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3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)

Page 13

by Charlene Hartnady


  Becky stared at the congealed sauce on Rushe’s burger. The chips were cold and sad looking. The onion rings were limp. If she left this diner, she would have to admit that something had happened to them. At the same time, she couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. Maybe they needed rescuing. It was on that thought that she raised her hand and asked for the check.

  Once she was in Ross’ SUV, she fished her phone out of her purse and called Tanya.

  “Have you finally agreed to be one of their mates?” Tanya gushed as she answered. “Oh…oh…please tell me you’re with both of them. The whole sandwich thing is freaking amazing—”

  “Stop!” Becky had to take a deep breath to calm her racing heart. “They’re gone.”

  “What do you mean gone?” She went on, not giving Becky a chance to answer. “No that’s not right, they wouldn’t just leave because they both claimed you. They’re freaking crazy about you. Where have they gone?”

  “If you give me a freaking chance to talk I’ll tell you.” Becky couldn’t help the edge of irritation in her voice.

  “Sorry.” Tanya said softly, making Becky feel bad for snapping at her friend.

  Taking another deep breath to calm her nerves, Becky told Tanya everything leading up to Rushe and Ross’s disappearance.

  “Don’t panic. The elves wouldn’t dare harm a vampire.”

  “What about a wolf?” Her voice was a bit shrill but she couldn’t do anything about it.

  “I doubt they would hurt one of Ward’s pack.”

  “You doubt they would?” Becky was panting but couldn’t seem to control her breathing or her racing heart. The thought of losing either one of them was just too much to bear.

  “Try and calm down, I can hear that you’re freaking out. We don’t even know that the elves took them, maybe they’re having a chat or something. Wait a sec, Zane just arrived. Let me fill him in on the whole situation.” The phone went muffled for what felt like hours but was actually less than a minute in reality.

  “Come on.” Tanya said as she removed her hand from the phone.

  “What did he say?” Becky failed to keep the panic out of her voice.

  “He muttered something about Ross being exiled and choosing his own path.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” she shrieked.

  “Look, please don’t tell him I told you, but Zane is a little hurt over Ross up and leaving. He’s tried to contact him over the last two weeks, but Ross is ignoring him flat out,” her friend said.

  “So what does that mean? He’s just going to abandon him. Shit! If only I knew how to get ahold of Ward. The wolves would definitely come. They’re not a bunch of dickheads.” Becky couldn’t help the outburst.

  “Don’t call my mates that. I understand why you’re mad but you have to understand that they have their roles to play and the good of the covens to keep in mind. It’s often really hard for them. They always have to think of the good of everyone ahead of individuals and therefore often seem cruel.” Tanya sounded like she was on the verge of tears. “You have no idea how upset Brant was when Stephany left. He really cares for her so freaking much. As king, there are very few he considers to be true friends.”

  “Why did he lock Ward up? And do all the things he did? Why did he say all those awful things to Steph while she was trying to deliver her babies? She was petrified and he told her that she was going to die during labor. How fucked up is that?” Once the words started, she couldn’t hold them back even though she was frantic with worry over Ross and Rushe. This was something she had to get off her chest.

  “I was angry with him. I still am. He acted out like that because he cares so much for her. I think I even caught him crying after Steph was taken the second time, he said it was because the sun was in his eyes. It wasn’t the sun, he was worried about her. Brant has to show himself as strong and in charge at all times. He’s not allowed to choose sides or give favors. He hates to show too much emotion, says it makes him weak.” She took a deep breath before launching herself back into her explanation. “What he does instead is act like a colossal jerk. When he feels pain or anger or fear for his people he acts out. I just wish he would be more honest and open. I think the coven…heck all the non-humans for that matter would much prefer it. Look, the point is he cares…they both do, more than you think.”

  “Oh.” It was lame, but it was all she could think of to say. Becky had never thought of it that way. To think the big bastard king had actually cried over Steph being kidnapped. Was it possible that he had acted like such a jerk because he was worried for the vampire? That he had treated Ward so badly because he truly believed his friend was dying and the alpha was to blame? The more she thought about it, the more it made sense.

