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Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8)

Page 10

by Krista Lakes

  I nodded, afraid my voice would come out as a high-pitched adolescent squeak.

  Leo chuckled, pulling me to him and kissing me. I closed my eyes, soaking up the moment. Spray from the shower reminded me of our waterfall kiss from the day before and my body heated in response.

  “All the other girls are going to be so jealous,” I said once he released me from his kiss.

  “They should be,” he replied with a cocky grin.

  I laughed, letting the sound echo around the shower for a moment. “What do you want to do today, boyfriend?”

  I felt a little silly calling anyone boyfriend, especially Leo. He was most certainly not a boy and he was so much more than a friend to me.

  “I was thinking of taking the boat out to a little beach I know. Thought maybe my girlfriend would like to come,” he replied with a smile. “Why do you think I haven't pinned you up against that shower wall and had my way with you already? I'm saving up for something special.”

  A tremor of expected pleasure rippled through me. My legs parted slightly, wanting him to do just that. The idea of him taking me here, in the shower with all the water cascading around us... it made me wet with desire.

  “I don't know if I can wait,” I told him. My body was already warming to the idea.

  He shook his head, taking a step forward and pressing his body to mine. He was hard and erect between my legs. Just a thrust of his hips and he would have me.

  I pushed my back toward him and at the same time, he slipped his arms around my stomach, breathing in through his teeth.

  “Charlotte,” he whispered on his exhale. “You know that I can’t resist you when you’re like this.”

  A smirk crossed my face as I looked over my shoulder at him. I then began to move my hips forward and back slightly, teasing him by sliding myself against the top of his shaft. Leo let out a soft groan as his powerful hands moved up my sides, pulling me closer to him. My back was pressed against his muscular torso and I could feel the cadence of his breathing as our bodies pressed against each other.

  “Is that turning you on?” I asked, despite already knowing the answer.

  Leo leaned forward, bringing his lips to the side of my neck. He kissed the sensitive skin, sending a pleasurable tingle through my body.

  “Did you really just ask me that?” he asked, playfully.

  His hands moved upward a bit further and he cupped my breasts, squeezing them gently and sending a burst of pleasure into my body. His touch made me want him even more and I found myself pushing back against him a little harder.

  “Just do it,” I whispered, flirtatiously. “Be bad with me. Right now.”

  The pace of Leo’s breathing began to increase as his hands moved across my front, touching all the right spots and causing me to get turned on even more. My entire body began to crave him. And even though we had just had sex the night before, I found myself wanting him more than ever.

  “Please,” I begged.

  Leo exhaled, his breath hitting my shoulder. Then he lifted one of his hands from my breasts and brought it around to my upper back. His fingers slid along my skin and up my neck, until he reached my hairline. I bit my lower lip and gently closed my eyes, enjoying his touch. The way he handled me made me feel so wanted, so craved. It was like he couldn’t control himself while in my presence and I loved that. It made me feel sexy, in a way that nothing else ever had.

  His hand landed on my shoulder and then he pulled his hips a few inches away from me. I felt him between my legs. He was firm and erect, and I was ready. Without any hesitation, Leo bucked his hips forward, plunging into me. My back arched and my eyes closed as he began to fill me up.

  “Oh my God,” I groaned, as I took him in.

  Leo firmly pressed forward until he was all the way inside. My lips curled into an expression of complete bliss. I reached up and placed my hands on the tile wall of the shower, using it to hold myself up.

  God, yes...

  My jaw dropped and a squeal of pleasure escaped my lips as Leo began to take me. His powerful body pounded against mine, each thrust causing another wave of pleasure to course through me. The water from the shower poured over us, making our skin slick and creating a soft slapping noise as our bodies collided.

  Ecstasy began to fill me, fueled by Leo’s thrusts of pleasure. Everything about the moment felt incredible, and it wasn’t long before I began rising to orgasm, just as easily as I had at the waterfall.

  “Oh my God, Leo,” I groaned. “Don’t stop.”

