Jungle of Stone
Page 57
Mayan city-states, xiv, 130
Mayan heartland vs. today, xiii
New York vs. London, 12
New York vs. Philadelphia, 70
Petén peak, 383–384
population estimation, 382/503n27
portrait studio, 292
Post-Classic period of Maya, 295, 361
Prescott, William Hickling
Catherwood letter of introduction, 391–392
Catherwood’s Views of Ancient, 390–391, 392
as historian, 284, 391/504n11, 404
on Peru as next expedition, 396–397
Stephens and Harper & Brothers, 391/504n11
Stephens borrowing Cogolludo, 294/496n6, 358
to Stephens on Cabot illness, 391/503n7
Stephens’s friendship start, 284
Stephens’s visit post-Yucatán, 358
Toltecs discussed with Stephens, 361, 361/501n14
Yucatán expedition, 289, 290/496n1
Augustin procuring, 35, 42
British expedition, 144–145, 166, 167–168
canoa to Tuloom, 344
cost of from Don Gregorio, 132
gunpowder spice, 34, 35
Mico Mountain mule train, 30
Petra trek, 98
Stephens’s shoes, 343, 351, 352
Yucatán lighter load, 321
Puuc style, 337
quarries for Copán, 129
Quauhtemala, 228/486n1. See also Guatemala
Carrera against uprising, 185–186
Carrera controlling, 172, 180, 183, 184–185, 233–234
Central American republic, 147
journey to Palenque, 233–234
Quiriguá (Guatemala)
British Museum investigation, 455/513n6
Copán king defeat, 363–364, 365, 378
Copán trade and, 363
first sight of ruins, 181–183, 182
Iximche versus, 230–231
Maudslay inspired, 456
monolith purchase, 288
Motagua River proximity, 181, 183–184
Stephens’s theories on ruin builders, 285–288
Utatlán versus, 230–231
Catherwood as surveyor, 447
Catherwood at Demerara, 399–400, 415–417
“Railway Mania,” 399
See also Panama
Rainbow (ship), 408
Rambles in Yucatan (Norman), 359/500n8
“Relacion de Las Cosas Yucatán” (Landa), 294/496n6, 358/500n6
Republic of Texas, 291, 403
Ridgway, Caleb, 79, 80
Ridgway, Helena, 79, 80
Río Dulce, xv, 10, 21–24, 22, 25, 456
Río Lagartero, 236
Rivera Paz, Mariano, 139, 157, 183, 186
Rivera y Maestre, Miguel, 229/486n5
Robertson, Merle Greene, 262
Robertson, William, 232, 284
Robinson, Tracy, 428, 429, 460
Roman timeline vs. Maya, xiv
Rome and Catherwood, 12, 196–200, 204
Roosevelt, Theodore, 67
Rosetta Stone, 12, 118/479n5
Rowe, Anne, 194
Rowe, Sir Henry, 194
Rowe, Thomas, 194
Royal Audiencia, 245, 246, 246/488n3
Rush (Vera Paz engineer), 29
Russell, Charles, 265, 267–268
Russell, Lord John
expedition cost, 188–189, 310–311
expedition report, 189–190, 191, 310–312
MacDonald on expedition, 47
Russia, 86–89, 87
Sacbe or Sacbeob road, 317
sacrifices performed, 315, 372, 373, 374
Salazar, José Gregorio, 153
San Bartolo (Guatemala), 371–372, 373
San Juan River waterway, 161–165, 431
Santa Rosa Xtampak. See Labphak (Yucatán)
Santiago (expedition member), 235, 237
Santiago de los Caballeros, 134–135
Santo Domingo de Palenque, Mexico. See Palenque
sapodilla wood, 287, 337
Sayil (Yucatán), 321
Scarlett, James (Lord Abinger), 306–310
Schele, Linda, 363/502n1, 374
scientific instruments
camera lucida, 126. See also camera lucida
Catherwood’s, 31–32
daguerreotypes, 290/496n1, 291–292. See also daguerreotypes
Humboldt’s South American trek, 31, 68
sextants, 31, 129, 212, 293
Stephens’s barometer, 30, 34
surveying ruins, 129
U.S. Exploring Expedition, 31
Scoles, Joseph John, 202, 204–205
