Jungle of Stone
Page 56
Kaqchikel Maya, 228–229
Keats, John, 196–197
Kewick (Yucatán), 323
K’iche’ Maya, 229
King, Edward. See Kingsborough, Lord
King’s College (Columbia College), 74
Kingsborough, Lord (Edward King), 249–250, 334, 375/502n20
Knorosov, Yuri, 459
Kosmos (Humboldt), 395, 404
Kremlin in Moscow, 87–88
Labna (Yucatán), 321–323, 322
Labphak (Yucatán), 328–329
Lago de Atitlán, 233
Lago de Izabal, 24–25
Laguna, Mexico, 267–268
Laguna de Términos, 188, 265, 267
Lakamha (“Big Water”), 245. See also Palenque
Landa, Diego de, 294/496n6, 358/500n6, 359/501n12
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 231
Lastiri, Maria Josefa, 149
Law, George, 433, 435–436
Lawrence, Abbott, 440
lazarettos, 86, 91
Le Havre, France, 81
Leggett, William, 28, 112, 223
León, Nicaragua, 170
Lewis, Meriwether, 69–70
lintels, wooden, 238–239, 274, 287, 288, 318–319, 337
Litchfield Law School, 76–77, 79
Livingston, Edward, 22–23, 218
Lloyd, John (Stephens’s grandfather), 17, 73, 79
long count calendars, 240, 370, 375, 385, 459
López Cogolludo, Diego, 294/496n6, 300/497n10, 315, 346, 358/500n6
Lord, Daniel, 75–76, 78
Lorillard, Peter, 456
“lost tribes of Israel” hypothesis, 230–232, 250
Louisiana Purchase, 69, 403
Luce, James, 449, 450–451
Luce, Willie, 450
Ludlow, Thomas W., 414, 427
MacDonald, Alexander
British imperialism, 137
expedition assembled, 20, 47, 168, 188–189, 455/512n2
expedition cost, 188–189, 190, 310–311
expedition report, 189–191, 310–312
expedition to home, 188
greeting Stephens and Catherwood, 16, 17–18
Honduran invasion, 138
wine generosity, 45
Machu Picchu (Peru), 396
Madden, Mrs. (housekeeper), 77
Madox, John, 202
Mahelin, Auguste, 175
Baldwin, 411, 428
Cabot, 305, 316, 320, 325
Catherwood, 273, 315–316, 320, 325, 329
mosquitoes as cause, 297, 410
Panama Railroad, 411, 428, 429
Stephens, 158–159, 162, 305, 316, 320, 325, 430
Totten, 428
Uxmal recovery, 313
Maler, Teobert, 458
Mam Maya, 234
Manhattan, 8, 70–71, 107, 108, 218
Manzanillo Island, Panama, 414, 420, 424–425, 428–434, 431, 432–433, 439
maps, xv
Catherwood Jerusalem map, 11, 106, 209, 213, 215, 221
Central America, xv, 19, 421
expeditions, xv
Lago de Izabal, 25
North and Central America, 19
Mary Ann (ship), 9, 15, 223
Maudslay, Alfred, 456–458, 457
Maxcanú, Mexico, 302
Maya, 381
agriculture, 368–369
ball courts, 315, 337, 338, 372, 374
calendar, xiv, 325, 359, 364, 374–375
long count calendars, 240, 370, 375, 385, 459
Olmec calendar, 370
cement development, 371
Chichén Itzá battle, 331
Classic era. See Classic Maya era
codices, 249, 250, 375/502n20
collapse, 384–385
common people, 380–382, 381
corn (maize), 368
maize god, 372
nixtamalization, 370–371
creation story, 364, 371–372, 373, 374
decline, 366
El Mirador royal tombs, 372
first monuments, 130
first villages, 130
history, 130, 359, 363/502n1, 375–378
household clusters, 382
Kaqchikel, 228–229
K’iche’, 229
king with captive bas relief, 381
kings and mythic gods, 364, 371–372, 373–374, 383
kings’ lives, 382–383
kings ruling Copán, 130–131, 363–365
language, 330/498n3, 359, 363/502n1
Mam, 234
Maya word origin, 295
metal only for ornamentation, 367
Olmec influence, 370
population figures, xiii, xiv, 130, 369
peak, 383–384
population estimation, 382/503n27
population increase, 369
Post-Classic period, 295, 361
