Camilla wanted to jump his bones. But when she dispelled the notion, Hunter wrapped his thick arms and muscular biceps around her waist. With a tug, he drew her nearer, and the hardness of his shaft pressed against her belly. Oh shit.

  Maybe she could have a one-night stand with him. It would be harmless, right? Just enough to get her rocks off and never speak to him again. But he’s your neighbor. Camilla pulled back with all the strength she could muster, her hand slipping up his arms to stop him. Hunter’s simmering gaze tore through her, and again, Camilla’s heartbeat raced.

  “I should get going,” her throaty voice cajoled. She took a step back, effectively removing herself from Hunter’s arms. “I need my card back now. Please.”

  Hunter’s tongue traced his lips, and he eyed her to make sure she was okay.

  “I can’t say that I didn’t mean to kiss you because I did,” he said. “However, if you feel I was out of line, I do apologize.”

  “Oh no,” Camilla said quickly. “You’re fine, I just…” she cleared her throat. “Need to be getting ready for work in the morning is all.”

  Hunter nodded. “Understood. I’ll be right back,” he said, stepping away from her reluctantly.

  Camilla let go of another extended breath and managed to straighten herself. Hunter’s return wasn’t as quick as when he’d left to put on a shirt, and Camilla couldn’t help but wonder what was taking him so long. She needed to get out of his place before she changed her mind and did something she’d end up regretting. Don’t go back there. The voice in her head called, just as she thought to go seek him out. But thankfully he rounded the corner and strolled up to her.

  “Let me walk you to your apartment.”

  Camilla’s eyes lurched. “Oh no, that’s okay.”

  “I want to make sure you get there safely,” he said. “I promise it’s not so I can stalk you.”

  As if I’d mind you stalking me.

  “This is supposed to be the safest building in Chicago, I think I’ll be all right.”

  Hunter eyed her for another long moment.

  “At least let me walk you to the elevator.”

  Camilla swallowed. If that’s what it took to keep up the charade she had to go with it.

  “All right,” she said.

  They left Hunter’s apartment and strolled unhurriedly down the hallway. They stole peeks at each other but kept silent, both mulling over the kiss they’d shared. At the elevator, Hunter hit the button then removed a card and slipped it into Camilla’s hand just as the doors dinged.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she said, moseying leisurely inside the metal box.

  “Anytime.” His smile was charming, and Camilla blushed then flipped the card around in her hand as she glanced down at it. Without warning, a frown covered her face, and she glanced up.

  “Hey, this isn’t my card.”

  It read Amex, Hunter Valentine. On the back a four-digit pin number and a ten-digit phone number were written on a sticky note. Confused, she swept her eye back at him again.

  “This way you’ll have no choice but to revisit me. Take care… Angel.”

  And just like that the elevator doors closed, and he was gone.

  Chapter Nine

  Last night, Camilla paced the lobby for thirty full minutes before returning to her apartment. The entire time she thought of nothing but Hunter. The nice dinner they’d had, the kiss, the card, and the fact that he hadn’t even asked how she knew where he lived. Now sitting behind WTZB studio lights, Camilla’s mind was still on Hunter, mostly because shortly after arriving at the news station, she’d found out while going through morning reports that Hunter was in the rotation to be interviewed today. A flush of warmth swirled around her face, making her blush instantly. Apparently, after the news cycle the day before, the station received a call from the man himself. According to everyone there, it was a rarity for Hunter or any other celebrity to call in and request an interview.

  The team was ecstatic, and of course, he asked specifically for the new face of WTZB to be the one to interview him. Camilla. She fumbled with her earpiece thinking about his sneaky tactics. He’d known yesterday while they had dinner that she would be interviewing him today. So, why hadn’t he mentioned it to her? Camilla couldn’t get her thoughts together adequately to call him for a practice run. It was enough that she’d tossed and turned last night with wicked foreplay with him in her dreams.

  “We’re live in 5, 4, 3, 2…”

  The light on the camera turned red, and the station’s recorded morning introduction sailed across the viewers’ televisions before cutting to Gerald Meyer.

  “It’s a great morning at WTZB, and I’m here with my lovely co-anchor Camilla Augustina. Good morning, folks, and good morning, Camilla.”

  Camilla’s smile spread across her face, and her brown eyes lit up as she acknowledged Gerald. “Good morning, Gerald, and good morning, Chicago. Today’s weather is better than yesterday’s, I think, or is Chicago’s weather normally in this much disarray?”

  Gerald laughed a heavy chuckle that brightened his already lively face.

  “I’m sorry to say that I think it’s always like this.”

  “Oh boy,” Camilla responded.

  “You’ll get used to it eventually, then when you go back home to Florida, you’ll feel like an outsider.” Gerald laughed at his own joke.

  “Now that’s something I can’t imagine.”

  “Well you’ve lived there all your life, so somethings will never change, but Chicago may grow on you. Our weather is interchangeable, and the environment is healthy.”

  “Which is why I chose this city to move to, and speaking of the environment,” Camilla turned her attention toward the live camera, “today, we’re speaking with Hunter Valentine about his green energy initiative and the ribbon-cutting ceremony that will be held later this week.”

  “Friday,” Gerald intervened.

  “Yes,” Camilla picked up. “Have
we been invited to cover it?”

  “We’re working on it,” Gerald cajoled. “Maybe we should ask the man of the hour.”

  “You’re right.” Camilla glanced back at the camera. “Mr. Valentine, do we have you on the line?”

  Camilla held her breath, and the authoritative voice that was Hunter Valentine crooned through the studio speakers of WTZB.

  “Good morning, Camilla,” he said, deciding not to be formal with her, live air be damned. “It’s nice to hear from you again.”

  Camilla’s grin was uniformed in a concealed covering that presented a beautiful smile but underneath it all, Camilla was completely flushed, and the stinging heat that slipped over her flesh traveled to her nipples. Oh, dear God. Not only had Hunter made it known that they were previously acquainted with that introduction, but his baritone voice didn’t disappoint. Camilla hoped beyond hope that her now rock-solid areolas weren’t protruding through the silk blouse she sat comfortably in.

  Damn, I shouldn’t have worn this blouse.

  Camilla was stuck in her smile, and before anyone had a chance to notice the absence of her response, Hunter moved to Gerald, making sure to acknowledge him as well.

  “Good morning, Mr. Meyers, thank you both for taking my call.”

  Gerald spoke up. “We’re your number one fans here at WTZB. I just wish I could’ve gotten the warm welcome Camilla just received.”

  Gerald chuckled and so did Hunter, but their voices were entirely different. Where Gerald’s was an upbeat guffaw, Hunter’s was a deep thunderous chuckle that threatened Camilla’s heartbeat.

  “I’m just kidding. I know it’s reserved for the ladies. I’m not jealous,” Gerald continued to joke.

  “I wouldn’t go so far as to say that,” Hunter acquitted.


  “Nah, just for Ms. Augustina,” Hunter replied.

  It was as if he were trying to take her down before she could gather herself. Was it possible Hunter didn’t know the effect he had on her? She’d told him last night that he could be a bit of a distraction. So, either he didn’t care, or he genuinely wasn’t aware that he was doing it at that very moment.


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