Book Read Free

Time to Play

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Their woman.

  Callum shook his head. The doorbell rang distracting him from his thoughts. Cole was adamant he wasn’t sharing Simone. Callum paid for the Chinese with cash. The Oriental scents filled the air, making his tummy growl. He’d not eaten since that morning, and he was ravenous.

  Simone was leaning on the edge of Cole’s seat when he walked in. She was pointing to words and giving suggestions. Cole was stroking a strand of hair as she leaned in close.

  “Food is here,” he said.

  Both of them moved at the same time getting closer to the smells. Simone took the chop sticks and the carton of noodles.

  “Never come between a woman and her food,” she said, sitting at the counter then began to dive in.

  His cock thickened while he watched those noodles disappear into her mouth. She looked so fucking hot. How many women would have refused to eat the food he’d provided? Cole was the same. He saw his friend admiring the woman before them. Didn’t he realise she was perfect for them?

  Callum knew that Cole had seen the sharing as a bit of fun whereas he had seen more in it. He wanted to know his friend was safe and happy. The connection they got from being with a woman together was much better than any of their solo performances.

  “How is this going to work?” she asked.

  “You’ll get picked up from your apartment then brought here for a day’s work. In the meantime any social function or party I need to attend, you’ll come with me as my date,” Callum said.

  “Let me guess, I have to pretend to be completely besotted with you?” She rolled her eyes as she gazed up at him.

  “That will help.” Callum smiled wondering what it would be like to have her blue as ice gaze staring up at him with love. He’d seen the lust, the fire, and the anger. He wanted to see the love.

  Where had that thought come from?

  Callum stared at Simone trying to find out what was different about her from all the other women he’d dated. She was the most enthralling female he’d seen.

  “You’re drooling,” she said with a smirk on her face.

  He continued looking at her and made a point of wiping his chin. “What can I say? You’re a gorgeous woman.”


  Cole ate his food in silence. He watched the interaction between Simone and his friend. Callum looked totally taken with her. He understood what his friend saw. She was sex on legs, but she was hesitant. There was no way she was going to make life easy for them. He finished his food taking little glances at the woman eating noodles.

  After all the women he’d dated he was waiting for the panic over the calories or some comment about going for a run like most of the other women said during eating. She did neither. Her gaze would travel around the room as she ate. Nothing stopped her enjoyment of her food.

  “I think it is time I went home,” she said, putting the carton down. “I’ve got stuff to do and a resume to sort through.”

  “I thought I told you it wouldn’t look good,” Cole said.

  “For when this crap is all over. I don’t like the thought of spending the rest of my days as either of your plaything. I want my own life away from all this.”

  “You’ll be in the public eye for quite some time.” Callum spoke up, his gaze never straying from her face.

  Cole had to admit to himself that it was a battle to not watch her tits. She really had a good handful of breast.

  “Maybe you can break up with me, and I’ll cause a scene. Everyone wants the next big story. Screw a model or something just to get me out of the picture. I don’t care. How do I get out of here?” she asked, turning toward Cole.

  “I’ll drive you home.” He finished his food then made his way down to the parking lot. Callum stayed behind with great reluctance. Cole saw it. He wanted to make sure Simone got home safely.

  “Can I sit in the front seat?”

  He chuckled. “Of course.”

  She climbed in beside him. Her skirt rode up her legs, and he couldn’t help admire the fullness of her curves. She really did have a body to die for. He wondered how she’d feel wrapped around his dick.

  Cutting the thought off, Cole but the car into reverse and started to pull out of their space. The thickness of his cock made him move in his seat. From the sight of her alone, he was hard as rock.

  “How long have you two known each other?” she asked.

  “You’re going to make small talk with me.”

  “We’ve got potentially an hour’s drive back to my place, depending on traffic. If you want to spend the whole time in silence then do so. Me, I hate silence. I feel like talking, and I’m talking about you. You should be pleased.”

  He burst out laughing. “You’re trying to get information out of me about Callum.”

  “Nope. Not interested about that asshole.”

  “From what I heard on Friday night, you were really into that asshole,” he said. Simone didn’t even blush. He’d have to give her credit for that.

  “On Friday he was giving me what I needed. Today, he’s taking back everything he gave me on Friday. I’m pissed, and I don’t like it.”

  Cole stopped at a traffic light and waited for the people to cross. “You know, this could be dangerous for you as well.”

  “How could it possibly be dangerous for me? This is insane. You dragged me into this, and I’ve got no say in what I do.”

  He reached over tapping her thigh. “Whoever is stealing from the company, they’re trying to make you take the fall. You’re in danger because now they know your connection to Callum, it could get ugly.”

  The traffic light turned to green, and he pulled off.

  “You sound concerned.”

  “You don’t know me, Simone.”

