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Time to Play

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  Sex was an art and one he’d mastered at a young age. Cole wanted every woman he bedded to leave him satisfied. He’d never been a selfish lover and refused to start with Simone. Moving his finger down to her pussy, he eased one digit inside her.

  Her screams echoed in the small space. She needed a release to ease the ache inside her. There was no way for her to take on two men with such painful arousal already.

  “I’m going to ease the burn,” he said. Her cunt clutched him tight. He pressed his tongue to her nub feeling the contractions of her pussy around his single finger.

  “Add another finger,” Callum said. “She likes it hard.”

  Cole added a second then a third finger, stretching her tight little hole. Her whimpers echoed around the short space. He licked, flicked, and mashed his tongue against her clit feeling each ripple as her body responded to what he was doing.

  “More, please. I need more.”

  “Suck her tits,” Cole said to Callum. He saw his friend come into view out of the corner of his eye. Callum was still fully dressed.

  Gazing up the length of her body, Cole watched Callum flick her nipples with his tongue and then squeeze the tight points between his fingers.

  Her cunt tightened even further while her hips thrust down on his face trying to get him to touch her more.

  “She’s close.”

  “Get her off so we can play,” Callum said.

  Chuckling, Cole sucked her clit into his mouth then bit the swollen nub between his teeth. She came apart, her cream gushing onto his face and chin. He licked every single drop of her release, loving the way she let go. There was nothing reserved or fake about her response. She took pleasure in her orgasm. Cole found her reaction refreshing after all the other women he’d fucked over the years.

  He held her hips and moved up her body to claim her lips. She didn’t push him away. Her hands went around his neck, pulling him close.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “Good.” He kissed her lips, taking little bites out of her bottom lip.

  “How about round two?” she asked.

  Callum laughed. “I told you she was insatiable.”

  “I want to be fucked. Who is going to go first, or are you both words and not action?” She placed a hand on her hip, cocking her hip to the side. The action spoke of attitude but was ruined when he saw that hand shaking.

  “Do you think you can take us both on?” Cole asked against her lips.

  “I’m ready for anything you two can show me.”

  Cole looked at Callum. “How about she goes down on us both? I want to see what she’s like with two cocks.”

  “I think that sounds good.”

  He released her, pushing on her shoulders to send her to her knees.

  “Don’t you want to get out of the hallway?” She gave them both a pout.

  “Why? This would be a good way for you to pay for rent when we come home. I’d love to walk into the house and see you on your knees.” Cole knew he wouldn’t do it. The mere suggestion of coming home to find Simone’s welcoming body was enough to send a thrill down his spine.

  Each day he was with her, Cole felt himself growing more attached to her. Simone was a mass of contradictions. She appeared hard core and ready for a fuck and nothing else. But her rules on cheating showed a great deal about her feelings. Outside she was hard like stone while on the inside she was warm and vulnerable.

  Cole knew that if he wasn’t careful with her, then she would end up getting hurt by them. Callum was a good time guy. He didn’t want to settle down. Simone, for all of her brass talk and bossy attitude, was the woman you settled down with. Cole took a glance at his friend. Callum was pulling his belt out of the loop of his pants. Did he have any idea how vulnerable the woman was before them?

  “Are you going to show me what you’ve got?” she asked, looking up at him from beneath lowered lashes.

  “Do you think you could take me?”

  This is what he loved. The teasing, the anticipation. Simone wasn’t afraid to battle with words.

  “I’m here waiting for you, big boy.”

  He unbuckled his belt, then the button, peeling his pants down to his knees. The briefs he wore were tight against his erection. Her eyes widened when she saw the outline.

  Pulling the briefs down to his pants, he revealed his shaft. “Do I pass inspection?”

  “You’ll do.”


  Callum laughed at her words. Watching the two of them together was one of the best experiences of his life. They fought about everything, and yet the passion flowing between them was hotter than any fire he’d been near. Simone knew how to test his friend and in return, Cole gave her as good as she took.

  Callum fisted his cock watching the way she gazed up at them. Her tits were thrust forward with her hands on the back of her legs. She looked every part the submissive woman, but he knew she wasn’t. There was a part of her that wanted to be taken and dominated; however, she liked to be in control as well.

  “Come on, Simone. Show me how good your mouth is,” Cole said.

  Her hands came up fisting both of their cocks. The glaze look in her eyes told so much about her need.

  Pushing his own desires back, Callum waited for her to take him between those lips. He knew how to get what he wanted. That night he’d spent with her over two weeks ago had taught him a great deal. Her body yearned to be taken without asking permission. She wanted a man who wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted.

  Did she even realise she had two men in front of her who took and gave with equal measure?

  She opened her lips taking his cock to the back of her throat, sucking hard as she worked Cole’s shaft with her fist. He reached out, stroking her hair and felt her tongue slide along the tip of his cock.

  She licked the cum leaking out, swallowing the small amount of release.

  He was about to thrust into her mouth when she pulled away, wrapping her lips around Cole’s. The pleasure on his friend’s face was a joy to witness. It had been years since he’d last seen his friend give himself to a woman. Callum got far more out of sharing a woman than Cole realised.