  “If what you say is true, then they will come for Ross and Rushe.”

  Tanya sighed. “They are also really stubborn and hate insubordination. They make decisions for the good of the coven and expect them to be obeyed at all times.”

  “They could be wrong sometimes you know.”

  Tanya snorted. “I do. Trust me, I really do. Please don’t worry. My mates will save your…I’m not sure what they are…and bring them back to you.”

  “Please hurry. I’m so worried.” She felt herself tear up and took a couple of gulps of air.

  “Oh honey, try not to worry. I’m sure the elves don’t want both the vamps and the wolves after them. I’m sure this is some sort of misunderstanding.”

  “I’m going back to my place. It’s where we agreed to meet if we split up.”

  “Call me if they turn up,” Tanya said.

  “I will. I’ll call you when I get there.” Becky sniffed as the tears started to fall. They said their goodbyes.

  Using a hand, Becky wiped her eyes. It was time to man the fuck up. Maybe they were back at her apartment or would be soon. She needed to get over there and not have a freaking accident while she did. That meant that the tears needed to stop and she needed to grow a backbone.

  Her little talk to herself didn’t help, it only made her cry harder.

  What the hell was she going to do if Rushe and Ross didn’t come back to her? Both of them and in one piece. She wiped her tears away but more replaced them. She didn’t think that she could live without them. Forever was a damn long time to miss someone. To crave them.

  Becky sniffed hard, squaring her shoulders against the soft leather of the seat. She was going to go home and if they weren’t there, she would call Tanya. Those damned vampires…misunderstood or not…had better be on their freaking way to rescue her males or she would damn well do it herself.

  With a plan firmly in place, she inserted the keys and spun the wheels onto the road, which was thankfully relatively clear at this time of the evening.


  “You sneezed,” Ross growled, trying to break loose. Both he and Rushe’s hands were bound behind their backs around a thick, twenty foot pole which had to be silver infused as well if the lack of give was anything to go by. He didn’t know why he even bothered with the chains. Even if, by some miracle, he managed to break the silver infused metal, the place was crawling with pointy eared motherfuckers.

  “It just happened,” Rushe muttered. “I don’t ever normally sneeze. It was their flowery fucking scent. I think I might be allergic.”

  “You’re a non-fucking-human, you can’t be allergic. Anyway, the males don’t even scent flowery.”

  “Oh yes they do. Not as pronounced as the females but it is definitely there. The sneeze just happened.” Rushe looked at him with wide eyes. There were blood smears on the other male’s shirt and his own had been ripped off in the skirmish.

  “Why didn’t you go into berserker mode on those fuckers?”

  “They were hardly breaking any rules by buying fresh liver. We were spying on them so I don’t blame them for being upset. I would’ve possibly killed them if I let my beast take control.” Rushe shook his head as he spoke.

  “You s
hould’ve just fucking killed the pointy eared pussies. Look at us.” Ross rattled his chains for emphasis.

  “We were outnumbered by more than two to one and we still nearly beat them, that’s not bad. So far they’ve treated us okay.” Rushe raised his eyebrows. “What do you think they want with us?”

  Ross shrugged and the chains jangled. “Fuck if I know. They’re up to something and they don’t like that we found them out.”

  “Up to something?” Rushe shook his head and barked out a laugh. “They’re really bad elves because they dared to enter Sweetwater to buy something for supper?” He spoke in a put on voice. “That’s really so sinister. Bad fae fuckers. They should all be imprisoned and the key thrown away. We really should not have tailed them.”

  “They’re strictly vegetarian. They were not buying supper.” He looked around them but the elves ignored them completely. Ross still lowered his voice just in case. “They are hiding something or planning something.”