  Leo immediately increased the pace of his thrusts. I pressed back against him, taking him in as deeply as I could. And as my back began to arch further, the pleasure of the orgasm overwhelmed me, launching me into an ecstasy-filled heaven. The sensation was so intense that it took my breath away. A look of lust was frozen on my face; my lips parted and my eyes halfway open. I couldn’t believe how fast he had gotten me to climax again.

  Leo continued his pace and slid his hand up my back. He grabbed a handful of my wet hair, carefully gripping it near my scalp. I smiled as he tugged it ever so gently, causing my back to arch a little further. The slight change in the position of my body was enough to create a different pleasure, immediately furthering the sensation from my oncoming orgasm.

  “Yes...” I moaned, my voice echoing throughout the bedroom-sized shower.

  He gave another gentle tug on my hair and then let go, bringing both of his hands to my hips. His grip was strong and steady as he held me, taking me firmly from behind. I wasn’t even pushing back against him at that point, because I didn’t have to. He had taken total control, guiding me over his cock as he pulled me toward him. All I had to do was hold myself up against the shower wall and let him do as he pleased.

  Leo kept that pace for a while and then began to slow down. The intensity of the pleasure hardly changed at all, though. Each slow, methodical thrust filled me, keeping me floating in that state of bliss. My entire body tingled and the wetness between my legs continued to increase. I wanted to tell him how good it felt. But all that I could do is let out a soft moan. My mind was gone, lost somewhere in between the waves of ecstasy and the lust he created.

  “Oh, God...” Leo whispered. “You are so damn hot.”

  He continued his slow pace for just a few more seconds and then he took a step away from me. He placed his hands on my hips and spun me around to face him. I watched as his chest rose and fell in cadence with his breathing, causing his abdominal muscles to flex with the movement.

  The desperate throbbing between my legs returned the moment he pulled out and I immediately wanted, needed, him back inside of me. The sensual fire in me began to flicker out and the only cure was to have Leo back inside... immediately.

  I lifted my hands to his chest, letting my fingers move upward onto his shoulders. Then I softly drew an imaginary line up toward his neck. The stubble on his cheeks tickled my fingertips as I neared his jawline.

  Leo was just standing there, breathing heavily as his gaze moved up and down my body. Then he slowly shook his head in awe, as he admired me. He seemed to really love my body, which of course gave me even more sexual self-confidence. And it was that confidence that made me feel like I could really let myself go while having sex with him. And I had to imagine that was part of why the sex was so incredible; I could completely let go.

  Not more than a few seconds went by before I lifted the side of my mouth up into a playful smirk as I asked, “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  Leo licked his lips and then let out a sexual growl. With his hands on my waist, he stepped forward, pressing my back against the wall of the shower. He was fully erect, throbbing against me as he reached down and grabbed the back of my legs, lifting me off of the tile floor. I let out a playful squeal and placed my hands over his shoulders. Then I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me up with his powerful arms, putting me in the perfect position to continue our fun.

  As he slid into me again, I reached forward and grabbed
a handful of his hair. Then I pulled his face toward mine. We kissed, both of us moaning softly as our tongues danced. He held me against the wall and I used my legs to draw him into me, pulling his body against mine. The deep pleasure returned as he filled me up again. With my back pressed against the wall and my hands over his muscular shoulders, he began to pound into me.

  Droplets of water landed on his shoulders, and I watched as they slid forward, making their way downward across his chest and into the creases between his washboard abs. Meanwhile, the muscles in his arms flexed as he held me up and pressed me against the wall.

  The crazy position created sensations unlike anything I had ever felt. Deep, electrifying pleasure filled me with each of his movements. His manhood created the perfect amount of friction, which sent chills of sensation throughout every part of my body.

  My jaw dropped slightly as the pleasure took over once again. I brought my hands to the back of Leo’s head, gripping his hair as the ecstasy pulsed inside of me.

  “Oh, God,” I mouthed, unable to really tell him about the orgasm that was about to rock my body.

