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3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)

Page 12

by Charlene Hartnady

  “It’s your two favorite males,” Rushe grit out. Ugly purple bruising pretty much covered one whole side of his face and right up along the jaw of the other side. He was covered in congealed, crusted blood. Even his jeans were pink stained around the waist and thighs. She could see that he was being careful with one of his arms.

  Ross was dressed all in leathers, and on any other day she so would’ve checked them out but right now her heart was racing. “What the hell happened to the two of you?”

  Ross’ nose looked slightly swollen and there was a definite blue twinge. Aside from that, he looked fine.

  “Please patch him up,” Ross said.

  She gestured to her exam room, “Take him in there.”

  She turned to Elizabeth. “Please put a hold on my appointments.” She started walking towards the room and on second thoughts turned back. “Actually, it’ll probably be better if you cancel the rest of my day. At this rate I’ll be out of business in no time.” She mumbled the last to herself.

  Her assistant nodded, her eyes wide in her skull.

  Closing the door behind her, she turned to face the males. “What the hell happened?”

  “It’s not as bad as it looks,” Rushe said. “I’m already healing.”

  “I don’t care,” Becky replied. “I can see that someone gave you a hell of a beating. If it was one of those vampire kings or both of them, I swear to God.” Becky gestured to the clinic bed. “Go and lie down, I need to have a look at you.”

  “It wasn’t the kings.” Ross looked down at his hands and then at Rushe. Lastly, he looked at a spot somewhere behind her. He refused to look her in the eyes.

  She didn’t have time for this shit. “You’re both going to tell me who did this and I swear to freaking God that I’m going to go and beat up that piece of shit myself. I don’t care if they are royalty. I don’t give two shits if they have superhuman strength. It doesn’t give them the right to do this.”

  “I did it,” Ross blurted. He still avoided eye contact. Pulling a hand through his hair, he paced to the other side of the room and back.

  Becky didn’t know what to make of this new development. “How the hell could you? I thought you guys were becoming friends…sort of.”

  “It wasn’t his fault.” Rushe said, making a grunting noise as he repositioned himself on the bed. “The different species have never gotten along very well. We’re currently in a sort of a truce.”

  “It doesn’t give him permission to go after you and beat you.” Folding her arms across her chest, she turned to look at Ross. He finally looked up at her instead of at his feet. “Please don’t tell me that this had anything to do with me and this whole mating business.” She looked back at Rushe, a terrible feeling settling into the pit of her clenching stomach. Rushe’s beautiful blue eyes clouded, telling her exactly what she needed to know. “Why the hell did you guys go and do that? You know I’m not looking for a mate. I haven’t even agreed to date either of you let alone mate you. Once you’re up”—she gestured towards Rushe—“you can both get the fuck out.”

  “In that case I hurt really bad. It might take days…weeks for me to heal.” Rushe said as he looked up at her with puppy dog…wolfie eyes. “It wasn’t our choice to fight. You know that we had decided to each try and win you fair and square and with honor. It seems our leaders had other ideas though.”

  “I should’ve known those bastard kings were involved.”

  “Zane was unhappy that Rushe had left the coven. The male wanted him back.” Rushe winced as he tried to reposition himself in a more comfortable position. “In their own sick, twisted kind of way they felt they would be protecting human females from vampires. If Ross ended up taking you as a mate he would’ve set a precedent. Making it okay for the other vampire males to possibly also go after human females. They don’t want that to happen.”

  She noticed how careful he was with positioning his arm next to him on the bed. His other hand was clutched at his bicep. “Let me take a look at that.”

  “No need. Ross has already reset the arm correctly.” Rushe glanced at the other male. There seemed to be no animosity between the two of them. In fact she would go as far as to say that there was a camaraderie.

  “What do you need me to do then?” She held up her hands.

  Rushe grinned, his swollen eyelids actually hooded. Although the one on the right drooped more than hooded. “You can kiss me better. I hurt all over.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him but couldn’t help but to smile. “I don’t freaking think so.”