  Yes, he got to fuck a woman and give her pleasure, but he also got to see his friend taken care of. He loved Cole like a brother. They were brothers as far as he was concerned. He’d never felt anything for him other than the love of a sibling.

  “Fuck, your mouth is perfection.”

  She pulled away to take Callum’s length back into her mouth. Simone worked both men rotating them between her lips and fist. Callum watched her. She didn’t stop in either ministration even when they applied pressure to her head to take them deeper. Her moans vibrated up his length making him thrust his hips closer to her face. Her throat relaxed accepting him inside.

  “Enough,” Callum said. “I’m not coming down her throat. I want to be inside her.”

  Cole nodded his head. “I think we need to take this elsewhere.”

  “Finally, my knees are killing me.” Simone stood in the killer heels she still wore.

  Callum took her hand, leading her to the sofa. He put her hands on the back and pressed her forward so her ass was in the air. Taking a step back, he looked at the view. “Perfect.”

  He grabbed a condom as Cole walked round to the front. Callum watched his friend kneel on the couch and present his cock to her waiting lips. Within seconds she was moaning around Cole’s cock, her pussy glistening with fresh cream.

  “Her mouth is a dream,” Cole said.

  Callum rolled the latex onto his cock, wishing he was taking her bare. The feel of her naked cunt around his shaft in the pool had been perfection. Babies were not on the agenda.

  Babies. What are you thinking, Gallagher? You don’t think about babies. You think about fucking and moving on.

  Shaking his head, he ran the tip of his cock up and down her slit. Her tight little asshole kept peeking up at him. Rubbing his thumb along her slit, he gathered her cream and pr
essed the tip of his thumb to her anus.

  She pushed back on him, trying to put more of his cock inside her.

  Callum held himself back relishing the feel of her need.

  “Not yet, baby.”

  “Now, please, fuck me,” she said, pulling off Cole’s cock to speak.

  “Don’t stop.” Cole held her hair in his fist working his cock inside her mouth.

  Callum used the moment to ram his length full length inside her.

  Her screams were muffled by Cole’s cock in her mouth. Callum gave her what she wanted without letting up. He fucked her hard, pushing his thumb between the tight ring of muscles into her ass.

  She was tight, and he knew she hadn’t taken anyone there. Cole held her steady as he fucked her over the couch. He knew every time he sat on the couch he’d be seeing her cream soaked slit. Gazing down at his shaft he watched himself slide into her body. The condom was a turn off, but the feel of her squeezing him, helped him along.

  Why did he want to take her bare? His own needs were beyond him. Callum didn’t understand it.

  Shaking his head, he concentrated on giving his woman what she needed. A good, hard fuck.

  Pulling his thumb out of her tight hole, he gripped her hips and slammed into her. The sound of wet flesh hitting against flesh along with the pleasure of all three echoed around the walls of the condo.

  Cole growled. He watched as his friend’s neck strained. The breath left his body, and Cole’s hips thrust against Simone’s face, his release overcoming him.

  Callum reached around, stroking her clit, and brought her to a climax before his own release took him over.

  He held himself rigid feeling his semen fill the condom.

  Simone cried out her release, and then all three slumped onto the sofa. Callum pulled out of her body. She climbed over the side, curling up against Cole.

  He walked around the couch to sit next to her. Placing a hand on her thigh, he stroked her exposed flesh needing to feel her against him.

  “Do you think we’ll ever make it to the bedroom?” she asked.

  Callum laughed while Cole chuckled. “Who knows? I’ve never liked this couch as much as I do now.”

  Simone glanced at Callum with a smile. “I’ve given you a good memory?”

  “The best damn memory.”

  Callum meant every word. In fact, he couldn’t recall ever having a better experience with a woman. He saw Cole stroking her arm. His friend’s head was laid back along the back of the couch. For the first time since his tour in Iraq, Cole looked peaceful.

  Simone was good for him. Callum knew that Cole had found the right woman.

  Shit, where are all these thoughts coming from?

  Like you were always told. When you found the right woman, you’d know without a shadow of a doubt.

  Staring at Simone, Callum wondered if she was really the woman to tame him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  She liked the way Cole was stroking her arm. Callum had his hand on her thigh, stroking her flesh. Closing her eyes, Simone relaxed into the feel of having two gorgeous men touching her body. They were a dream to be with. Her body felt sated, the two releases having helped her to relax.

  “So, why did you two start sharing a woman? Was it planned, or did you both just enjoy it?” she asked.

  Cole chuckled. “Underneath all your hard core bad girl crap, you’re just like every other woman after sex, needing to talk.”

  “Hey.” She slapped his chest. “You had great sex. Besides, you’re the ones cuddling up to me. I was just curious how you guys got into the whole sharing thing.”

  “We didn’t advertise it.” Callum continued to stroke her thigh as he opened her legs. One of his hands moved up the inside near to her pussy.

  “The sharing happened. We were both drunk one night, and we took a woman back to our place. This was before we’d gotten a dime to our name. She wanted to know what it was like to have two men. We provided her with two cocks,” Cole said, staring at the blank television screen.