Scudder, John, 123
Sea Witch (ship), 408
Severn, Joseph, 196–200, 197, 204
Seward, William, 112
Shannon, James, 29
Sharer, Robert J., 363/502n1
Sierra de las Minas, 37
Simon, Martin, 363/502n1, 365
Sisal, Mexico, 268, 274, 290, 291
smallpox, 55, 56–57, 56/476n9, 229/486n4
Smithson, James, 325/498n2
Smithsonian Institution, 53, 123, 325/498n2
Society of Antiquaries (London), 310
Sosa, Juan, 332
South America
Asian origins, 55
Catherwood in railway, 399–400, 415–417
Central American land bridge, 51
Humboldt exploration, 31, 67, 68–69
Inca, xi, xii–xiii, xiv, 56, 375, 396
U.S. trade routes, 10
brutality of Conquest, 53–54, 360
Castillo San Felipe de Lara, 24
Central American independence, 149
Chichén Itzá occupation, 331
Cortés and conquistadors, xii, 21, 56, 134, 228
Cozumel exploration, 342, 345
del Río to Palenque, 246–248
García de Palacio and Maya, 119
Guatemala City history, 134–135
Humboldt’s South American trek, 68
Indians of Itzá versus, 146
Maya Indians under, 151
Maya word origin, 295
Mayan scholar historical study, 359
Mexico’s independence from, 248
Spanish America closed off, 10
Spanish-Mayan document, 330/498n3
Tuloom history, 342, 352
Yucatán conquest, 294–295
Spies, Francis, 440–441, 442
stelae, 60–62, 61, 125, 128, 130, 182, 285–288, 351, 364, 365, 378, 379, 385, 459
Stephens, Amelia Ann (sister), 423
Stephens, Benjamin (brother), 77
Stephens, Benjamin (father)
career in New York, 71–74, 107
John L. Stephens ship, 442–443
letters from John L., 76–77, 78, 79, 291, 411, 418, 421–422, 431–432, 435
Stephens living with, 396–397, 401, 442, 443, 445
wealth of, 400–401
Stephens, Clemence (mother), 73, 77
Stephens, Clemence (sister), 79
Stephens, John Lloyd, 412, 444
Arabian horse rider, 97, 98, 103, 104
armchair rider, 242, 423
artifact removal. See National Museum of American Antiquities idea
barometer, 30, 34
biographer. See Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang
birth, 69
book on Central America, 279, 281–282
book origins, 83–84, 92–94, 108–109
book page counts, 90, 109, 261, 281/494n7, 359, 359/500n8
books credit for discoveries, 260–261, 333/499n5
books on ruin builders theories, 285–288, 294/497n8, 358, 359–362
books’ publications, 106–107, 108–112, 282–285, 283, 358–359
books showing essence, 79
books’ success
iplomatic appointment, 28
global connectedness, 164, 403
Incidents of Travel in Central America, 282–285, 288, 291
Incidents of Travel in Egypt, 13, 106–107, 109, 110–111, 221
Incidents of Travel in Greece, 13, 111
Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, 389–390, 391
Panama railroad and, 413
Carrera meetings, 138–142, 140, 186–187
Catherwood map of Jerusalem, 11, 106, 209, 221
Catherwood partnership, ix, 11–15, 32–33, 181, 193, 220–223, 415–418, 427, 439/510n10, 443–445, 447, 448
Catherwood retrieved from Copán, 139, 142, 143, 144
Chatfield meeting, 143
childhood, 70–74
church attendance, 77, 157, 320
Columbia College, 74–75
Copán purchase, 122–124
cost of Central America book, 282/494n8
cost of codix reprints, 250/490n13
cost of Copán, 124
cost of publishing, 109
cost of San Juan River waterway, 163
costs of treks, 93, 97–98, 100, 105, 106, 132
costume of Cairo merchant, 12, 95–96, 106
death, 440, 441–442, 443–446, 444