  “No, really.” Rushe looked up at her with such adoration. “I need kisses…all over and only your sweet lips will do.”

  She shook her head, trying hard to stay angry with him and failing. “Everywhere huh?”

  “All over,” he growled. “I would recommend that you clean me up first though unless you like the taste of blood.”

  Her mouth watered for a second before she realized what she was doing. Blood? Really?

  “What’s wrong?” Rushe tried to sit up.

  “I’m fine.” She said, putting a hand to his chest. “I have a shower in the bathroom down the hall. This used to be a house before it was converted.”

  Rushe shook his head. “Let me lie here for a while. Heal up a bit more, then I’ll be happy to take a nice, long, hot shower but only if you join me and wash my back.”

  Becky rolled her eyes. There was a shuffle behind them and Becky remembered that Ross was still there. She turned to face the vampire. “I don’t care if you were forced, you should still feel ashamed. You must’ve known that Rushe isn’t as strong as you, not as good of a fighter. Look at him.”

  Ross shook his head. “Rushe could’ve taken me. He chose not to. I was led to believe that it had been his choice to fight me for you. I knew that he would probably beat me so I went at him with full force. Should’ve known better though.” She noticed how the vampire locked eyes with Rushe. He looked really sorry. “You weren’t fighting back. I knew that but I didn’t stop to think. I was so angry, felt so betrayed. I couldn’t stand the idea of you winning. I’m really sorry.”

  “You’ve apologized enough. Let’s forget it and put it in the past.” Rushe glanced at Becky and back at Ross. “I think given the circumstances that I should be allowed to date the female first. That and…” Rushe paused for a long time. She put her hands in her lab coat pockets and then took them out again, noticing that Ross was also fidgeting.

  “I think I’m going to need a place to live. You mentioned that you were looking for an apartment here in town, would you mind sharing with a wolf?” Rushe looked sheepish. “I know it’s not ideal, but…”

  “I think we can both agree, after all that has happened, that we are…friends. My only wish is that we hadn’t fallen for the same female. At least we can safely say that we both have excellent taste.” Ross grinned. “Of course you can move in with me. We’ll go house hunting as soon as your bones have healed.” His grin widened. “As to you dating our female first. I think you moving in with me makes us even, so no fucking way.”

  Becky had to suppress a laugh, she was sure it was just a good dose of panic setting in at the thought of these two moving into Sweetwater. It wouldn’t take long for one or both of them to convince her. Hell, she was almost all the way there already. Seeing that blood had made her own blood run cold. To think that something might have happened to one of these two. The same question still remained, who the hell would she choose?

  “I don’t think dating is a good idea.”

  “Thank fuck,” Rushe growled. “That means you’ve decided to just go ahead and mate one of us. Which one of us have you chosen?” His blue eyes turned stormy.

  She had to shake her head. These non-humans were so freaking cocky. It never once occurred to them that she hadn’t changed her mind about dating them. “Both,” she blurted. “I mean, neither of you.” She added, feeling her cheeks heat.

  “Both.” Ross looked confused or maybe
like he was thinking about something.

  “Well, I’m afraid you’re going to have to just choose, honey,” Rushe said. “You’re lucky we’re both very patient males.”


  Now there was an impossible concept. He may as well have asked her to choose between water and food. There was just no way. She needed both too damned much.

  Chapter 10

  2 weeks later

  “Have the burger.” Ross’ gorgeous brown eyes bore into her.

  Becky could smell his delicious musky scent over the wonderful aromas wafting out of the diner’s kitchen, it made her want to press herself up against him and beg him to do naughty things to her.

  “Yes.” Rushe leaned forward over the table. His foot stroked up and down her calf. “Have the burger, with cheese and onion rings and a sauce on the side. Make it the mushroom sauce. It’s your favorite. Don’t try and deny it.” He grinned at her in a way that made her want to groan. Mostly in frustration. Despite the continual banter about how one of them or the other was going to get her to go out with them. It had yet to happen. She just couldn’t choose. Didn’t want to.

