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Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8)

Page 11

by Krista Lakes

  “I could live in a sand castle,” I mused, looking at the shells placed carefully for decoration.

  “There would be sand everywhere,” Leo remarked. “In the kitchen, in the living room, on the couch, in the bed...”

  I giggled. “It's not like you ever have to clean it.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't like it.” Leo made a face and tugged on my hand. “Maybe we'll make one of those later today. But not one you can live in.”

  My steps easily matched his as we continued down to the marina where most of the island's resident billionaires kept their boats. It wasn't the biggest marina I'd ever seen, but it definitely was worth the most. Multi-million dollar yachts floated and bobbed next to speed boats that were worth a small country.

  “Ahoy there, Leo,” called out a friendly voice. A handsome mane of sandy-blond hair popped up over the top of one of the beautiful sailing yachts. “Hey, Charlotte!”

  Leo dropped my hand. While neither one of us was quite ready to break the news to everyone that we were a couple, I was still disappointed that he was willing to hide it so quickly. I understood, though. My older brother was rather protective and he and Leo worked together. We had to announce it carefully.

  Still, I hated losing his hand. Our relationship didn't feel as real, like it could still all be in my head, without having his touch to prove it.

  “Hi, Robbie,” I called back, recognizing Robbie Saunders as the man hailing us. He was Jack's younger brother and an expert sailor. He had won more races in a sailboat than I had ever heard of even existing.

  “You getting on that death trap you call a boat?” Robbie asked, leaning against the railing of his boat and grinning down at us. The two Saunders boys had similar builds and coloring, but couldn't be more different. Where Jack was a businessman through and through, Robbie was wild and free. Until recently, he had been a bit of a problem for the Saunders' family.

  “Hi, Robbie,” Leo greeted the man, rolling his eyes. Robbie loved sailing with sails where Leo liked going fast using an engine.

  “You know, Charlotte, you can come sailing with us. You might actually live,” Robbie teased, grinning out at us from his boat like a Cheshire cat.

  “Ha ha, very funny,” Leo replied, crossing his arms.

  “Give me a good sailing boat over one of those racers any day,” Robbie said. “Those things are nuts.”

  “Oh, come on, Robbie,” Leo replied in a good-natured tone. “You're telling me you've never thought about trying to break the water speed record? I know you like to go fast.”

  “Not that fast.” Robbie shook his head. “I have no desire to go so fast that I'm hydroplaning and praying I don't slam into the water at 300 mph because I hit a wave wrong. If we were supposed to go that fast on the water, we'd be able to do it with sails.”

  As if to prove his point on the danger, a wave knocked his boat gently and made him grab the railing.

  “Besides, if I want to go fast, I can get in a car and break 300 without breaking a sweat. ” Robbie continued. “Give me a sailboat any day. That requires skill and you might actually live.”

  “You have no sense of adventure, Robbie.” Leo shook his head and clicked his tongue. “You can't break records if you're afraid of a little risk.”

  “A little risk?” Robbie scoffed. “An eighty-five percent fatality rate of everyone whose ever attempted to break the record isn't risk. That's not sport. That's a suicide attempt.”

  “I agree,” I added quietly. I'd seen the boats Leo liked to race. They skittered over the water like jet fueled bugs, barely clinging to the surface and liable to go flying at the smallest wave. They were million-dollar deathmobiles of speed.

  “Just because I'm in a boat that can go that fast doesn't mean I am,” Leo replied calmly. “I haven't gotten anywhere near the 317 mph record. And I have no intention of trying to.”

  “But you're on a boat that is designed to do that,” I said, trying to get my fears across to him. “You like to push limits. How long before you go just a little too fast because your boat can handle it but you can't?”

  Leo's eyes flashed. This argument was far from over.

  “Oh, hey, Charlotte and Leo!” A female voice interjected, stopping whatever Leo's retort was going to be. “I thought I heard voices up here.”

  Sam, or rather Samantha, came to join her husband at the railing. Her sun-bleached blonde hair was pulled back out of her tanned smiling face. She was the reason that Robbie was no longer a problem child. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned into him like he was her strength. Robbie's caressed her arm as he pulled her closer to him. It was such a small motion, but it spoke of a deep love between them.

  I envied them slightly. They spent their days either racing sailboats or teaching others how to sail. They got to be with the love of their life doing the thing that they loved most. I hoped Leo and I could be that happy someday.

  “Hi, Sam,” I greeted her. “It's good to see you.”

  Leo murmured an appropriate greeting as well. Our discussion on the safety of his boat would have to wait until later.

  “So, we're planning a little outing this evening for friends. Just floating around the island a bit. You two are more than welcome to join us,” Sam offered. “Right now, it's the two of us, Jack and Emma, and hopefully you two.”

