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My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1)

Page 18

by Kristin Hoepfl

  “What are you doing?” Trevor asked dumbfounded as he stared at a half-naked Elle standing before him.

  “Surprising you, I thought you could use a break from all your hard work.”

  Trevor closed the thick wooden slated blinds and rounded his desk. When he met Elle he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her in close. He slammed his mouth down on hers; in a mating of desire and need.

  He wanted to do this slowly but Elle was leading the kiss and taking it to the level of fast and furious. He loved this woman; she knew how to pull one hell of a surprise!

  Elle pulled back from the kiss with heavy eyes and dilated pupils, “I think you’re wearing too many clothes.” She unwrapped herself from his arms and went over to his desk and sat on the edge.

  Trevor pulled off his shirt and shoes walking over to Elle with only his pants on. “God you’re beautiful.”

  Elle shivered at Trevor’s touch as he slowly ran his rough fingers delicately along her rib cage and underneath her breasts. She reached out to unbuckle his belt, slowly she ran her fingertips across his muscled chest and stomach; his muscles quivered beneath her touch.

  “Elle…”was all Trevor got out before she claimed his mouth with hers again. They kissed and touched until he pulled back panting for air.

  “Elle I need you,” as he rubbed his erection against her center, letting her feel just how much he needed her.

  Her only response was unhooking her bra and sliding her panties down.

  “I want you,” as she reached for him and un-did his pants to let them slide down his long, muscular legs. Next her hand went into his boxers to feel him in her hand. His hips arched the second she came into contact with him.

  Elle knew how to put him on edge and quick, they may not have been together long but she knew exactly how to drive him crazy. He hurriedly pushed his boxers down and kicked away his pants and boxers before pulling Elle to him. His erection was perfectly lined up to her entrance with him standing and her sitting on his desk.

  “Skip the foreplay baby,” Elle said pushing herself closer to him and entrapping him in her heat.

  “Not this time.” Trevor answered mischievously. He stepped back from her but not before he took her mouth with his and slid his hand down her body to arouse her even more.

  Trevor applied pressure to her little nub before easing off and playing with her slick folds. He pressed his thumb to her nub again just as his middle finger started to slowly sink into her. He pushed his finger further into her and kept pumping it in and out, he heard her moan and she started to move against his hand. He knew it shouldn’t be long for her to climax.

  Elle was never aggressive like this sexually with anyone but she felt confident with Trevor; she had never surprised a man at his office for sex. Trevor moaned when she took one of his nipples into her mouth and gently grazed her teeth over it and scraped the nails of her free hand down his chest and abdomen. She felt him turn his finger like a hook in a come here movement and tease her insides more and, “Oh God! That’s incredible,” she thought. She felt herself start to pant, her heart was racing, stars were forming behind her eyes, her insides started to quiver and she was pistoning her hips against him. She felt her release coming and soon.

  “Damn! My turn.” Elle panted as she reached for him.

  Trevor pulled away from Elle’s reach, “I don’t think so. Now I need you.” He moved back to her and pulled her to him while claiming her mouth again.

  Elle immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, waiting for him to thrust in. She wanted to feel him inside her so badly. It felt complete and she felt whole when they came together.

  Trevor looked into Elle’s eyes and saw nothing but pleasure and love when he thrust deeply into her. Elle moaned and arched into Trevor as he thrust his hips quickly; she met him thrust for thrust.

  “So good every time Elle.” Trevor said in between labored breaths.


  Elle felt her release coming fast and that it was going to be intense, Trevor always did this to her. She stared up in to his eyes and knew he was lost in the pleasure of it all. The look etched on his face was one she loved to see, he always made her feel desired and wanted -- no matter what. She felt sexy and free with him.

  Trevor was lost in the feeling of being deep inside her, she felt like home for him -- both emotionally and physically. He felt his release coming and it was close. He saw Elle close her eyes tightly and felt her arch into him. He knew she was close too.

  Elle felt herself falling over and hoped Trevor wasn’t far behind her. She closed her eyes and arched closer; she screamed out his name as the explosion of colors and light exploded around her.

  Trevor felt Elle tighten around him and swore nothing ever felt more amazing than her coming around him. When she screamed his name he almost lost it but wanted to keep her pleasure going so he held out and as she was coming down from her release he let himself go; with three long, hard strokes he felt himself let go yelling out her name.

  When they had caught their breath and their frantically beating hearts slowed Elle struggled to sit up but Trevor was lying on top of her.

  “We should move and get off your desk.”

  Trevor only laughed as he slowly shifted to standing and pulled Elle into his lap on his desk chair.

  “That definitely the best thing that has ever happened in this office, and an amazing surprise.” He said before kissing her quickly. “Good thing we were here alone because I don’t think we were quiet and I don’t want my guys to hear us having sex.”

  Elle giggled and looked over her shoulder at Trevor’s desk and the papers that were now scattered all over. “I hope you didn’t need those papers, we kind of made a mess of them.”