  The only problem was that they were withholding sex. For that matter, any type of sexual gratification. They promised, and in their words, to ease her need when she decided which one she wanted to date first. Once they were dating, then they would make her very happy indeed.

  Just thinking of sex did weird things to her insides, but thinking of the last time they had been together caused her clit to throb and her pussy to weep. Rushe’s nostrils flared. His blue eyes went from clear sky to deep sea blue in an instant. “You really, really want the burger don’t you, honey?” He growled in a deep, gravelly voice that threatened to undo her. “I’m going to order one for you.”

  Ross made a growling noise that she knew signified his arousal. “If Rushe doesn’t, I will. We insist.”

  “I’m trying to eat healthy.” She narrowed her eyes at both of them. “The cholesterol in that thing will kill you.”

  “We don’t get cholesterol,” Rushe said, smiling.

  “Nope,” added Ross while throwing her a lopsided grin. “You really need to mate one of us already and then you won’t have to worry about it either.” He leaned forward. “Besides, we really want to ease your need. To have you ease ours. If I have to listen to the grunting and growling coming out of Rushe’s room one more time, I’m going to lose it.” Ross smiled, his whole facial expression at odds with the statement.

  Rushe narrowed his eyes. “If I have to listen to you roar Becky’s name one more time then I’m going to move the fuck out.”

  “You say my name?” Becky’s heart gave a little leap in her chest.

  “Who else would I think about? You’re it for me.” Ross’ eyes softened as he spoke.

  “Actually, I’m pretty sure I heard you calling my name the other night.” Rushe looked concerned. “What’s up with that?”

  “Oh…” Ross’ face turned a lighter shade of bright red. “I still kind of have that little fantasy concerning…” His voice dropped about a hundred octaves and Becky had to struggle to hear. “The three of us. The one in which we both get to fuck this sexy female.” Ross put his arm around her and squeezed.

  She tried to smile but couldn’t. Her heart raced so freaking fast that she was sure she was going to faint at any second. How would it feel to be filled by both of them? They were both so big, she was sure it wouldn’t be possible. Though, if it were possible…

  Rushe slid in on the other side of the booth and also put his arm around her. “Don’t let him scare you.”

  “I’m not scared,” she blurted.

  “Maybe a little,” Rushe remarked.

  She giggled. “Maybe a tiny bit. I’m only a tiny human after all.”

  “Tiny in all ways.” Ross’ gaze heated. “Now admit that you’re mostly excited by the idea of the three of us.”

  “You know it excites me. It doesn’t mean we’re going to actually do it though.” She said, working hard to keep her voice even.

  “No,” Rushe growled. “First you have to agree to date us.”

  “We are sort of out on a date right now.” She raised her eyebrows looking at each of them in turn.

  Ross made a frustrated noise. “You know what Rushe means.”

  “Yeah as in get to know you both individually so that I can choose. I don’t think I can.” She sighed, feeling a weight settle on her chest.

  “You’ve said that a hundred times. Rushe and I are going to keep asking you until you finally agree and in the meanwhile we’ll have to listen to each other as we tug ourselves around the room mostly shouting your name.” She noticed Ross give Rushe a look.

  Becky had to giggle. “I guess I know what you mean. I blew the little motor on my pink vibrator, so I’m using black magic these days.” She caught the confused look on Ross’ face and added. “I’ve been using my fake, rubber cocks…a whole hell of a lot.”

  “Whose name do you shout when you come?” Ross leaned towards her.

  Just then, the waitress arrived with a little notepad. Becky sighed with relief. The truth was that she shouted both of their names and normally several times every time she had an orgasm. Just thinking of both of them deep inside her made her eyes roll back and her pussy clench to the point of pain.

  The waitress’ mouth fell open as her eyes drifted to first Ross and then to Rushe. She glanced at their arms, still around her waist, and then up at Becky’s face. Turning to a new page on her notepad, she swallowed hard before asking if she could take their order.

