Book Read Free

Time to Play

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m still disappointed, Simone. You keep yourself held back from me, and all I want to do is show you what I want from you.”

  “Do what you want with me,” she said. Simone hated disappointing him.

  “Are you sure? Anything?” He whispered the words against her temple.

  “Anything,” she said. A breathless sigh left her. For too long she’d been holding in her desires with the fear they may be squashed before she got chance to voice them.

  “You have no idea what you’re letting yourself in for.”

  “I do.” She’d do anything to feel him touching her once again. Her body was on fire with so much need. “I’ll do anything.” Simone didn’t want him to be under any illusions.

  He smacked her ass once again.

  Callum rained down blows on her ass.

  She whimpered from the burn.

  He pulled her back up to face him then pressed on her shoulders to put her to her knees in front of him.

  “You’re going to suck my cock, and then you’re going to suck Cole’s cock.”

  A chuckle came from behind her. Cole sat in the seat in the opposite corner, his cock in hand as he watched her in front of Callum.

  “That’s what you want, Simone. Two men to fuck and to please.”


  Simone came out of her fantasy with a scream. It was exactly what she wanted, two men to satisfy and to fuck. She removed the dildo from her pussy and left the vibrator on the bed as she stared at the ceiling. What did it all mean? She’d never considered fucking two men. It was wrong. At least in her book it was wrong. She refused to come between two friends. Callum and Cole were two friends.

  Shaking her head, she grabbed the toys she’d used and took them through to the bathroom. Once she thoroughly cleaned and sterilised them she placed them back into the drawer.

  Even though she’d just come down from an orgasm her body was itching for more.


  Cole stared at the video screen as Callum walked in eating a bowl of cereal. “What is with you today? You’ve done nothing but eat?”

  “Repressed need. My dick feels like it is purple with need.”

  “Go and masturbate or something.” They’d been friends so long that nothing fazed them about each other.

  “You’ve seen Simone. I’m not wasting my time when I know the real woman will be in our place tomorrow at the latest. What are you watching?” Callum came to stand behind him.

  “Someone has put cameras inside Simone’s place.”


  He felt his friend’s anger. Cole stared at Simone moaning on her bed. His cock ached from the sight of the vibrator on her clit. A dildo was pressed inside her cunt looking pathetic compared to the cock aching inside his pants.

  “Do you know who’s watching her?”

  “Besides us?” Cole asked. The cameras unnerved him. He didn’t like the thought of someone watching Simone, especially without her knowledge.

  “You’re the computer whiz. Surely you can get a name of the transmission of where the signal is coming from.” Callum leaned over his shoulder getting a good look.

  “It will take some time. I think it is being broadcast out. I’ll get my team back at the office onto it.”

  “We can’t leave Simone alone in her apartment. It’s not safe.”

  “I’ve got a device that I’ll place inside her apartment, which will scramble all the images.” Callum nodded his head. Cole sat back enjoying the show.

  “She really is something,” Callum said.

  “I wonder what or who she’s thinking about.”

  Her cries came over the air. No name on her lips. The view of her giving herself pleasure was more than Cole could stand.

  Callum left the room after some time. Cole stroked his length through his pants watching her. He stopped himself when he thought about another person on the other end of the line, stroking himself. Simone was not a thing to be masturbated over. She was a woman with thoughts and feelings.

  He thought about what she’d revealed to him earlier. Underneath all the bravado there was a delicate and vulnerable woman wanting to break free. Her upbringing and the fighting of her parents meant she didn’t trust easily.

  Sighing, he sat back. He didn’t like the thought of someone watching her.

  Why do you care? You want nothing to do with her.

  He ignored his own inner thoughts. No one looked at Simone without her permission. Shutting down the computer, he made his way to his own room.

  Tomorrow would be better.

  Cole couldn’t wait to see her again. She was fire and ice along with all the spots in between.

  Chapter Eight

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” Simone said, walking toward the door. Cole stood on the other side looking every bit the bodyguard in his business suit. “Wow, look at you.”

  “Your ride awaits.”

  “Yep, but this lady is not ready. Come on in and make yourself at home while I finish getting dressed.” She left the door open as she pushed her earrings through the piercing in her ear. Her heels were on the floor in her bedroom. She placed them on her feet then made her way back through to the main sitting room. Cole was looking at each of her photographs.

  “Who are these people?” he asked.

  “They’re my family and a few friends from college.”

  “Do you keep in touch with your friends?”

  “Nope. We sort of lost touch when the big whole world was unleashed upon us.” She ran her fingers through her hair, then grabbed her business jacket. “Okay, I’m ready to go.”

  Cole looked her over. “You’re supposed to look like you’re visiting Callum on a date. Not going into the office.”

  “But I’ve got work to do. This is work attire.” The clothing had taken a good portion of her allowance for the month.

  “Either way, I can’t let you go out like that.” Cole folded his arms. Her gaze caught the strength of his muscles through the shirt. Whoa, her pussy contracted on a wave of pure heat. She was like an animal in mating season, responding to the most masculine of mates. Shaking her head, she stared at him.