diplomacy in war, 170–171, 176
diplomacy to Costa Rica, 161
diplomacy to El Salvador, 156, 158–160
diplomatic appointment, 11, 28–29, 112–113, 183
diplomatic assignment
canal as standing orders, 161/481n2
Catherwood along, 14
finished, 183, 227
futile per Chatfield, 143
Morazán commiseration, 177
no government, 147, 183
trade not science, 31
treaty and withdrawal, 136–137, 161/481n2
withdrawal without treaty, 183
diplomatic coat, 32, 113, 124, 140, 184, 187, 227
diplomatic dangers, 28–29, 41, 133, 139
diplomatic reception, 16, 18, 19–20
diplomatic residence, 135–136, 137
diplomatic seal, 45
diplomatic shirking, 132, 133, 134
diplomatic status handy, 236
dromedary rider, 95, 97
on Galindo’s death, 169
Guatemala City explorations, 142–143, 185
Guatemala City in war, 134, 177–178, 179, 180, 185–186
hepatitis, 442, 443, 444
homeward bound, 274–277
Illinois territory jaunt, 79–80
image by Catherwood, 319, 448
John L. Stephens ship, 442–443
last published work, 406
law career, 9, 12, 13, 14, 79, 80–81, 84
law education, 75–78, 79, 80
malaria, 158–159, 162, 305, 320, 325, 430
Mary Ann to Honduran gulf, 9–11, 15, 223
Morazán meetings, 177–178, 187
Mount Sinai summit, 95
mule rider, 33, 34, 43, 162, 170, 180, 422
macho parting, 266
name carved, 129
obituary, 81
Palenque purchase, 264–265, 268
Pawling parting, 268
political interests, 80, 81, 112, 402
portrait of, 412, 448
image by Catherwood, 319, 395, 448
Prescott friendship, 284, 294/496n6, 358
questions about Maya, 359–361
shoes worn out, 343, 351, 352
as steamship man, 402–403, 405–406, 407
Stephens’s Tree, 434
surveying ruins, 129, 273, 349
Tennessee to Yucután, 290–291
throat infection, 81–82, 83, 85, 95, 96
tick attacks, 257, 259, 302, 320
unconscious under Stephens’s Tree, 434–435
waterway across Central America, 161–165
wealth of, 401
Stephens, Pratt, 428
Stephens’s Tree, 434
strabismus in Mérida, 292–293
stucco in Mayan ruins, xiv, 167, 229, 238, 239, 247, 255, 262, 296, 321, 328, 371
synagogue in Hebron, 105
syphilis and Columbian Exchange, 55/476n7
Tancah, Yucatán, 342, 343–347
Taylor, Zachary, 405, 418
temples (Mayan), 246, 260, 263, 321, 350, 351, 353, 364, 369–370
Tennessee (ship), 290–291
Tenochtitlan, xii
Terminal period of Maya, 361
Texas, Republic of, 291, 403
Themistocles, 84
Thesiger, Frederic, 306–310
tick attacks, 144, 165, 166, 257, 302, 320, 325, 333
Ticul, Mexico, 305, 313, 325
Tiho, Mexico, 294, 295
Tikal (Guatemala)
Calakmul wars, 377–378
discovery of, 455
Maudslay inspired, 456
Mayan collapse, 385
Mexican ties, 375–376
“New York City,” 240
Stephens and Catherwood most wanted to visit, 453–454
Tilden, Samuel J., 446
Toltecs, 361–362, 385–386
Toniná, 238–240, 248, 378–380, 385
Totten, George M., 420/508n2, 423, 425, 428, 429–430, 432
“tribes of Israel” hypothesis, 230–232, 250
Tula, Mexico, 361
Tuloom (Yucatán), 348, 350
Castillo, 347–348
description, 349, 350–351
as end, 352
first sight of, 347–349, 348
history, 342, 352
journey to, 340, 341–342, 343–347
measurements, 349
ruins near Castillo, 351–352
stone tower, 342, 347
timeline, 386
Tulum. See Tuloom (Yucatán)
Turkish Ottoman Empire, 83, 84–85, 86, 92
typhus, 250, 429
United Provinces of Central America, 11, 137
United States (U.S.)
