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Time to Play

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Fuck, she’s tight.”

  “I did warn you.”

  Cole cupped her hips holding her in place. “Now comes the fun part.”

  Simone looked behind her. Callum had a condom on and was liberally spreading lubrication all over his cock.

  She shivered with renewed excitement.


  Callum saw her pussy widen for Cole’s cock. There was nothing more beautiful in his mind than seeing her take his best friend’s shaft inside her body. He picked the dildo off the floor then teased the entrance to her ass. She moaned, thrusting down on Cole.

  His friend was staring up into her eyes. Callum knew the look on his friend’s face. In the short period of time they’d known Simone, Cole had begun to care about her, deeply.

  This was the first woman they’d shared since that singer years ago. Callum was caught unawares by a great surge of emotion. Simone was the woman to bring them together. Callum felt grateful to her for what she’d done.

  He dropped the dildo onto the floor, taking hold of his lubricated length and pressing the tip to her puckered hole.

  Slowly, inch by inch, Callum pressed into her ass. He took his time, relishing each tightening of her passage. Simone held onto Cole as he made his way inside her body.

  “I’m in,” he said, staring at his friend.

  He felt happy that his best friend was happy. Callum knew he’d give anything to see that look on Cole’s face. He’d missed the easiness of Cole. The happiness had long since disappeared after his tour in Iraq.

  Callum pushed her hair over her shoulder, kissing the delicate curve of her neck. “Can you see the look in his eyes, Simone?” he asked.

  She stared down at Cole.

  “He wants you. I know how tight your hot little pussy is. Cole can feel every ripple and pulse of your cunt. He wants to grab your hips and pound inside you.”

  He heard her gasp and felt the tightening of her lower body. Reaching round, he pressed a hand to her stomach, cupping the rounded flesh.

  “You’re everything he wants. Will you give him what he needs?” Callum asked.

  “What does he need?”

  “To play with your body and hear his name being screamed from your lips.”

  “Yes. Please, fuck me. I won’t be able to last.” She was squirming between them. Each movement was trying to get both of them to touch her or fuck her.

  She was biting her lip, her nails sinking into Cole’s impressive shoulders.

  Cole turned his gaze to him. There was a smouldering heat in his green depths. Callum understood what he wanted. He stayed inside her ass feeling Cole lift her up off his shaft then slam her down. Callum used his moment to pull out of her ass and then as Cole eased from her body, he slid inside.

  They developed a gentle but firm pace, where one of them left her body while the other thrust to the hilt.

  With each movement they took their time, forcing her to accept their invasion into her body.

  Simone’s moans turned to cries then all-out screams as she tried to get them to speed up or go harder.

  They teased her mercilessly and ignored her pleas for an orgasm. Her nipples were hard beaded points, poking up. Cole took her bud into his mouth, biting on the flesh. Callum nibbled her neck, sucking her skin and marking her.

  He didn’t want any guy to mistake whose woman she was.

  “More, I need more. This is not enough,” she cried.

  Pushing inside her ass, Callum moved his hand down to stroke her slit. Her cream was leaking in copious amounts, her arousal intensifying with every thrust.

  “I’m close,” Cole said.

  So was he. If they didn’t bring her down soon, she’d shatter. The careful control she always possessed was gone to make way for a desperate woman.

  “Please, please, please....” She chanted the words over and over again.

  Cole nodded then, and they fucked her hard giving her exactly what she needed. They fucked her together, their cocks driving into her ass and cunt at the same time.

  He stroked her clit feeling her release build inside her.

  She screamed, her body tensing, as with careful strokes of his fingers, she catapulted over the edge.

  Her nails clawed at Cole, leaving streaks of his blood behind. Callum growled, feeling her ass tighten as she climaxed.


  They pounded inside her until they both moaned their releases filling the condoms they were each wearing.

  Callum’s legs were shaking, and his whole body was humming with gratification.

  Simone lay sated between them. Her eyes were closed and her body heavy.

  “I’ve got her,” Cole said.

  They helped each other pull away from her body.

  “Do you think we should wake her?” Callum asked when she remained asleep.

  “No, we’ll wash her together.”

  Cole picked her up in their arms. Callum knew his friend was as shaken as he was.

  They ran a warm bath then eased her into the water. She woke up shaking her head. “We’ve got you,” Callum said, stoking her hair.

  “That was amazing.” She mumbled curling up to Cole as he got into the bath behind her. “I’ll never forget you both.”

  His heart felt like it had jumped into his throat. The future hadn’t been discussed.

  “Shh, we’ll take care of you.”

  Callum helped Cole to bathe her and then put her down for bed. She mumbled something then rolled over. They’d placed her in Cole’s bed.

  He left his friend to care for her. Going to the kitchen, he grabbed an ice cold beer out of the fridge, popped the cap off, and drank down half of the bottle.

  “Why are you panicking?” Cole asked.

  His friend was leaned against the counter with his arms folded. A towel was wrapped around his waist.

  “I’m not. I’m enjoying a cool beer after some good sex.”