resources for understanding, 363/502n1
road from Uxmal to Kabah, 317–318
sacrifices performed, 315, 372, 373, 374
scholar in Yucatán, 325, 359
supernatural belief, 373, 374
Terminal period, 361
timelines of civilizations, xiii–xiv
“tribes of Israel” hypothesis, 230–232, 250
Tuloom as final holdout, 352
wheelless, 318, 367
writing, 376
art and writing unity, 333, 359
decoded, 459
earliest, 372
Galindo phonetic theory, 118
Kingsborough folios, 249, 375/502n20
Mayan-Spanish document, 330/498n3
true writing system, xiv, 286, 375
See also Mayan ruins
Maya Cosmos (Freidel, Schele, & Parker), 363/502n1, 374
Maya Indians
Church and, 151–152, 153
Guatemalan liberals versus, 151
Lake Petén Itzá stronghold, 146
Morazán vs. Carrera, 147
numbers threatening, 154
pre- and post-Conquest, 360
Mayan ruins, xv, 131
archways, 294/497n8, 317–318, 321–323, 322, 359/501n11, 393
Catherwood theory on ruin builders, 366–367, 393
cities still hidden, 240
columns, 286, 296, 338
explorers inspired, 455–459, 456, 457
first hieroglyph publication, 249/489n9
first sight of, 59–65, 118–120
French award for description, 249/490n10
handprints in red, 318
inspiration from Galindo, 38, 117–119, 120–121, 169
inspiration from Knickerbocker, 222
jungle clearing, 124, 127, 129, 130
as local construction material, 229, 313, 353, 354
Maxcanú “cave,” 302
names carved, 129, 261
Puuc style, 337
quarries, 129
rain god Chaac, 304, 317, 373
road between Uxmal and Kabah, 317–318
round building of Chichén Itzá, 337
round building of Mayapán, 296
round sculpted figures, 240
stelae, 60–62, 61, 125, 128, 130, 182, 285–288, 351, 364, 365, 378, 379, 385, 459
Stephens’s theories on builders, 285–288, 294/497n8, 358, 359–362
stucco use, xiv, 167, 229, 238, 239, 247, 255, 262, 296, 321, 328, 371
temples, 246, 260, 263, 321, 350, 351, 353, 364, 369–370
Tiho archway, 294/497n8
timelines of ruins, 295, 333, 361, 386
wooden lintels, 238–239, 274, 287, 288, 318–319, 337
Yucatán sites, 323
Mayapán (Yucatán), 293–296, 295
“medicos,” 121–122, 148, 158
Méndez, Modesto, 455
Meredith, Michael, 195
Mérida, Mexico, 269, 273–274, 291, 292–295, 294/497n8, 331, 341, 353–354
Mexican Antiquities (Kingsborough), 250
Mexico, xv, 19, 21, 248, 295, 334, 409, 421
Mico Mountain, 30–34, 456
El Mirador (Guatemala), 369–370, 372
Mirador Basin, 369
modern archaeology. See archaeology
Molas (Tancah pirate), 342, 347
Molas’s sons, 347, 350, 352
monkeys as spirit guardians, 63–64
Montejo, Francisco de, 269
Morazán, Francisco
background, 149–151
on bank notes, 150
Carrera versus
Guatemala City aftermath, 180
meeting Morazán in battle, 173, 187
Morazán without malice, 178
origins, 149
Quetzaltenango uprising, 185–186
republic at stake, 147, 154–155, 170–175
Cáscara versus, 178
Chatfield versus, 138
exiled to Chile, 178
Ferrera versus, 155–156
Figueroa versus, 176
Guatemala control, 149–151, 173, 185
quit El Salvador post, 170
Stephens’s meetings with, 177–179, 187
Moscow, 87–89
Moskito Coast, 15, 137, 138
mosques of Constantinople, 85
mosquitoes, 267
British expedition, 48
collars buttoned against, 129
dengue fever, 410
drawing despite, 126, 350
dry season. See tick attacks
malaria cause, 297, 410
Panama railroad, 4, 410
sites, 243, 255, 257, 297–298, 344, 350, 351, 425
Motagua River, 34–36, 51, 52, 181, 183–184, 363