  “What do you suggest I wear?” she asked.

  He walked past her and went straight to her wardrobe. She didn’t want to ask him how he knew where her wardrobe was. He opened the door then began looking through each item. Did she leave the size tags showing?

  Who cared? She sure didn’t. Her size no longer mattered to her. She was happy, and that was all that mattered.

  “There we go.” He pulled out a pale pink summer dress then grabbed the same coloured heels to match. “This is perfect.”

  “A summer dress?”

  “You’ll look ready for a date with Callum. Did I mention he was taking you to dinner after work? It will be good for both occasions.”

  “Will you be at this dinner?” she asked.

  “I can be if you want me to be.”

  Did she? Whenever she was in a room with Callum, the whole world seemed to fade away. He would take one look at her, and she knew she’d be putty in his hands.

  “Yes, your company would be good.”

  “Tongues would start wagging.” Cole smiled.

  Her breath caught in her throat. His smile lit up the whole of his face. She’d seen his smile yesterday, but he hadn’t been directing it at her.

  “Erm, I better get dressed.”

  “Will you do me a favour?” he asked, stepping close.


  Can’t breathe. He’s too close. Look at that chest. I could lie against him and lick a path down to his cock.

  Long, thick cock.

  Focus, Simone. Stop thinking about fucking.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Would you get changed in your closet in the hallway?”


  “Because I want you to.”

  She frowned and then saw no use in arguing with him. “Fine, I’ll be a few minutes.” Simone
walked to the closet. Once she removed all of her clothes, she pulled the dress over her head. The bra she wore pressed her breasts up, showing off the top part of each breast. She hated the feel of panties and never wore them unless she had to.

  Leaving the closet, Cole was stood right next to the door holding the shoes in one hand.

  Putting them on her feet, she placed a hand on his shoulder to keep herself upright.

  “Are you ready to leave?”


  Cole took her hand, looped it through his arm then together they made their way down the stairs. The press were still outside waiting for them. “Smile. The moment you look like they don’t offend you, it will drive them away.”

  She took Cole’s advice, smiling at the camera.

  “Are you going to see Callum Gallagher?”

  “Is your relationship exclusive?”

  Simone ignored the questions, only smiling at each reporter. When Cole put her in the back seat and closed the door, she missed his contact. He’d helped her to feel stable. The press made her feel vulnerable.

  He pulled away slowly. The press moved out of his way. When they were a good distance away, he slowed down so she could get into the front seat. “Thank you,” she said.

  “You looked a little lost in the back.”

  She fastened her seat belt, and then he was buzzing through the city.

  Staring out of the window, she looked at the passing scenery.

  “So you think this person or people who are stealing from you were unaware of my connection to Malcolm?” Simone asked.

  “Your picture is not spread around the news, Simone. It is like you don’t exist in your father’s world.”

  “You’ve got that right.”

  “How can you not have existed? Even daughters of famous actors and billionaires make their way into the papers. How did you manage to stay hidden?” Cole asked.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “After my parents’ divorce, my mom left the country for a few years. I spent a great deal of time in Europe, and when some time had passed, we came back here. No one wanted to go and find my mother. She wasn’t newsworthy.”

  “How come? She married your father.”

  “There is a lot you want to know. Why?”


  Simone glanced at him wondering if he was telling the truth. The image from her fantasy popped into her mind. She was curious about other parts of his anatomy.

  “She was a nice girl. Never said a bad word about anyone. Her only downfall was the fact she fell in love with my father. Other than that, nothing. He made promises he couldn’t keep.”

  “He must have cared about you both at some point,” Cole said.

  “What makes you think he did?”

  “He left her with plenty of money. If he despised her like you said then he’d have left her with nothing.”

  She thought about what he said then shook his suggestion off. “There was no love between them. The only thing she got right was giving birth to my brother.”

  “Do you and your brother get along?”

  “Sometimes. He can be a little protective around me. My brother means well. Can we stop talking about me? What about you? What do you do for a living?” she asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I’m in business with Callum.”

  “What did you do before that?” she asked.

  He stayed quiet for several minutes. She saw he was tense in his seat. Simone looked out of the window deciding not to press for more details.

  “I was in the armed forces and served in Iraq. That’s all I’m saying about it. I don’t want you to ask questions. I want it to be left alone in the past.”

  She nodded her head seeing the pain on his face. Reaching out, she put a hand on his leg. “No problem.”

  “You’re not going to ask me any personal questions or invasive ones?”

  “Nope. You don’t want to talk about it, and I’ll respect it.”

  He took a quick second to glance at her. “You’re up to something.”

  “No. It just means that if I can’t talk to you about your past, then you can’t talk about my dad and all the crap associated with him.” She opened her hands in a scale motion. “Win, win for me.”

  Cole chuckled once again.

  “You’re a strange woman, Simone Allusifa.”

  “I’m one of a kind, honey. One of a kind.”