  Trevor looked at the mess and groaned, “I did actually. But having to put them back in order will be so worth it after that.”

  “Do you want me to help since I helped make the mess?” Elle said as she stood and put on her bra and underwear.

  “No it’s fine I have it.” Trevor put on his boxers and pants.

  When they finished dressing Elle grabbed her coat and purse, “Are you sure you can’t do that stuff at one of our places?” She felt bad leaving him alone at night to finish his work; she knew it was going to be a late night for him.

  “It’s easier if I do it here. I’ll call you later.” Trevor said as he crossed to Elle and kissed her.

  “I’ll talk to you later, love you.” Elle said before she walked out of his office.

  The thought of their spontaneous but amazing office romp had Elle in tears again; they had shared so many beautiful and incredible moments together, the thought that it was over broke her heart.

  he following Friday Elle finally got up the courage to go and apologize to Trevor. She had started to call him so many times over the past few days but couldn’t muster up the courage. She would dial the number and the second it started to go through she would chicken out and hang up. She felt like this should be done in person anyway; now all she had to do was “grow a pair” as Taylor had said.

  Elle pulled up in front of Trevor’s and saw his truck in the driveway, so she knew he was home. All she had to do was get out of the car, apologize and go home where she could fall apart in private. She knew her heart would be torn out all over again after seeing him and saying her final goodbye but it was the right thing to do, so here she was. Her throat was thick and she choked back tears at the idea of what was about to happen. She didn’t want to say goodbye to him for good but knew she had no other choice and needed to see him again, even if only to let him know how sorry she was and how devastated she felt.

  Trevor was working on several projects for his classes when someone knocked on his door. He closed his books, wondering who the heck it was. If it were Jake he would have half knocked as he walked in. He didn’t feel like company today, Jake or not. He walked to the door and opened it, totally unprepared for who was on the other side.

� Elle said tentatively as she looked up at him.

  “Umm, hi.” Trevor said back, unsure what she was doing here.

  Elle didn’t know if she could do this. Trevor was looking at her like she didn’t belong there and to be honest she didn’t know if she did, but she had to apologize. It didn’t help that he looked like he hadn’t slept in days and maybe had even lost a few pounds too. Oh God, this is awful.

  “I came to talk to you. Can I come in? I promise I won’t be long.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Trevor said as he stepped back to open the door so she could walk in.

  Trevor had no idea what Elle was doing there; he sure as hell didn’t expect her to come by his place. He was pretty sure she never wanted to see or talk to him again. He hoped he could get through this little visit without cracking. He had just started to get back into his routine but that didn’t mean he felt any better or ready for this confrontation…if that’s what it was.

  Elle walked into Trevor’s, he didn’t ask to take her jacket, he wanted this to be done quickly, Bruiser didn’t even come over to say hi. She was starting to rethink the wisdom of her decision. Especially when she saw the look of disapproval on Trevor’s face when he opened the door, or that was how she interpreted it, and it brought on gut-wrenching hurt. She thought she felt her heart break a little more, if that was possible.

  “What is it?” Trevor asked snapping her back from her thoughts.

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “That’s what you said when I answered the door. What about?” Trevor said with his arms crossed, standing over by his front door looking as if he was ready to open it and shove her out the second she said what she had to.

  “I wanted to apologize to you.” Elle said as she gently looked up at him with a red tear stained face.

  “You don’t have to. And to be honest I don’t know if I want to have this conversation right now, or ever, for that matter.”

  Trevor saw the pain in her eyes at what he said. He knew there was hurt and worry but he didn’t want to have this conversation with her. What could she say that would make it better? She didn’t trust him, didn’t respect him, or believe in him. That’s what relationships were based on, as a man he had to know his woman respected him and would support him over everyone else. He no longer knew that about Elle so he couldn’t allow himself to be vulnerable to her ever again.

  “You really don’t want to hear what I came over to say?” Elle said with glassy eyes.

  “No, I don’t think I do.” Trevor said with a short tone and stiffened spine.

  “Ohhh….Well okay then I guess.” Elle said with slumped shoulders as she started to walk out his door, she willed her tears to stay back but one look at him and they fell like there were too many for her eyes to hold. She couldn’t hide it and she didn’t even care enough to try.

  Seeing Elle’s tears broke another chunk of his heart off. He knew he was being cold and should let her say what she had to but he didn’t know if he could let down his defense and take the risk of her hurting him again. This was probably best for the both of them anyway.

  Elle stopped at the threshold, turned and said, “I just wanted to apologize, what I had to say wouldn’t have taken long. You couldn’t even give me that?”

  “It doesn’t matter if you apologize. What’s done is done.” Trevor said rubbing a hand through his hair and looking at Elle with glassy eyes of his own.

  “Well then I guess this is really goodbye.” Elle said as she pulled the door behind her, practically sobbing.

  Elle didn’t expect the conversation to go well but definitely didn’t expect it to go like that. She thought he’d at least listen to her. She didn’t think it would help them or that they’d automatically have another chance but she thought that they could at least get some closure. They both deserved that. She stood on his front porch bent over sobbing, she didn’t even know how long.