Motagua Valley, 36–37, 39, 51
Mount Hor and Stephens, 100
Mount Sinai and lawyer Stephens, 95
Muhammad Ali, 91, 201, 202–203, 211, 213
Muñoz, Juan Bautista, 246/488n3
museums of America, 123, 320/498n1, 323–324
Smithsonian Institution, 53, 123, 325/498n2
Nakbe (Guatemala), 369, 371
Napoleon I (Emperor of the French)
Cáscara officer under, 41
Egypt conquest, 92, 196, 201, 251/492n19
Italy after Waterloo, 196
Louisiana Territory, 68
Russian occupation, 88–89
Napoleonic Wars, 71
National Museum of American Antiquities idea
artifacts removed to preserve, 323–324, 355
Copán purchase, 123
fire at storage building, 356–357
Kabah carved wood and stone, 318–320, 319, 355
Kewick ceiling stone, 324–325
Palenque castings, 288
Palenque purchase, 265, 268
pledges for, 288
Quiriguá attempted purchase, 184, 288
Uxmal items shipped, 274, 288, 303, 355, 356
New Granada, 413, 414, 420–422, 423, 431, 433–434, 435, 441, 460
New Orleans, 73, 80
New York City
British invasion threat, 73
Incidents of Travel in Yucatan success, 391
Jefferson trade embargo, 73
Manhattan, 8, 70–71, 107, 108, 218
Panic of 1837, 108
population doubling, 70
pro-Jackson vs. pro-bank, 81
riots against abolitionists, 81
Stephens and Catherwood depart, 9, 290
Stephens and Catherwood return, 277, 355
Stephens returns from Middle East, 107–108
Stephens’s burial vault, 444
Stephens’s youth, 70–74
Newton, John, 195
British imperialism, 137
Central American republic, 147
fighting itself, 170
marching on El Salvador, 154
railway competitors, 164, 420, 431
waterway along border, 161, 162, 163
nigua, 257. See also tick attacks
Nile River, 12, 91–93, 92, 106, 202–203, 206
Noah, Mordecai M., 231–232
Nod, Mr. (interpreter), 46, 144
Nohcacab, Mexico, 316, 318, 320
Norman, Benjamin M., 359/500n8
Novelty Iron Works, 403, 449, 451
Nuevo Guatemala de Asunción, 135
Nuozzo, Paolo, 94–95, 98, 100, 103
Ocean Steam Navigation Company, 402–403, 405–406, 407, 416
Ocosingo, Mexico, 237–240
Odessa, Russia, 87
Old River, 16, 17, 20, 46–49
Olmec culture, 370
Oregon Territory, 403, 409
Ottoman Empire, 84–85, 86, 91, 92, 200, 201
Oxkintok (Yucatán), 302
Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 409, 411, 412, 419, 426, 442–443
Palacio, Diego García de, 119–120
Palenque (Mexico), 246, 249, 253, 256, 258, 260, 263
abandoment of, 384
archeological finds, 261–262, 261/493n30
Atlantis and, 248
Caddy illustrations displayed, 310, 312
castings of ruins, 265, 268, 288, 359/501n10
Catherwood illustration accuracy, 191, 255, 263
Classic Maya era, 295, 361, 368
Cortés passed nearby, 245
description in history of Guatemala, 249/489n9
Dupaix exploration, 248
first sight of, 245–246, 253–257
foreigners forbidden, 237, 255
French award for description, 249/490n10
Galindo exploring, 117, 169, 190
guide service, 166, 255
hieroglyphs, 262–263
Iximche versus, 230–231
journey and Carrera, 184–185, 186–187
journey from, 260, 266
journey in armchair, 242, 423
journey ruins, 228–233, 234–235, 237–240
journey to, 184, 187, 189, 227–228, 233–234, 453
journey with Pawling, 235–237, 240–244
as Lakamha (“Big Water”), 245
Maudslay inspired, 456
names as graffiti, 261
passageway to, 239
rain deluge, 259
sculpture, 261, 262
size per Stephens, 263–264
Stephens’s book, 261
Stephens’s first impressions, 253–254
Stephens’s purchase, 264–265, 268