  “Whatever, Callum. I’m not going to try to fight you to tell me what is up. It doesn’t take a genius to realise where your thoughts are going,” Cole said.

  He stared at the other man fighting with the words. Cole turned to leave, and Callum panicked.

  “She’s the first woman we’ve shared in years.”

  Cole froze then turned back to him. “So.”

  “Using your words, it doesn’t take a genius to realise she is different for you.” Callum put the half filled beer bottle on the counter.

  “No, she’s not.”

  “What does it mean?” Callum asked.

  His friend ran his fingers through his hair. “It means unless she is between us, we will never share another woman again. Simone is different, and I want that.”

  “Other women will come along. There will be others like her or better,” Callum said. He didn’t know why he was trying to argue the point.

  “No, you’re not understanding me, Callum.” Cole took a step closer. His hands pressed together like he was in prayer. “She’s the one. I’m not sharing another woman. Simone is the woman for me.”

  “You can’t know it.”

  “I do. In here.” Cole touched his chest.

  “You’re going to give up all the other women because your heart is beating a little faster?” Callum asked.

  “I want you to think about something. When you lie back in your cold, lonely bed and think about all those women you’ve fucked, how do you feel?”

  Callum didn’t speak.

  “I know how I feel. No matter how many times I remember the women or think about how many are out there still to be bedded, I’m still lying in my bed, alone. There is no woman out there who knows who I am. They know Cole Turner, but they don’t know me.” Cole pressed a hand to his chest. “For once, I want a woman to know who I am. I want her to remember my birthday and wake up next me, and holy shit, I may just want her to have my children.”

  Callum listened to Cole, shutting off his own yearning.

  “After all these years, Callum, I want
to love a woman and have her love me back. Simone is the first woman I’ve ever felt close to.”

  “You don’t know her.”

  “I don’t need to know her. If you don’t want this and it was a one-time deal for you, then I’m taking Simone and leaving, because I’m not living alone anymore.”

  “You’re wanting to share her?” Callum asked, shocked.

  “What just happened was hot. I know you care about her. You’re my best friend, Callum. I don’t want to lose that, and I don’t want to lose her either.”

  “Sharing wouldn’t work.”

  “Why not? We’ve shared everything else in our life, and Simone will need two men to keep her insatiable appetite in check.” Cole slapped him on the back. “Think about it, Callum. Promise me you won’t run away from this?”

  Callum promised his friend then watched him leave going back to his bedroom. He finished his beer then opened the door to his friend’s room. Simone was curled up against Cole. They looked so peaceful together.

  Walking to his own room, he lay on his large empty bed. He played through his mind little flashes of his life. The women he’d taken. He remembered most of them. Their faces as they climaxed. Each new face and experience made him smile.

  He lay down and thought of the other women. Then when he rolled over, he realised his bed was still empty, and besides the two people in the other room, no one else would care if he died.

  His life was a success, and yet, he was lonely.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The days flew by. Callum left for work most days before Cole and Simone had even woken up. Cole had taken the time to explain to her what had happened. They’d spent a great deal of time talking the following morning after Callum and Cole had shared her. Simone knew Callum was avoiding her. He would arrive home late and leave her and Cole alone in his bedroom.

  She’d been at their apartment for over a month before she decided to go and get some more of her things from her apartment. Cole was with her like always. He’d employed himself as her personal bodyguard. She loved being around him and couldn’t complain. He was fun, exciting, and knew how to do wicked things with his tongue that had her screaming with pleasure.

  When Cole wasn’t distracting her or she was thinking about Callum’s lack of interest, she continued to find an anomaly in her files. She’d been through over one hundred files and still no evidence of theft or fraud. Her brother, Daniel, had also taken to phoning her throughout the day. Her mother stayed in touch via telephone. Helen had gone abroad when her parents’ separation did another round in the papers.

  Malcolm had yet to get in touch. The moment her picture was on the front page with Cole and Callum, he’d stopped trying to get in touch with her. The lease on her apartment was renewed, which surprised her. Simone thought her father would have tried to get rid of her.

  Simone was sat on the couch eating a bowl of cereal when Callum walked through the door. Cole was in bed sleeping. She was hungry from being fucked twice, and she needed to eat. He saw her on the couch and paused. She felt the awkwardness between them.

  “I didn’t think you’d be awake,” he said.

  “I know you didn’t. I’m hungry, and you’ve been avoiding me. I wasn’t expecting you home.” She got off the couch then passed him to go to the kitchen. “I’m finished. I’ll disappear out of your life.”

  She didn’t know why she was angry. Seeing the way he was guarded around her had set her off. She was angry, pissed off, and fed up. All three emotions combined made for a very cranky woman.

  “You don’t have to leave on my account,” he said, following up behind her.

  “No? You could have fooled me.” She put the carton of orange juice back in the fridge then glared at him. “I just want to remind you that you were the one who approached me in the bar. Not the other way around. You share women, and I gave myself to both of you, and yet you’re freaking out by it. I don’t get you.”