  “You’re right. I don’t know you, but I hear the concern in your voice. A lot of people sound the same when they are concerned.”

  His sigh echoed around the car. “Look, Callum is my best friend. I never want anything to happen to him. In the past women have been hurt because of our association. You could be hurt.”

  “And yet you’re the one who started this.”

  He couldn’t argue with that. The moment he’d seen that smug smile on her lips as he passed her along the corridor he’d wanted to see her again. Who she was didn’t matter to him. He’d never liked that bastard, Malcolm Allusifa. From what he’d learned of her past, neither did she.

  “I’ll take care of you.” He meant every word.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “You’re not a very trusting person.”

  “I’ve grown up knowing the only person I can trust is myself. My mother also makes the grade. Everyone else wants a little piece of you.”

  She turned away to look outside the car window.

  “Your father didn’t play a big role in your life,” he said, making it more a statement rather than a question.

  Simone didn’t comment.

  “I take it he’s not a good subject to talk about around you.”

  “Leave comments and statements about my father out of this.”

  He pulled up outside her apartment. There was a rush of press who surrounded the car. Cole watched her bury herself into the seat.

  “Why won’t they leave me alone?”

  “You’re big news. Do you want me to escort you to your room?” he asked.

  “Please, I’d really like that.” He placed the handbrake on then got out of his side of the car. Pushing the press out of the way, he helped Simone out of her side and kept her close by his side.

  He felt her shaking, and a surge of protectiveness consumed him.

  “Can you tell us about your relationship with Mr. Gallagher?”

  “Does your father know about your current relationship?”

  “Are your mother and father getting back together?”

  Her hands covered her ears. The guard at the door helped them through then warded off all the other reporters.

  “I can’t belie
ve they’re doing this, Miss Allusifa. We’ve alerted security, but they’re not going anywhere,” the woman on the desk said.

  “That’s okay, Mary. I’m sorry for all the fuss.”

  Mary passed her hand through the air. “No fuss.”

  Cole helped her over to the elevator. When the doors closed, she sagged against the wall. “They’ve brought my mother into this. That is not fair.”

  “Why does your mother concern you?” he asked.

  She shook her head. The doors opened, and he followed her to her apartment. Her door remained open once she walked inside. He closed the door behind him. She went for the fridge grabbing a beer. “Do you want one?”

  “No, I need to drive back.”

  “Of course you do.”

  Chapter Seven

  Simone took several gulps of beer to try to calm her ragging nerves. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Cole sat next to her. His presence helped her to feel safe. “What can’t you believe?”

  “I remember when things went pear-shaped for my parents. Because of who my dad is, the whole divorce was like a circus freak act. Everything came out into the open.” She licked her lips to try to wet her suddenly dry mouth. Taking another gulp of beer, she still felt incredibly dry. “I was six at the time. If you go back nineteen years then you’d find all the information. For six years after I was born he did nothing but make my mother’s life a misery. The press and Malcolm’s friends ridiculed her because of her being a cleaner. My father seduced her while she was working on one of his floors. He saw her, wanted her, and took her. At least that is the stuff that is written in the papers.”

  “You shouldn’t believe everything you read.”

  She smiled. “I don’t want to talk about it. I know my mother is going to be hurt.”

  “What’s your mother’s name?” he asked.

  “Helen. Helen Allusifa. She kept my father’s name. I think she still loves him even to this day.” She shook her head hating the memories of each new article her father had been with the latest model.

  “You don’t agree with her feelings?”

  “Who could love someone who spent most of their marriage cheating on them?” she asked.

  “You couldn’t forgive cheating?”

  Simone shook her head. “Not cheating. It is the worst thing to do to another person.” A tear fell from her eyes. Cole wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She went to him without refusing his comfort. Simone knew she needed the comfort. Her mother wouldn’t be giving it to her as she wouldn’t send the wolves to her mother’s door.

  “I remember every time she read the newspaper or saw him on the news. She’d spend the whole night crying. No matter what we did, she’d start crying all over again. I remember that I’d never allow it. She forgave him all the time. I hated her for short periods of time. Who could forgive a cheating daddy?” She wiped the tears from her eyes feeling weak. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be crying.”

  She wiped her nose then pulled away. Cole let her go without expecting anything in return. She stared at him for several moments.

  “Why did you give that video and the photos to the media?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” He stroked her cheek. She felt the electric heat of his touch through her whole body. Her pussy pulsed with renewed arousal. Fuck, she needed to get him out of the apartment.

  “I think you should go home before it gets too dark.”

  “Are you kicking me out?”


  “I’ve never been kicked out of a woman’s apartment,” he said, stroking her hair. She wanted to purr like a kitten at his touch. Instead, she stood up and moved away.

  He got up off the couch. Her gaze went to the expanse of his chest and the hard planes of his stomach.