  “Thank you,” I answered slowly, looking over at Leo to make sure I wasn't getting our plans wrong. “I'm not sure what our plans are, but we'll keep you in mind.”

  “Sounds good. No pressure.” Sam smiled and leaned into Robbie, putting her head on his shoulder. “It looks like you are off to go have an adventure. Have fun!”

  “Thanks,” Leo and I chorused. We all waved as Leo and I continued down the dock to where he had the Silver Lightning docked.

  Leo hopped into the open cockpit and pulled out a set of keys. Unlocking a panel in the back, he pulled out a pair of swim trunks and tossed them to me. “Hold on to these for me.”

  I laughed, climbing in to the passenger seat and settling in. The tan seats were soft to the touch, even though I knew they had to be waterproof. It even had what looked like mahogany trim, giving the boat a classic and elegant feel. Every detail of this boat was made for the very rich, and then I knew Leo had tricked it out.

  He turned the key in the ignition and the engine purred to life. This boat could go fast. Not breaking the record for a vehicle on water kind of fast, but definitely fast enough to give me a thrill.

  Leo grinned at me as he maneuvered the boat carefully out of the dock and out toward open water. As soon as we hit the buoy marking freedom, he gunned it. I slammed into the back of my seat, laughing as the waves sped by and my hair streamed out behind me.

  Leo was an expert driver. He had to be in order to pilot the boat I refused to even think of. But now he was using those skills to show off.

  Twisting through the water like a powerful sea creature, the Silver Lightning ran the waves. I loved the way the wind blew through my hair and the sound of the ocean caressing our boat as we sped along. I had no idea where we were going, but I didn't care. If all we did was drive around in a boat all day, I would consider that a perfect day with Leo.

  Leo slowed the boat and then turned off the engine. My ears throbbed with the sudden silence.

  “So, you still have that swim suit for me?” he asked, turning to look at me.

  I hastily stuck it under my leg. “Nope. Threw it overboard.”

  “Right.” Leo stared at my legs and then back up to my face with a raised eyebrow. “I guess we're going skinny dipping, then.”

  “Skinny dipping?” I repeated. That was definitely one of my fantasies. Of course, it was usually at the lake by the university campus, but that was beside the point. My heart fluttered and I couldn't stop the giddy feeling.

  I'd already kissed him. I'd already had sex with him. Hell, technically, we already went skinny-dipping in the waterfall, but I couldn't help it. I wanted this. He just ha
d the ability to tangle me up and make me want everything with him.

  “You up for it?” Leo asked, stripping off his shirt and revealing his torso. His muscles flexed with the movement and it was hard not to stare. “Or are you afraid a mermaid might see you?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You should be more worried about a merman,” I corrected. “Because I know what my body does to you. Imagine what it would do to a poor fish boy.”

  I pulled my dress up over my head, enjoying the way Leo's eyes popped out a little. Knowing that he found me sexually appealing was a total turn on. Every girl doubts their own beauty, so seeing the man I adored so thoroughly engrossed and excited by me, I could believe him that I was beautiful. I believed him straight to the core of my being. In Leo's eyes, I was perfect. I was beautiful.

  Slowly, I undid my bikini top, keeping myself covered but loving the way his eyes dilated as he watched. With a grin, I finally tossed it to the floor and stood there proudly.

  “Are you trying to skip the swimming all together?” he growled, his voice deep and full of desire. If I hadn't believed that he wanted me before, the sound of his voice convinced me entirely. It was primal and needy.

  “Maybe...” I glanced over the edge of the boat into the dark waters. “Maybe I'm just afraid of sharks.”

  Leo's eyes flashed with dark heat that made his blue irises shine. “Then best not risk it...”

  He dropped his shorts, kicking them to the side so he was completely and gloriously naked in front of me.

  “Leo!” I cried, flirtatiously.

  He immediately shrugged his shoulders and flashed his boyish smile.

  “What?” he asked, with innocence in his voice. “We’re in the middle of nowhere. There’s not another person for miles. You said you wanted to be bad more often, right?”

  It was definitely a good point. I quickly glanced around the harbor. There wasn’t a soul in sight. The speed at which he had driven the boat away from the docks had gained us quite a distance in a short amount of time. I brought my gaze back to Leo, noticing that he had already become mostly erect.

  “If there is a merman out there in the water, let’s give him a show,” he said.

  His eyes never left my body and I slowly let my hands drop, revealing my bare chest. Anybody on the shore with a pair of binoculars could have seen us standing there, but in that moment, it didn’t really concern me. And besides, a part of me almost liked the fact that maybe someone could see us if they wanted to.