  They rattled off what they wanted. Ross ordered a coke, both she and Rushe ordered burgers. Becky agreed to share some of hers with Ross.

  “You’re not sharing mine.” Rushe narrowed his eyes at Ross. “You get enough from me already.” Ross clutched his neck suggestively.

  Becky clasped a hand over her mouth and gasped. “Really?”

  Ross nodded. “I wasn’t aware that wolf blood could taste so good.” He grinned at Rushe, who actually blushed. A grown male, freaking huge at that, actually blushing. It was a weird sight to see.

  “You wouldn’t want me taking from another female would you?”

  “No,” her voice was raised and a little high pitched. She might have to just punch anyone that Ross drank from, although she didn’t feel jealous about him taking from Rushe. “I mean…” She didn’t have a hold on him. Yet, the thought of him taking from another person besides Rushe made her feel really pissed, followed by really upset. “I don’t know what I mean. I shouldn’t be seeing you guys. I’m just putting off the inevitable.”

  Ross smiled. “What, breaking our hearts?”

  “First off, I would break at least one of your hearts just by choosing the other.” She shook her head. “And then I would most likely end up destroying the other one of you down the line. I can’t choose and I won’t, so there. The end.”

  Ross lifted his eyes in thought, then looked deep into hers. “Just say that you’ll give us a chance.”

  Rushe squeezed her around her waist, causing her to turn to look into his blue depths. “Please, we’ll figure out the details.” The two males looked at one another.

  She so desperately wanted to say yes. They were already seeing each other as it was, just without the sex. If she agreed then they could at least fool around. Maybe even all three of them. She loved spending time with both of them. The thing was, it would be weird to just be with Ross, or just Rushe. She would miss this easy camaraderie that they had fallen into. They were good together. All three of them. That night that they’d all slept in the same bed was the best sleep she’d ever had.

  “You care too much about us to let us go?” Ross nuzzled into her neck.

  Becky giggled. “Can’t all three of us date?” She giggled even louder when Rushe nuzzled her on the other side.

  Rushe stopped as soon as her statement registered. “Just because we all get along, doesn’t mean it would work long term. I
t’s not a good idea. It’s another way for you to keep from committing to either of us. It would be better if”—his eyes darted outside and he sniffed the air. His face clouded with confusion—“What the…?” he growled before shaking his head. “Can’t be,” he muttered. “Where was I…?”

  “What is it?” Rushe growled.

  “I thought I scented…” His brow was still creased. “Never mind, couldn’t be.”

  “What? What did you scent?” Rushe insisted.

  “I thought I scented elves, but they don’t venture into—”

  “Actually, it probably was them…” Ross held up a hand. He filled Rushe in on what had happened a couple of weeks back. How they had trailed the elves. “I’m going to check it out.”

  “Wait,” Rushe growled. “You can’t go without backup.”

  “You stay with our female,” Ross growled back.

  “Wait just a freaking minute.” Becky nudged each of them with her elbows to try and get some space. They were crowding her big time. “I’m a grown-ass woman and I can take care of myself. I don’t like the idea of you going on your own.” She glanced at Ross.

  “Fine,” he growled. “Here”—he handed her the keys to his SUV—“eat your burger. If we’re not back by the time you are done. I want you to go home. Lock the door and call Tanya.”

  “Oh shit. Maybe you shouldn’t go then.” She grabbed each of their hands. “I don’t want you to go.”

  Ross threw her a lopsided grin. “How many times do I need to tell you that the elves are pussies? We’ll be fine.” He kissed her quick and hard. “I’m glad you care,” he said as he released her.

  “I don’t,” she managed a whisper.

  Rushe pulled her into his arms and kissed her as well. Her toes actually curled. Non-humans were damn good learners. “You do care.” Her wolfie said as he released her, he quickly dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back before my food even gets cold,” he said as he slid out of the booth.


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