  “How long has it been since you guys shared a woman?” she asked, curious about the answer. According to Elliot, or Sunny, their sharing became old news after the kiss and tell story a few years back.

  “A couple of years,” Callum said.

  She moved out of their touch, straddling Cole’s lap. The length of his cock hardened against her pussy.

  “So, I’m the one you’re breaking your sharing fast for?”

  Cole grabbed her hips riding her naked pussy against his shaft. He let out a moan, thrusting up to meet her. Simone reached out, taking hold of Callum’s cock in her fist.

  “You’re a hard woman to deny.”

  She felt powerful. Two men were moaning and groaning against her, each of them touching a part of her body. The looks on their faces were as if they couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I think you’re ready for round three,” she said.

  “Round three? Baby, we’re only on round two.” Callum spoke before claiming her lips with a kiss.

  Pulling away, she smiled. “It may be round two for you, but I’ll be on my third orgasm. Round three. Do you think you can still keep up?”

  “Vixen,” Cole said, picking her up and walking her toward his bedroom.

  She giggled, wrapping her legs around his waist. Callum came up behind. His cock bounced with each of his steps, the long thick, length calling to her.

  “Do you want this?” Callum asked.

  “You know I do.”

  She licked her lips, teasing him with her mouth.

  Cole dumped her on the bed then followed her down, trapping her body against his own.

  “Are you ready to take us both on?”

  “Hell, yeah. I’m ready.”

  The sound of a drawer closing distracted her. She saw Callum approach the bed with a tube of lubrication, a dildo, and condoms.

  “Who gets to go first?” Callum asked.

  She lay on her back with Cole pressed to her front. They were not asking her. They were deciding for themselves. Her pussy grew hotter at her lack of involvement.

  “Why don’t we both get her ready?” Cole stood up, flipping her onto her stomach. “Look at that ass.”


  “So fucking tempting. Her body was made to be fucked,” Callum said.

  They stood over her, looking down at her and talking about her as if she was a piece of meat. Should she be annoyed at their lack of respect?

  “Her pussy is dripping with her cream. She’s so fucking horny. I bet she loves being used like a toy.”

  Someone caught her hair in his fist, pulling her head back. Callum came into view, his tongue licking along the side of her neck. Her pulse sped up at the command in his hold.

  “You like being taken, don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was a tiny whisper. She didn’t see the need to lie to him. They would see the evidence of her need.

  Simone felt Cole spread the cheeks of her ass open. “Give me the lube. I’m going to get her nice and slick.”

  Callum handed the lube over then pressed the tip of his thumb against her lips. “Suck.” He demanded of her.

  She opened her lips taking his thumb into her mouth. His other hand went down to tweak the tips of her nipples. She moaned, thrusting her pelvis against the bed. There was no way for her to stop her reaction.


  “Hold still,” Cole said.

  Trying to keep her body steady while one man teased her breasts and the other prepared her ass was one of the hardest things she’d ever done.

  Cole’s finger pressed against the tight ring of her ass. “Push out.”

  She followed his instructions. His finger hurt her. The lubrication was not helping him. She pushed out, and his finger sank into her hole. Within seconds he’d added a second finger. He was pumping his digits inside her anus.

  The feeling was strange. She’d never had anyone inside her ass. The pleasure was different. The pleasur
e was combined with the knowledge that it was forbidden. They were doing something not many people did. At least, Simone didn’t think they did.

  “Give me the cock. She’s ready for something bigger.”

  Callum handed over the dildo, his thumb still inside her mouth. His cock was hard and pointing up. She saw his gaze was on what Cole was doing.

  Cole’s fingers disappeared from her rectum.

  “He’s lubing up the dildo. He’ll make it nice and wet before fucking your ass with it.”

  She took deep breaths waiting for the feel of the sex toy against her ass.

  The rounded tip pressed against her tight muscles. Callum cupped her cheek, stroking her. “Take a deep breath and push out. It will sting slightly, but then you’ll feel the pleasure of being full.” She listened to him talking. The soft sounds of his voice were lovely to hear.

  “It’s too big,” she said, wincing when Cole pressed it against her ass.

  “Touch her pussy,” Callum said.

  Cole’s fingers grazed her clit making her relax. The cock at her ass slid inside with ease. She screamed from the feeling of his touch on her clit and the cock inside her ass.

  “That’s it, baby. You’ve got it inside.”

  Cole didn’t stop. He pulled the device out until only the tip remained, then slammed it back inside. Simone pushed back, loving the feel of the burn and the intense pleasure from having a cock inside her.

  “I think she’s ready.”


  They moved her off the bed with the dildo inside her ass. Cole came around to her front handing her a condom. They were all crowded around the edge of the bed. “Put it on,” he said.

  She ripped the foil packet open, pinching the tip then sliding the latex down his impressive shaft.

  Once the condom was in place, Cole pulled her up placing her legs on either side of him. Callum removed the dildo from her anus.

  “Now, grab my dick and sit on me.”

  Simone held Cole’s shaft in her hand then slowly eased down the length of him until he was seated inside her pussy to the hilt.


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