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Time to Play

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Opening the door, she let both men in, and then she locked the door and walked past them.

  “Simone,” Callum said. Her anger rose. Without thinking she moved closer to him, raised her hand and slapped him around the face. When the sound of flesh hitting flesh wasn’t enough, she did the same with the other hand. Simone raised her hand to hit him once again, but Cole caught her hands in mid-air, stopping her attack.

  She fought him in an attempt to wipe the smirk off Callum’s face. “That’s enough,” Cole said, making her slump in his arms. “I’m going to let you go. Will you keep your hands to yourself?” he asked.

  “I should tear his eyes out.”

  “I don’t think that will work, baby.”

  Cole let her go. She glared at Callum and stormed away into her kitchen. “How could you do that?”

  “Some things needed to be done.”

  “No, you couldn’t handle a woman walking away from you.”

  “How did you not know who I was?” Callum asked.

  “Hello!” She shouted opening her arms in exasperation. “My father is in all of those magazines. I don’t need to see what slut is hanging off his arm. I don’t follow the current show business.”

  “Even though you’re in marketing,” Cole said.

  “I’d heard of you but never actually saw a picture of you, and I only handled financing and helped with some ideas. Oh, it was complicated, and I’m still not talking to you. I bet you’re the one to leak that crap to the papers.” She turned to Callum. “You should fire him.”

  “Why? He’s very good at his job.”

  “I don’t give a crap. You’re both awful.” She poured her beer into a glass, ignoring both men. Simone stayed in the kitchen, sipping her brew.

  “It’s a bit early in the day to be drinking, don’t you think?” Callum asked.

  “I’ve just been plastered all over the daily news. My walk of shame has been broadcast for everyone to see. I think I deserve a drink or ten.”

  She sipped more of her drink even though she knew she needed to keep a clear head. The phone began ringing once again. “Will you stop them calling? I can’t handle this.”

  Cole moved toward the phone then disconnected the cord. Next he turned off the television.

  “My mother refuses to come to me because of this. She can’t stand the cameras because of what my father did to her. Thanks for nothing. I can’t even lie low with her because they’d drum up all the crap from the past.”

  Simone didn’t know why she was telling them her problems, she couldn’t help it. They were staring at her, and she needed to say something.

  “Someone has been stealing money out the accounts and are trying to blame you for it,” Cole said.

  Her head shot up. “What?”


  Callum looked at his friend surprised at what Cole had admitted to. “Why would someone steal from the company?” Simone asked.

  “We don’t know. This is why we’ve taken over the company, and we intend to investigate,” Cole said.

  “Why don’t you suspect me?” she asked.

  “Look where you live and who your parent is. You don’t need the money. Also, you put your figures in correctly. Even your boss goes over them to make sure you haven’t missed anything. Someone inside your sector is doctoring the figures and taking out thousands of dollars into an alternative account.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  Callum sighed, moving closer. They all stood in the tiny kitchen staring at each other. She looked shook up and nothing like the sensual woman he remembered from earlier. He’d never given a thought to the exposure bothering her.

  “Because we need your help,” Cole said.

  “I don’t know how I can help.”

  “You can find the errors. We look at them and see a load of numbers that do not look out of place. You took down the original figures.”

  He heard the soft way Cole was talking to her. “Why did you have to do this? There is nothing going on between Callum and me.”

  “Because the person didn’t know who you were. This will shock them, and we hope they, he or she, will make a mistake,” Callum said.

  She brushed past them to go and sit on the couch. “This is insane. I can’t go back to work for you. Working in that office will be a nightmare with all this,” she said.

  This is where Callum came into the arrangement. “We’re setting everything up in my condo. You’ll be free to come and go as you please,” Callum said.

  “That will also give the media the frenzy of you two spending time together.”

  “What happens when all this dies down?” she asked.

  “When the person is caught, you and Callum can go your separate ways with a mutual agreement not to kiss and tell to the press,” Cole said.

  “I can’t live with you. I want my own place and my own space.”

  “We’re not asking you to. You’ll be collected from here every morning and brought to the condo. There you’ll work to figure out the problem,” Callum said.

  “Why do I feel that is not where this is going to end?”

  Cole laughed. Callum watched her as she stared at his friend. His need for her had grown the moment he walked through the door.

  “Callum is a public figure around the city. He needs to be seen. You’ll be expected to be on his arm.”

  “Eye-candy. Great, just what I need. Tell me, why should I do this again?” she asked.

  “Because we can make sure you’re never bothered with again,” Cole said.

  She dropped her head in her hands. He saw the moment she gave in with the slump to the shoulders and the pursing of the lips. “Fine, I’ll help.”

  “Great, I think it will be best if you two are seen leaving the building together,” Cole said, standing up.

  “Wait, what? Why can’t we start work tomorrow?” Simone stood. Callum stayed close. He inhaled her musky scent. The temptation inside him was rising. He wanted her. No other woman had tempted him the way she was, and she wasn’t even trying to capture his attention.

  “This will give you an opportunity to see where you’re going to work, Simone. I thought you’d like that,” his friend said.