  “I’ll leave you alone to your work.” She went with him to the door. He turned at the last minute to cup her cheek. “If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to ask.”

  “I won’t.”

  Cole left her apartment. She watched from her window as he walked out of the main door. He brushed press off him without making a comment. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw him take one last look at her. Did he know she was watching?

  Get a grip, Simone. He’s Callum’s best friend. Do not become what you hate the most.

  A cheater.

  She moved away from the window, closing the curtains before she did. Darkness was a welcome relief after the pain of the last few hours. Even after everything had happened, she was still damned horny. Callum had a way of making her ache with a stare. She’d seen the intention in his eyes. If it hadn’t been for Cole’s knock at the office staff room, she’d have let him have his way with her on the counter. Any other chance had been squandered with the presence of Cole.

  What concerned her the most was how Cole was affecting her. She’d never been attracted to two men at once, and she didn’t know what to make of her sudden urge with Cole and Callum.

  Simone walked into the kitchen, cleaned away her breakfast plates from that morning, then made her way through for a shower. She wanted to freshen up. Leaving the phone unplugged, she went straight into the bathroom.

  She stripped her clothes off, and her reflection in the mirror caught her eye. The love bite he’d given her looked dark purple and out of place on her skin. Frowning, she saw where he’d touched her on Friday. There had been no holding back. He’d given her everything he’d got. She loved every second of what he’d done to her. Her pussy warmed as she remembered the feel of his hard cock fucking her from behind as he held her hair in his fist. The slapping of their flesh had echoed off the walls.

  Moving away, she climbed into the shower, soaping every part of her body. She was on fire with renewed need. Every inch of her skin felt sensitive to the lightest touch. She whimpered when she cupped her mound, feeling her clit pulse.

  Once her shower was finished, she padded back to the bedroom. She was exhausted from the events of the day. Her pussy was on fire. She needed more. Simone pulled her pink vibrator out of the draw along with a tube of lube and some massage oil.

  She opened her towel, turned the television on to the sex channel she paid for, and lay back. Her fascination with sex had begun since the moment she could finally have it. She’d watched one of her school friends getting laid at one of the graduation parties. It had been the best viewing she’d seen at the time for her age.

  Staring at the television, she watched the woman kneel before the large man. Simone couldn’t help but compare the guy on television with Callum. They were both large, and from the look of his shaft, they were about the same size.

  For several moments she watched the woman sucking the guy’s cock while her own pussy began a fire inside her. She held the pink vibrator in her hand then eased it between her thighs, testing the wetness of her slit.

  She was dripping wet. The lube would not be necessary. She used the lube in case she wasn’t wet enough to use the vibrator. Going into her drawer a second time, she pulled out a dildo, her gaze never once leaving the television.

  “That’s it, baby. Suck it down.”

  Simone couldn’t stop the chuckle. The clichéd words always made her smile.

  “Do you love sucking my cock? Yeah, that’s it, like that.”

  The words did nothing to stop her growing hunger. Callum hadn’t come close to finishing her off in the staff room.

  Heaping the pillows behind her, she stared at the screen and opened her legs wide. Simone turned on the vibrator and slowly teased her clit with the tip. She closed her eyes the moment the vibrator touched her.

  The porn on the screen was only there to help her get warmed up. Her own imagination provided the rest.

  She slipped into her fantasy without a problem.


  Bending over the desk at work, Simone tried to find the right piece of paperwork. Her boss was going to kill her if she didn’t get his number done by five. He’d expressed his
need for her to be on time. She moaned in frustration when once again, the paperwork eluded her. How was she supposed to do her job without that piece of paper? Everyone had gone home. It was only her in the building.

  “Now, that is a wonderful sight to see,” Callum, her boss, said from the doorway.

  “Mr. Gallagher, I’m so sorry. I’m getting your paperwork ready for you.”

  “You’re lying,” he said. He always knew when she was telling fibs. She never knew how he found out. It was like he looked through her to find what was bothering her.

  “I’m sorry.” She bowed her head feeling the heat rise up into her cheeks. Callum hated liars. He didn’t abide by them.

  “Turn around,” he said.

  Without hesitation, she turned around presenting him with her back.

  “Put your hands on the desk and don’t make a sound unless I tell you.”

  She didn’t hear the door close. The only sound, which felt like hammers against her skull, was him taking each step to get closer.

  “How do you think I should punish you?”



  His hand connected with her rear making her yelp in pain.

  “Yes, one for lying.The second for losing your paperwork, and third for talking when I didn’t give you permission to do so.”

  She bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. He was waiting for her to make a mistake. She knew he was because she’d made the mistakes in the past.

  “Good girl. You are learning. That’s what I like to hear.”

  A smile broke across her lips. She heard the pleasure in his tone from her silence.


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