Stephens’s theories on builders, 285–288, 294/497n8
Temple of Inscriptions, 258, 261/493n30
Tikal described, 453
timeline, 386
Toniná king versus, 238, 378–380
Utatlán versus, 230–231
Waldeck drawings, 251–253
See also Palenque British expedition
Palenque British expedition
expedition assembled, 20, 168, 188–189
expedition at ruins, 165–168, 190
expedition divulged, 184
expedition illustrations displayed, 310, 312
expedition report, 189–191, 310–312
expedition to home, 187–188, 260, 279, 310
expedition under way, 46–49, 166
Stephens and Catherwood’s success, 454–455
Palenque: The Walker-Caddy Expedition to the Ancient Maya City, 1839–1840 (Pendergast), 189
Palestine, 94
Palmerston, Lord, 138
Panama, 424, 433
Aspinwall, New Granada, 433–434, 435, 441, 460
California gold rush, 4, 412/507n18, 420, 425, 429
Catherwood to California, 426–428, 437
Catherwood with Panama Railroad, 416, 418, 421–422, 423–424, 426–428, 440
death among railway workers, 429–430, 431, 460
Manzanillo Island terminus, 414, 420, 424–425, 428–434, 433, 439
New Granada agreement, 413, 414, 420–422, 423
Panama Canal, 461
Panama Railroad Company, 411,
412, 414–415, 416, 417–418, 435, 460–461
railroad beginnings, 419–422, 424, 432
railroad completion, 454, 460–461
railroad difficulties, 3–5, 164, 414, 420, 428–430
Stephens running railway, 424–426, 427, 428–434, 435–436, 440–441
Stephens unconscious, 434–435
Stephens’s assessment, 410–411, 413–414, 420, 461
SS Panama, 411
panorama projects, 13, 14, 216–220, 219, 221, 280
fire, 356–357, 400
lintel storage, 303, 356
Parke, Henry, 202
Parker, Joy, 363/502n1, 374
passageway to Palenque, 239
Patinamit, 228/486n1
Pawling, Henry
carving out tick, 257
Catherwood under mule, 260
joins expedition, 235
Palenque castings, 265, 268, 288, 359/501n10
Palenque first impressions, 254, 255
Palenque purchasing agent, 265, 268
parting ways, 268
passageway beast, 239
weapons, 235, 241
Payes, Narciso, 181, 183–184
Payes brothers, 181, 184, 288
Peale, Charles Willson, 67
Pendergast, David, 189, 311–312, 455/499n2
Penol, Juan, 25–26, 43
Peon, Simon, 269, 270–271, 272, 274, 303
Peon haciendas, 270–272, 274, 298
Pérez, Juan Pío, 325, 330/498n3, 342, 359, 361
El Petén, Guatemala
agriculture, 368–369
British expedition assembled, 20
British expedition food shortage, 144–145
British expedition under way, 47, 49, 166, 188
Classic Maya heartland, 230, 240, 368
Cortés conquered by, 21, 49
Galindo as governor, 117, 249/490n10
Maudslay inspired, 456
Mayan population vs. today, xiii
Mirador Basin, 369
Tikal, 453–454. See also Tikal (Guatemala)
Petén Itzá, Lake, 144, 145
dangers of, 94, 98, 101
history of, 100–101
El Khasne (“the Treasury”), 102
rediscovery of, 91
Stephens at, 12, 100–104
Stephens lured to, 90
Stephens’s trek to, 91, 94–100
tombs, 103–104
Philadelphia, 70, 71
Philip II (King of Spain), 119
Pío Pérez, Juan, 325, 330/498n3, 342, 359, 361
pitpans, 20, 46–49
Pizarro, Francisco, 56
the plague, 85–86, 90, 203
lazarettos, 86, 91
Platt, Noah O., 221–222, 261
Poe, Edgar Allan, 75, 111, 282, 402
Poland and Stephens, 89–90, 91
Polenki. See Palenque
Polk, James, 411–412, 413
Pollock, Frederick, 307–310
population figures
Belize blacks and whites, 16
Copán at peak, 365
El Mirador, 369
European invasion and, 54–57
Inca Empire, 56
Izabal, 25
Labphak, 328–329