  Callum watched her swallow. The action reminded him of when she’d taken his dick down her throat. He needed to get himself under control.

  She groaned. “Fine, let’s go.”

  Simone marched to the door. Cole stopped her before she passed him. Callum watched his friend run his fingers through her hair then his fingers under her eyes. The mascara wiped away cleanly. Next his friend bent close and kissed her lips, smudging her lipstick.

  His cock thickened at what Cole was doing. He loved watching his friend please his woman. It was like a thickening in his blood.

  “There, you look much better.”

  Cole turned to him with a smile. Simone looked dazed from what had happened. Neither said a word as they made their way down the stairs. Callum took her hand when she saw the press and flashing lights. Her grip tightened around his.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yes, they’re everywhere.”

  They walked out to face the music.


  Cole knew he was never going to forget the feel of her lips against his own. Her lips were warm, plump, and made him want to dive in without waiting. Every inch of her body was made to entice a hot-blooded male. Her pleasured cries still filled his mind from Friday. He’d heard her through the walls as Callum claimed her. There was a passion lurking in her depths that was waiting to be tapped. He wanted to be one of the men to tap her raw beauty. The cameras flashed at the couple. He saw her shaken from the attention. She wasn’t looking to score any bonus points by having Callum on her arm. In all the years he’d been with his friend, Cole had witnessed some spiteful women who were only after the added money and fame that could come from an association with a man like Callum.

  Simone was not like that. He saw it in the wa
y she was. There was no need to be better than who she was. All she wanted to do was get through this period and leave.

  They all moved toward the car with the press following close behind them. Cole ignored the questions being shot at him. He helped Simone into the car, lingering on her touch for far too long. She stared at him for several seconds then he closed the door. His body was on high alert. His dick thickened in his pants. Her lips would be so soft around his shaft. He wondered if she’d deep throat him or take only the tip.

  Fuck, he was already thinking of sharing her with Callum. His thoughts should be stopped. Not every woman was into being shared. He drove the distance into the centre of the city. Callum liked being in the main chaos of the city centre. The houses were expensive, and he knew his friend liked looking over the city at night.

  “How do you cope with them hounding you all day?” she asked from the backseat.

  Cole looked back at her wondering how she was feeling at being thrust into Callum’s world. “We deal with it. Being wealthy and successful goes with the cameras.”

  “I couldn’t do it.”

  She settled back staring out of the car window. There were press waiting around Callum’s condo. The underground parking was fenced off from the press. They paid for the added security, which he’d be checking at the first possible moment.

  “They’re everywhere.”

  “I’m big news, baby.”

  “Don’t boast. It makes you look small.”

  Cole smiled. Simone would be good for Callum. She’d keep him on his toes and never let him get away with anything. He parked the car in their designated spot then got out of the car. Simone had already opened her door and was out looking around at the deserted parking lot. “Other people live here?” she asked.

  He didn’t like her getting out of the car without his help. Cole trapped her against the door of the car.


  “Don’t get out of the car until I open your door for you,” he said.

  “It’s just a car.”

  “I don’t care.”

  He pressed his body against her waiting for her to come undone beneath his touch. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. Cole watched her lick her lips. The action made his dick harder than rock. She wasn’t trying to tease him. Her moves were completely natural, and he loved it.

  “Okay,” she said, giving in to him. Her submission made his cock leak pre-cum.

  Cole moved away taking her hand in his. He saw his friend smirking at him. He didn’t care.

  Chapter Six

  “You both live here?” Simone asked as the elevator took them up to their floor. The condo was larger than her apartment. From the look of the sitting room, that room alone was larger than her apartment.

  “Yes, we both like our space.” Callum spoke first.

  Cole let go of her hand. The moment he did, she missed his touch. Never in her life had she wanted two men at the same time. Was that even natural? Her body melted under the heat of both men’s gazes.

  “Is this where a lot of the work gets done?” she asked.

  Both men nodded their head. She glanced around at their space. It had a masculine feel to the room. She liked it.

  “Where will I be working?”

  “Through here,” Callum said, taking her hand and leading her through several rooms. She saw the gym, and instantly her mind was filled with both men working out. The sweat they’d be working up by pumping weights made her pussy pulse with renewed arousal. She was alone in an apartment with two men whom she wanted desperately. Simone knew she’d resist, but with the way her pussy was melting, she knew it would be a struggle.

  He led her through to the main office that overlooked the balcony and an outside swimming pool.

  “You guys call this an office?” she asked, staring out at the pool. The glinting water called to her. She had loved going for a swim when she was younger. When her chest began to fill out and her body expand, swimming was much easier to do alone.

  Callum and Cole were both standing behind her. She liked the look of each man on either side of her. They were like her protectors. Her very own sex slaves. She smiled wondering what it would be like to choose between a blond or a brunette.

  “That smile tells me you’re thinking sexy thoughts, Miss Allusifa,” Callum said. He reached out stroking her hair over her shoulder. She tried to ignore the call of her body. His touch sent her nerves spiralling out of control. No man should ever have this much control over another woman.

  “No reason.”

