The Makeup Artist Handbook
Page 35
Muscles on the neck that draw the lower lip downward and upward.
Circulatory System and Veins
The circulatory system is made up of two different systems: the pulmonary (the right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs) and the systemic (the left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and sends it to the body; arteries carry blood from the heart to the tissues and organs; veins return the blood to the heart).
Largest artery in the body.
Brachiocephalic Trunk, Right Carotid, and Right Subclavian Arteries
Provide blood to the neck, head, and upper limbs.
Celiac Trunk, Superior Mesenteric Artery, and Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Supply blood to the abdominal internal organs.
Coronary Arteries
Supply blood to the heart.
Left and Right Common Iliac Arteries
Abdominal aorta divides into left and right common iliac arteries.
Left Carotid, Left Subclavian Arteries
Provide blood to the left side of the head, neck, and upper limbs.
Renal, Suprarenal, and Gonadal Arteries
Provide blood to internal organs at the back of the abdominal wall.
The Veins
One of two veins that form the superior vena cava.
Hepatic Portal Vein
Vein that leads from intestinal veins to the liver.
Inferior Vena Cava
Receives blood from the pelvis, abdomen, and lower limbs.
Internal Jugular
Receives blood from the head and neck area, including the brain.
Portal System
A set of veins that deplete blood from the intestines and the supporting organs.
Splenic Vein
Vein leaving the spleen.
Empties blood from the shoulder area.
Superior Mesenteric
Blood returns to circulation by way of the small intestine.
Superior Vena Cava
Receives blood from the upper body by way of the internal jugular, subclavian, and brachiocephalic veins.
Additional Terms
Assistant director.
Adding color
Mixing pigments to a product.
Additive Color
Adding primary colors to come to white light.
Additive Color Mixing
Color mixing with lights.
A small, air operated tool that sprays various media such as ink, dye, or paint, through the process of atomization.
Air Regulator
Adjusts air pressure.
A thickening agent derived from seaweed and giant kelp that absorbs water quickly and is used as a mold-making material in makeup effects and prosthetics, life-casting, and textiles.
Colors next to each other on the color wheel.
To reduce to fine particles or spray.
Background artists (actors) or extras working in a scene.
Absence of all color.
Blank Out
To start with a blank canvas.
Applying makeup using tools to achieve a smooth seamless finish.
The strength or rigidity of the brand of gelatin.
Cab-O-Sil (silica) that is mixed with Pros-Aide to form a thick paste.
Percentage of transmission of the full spectrum of energy.
Bull Pen
Working the line with many other makeup artists painting for the crowds with little time to do it.
A silica substance that is mixed with Pros-Aide (adhesive) to form a thick paste.
Actors appearing in the scenes.
To assign an actor a role.
To form (metal, plaster, rubber, etc.) into a particular shape by pouring it into or brushing it onto a mold, while it is in a fluid or liquid state, and letting it harden.
Center of Gravity
The point of the body that dictates where the weight is distributed.
Measurement of airflow.
Names of the characters that the actors will be playing.
Chavant NSP Clay
Sculpting clay.
An Italian term meaning light dark. The term originated as a type of Renaissance drawing on colored paper.
Chief Makeup Artist
What a makeup department head is called in Europe.
Closed set
Means there are no visitors allowed on the film set.
Any colors 180 degrees apart on a 360-degree color wheel.
Complementary Colors for Light
Complementary colors are also called secondary colors.
Darker colors that are applied to any area the Makeup Artist wants to set back.
Correction Filters
To balance a given light source.
Crew Call
Time the crew is called into work.
A chemical process that allows materials such as plaster, rubber, and gelatin to change from a liquid or fluid state to a solid form.
Dark and Halftones
Halftones divided into light and dark.
Smith's (Gordon J.) Prosthetic Deadener is an additive designed to work in concert with Platsil Gel-10 (or any platinum silicone) to create a complete theatrical prosthetic design system for the motion picture industry (
Taking hardened product out of a mold.
Using data in the form of numerical digits in a computerized format.
Digital Cinematography
When film is substituted with a digital format for recording images.
Digital Motion Pictures
Images that are captured and stored in a digital format, in this case motion pictures.
Digital Photography
Images captured in a digital format that records the images and stores them on a computer chip, until they are to be printed or viewed on a screen or monitor.
Digital Television
Pictures and sound that are captured and stored in a digital format for recording, viewing, and/or broadcasting images.
Means day or night on a call sheet.
Dominant Wavelength
Apparent color of the Light.
Dot Method
Placing dots instead of straight lines in makeup application. For example to create a stronger lash line.
Director of photography.
Dual Tone
A pigment that changes hue from mass tone (pure color straight from a tube or powder) to top tone (adding white to a color).
Background actor or artist.
Fairy Soap
A brand-name, gentle bar soap for hygiene, used widely in Europe and can be used to clean molds and/or prosthetics.
Foundation Primers
Makeup used to even out the texture of the skin.