  They travelled along the city roads for several more miles in silence. Simone wasn’t uncomfortable. She was happy with the silence as it gave her more time to think. Cole rounded bends and stopped at lights. Her gaze kept straying to the strength in his hands. What pleasure could be gained from having those hands on her body?

  She bit her lip to stifle a moan. The thoughts running around her mind were sinful. Simone took a quick glance at his face and saw him concentrating on the road. She shuffled ever so gently in her seat. The bottom of her dress rode up her thighs, exposing a great deal of flesh.

  Taking another quick peek, she saw his fingers had tightened, and his lips were pressed into a firm line. Had he looked?

  Crossing her legs she allowed the fabric to fall even further as she gazed out of the window.

  A hiss and a growl came from the seat beside her.

  She smiled, trying her hardest to hide it. The man beside her was affected by her body. The knowledge filled her with a strange kind of power. Before that moment he’d merely been a fantasy. What would happen if she could turn her fantasy into a reality?

  Don’t go there, Simone. Things could get ugly.

  However, no matter how many times she tried to reason with her own chaotic thoughts, her fantasy wouldn’t let her go. She knew what she wanted.

  She saw the entrance to the parking lot and discovered only one or two members of the press around the building. Cole was in the parking lot in quick time, stopping them from flashing their cameras.

  Simone waited in the car when he pulled up in the reserved spot. She remembered how upset he’d been when she opened her own door. It was an old-fashioned attitude, but one she liked. Maybe she could show more of her thighs off to him.

  He stood waiting for her. She took his hand, making a show of getting out. Did he see her pussy as she exited the car?

  With no panties, he’d be able to see everything she had to offer.

  Cole helped her onto the elevator, and then they were inside their condo. She walked straight through to the office. Callum was nowhere in sight.

  “Where is tall, dark, and handsome?” she asked, sitting on the edge of the spare desk.

  “He’s at work. It is one of the reasons that the press are no longer lurking outside our door.”

  “Great. What do you need me to do while I’m here?”

  “Take a look around the place. We still haven’t acquired any of your data.” Cole left her stood in the office. She looked at Callum’s big desk, and her fantasy played full swing inside her head.

  Four days had passed since her sex with Callum. She should be fine, and yet, every moment she thought about that man she was on fire.

  She followed Cole out into the sitting room. He sat on the couch with his feet propped on the coffee table flicking through the television.

  “How come you’re not at work?” she asked, folding her arms.

  “I’m at work. I’m babysitting you until he gets home.”

  “You’ve got a very unconventional partnership, haven’t you?”

  He slowly turned his head to look at her. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re best friends. Neither of you are in a relationship, and you’re closely working together. I guess I was wondering where the connection ends.”

  He glared at her. Simone pushed his feet off the coffee table and sat in front of him. The cold of the glass was a welcome relief to her ass.

  “You think Callum and I are in a relationship?” Cole began to laugh. Simone loved the laid back look on his face. He really looked handsome
, sinfully so when he let himself go and have some fun.

  “What’s so funny? You could be in a relationship. Some men got off on their partners fucking someone else. Did Callum tell you all the juicy details after?” Her pussy tightened to think of Cole stroking his cock while thinking about her.

  Cole leaned forward. The action was smooth and quick. His hands went to her knees in the same way Callum’s had done while he had her on the staff room counter.

  “I can assure you, Simone, the only thing going on between Callum and me is friendship.” His hand went underneath her skirt. Goose-bumps erupted on her flesh.

  “Nothing more?” she asked, biting her lip. His hands covered both of her thighs. She knew there was a great deal of strength in his hands.

  “You don’t need to get your panties in a twist because of me.”

  She chuckled, grabbing his hand. “Cole,” she said, shaking her head. “I never wear panties.” Then she pushed his hands away from her. “I need some coffee. Do you want some coffee?” she asked, getting up and walking through to the kitchen.

  She heard his growl, and she chuckled. Teasing Cole would be fun. Flicking the switch on the coffee maker, she spun around then squealed. Cole was standing right behind her. He’d not made a sound. Her heart pounded inside her chest.

  “You should be careful who you tease.”

  “Oh, yeah? And what makes you different from everyone else?” she asked with a hand on her hip.

  “I take what is on offer.”

  She didn’t get chance to protest. His hand banded around her waist, and he brought her close to his body. She felt the hard press of his cock against her stomach.

  “And I don’t ask for permission.” Then he slammed his lips down on hers. Callum’s kiss had been hard whereas Cole’s was all about dominance. He took from her without waiting for her to give consent. It was hard, biting almost, and she loved it. Her nipples tightened to hard peaks against the dress. Her naked pussy was leaking her own cum down the tops of her thighs. Good sex was messy, and with the way Cole was treating her, she knew it would be messy with him. He pressed her against the fridge with his hand diving under her dress and cupping her naked ass hard.


  Cole knew he needed to stop, but he couldn’t. The feel of her lips and the exquisite plumpness of her ass were too much pleasure to deny himself. She was a hot, sensual woman, and who in their right mind would deny her? The moment she’d said she didn’t have any panties, he’d been lost.


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