  Elle walked back to her car blubbering, she got in and tried to contemplate what to do next, she didn’t get what she came for, for Trevor to listen to her. She sat in there about to drive away when she stopped sobbing long enough to realize she wasn’t done. She was getting what she came here for.

  Trevor never was a guy who cried about anything ever, until he lost her. Now that they had split up he felt like he was always blubbering, he should have his man card revoked. With all the crying he felt like a girl. Seeing her in pain almost killed him. When he heard a knock on his door he reluctantly went to see who it was only because they knocked harder a second time.

  “I’m saying what I came to say and you’ll damn well listen to me. I know I hurt you but guess what I’m hurting too and I have something to say.” Elle said as she barreled into his place the second he opened his front door.

  “I said I didn’t want to do this.” Who was this woman and what did she do with Elle? Elle wouldn’t push anyone if they didn’t want to be pushed.

  “Well I do.” Elle said as she turned to him with red puffy eyes. “You’re gonna shut up and let me say what I wanted to say, got it?”

  He didn’t say anything but nodded.

  “I’m sorry about everything. I shouldn’t have doubted you, I should have given you the benefit of the doubt and I shouldn’t have suggested you put yourself or your business at risk by giving Rob a second chance, just because we had a past, or for any reason. You were right, people change from who they were in high school and I wasn’t seeing him for who he is now.”

  She took a deep breath and kept on going.

  “I shouldn’t have said what I said or made you think I didn’t believe in you or trust you because I did and still do. I should have been in your corner, on your side the whole time no matter what and no matter who it was for. You would have done that for me and made sure I knew it. I let you down and hurt you and I am so sorry. I understand why you ended things but I had to say that and let you know that no matter what I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. I do trust you, believe in you and know I should have been there for you.”

  Elle had tears streaming down her face when she looked up at Trevor he was standing there still as stone with a blank look on his face but glassy eyes. At least she was able to say what she came to say. He gave her that much -- this time around.

  “Well, that’s what I wanted to say and you let me say it so thanks. Goodbye Trevor.” She reached up with shaky hands to attempt a hug but he didn’t move so she stopped and walked out the door closing it gently behind her. She stopped on his front steps again and just let herself cry for a minute before she started walking to her car. This time she was going to get in and drive away. When he had her leave before she couldn’t make herself leave, but she had done what she came to do and even though she felt hollowed out at least she knew he had heard her.

  Trevor couldn’t believe Elle had just been so forceful and aggressive just so he would hear her out. He knew she wasn’t like that and she wouldn’t be unless she felt she had to. It was obvious she was determined for him to hear her apology. Damn, she apologized! She even said everything he wanted to hear. She nailed exactly how he was feeling. She knew him so well.

  Trevor opened the door hoping to catch Elle and at least tell her he understood and…hell if he knew what else to say or do.

  “Elle!” Trevor yelled, she stopped where she was and turned around. Her cheeks were glistening with tears. He mentally cursed himself for reacting the way he did when she went to hug him. What if that really was goodbye for them and that’s how he left it?

  “What? Is there something I forgot to say that you now want to hear from me?” She said coldly taking a few small steps towards him.

  “No. You said everything but now I wanted to say something.” She stood stone still. “Will you at least come in so I can say what I have to say without my neighbors hearing our business?”

  “Fine, what do I have to lose?” She said sarcastically as she walked past him and towards his condo. And added under her breath, “I alre
ady lost you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He said defensively.

  “You think this was easy for me? To come here when I’ve been miserable and feel like shit because my heart is broken into what feels like more pieces than is possible and knowing that I broke yours in the process. I knew I needed to apologize to you and don’t get me wrong I meant every damn word but you practically threw me out when I tried the first time, as if that wasn’t hard enough, then you didn’t say a word or even show an expression on your face when I barreled in the second time and now I am supposed to come in and listen to you!” Elle said outraged. They had made it into his condo before she launched into her tirade and Trevor closed the door.

  “I know it wasn’t easy and I didn’t make it easier but you’re not the only one who feels broken.” Trevor said with a hurting heart.

  “I know, I did just say that. Or weren’t you listening to me?” Elle said a sneer.

  Inside the condo he turned to Elle who was leaning slack on his front door and said, “Why did you do it?”

  “Do what?” Elle asked mystified

  “Defend Rob.” Trevor

  “I thought I said this before or weren’t you listening. I wasn’t thinking about who he is now just the guy I knew a long time ago. Also, it is my nature to think the best of people Trevor, to give the benefit of the doubt and assume the best.” Elle said slightly annoyed.

  “I heard every word you said. That’s the only reason?”

  “What the hell are you trying to ask? You want to know if I have a thing for him?” Elle said practically yelling.

  Trevor raised his voice too, “Yeah I guess I am.”

  “We went over this already. No I don’t. We may have had a thing in high school but it’s been over for me for a long time! My God, we were kids! Maybe he does still have a thing for me but it’s only on his end.”


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