  Rushe shrugged. “Maybe they finally wised the fuck up. Nothing like fresh steak, and I must say I’m partial to a bit of fresh liver myself. I just wish I had eaten my burger before I scented those fuckers. All this talk of meat is making me seriously hungry.” He smacked his lips.

  “Our female will contact Tanya. If we’re lucky Zane will come.”

  “If we’re not so lucky?” Rushe glanced his way.

  “I was exiled after I left. I am no longer considered to be a part of the coven. They might just leave me to rot.” Ross felt his heart rate pick up at the thought. This was why it was important to stay protected by a coven. To branch out on your own meant becoming vulnerable to other species. It had never happened to his knowledge. Yet, he would do it again in a heartbeat. Becky was worth it.

  “Surely they will have to notify Ward?” Rushe asked, sinking back down on his haunches.

  “Yeah, you’ll be fine, wolf. I’m sure your pack won’t abandon you.” Ross’ voice turned a little gravelly and his throat tightened. If his female didn’t choose him, he would be all alone. He mentally gave himself a kick in the nuts. That type of talk was for pussies and last time he checked he wasn’t wearing pointy fucking shoes.

  “Why don’t you join my pack?”

  Ross laughed. “You do know that I can’t sprout fur right?”

  Rushe shrugged. “So what? We have a few humans that are a part of my pack and they can’t sprout fur.”

  “Yeah, but they are mated to males in your pack. Did you have someone in mind for me?”

  Rushe kicked the front of his boot in the dirt. “We are friends?”

  Ross nodded. It was really weird how quickly the friendship had happened. Ross would give his life for this wolf and he knew that the same was true for Rushe.

  “Then you are a part of my pack and when Ward comes for me, he will come for you too.”

  “What if Ward disagrees?” Ross looked his friend in the eye.

  “Simple.” Rushe’s eyes darkened. “I won’t leave unless you are at my side.”

  Ross felt his eyes prick. He wanted to talk but didn’t trust his voice right then. He nodded and looked away while he got himself back under control. “You’re crazy. I would leave you here.”

  Rushe grinned. “Like fuck you would.”

  “I so would.” Ross grinned back at Rushe.

  “Good to see the two of you are still getting along so well,” Zane growled.

  Ross’ mouth gaped. Truth be told, he had not expected to see his king.

  “Surprised to see me?” Zane read his mind. The big male crossed his arms over his chest.

  Ross nodded looking left and right. A guard stood close by but didn’t seem to react to his king’s presence.

  Zane smiled, looking all of the warrior that he was. “Relax, I have already negotiated for your release. I am here for you because you were looking out for your coven when you went after the elves. I would not abandon you for that no matter how tempting.”

  “My coven?” Ross asked. “I thought I was exiled.”

  “You are and I should leave you here to fucking rot.” Zane paused, his onyx eyes locked with his. “You have been a loyal subject and”—his king sighed—“I consider you a friend. I am upset that you chose the female over your coven…over your king, but I do understand why. I would’ve done the same for my human.” His eyes narrowed. “Don’t you dare repeat that to anyone.” He paused. “I give you leave to live where you choose but urge you to bring your female to stay at the castle. You still have a place with us.”

  Ross nodded, feeling gratitude and respect for his king…his friend. He knew it would have taken a lot for the male to have said what he just did. To welcome Ross back. There was still some lingering resentment at the shit he had pulled, but Ross knew that the male acted out of what he felt was best for the coven. “Why the change of heart? I thought you were dead set against a vampire, human union.”

  “Things change. After a very interesting conversation with the alpha, it turns out that we are more compatible to mate with humans than we realized. All human females should become stronger once mated and can therefore bear us young. I am interested to see if it works with your human. I would like to see if she does in fact become stronger like a royal mate would.”

  Anger rose in him. “We are not some experiment.”

  “No, but you could be the answer that our covens have been looking for,” he growled. “We still have the bloodlust issue to contend with but can start to try a trial run or two. So”—Zane sighed—“we don’t have to rely strictly on feedback from you.”

  “You’re going to allow males to mate with humans?”