  The words were barely audible, but loud enough for Leo to hear. He leaned forward, bringing his face to my neck as he increased his pace. I brought my hands to his shoulders, feeling his muscles flex as he moved.

  “Don’t stop,” I said, my words louder this time.

  Leo grunted and I could feel as he smiled against my neck. It was pretty clear that he loved making me feel this way. It was almost as if he was more concerned with pleasing me over pleasing himself.

  My eyes closed and I rested the back of my head against the wall. Then I drew in a quick breath. At the same time, my body began to tense around him. Frozen in a state of pure nirvana, I let myself ride the wave of orgasm all the way to the peak.

  Finally, after a few moments of intensity, the climax faded and I exhaled. Then I slowly opened my eyes and took a few breaths as I regained myself. I couldn’t believe it. Leo had sent me to sensory heaven two times in the space of a single shower.

  He held his body against mine, slowing his pace to a stop. Then he leaned forward and gently kissed me, teasing me with his lips. I brought my hand up to his face, smiling contentedly as we kissed. My fingers danced down his shoulders, making their way down across his biceps. His skin was slick with moisture, causing my hands to slide easily along.

  Leo gently pulled away, breaking our kiss. Then, with one graceful movement, he carried me to the corner of the shower where a tile bench had been installed. I had always just used it to hold the shampoo and conditioner, but I immediately knew what Leo had in mind. He held me up with one arm and then used his other to push the shampoo bottles out of the way. Then he sat me down on the bench. I leaned back against the wall and spread my legs apart as I ushered him toward me.

  His feet were on the floor of the shower, putting him at the perfect elevation to resume our intimacy. Steam from the hot water surrounded him, making it so that I could only see his silhouette against the glass shower door behind him. He took a step toward me and lifted my legs, draping my knees over his shoulders.

  “I just can’t get enough of you,” he said as he plunged back inside of me.

  I gasped as a pulse of pleasure shot through me. Leo then leaned forward and brought his lips to mine, kissing me deeply as we continued making love. His powerful body pressed into mine, pounding me firmly yet sensually. It felt incredible and it made it seem like my second orgasm hadn’t even ended.

  Leo began to increase the pace of his thrusts, breaking our kiss. I reached my hands above my head, letting the water rain over my front as I relaxed back against the wall. He kept pace for a few minutes, filling both of us with extreme pleasure. Then suddenly, I watched as he began to breath harder than before. And it was only a moment later when the expression on his face began to change.

  I didn't need him to speak to know exactly what he was thinking. And I needed all of him inside of me. I nodded my head and whispered, “Please...”

  Leo closed his eyes and continued his pace. A few seconds later, a soft grunt escaped his lips and I could tell that he was climaxing. I reached forward and pulled him toward me, pulling him deeper inside me.

  With my hands around his back, I held his body against me, savoring the last moments of sex. Then I slowly dropped my hands, allowing him to pull out. A contented smile crossed my face. The desperation between my legs had finally ceased and all that was left was a lingering pleasure and a feeling of satiation.

  Leo took a step back and I brought my feet to the floor. I glanced around, noticing that the steam had completely filled the shower and I could hardly see to the other side.

  “Come here,” Leo said, as he reached forward, taking my hands in his.

  He helped me to my feet and then grabbed my hips, pulling me in for a kiss. This time, though, the kiss was much more sensual and there was already a smile on my face as I gently pulled away from him.

  We stood there for a moment, our breathing finally slowing down to a normal pace. Then Leo flashed a playful smile.

  “This is officially the best shower ever,” he said.

  I laughed. “Now you're really never leaving, right?”

  He nuzzled the sweet spot right under my ear, making me shiver with delight. “Never, ever.”


  “So, you said something about a boat ride?” I asked, leaning against the shower wall. “Wait, which one? I'm not getting on that death trap you call a boat,” I said firmly. “Besides, you promised you wouldn't use it.”