  “We haven’t brought through the papers you’ll need to go through. We’ll have everything you’ll need within a day or two,” Cole said.

  “In the meantime am I free to look for work elsewhere?” she asked.

  “I don’t think that would be wise. Everyone knows you’re Callum’s woman. All the interview will do is stir up more interest. If you do that, the press will never be off your back.”

  She sighed. “So, I’m trapped no matter where I go.”

  “No, you’re not,” Callum said. “I’m trapped in the office most days. Until you start work, Cole would be more than happy to help you. He’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

  “Really? You’d be happy being my driver and bodyguard?” she asked, turning back to Cole.

  “It would be a pleasure.”

  She snorted at the answer. “This is totally weird.”

  Simone gazed out at the pool. She hoped she’d be able to test the water at some point before everything blew over. In the space of a day her whole world had been turned upside down.

  “I think you should take me home,” she said, suddenly feeling the need to sleep.

  “You need to eat first,” Callum said.

  “I’ll go and order.” Cole left the room, leaving Callum with Simone. She stared out at the water and felt him move behind her.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “I think you’re a cold-hearted bastard who will hurt anyone to get what he wants.” His hand paused in stroking her hair. He pulled the length over one shoulder exposing her neck. She closed her eyes when she felt his lips caressing the pulse in the side of her neck.

  “Is that really a bad thing?”

  “You tell me.”

  His hands banded around her waist. She felt the strength in his touch as he pulled her back against him. The length of his cock pressed into her ass. Simone felt the heat of him through the material of her skirt.

  “I can’t say anything other than the fact I want you. I saw you walk into the bar Friday night, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away. You captivated me, Simone, before I even knew your name.”

  She opened her eyes. He was staring at her reflection in the glass. Both of his hands were on her stomach steadying her as he thrust against her. Even if she wanted to push him away, Simone knew she couldn’t. Her arousal was too great.

  “I’m not a heartless bastard, Simone. I take what I want, but I can give as good as I take.”

  She cried out as he sucked on the side of her neck. Her arms went behind her, wrapping around his neck. Callum nibbled and sucked on her neck. She knew when he was done, she’d be marked by his lips.

  Push him away.

  I don’t want to.

  He’ll take you over and make you forget who you are.

  Cole cleared his throat making her pull away from Callum. Her cheeks were red. Only an hour ago, Cole had brushed his lips across hers. Now she was practically dry humping his best friend.

  “Food is on the way.”

  “I need to freshen up,” she said.

  “The bathroom is down the end of the hall,” Callum said.

  “I’ll show you.” Cole made a move to follow her. She stopped him with a hand to his chest. “I can find it. Please, I need some space.”

  He didn’t follow her as she passed him. She was thankful for the space he allowed her.

  Simone made her way down the hall. She opened one door and found a bedroom. W
hen she opened the next door she found a supply closet. On the last door, she found the bathroom. She locked the door, resting against the wall trying to catch her breath.

  Licking her lips with the need to do something, Simone stepped near the sink. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her lips were swollen even though he hadn’t touched her lips. Lifting a mass of her hair up off her neck, she saw the marks he’d left behind. The flesh was red with a few specks of purple dotting through. She knew the mark would be on her neck for a couple of days, maybe as long as a week.

  She sighed, staring into her own eyes wondering what was wrong with her.


  Callum followed Cole out into the kitchen. The food had yet to arrive, and he wanted some strong coffee to try to ease his aching cock. She’d been rubbing against his shaft, her own needs calling to him. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

  “You want her,” he said to Cole.

  His friend gave him a funny look then went back to the paper he’d been reading. Callum waited for the coffee to percolate while he stared at his long time friend.

  “I’m merely helping a friend,” Cole said.

  Callum snorted. Cole didn’t help people. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at her. She responds to you as well, Cole. The kiss back in her apartment was a little restrained for your tastes.”

  “Why are you trying to get me to share your woman, huh? Why can’t you just drop it?” Cole asked.

  The anger rose inside Cole, and Callum didn’t understand what had happened to make his friend stop sharing a woman. Some of their best times had been driving a woman wild with need.

  “Because this is who we are. You shouldn’t deny yourself, Cole.”

  “So, I should share your woman. Fuck her out of my system until you tire of her? I love you like a brother, Callum, but I’m not fucking another woman for you to grow bored of her.” Cole picked up his paper and began reading.

  He was about to argue when Simone came around the corner. “Coffee smells good,” she said.

  “Find the bathroom okay?”

  “Better than okay.” She took the seat next to Cole. He was doing the crossword puzzle. Callum watched the two of them together. Didn’t Cole see how he leaned a little closer to her? His hand moved behind her chair, his thumb touching her arm. The action could be mistaken by anyone else, but Callum knew it was affection. In the short period of time that they’d known Simone, she’d gotten under their skin. He felt it. The burning need. The consuming fire to claim her sent warning signals through his mind. No woman owned him. He owned them. He got what he wanted then moved on. Simone was making it very difficult for him to move on. He didn’t like it. She was their woman, and he wouldn’t be denied for much longer.


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