  “Cole wants forever with you.”

  Simone glanced down at her glass. She wanted forever with him, too.

  “You want it as well.”

  She didn’t argue. “I will never come between two friends.”


  “When we find the person responsible for taking money from you then I’ll pack my bags and walk. I’ll never ruin your friendship, Callum. I’m a lot of things, but ruining someone else’s life is not in my MO. Never has been.”

  “You mean to tell me, you’d walk away because I asked you to.”

  She nodded her head. It would kill her to. She cared about Cole very much. If she was honest with herself she cared about Callum as well. They were two unusual men. She liked them a lot.

  He took the glass from her. “I’d never upset Cole. He wants you.”

  “You’re his friend. He’ll want you more.”

  Callum pressed her against the fridge, his touch setting her body aflame even though Cole had brought her to orgasm twice already.

  “I can smell him on you.”

  “We fucked earlier.”

  “I wondered how long it would be for you to take her again,” Cole said.

  They both turned to the other man. He looked like he’d only just woken up.

  “She’s far too tempting for anyone to deny,” Callum said.

  She loved when they talked over her like she wasn’t there.

  “Then take her. She wants you to. Tell him what you want, baby.”

  “I want you to fuck my pussy until I’m screaming for more,” she said, seeing the lightning flash in his eyes.

  “I need a condom.”

  She turned to Cole, who had a foil packet between his fingers. Callum took the foil then fumbled with his pants. She stayed by the fridge as he pressed the latex over his thick shaft.

  He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Callum pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance then rammed inside her, bumping her cervix as he went to the hilt.

  They both cried out together.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you.” Callum slammed his lips down on hers while his cock pressed inside her body. The viciousness of his claiming made her moan.

  Over Callum’s shoulder she saw Cole fisting his own length while Callum fucked her against the fridge.

  She tugged on the fine hairs at Callum’s nape, pulling his head away.

  “Suck my tits,” she said, pushing her shirt down to expose her large breasts.

  His speed increased sending her harder against the cool metal at her back. She cried out wondering if the fridge would have a dent from his crazed thrusts.

  “I need more,” he said, ramming home.

  Simone licked her fingers then pressed the tips to her clit, playing with her nub. Her pussy tightened further. She felt his impalement thicken harder.

  A whimper escaped, and his grip went to the cheeks of her ass.

  “It’s not enough.”

  He pulled out of her, turning her to face Cole. “Suck his cock until he comes in your mouth. I want you to swallow every drop and then lick his dick clean.”

  Callum pressed on her back until she was bent over while standing. Cole sank his fingers into the length her hair then Callum thrust inside her.

  She reached out, gripping Cole’s legs to stop herself from toppling over. The rough thrusts were something to be reckoned with. She held on as Cole fed his cock between her lips.

  Simone sucked him feeling Callum slap her ass.

  “Take it. Take it all.” They rode her body together. Even though their touches were hard and at times rough, they still handled her with care. It was such an odd feeling, being manhandled by two men and yet cared for.

  Cole stroked her face, tapping her chin to let her know he was about to orgasm. Simone prepared for his release. The first spurt hit the back of her throat. She had no choice but to begin swallowing.

  Callum’s spanks grew harder. She heard the sound of his body smacking hers. A moan escaped her, and a growl came from him. His
cock jerked inside her. The hands on her hips were bruising. She didn’t need to look in order to know there would be finger point bruises on her body for several days to come.

  He pulled away, and she collapsed on the floor. Cole caught her before she hit the hard wooden floor. “I’ve got you.” Cole held her close. “Don’t ever behave like that again,” Cole said.

  She knew he was talking to Callum.

  “You were right. She is different, and I’m tired of being alone.”

  Simone didn’t understand what they meant by the words. She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of them holding her.


  One week later

  “Why are you taking a sudden interest in my life?” she asked, munching on a sandwich. It was lunchtime, and both Callum and Cole were working out in their gym.

  “You’re my little sister. I care about you and want to make sure those men are taking care of you,” Daniel said, over the line.

  They’re more than looking after me. They take care of every urge I possess.

  “They do their best. Where are you? You sound like you’re walking.” She opened a file, checking her signature and then looking over the numbers.

  “I’m paying a surprise visit to someone. Nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Is there a lady involved?”


  “Daniel, you need to find a woman and get your own love life,” she said, flipping over the page to scan the other documents.

  “Why do I need one when I’m happy meddling in yours?”

  “Bastard. Surely, like every man you have needs you have to fill. Find a woman and settle down. Have a few kids.”

  “Yeah, look what happened to our parents. Mom has not even looked at another guy.”

  She heard the sound of an engine turning over. “If you’re about to drive then you better hang up. I’m not having you talk and drive. It is dangerous.”

  “I liked you better when you weren’t dating Gallagher and Turner.”

  Simone smiled. “Think what you like.”

  “I wonder what Dad will say.”

  She sighed. “He hasn’t been in touch. I’m glad. It means I don’t have to deal with a demanding parent.”

  “Mom will want to meet them.”


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