  “Whoa- I'm not talking about that boat.” Leo held up his hands defensively. “I have other boats. I don't know if you knew this, but I am a billionaire.”

  “So, which one?” I crossed my arms, feeling the water pool between my breasts.

  “Silver Lightning.” His mouth was smug, knowing that I couldn't object to this boat. It was a luxury speed boat that had been in several movies. She had the ability to fly across the water so smoothly it was like sailing on glass. Plus, she was safe.

  “I like that boat,” I said, grinning. I had been on it before, back when Leo first purchased it.

  “You sure it's not too fast for you?” Leo asked, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “I might be able to get you a row boat...”

  “I can handle it.” I shrugged my shoulder to remove his patronizing hand. “Can I drive?”

  “No.” Leo shook his head, his expression flat.

  I crossed my arms and pouted.

  “Maybe,” he relented, the corners of his lips slightly turning up. I grinned.

  Leo went to the shower door and stepped out, grabbing a white fluffy towel from the towel rack. “I'll go grab us some coffee. You take your time and finish your shower.”

  I nodded, watching as his perfect body disappeared under fluffy towel. I wished there was a way to dry off that didn't involve a towel. I could have him naked all the time and be content. Maybe I'd invest in a big blow dryer...

  Leo flashed me one last grin before heading into the bedroom to get dressed. I stood under the warm water, letting my shoulders relax and just smiling at how happy I was.

  With a laugh, I picked up my razor, realizing that I just had fantastic sex without shaving my legs first. If that wasn't true love, then what the hell was?

  Chapter Fifteen

  I was just finishing putting on my sundress over my swimsuit when Leo came back in to my bedroom. He was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, but he looked amazing. He held out the steaming mug of coffee for me and I took a nice long sip.

  Two creams, extra sweet. Just the way I liked it.

  “Do we need to stop at your place and pick you up anything?” I asked, eyeing the mashed potato mark on his shirt.

  “I have a change of clothes and a swimsuit on the boat,” he told me. He grinned. “As long as you don't mind me changing in front of you.”

  I put my hands to my cheeks. “Oh! The scandal!”

  Leo laughed an
d held out his hand for mine. “You ready?”

  I nodded, finishing off the last of my coffee and grabbing my bag.

  Leo opened the door and scanned the hallway, shaking his head. “I keep thinking I'm doing something bad. That Bastian is going to jump out at any moment and demand payment for your honor.”

  “Payment for my honor?” I giggled. “I knew you were charming, but I was unaware you were a knight of the round table.”

  Leo rolled his eyes at me and pulled me out into the hallway. I glanced around, expecting Bastian to appear at any moment and listening for the slightest creak.

  I had always been a good kid in high school. I didn't sneak out, I wasn't into parties or goofing off with boys, but now I knew the rush that it gave. I could suddenly see why it was so much fun to sneak out of the house.

  “I like being bad with you,” I whispered as we paused at the bottom of the stairs before dashing to the front door. “We should be bad more often.”

  Outside the air was already beginning to heat with the day. It was the perfect day for being out on the water. Here on the island it would only get more humid and hot as the sun rose overhead, but out on the water, it would be perfect. A blue sky and dark water with the wind blowing in our hair was exactly what I needed for a day off.

  Murdoch silently followed behind us. The only reason I even noticed he was there was that I was specifically looking for him. My own bodyguard, Eli, was probably enjoying having Murdoch watch me. It was practically like a day off for Eli, too.

  Leo took my hand as we followed the path to the beach and began the easy walk to the docks. Granted, it was a longer walk following the pretty white sand, but much more romantic. The sky was a cloudless blue that stretched out for as far as I could see. Blue water rolled steadily in toward the land, slowly growing lighter until it was clear upon the sand. Gulls called down to us as they hovered over the waves waiting for something to eat.

  “Look at that sand castle.” Leo pointed to an elaborate creation not far from the beach. It was far enough inland that the tides hadn't destroyed it yet. It was definitely the work of adults rather than children playing in the sand.


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