  “Yes. It will take place in the future. The whole process will be carefully monitored. It’s still under discussion and will not take place for months. We’re not going to rush into anything.”

  “Let’s get out of here.” Zane motioned to one of the elf guards who unlocked Ross’ cuffs.

  Ross noticed that the guard moved back into place. “What about Rushe?”

  “The wolf can wait for his pack. He is not my concern. I negotiated for your release.” Zane pinched the bridge of his nose. “It wasn’t easy dealing with that little fucking prick. The elven prince is the biggest spoiled brat that I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.” Zane scowled. “His father is dying so I tried to cut him some slack. I’ve never wanted to kill someone so badly though.”

  “King Katar is dying?” Ross asked.

  “Yeah, he has something called wasting sickness. The only thing that sometimes helps is fresh calves’ liver, hence the frequent trips to Sweetwater and evening visits to the local butcher.”

  “You say that he is dying, the meat isn’t helping?” Ross really liked the old king. He had always been fair and just. The male also had a really good sense of humor. It didn’t sit well that he might not be around for much longer.

  “The liver has slowed down the sickness, but it is not eradicating it as hoped. I will have our best healers come and see him. I don’t want the old male to die.” Zane looked over at the horizon for a few seconds deep in thought.

  Ross was really seeing another side to his king. A less harsh side, one that seemed to actually have feelings. The only other time he had seen his king act with some emotion was where his female, Tanya, was concerned. “I didn’t realize that you were such good friends with the male.”

  Zane shrugged, his eyes hardened up. “I’m not. I just don’t want his bastard son taking the throne. That male is big fucking trouble.” Zane started to move away, when Ross didn’t follow, he looked over his shoulder. “Are you coming?”

  Ross shook his head. He moved back to the pole and motioned for the guard to put his shackles back on.

  “What the fuck?” Zane growled and turned around, his hands knotted at his sides.

  “I’m not leaving the wolf.”

  “You would swear the two of you were fucking mated or something. I thought you were fighting over that human. This doesn’t look like fi

  “We’re not fighting. We’re both taking the female,” Ross growled. The elf clicked the shackles into place and moved away. “So, I guess you could say that we are indirectly mated since we share the same female or will share the human in the very near future.” His voice took on a gravelly edge. Ross would somehow convince both of them or die trying. It just felt right somehow. The three of them were meant to be.

  Rushe made a surprised grunt but didn’t argue.

  Zane was looking at him like he had lost his mind. “Whatever makes you happy, Ross. I wouldn’t recommend coming to live at the castle with a wolf though. Maybe stay where you are. You can commute in order to attend to your duties.”

  “You’re not kicking me out?” Ross felt his brow crease.

  Zane shook his head. “I thought I just said I wasn’t.” His king rolled his eyes, which just looked plain wrong. He had obviously learned the gesture from his human mate. “I swear I can feel myself grow old. I need to go and renegotiate for the both of you.”

  “Thank you,” Rushe growled.

  “Thank him.” Zane pointed at Ross as he turned to go.

  “By the way,” Ross shouted after Zane. “You age too slowly to worry about getting old.”

  “Exactly,” Zane growled. “Just goes to show how much of my fucking time you are wasting.”

  Ross could hear that his king was smiling.

  “Did you mean it?” Rushe asked, his eyes glowed slightly as the sun dipped on the horizon.

  Ross nodded. “Please don’t shoot it down, give it some thought first. I know I kind of dropped it on you but I’ve been giving it some thought and I think it would work.”

  Rushe’s frown deepened, his jaw was locked. “This isn’t what I wanted,” he finally said shaking his head.

  “Unexpected maybe, certainly not what you had planned but are you sure it’s not what you want?” Ross looked the male deep in the eyes. “This way we both win. We both get to keep our female. She told us that she didn’t want to choose and this way she won’t have to.”

  “Even if I were to agree”—his eyes widened—“and I haven’t, Becky would never go for it. She doesn’t want one of us let alone two.”


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