capitals of, 67, 71, 73
Corps of Discovery, 69–70
diplomats to Central America, 26–28, 29, 137
diplomats withdrawn from Central America, 136–137, 161/481n2
as El Norte, 44, 141
expansion, 69, 403, 409, 454
Panama Canal, 461
Stephens’s diplomatic appointment, 11, 28–29, 112–113, 183
transcontinental railroad, 460
United Provinces of Central America support, 137
U.S. Exploring Expedition, 31, 52–53
U.S. Patent Office and artifacts, 356/500n2
Usumacinta River, 166, 168, 188, 190, 227, 266, 267
Utatlán (Guatemala), 229, 230, 231, 295
Uxmal (Yucatán), 298–299, 300, 304, 314
ball court, 315
changes since last visit, 297
doorway is stone wall, 303–305
as final objective, 268, 272
first sight of, 272–273, 297, 302
House of Governor, 298–299, 300
bonfire, 303
drawing and measurements, 273
items shipped to New York, 274
sheltering inside, 297, 313, 316
view from magician pyramid, 315
House of Magician pyramid, 300, 301
view from, 313, 315
house of pigeons, 314, 315
items shipped to New York, 274, 288, 303, 356
journey to, 270, 296
Kabah road and archway, 317–318
“Las Casas de Piedra,” 272
malaria, 305, 313
man-made lakes, 303
Mayan collapse, 385
names of structures, 300
nearby sites, 300, 302
Norman book, 359/500n8
Nunnery, 299, 300, 315
Don Peon hacienda, 269, 270–272
rain god Chaac, 304
sacrifices performed, 315
Stephens’s theories on builders, 285–288, 294/497n8r />
timeline to Mayapán, 294, 295
timeline to Spanish, 333
underground dome-like chambers, 303
unhealthiness of, 297
Waldeck working at, 252
wood lintel hieroglyphs, 274, 303
Valladolid, Yucatán, 331, 333, 340, 342
Van Buren, Martin, 11, 14, 28, 112, 282
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, III, 110
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 431
Vera Paz (ship), 16, 19–20, 21–24
Vesta (ship), 449–450
Victoria (Queen of England), 390, 392, 395/505n22
Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan (Catherwood), 393–395, 394, 402
Vigil Cocaña, Diego, 159–160, 170
Volcan de Agua, 142–143, 185, 227, 228, 228/486n3
Volcan Izalco, 159
Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang, 90, 91, 204, 220/485n52, 359, 393/504n19, 399/505n2
von Humboldt, Alexander. See Humboldt, Alexander von
Waldeck, Jean-Frédéric-Maximilien de, 166/481n8, 251–253, 272/494n2, 273, 361
Walker, Patrick
Lake Petén Itzá, 146
name as Palenque graffiti, 261
secretary of Belize colony, 17
See also Palenque British expedition
wars of castes, 186, 234, 341, 353
Washington, D.C., 67, 73
Washington, George, 71
SS Washington, 403, 403/506n18, 416
Bedouin, 99, 105
Camotán cabildo standoff, 43, 44, 45
Carrera troops, 140, 142, 173, 180, 186
Catherwood in Egypt, 207–208
expedition, 32, 33, 124, 133, 239, 241
Ferrera munitions captured, 155–156
Izabal troops, 25
Mayan non-metal, 367
Morazán troops lost, 173
Palenque celebration, 254
Pawling’s on expedition, 235, 241
Sheik El Alouin, 99, 106
Spaniards vs. Maya Indians, 146, 229/486n4
spring-loaded pistol and cord, 313
Stephens as merchant of Cairo, 96
Tennessee gunpowder, 290
Yucatán expedition, 293
Yucután Indians regaining, 341
Weed, Thurlow, 110–111
Westervelt & MacKay, 403
Westmorland, Lady (Jane Huck-Saunders), 198–200
wooden lintels, 238–239, 274, 287, 288, 318–319, 337
Woodward, Ralph Lee, 151
Xampon (Yucatán), 325–326
Xcanchakán, Yucatán, 293–294, 295, 296
Yalahao, Yucatán, 343, 353
Yax Mutal. See Tikal (Guatemala)
Yaxchilan (Mexico), 381, 456
yellow fever in Havana, 354
Yucatán, 324
Catherwood illustration accuracy, 298, 300, 391/504n9
cenotes, 270, 271
Cortés conquered by, 21, 49. See also Petén, Guatemala
departure toward, 290–291
description, 270, 293
Indian revolt, 341
maps, xv, 19, 330/498n3
Maya word origin, 295
Mayan scholar historical study, 359
Montejo subduing, 269