Lighting designer.
Gel Filters
Filters are used in front of a light source to change what the light is putting out.
A colorless protein formed by boiling the skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals to form a glue-like substance, used by makeup artists for a variety of reasons, such as mold-making.
Green Marble SeLr
A makeup sealer created
by Kenny Myers and Richard Snell for Premiere Products.
Half tones
All of the value (degree of lightness or darkness) variations in a color.
High-Definition Television or HDTV
Television broadcast using higher resolution formats.
Lighter colors that are applied to any area the Makeup Artist wants to have stand out.
Holding and Catering
Where the extras are being held, and where the food is located on a film set.
Any color in reference to the color spectrum and/or a gradation or variety of shades of a color tint.
Imaginary axis
An imaginary axis used by artists to determine where the weight of the body changes.
Licensed Aestheticians
Expert in skin care.
Makeup Department Head
The person in charge of designing and running the makeup department.
Mass Tone
Color right out of the tube or pure powder pigment.
Mattifying Products
Products that are made to take down shine.
Plural for medium used in fine arts to refer to the material or technique with which an artist works, and/or a liquid with which pigments are mixed.
Moisture Filter
A filter for the purpose of removing water from air.
Any color mixed with white. The various shades of a single color.
Nitrile Gloves
Gloves made of nitrile rubber, a synthetic rubber resistant to fuel, oil, and other chemicals. Nitrile gloves can be worn when working with platinum-addition RTV silicone (used in prosthetic making) since they will not react negatively with the silicone.
Oil Filter
A filter made for the purpose of removing oil from air.
Not transparent (see-through/clear glass) nor translucent (semi-see-through/frosted glass); not allowing light to pass through.
On the Clock
Official time record of work being done for payment.
Pantone 187C
A brand name paint color created by Pantone, Inc., using their Pantone Matching System for creating specific colors for various uses, such as painting prosthetics.
PAX Paint
Acrylic paint mixed with Pros-Aide adhesive used for painting prosthetic appliances.
Plasteline Clay
A type of modeling clay that can be used in mold-making.
Platsil Gel-10
A fast-curing rubber that can be used as an adhesive to adhere a prosthetic to the skin.
Poly Fiber II
A brand-name compound used to thicken polyurethane rubbers and plastics for making brushed molds and shells. The level of thickening can be easily controlled to make thin gels to thicker pastes.
Pot Life
The open or working time for how long you can manipulate a material before it starts to set or cure (harden).
Primary Color
Three primary colors that can be mixed together to make all other colors.
A prosthetic adhesive.
Pounds per square inch, a measurement of air pressure.
The intensity of a distinctive hue or saturation of a color. Similar to chroma, which is the purity of a color or its freedom from white or gray.
A wave of radiant energy in the form of beams of light, such as ultraviolet rays.
RCW Color Wheel
In Don Jusko's color wheel, every color has an opposite color to be used in mixing neutral darks.
Reflected Light
A light source that is produced by bouncing off of objects in the surrounding environment.
Products that help to remove cast items from their mold.
Products that come in many different formulas used to remove adhesives, eye makeup, or a variety of makeup applications.
Scene numbers in the script.
Secondary Colors
Colors made by mixing together two primary colors.
Secondary Colors in Light
The combination of two primary colors.
Set Call
The time that stand-ins and background actors report to the set.
When a form turns away from the light source, half-tones become darker until the light completely goes away.
Inert, synthetic compounds with a variety of forms and uses. Typically, heat-resistant and rubber-like, used in sealants, adhesives, lubricants, cosmetics, and so on.
Smith's Prosthetic Deadener
A prosthetic additive developed by the special effects Makeup Designer, Gordon J. Smith, as part of Smith's Prosthetic System (see Deadener).
Soft Box
A photographic lighting device used to create a soft, diffused (made less brilliant) light by directing light through a diffusing material, or by bouncing light off a second surface.
Sun protection factor.
Spot Paint
A technique used to balance out the skin tone.
To use an up-and-down motion while applying makeup with a brush, sponge, or textured sponge.
Stipple sponges
Textured sponges used for different stippling effects.
Superior Mesenteric
Blood returns to circulation by way of the small intestine.
Caused by the center of gravity being shifted from one leg to another.
The surface properties of a color.
Thinners are products made to thin adhesive products.
Adding white to any hue.
Top Tone
Adding white to a color.
Permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that persons, objects, and so on on the opposite side are not clearly visible (e.g., frosted glass).
Easily seen through; having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies or objects situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen (e.g., clear glass). Dyes that are clear.
Any three colors that are 120 degrees apart on the color wheel.
Adding clear media.
UVA Rays
Light rays that penetrate the surface of the skin and damage the connective tissue.
UVB Rays
Light rays that cause damage to the surface of the skin such as burning.
Vertical Axis
The centerline that correctly defines proportions of the facial features when the head is moved in different angles.