  “You are so bad,” I whispered, shaking my head at him.

  Leo knew it, too. And he knew I liked it when he was just a little bad. He knew that it turned me on more than anything and that I wouldn’t be able to help myself. My eyes lifted, meeting his. His pupils were still dilated as he took a step closer to me, closing the gap between us. A burst of excitement filled me as he placed his hands on my sides, just under my ribs but above my hips, pulling me close.

  “You’re kind of bad yourself,” he said with a half-smile. “Maybe that’s why I like you so much.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, he brought his face toward mine. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, feeling a pleasurable tingle fill my body as our lips touched. He had become completely erect and as I leaned close I could feel him slide between my legs. My bikini bottoms were still on, but it didn’t matter. There was still enough friction to create a light pleasure.

  Leo’s hands dropped a bit further, landing on my hips. His fingers grazed over the waist strap of my bikini bottoms as we kissed and I felt him slide his fingers into the knots that held them together on the sides. Just one small pull of the strings and the bikini bottoms would drop, rendering me completely naked and ready. But I wanted to tease him a little bit before we got into it. So I gently took a step back, causing his hands to fall from my hips.

  “Sit down,” I ordered, with a playful smile on my face.

  Leo cocked his head to the side, but smiled as he played along. He sat down on the leather Captain’s seat, then swiveled it so that he was facing me. His manhood stood proudly in his lap, ready to pleasure me.

  I placed my hands over his shoulders and then crawled on top of him, straddling his lap. He let out a moan and leaned his head back as my body dragged over his sensitive parts.

  “Oh my God,” he whispered.

  He placed his hands on my hips, once again going for the knots to untie the bikini bottoms. And once again, I gently pulled away.

  “Nuh uh,” I said, shaking my head.

  Leo’s jaw dropped slightly and his breath began to quicken. I could tell that I was turning him on and I loved it. It made me feel so sexy that I could turn on a man like Leo with nothing more than a few subtle movements.

  “You're killin' me,” he groaned.

  He reached forward, placing his hands on my butt and pulling me further on top of him. Then he brought his face to my breasts, giving them attention with his tongue. My lips parted and I drew in a deep breath as his touch shot a burst of pleasure into my body. I instantly became wet with desire, ready to have him inside of me.

  While he kissed my breasts, he moved his hands back down to the knots at my waist. This time, however, I didn’t stop him. I kept my arms wrapped over his shoulders, straddling him as he pulled at the strings. Both sides came loose at the same time and I gently lifted my body up, just enough so that Leo could pull my swimsuit bottoms away. He then tossed them carelessly to the floor of the boat. His hands immediately went back to my ass, which was now completely bare. All I had to do was drop my weight and he would slide inside, easing the throbbing desperation between my legs.

  “You are trouble,” I said, smiling. “Pure trouble.”

  Leo licked his lips as he brought his gaze up and down my body. I started to drop my weight, sinking down over him. But he stopped me immediately.

  “Nuh uh,” he said, imitating the words that I had spoken just seconds before.

  I playfully slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Leo!” I said. “You can’t do that!”

  My body had anticipated having him inside of me and when that didn’t happen, the desperation between my legs increased even further. Leo bit his bottom lip sexually and then wrapped his arms around the underside of my thighs. Then he stood up, carrying me a few steps over to my chair and setting me down on it. I leaned back, feeling the warm leather as it touched my back. I gently spread my legs, bringing them around his waist and ushering him to come closer. He bucked his hips forward just enough so that he began to enter me. Then he pulled away, with a smirk on his face.

  “Two can play at this game,” he said.

  My mouth dropped in shock and I felt the wetness increase between my legs. Something about the way he was teasing me turned me on so much.

  “You are just plain mean,” I responded jokingly.

  Leo took a step back and then dropped to his knees in front of me, disappearing from view. He draped my legs over his shoulders, keeping his strong hands on the top of my waist. I felt his facial stubble tickle the skin on the inside of my thighs as he leaned forward, bringing his face to my flower.

  “Yes...” I whispered.

  As soon as his mouth met me, an electric shock of sensation burst into my body. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as Leo delicately flicked pleasure into me with his lips and tongue.

  “Oh my,” I mouthed.

  No sound came out of me, though. The pleasure had rendered me speechless. The way that Leo moved his mouth was so gentle and tender, teasing my most sensitive parts with just the right amount of pressure. Slowly but surely, my body filled with ecstasy, each lap of his tongue bringing me closer to the point of climax.

  I drew in a quick breath as I became frozen in sensation, unable to think or move. Leo lapped one more time and then gently pulled away. My frozen state of bliss suddenly vanished and I opened my eyes immediately. At the same time, I reached forward with both hands and grabbed the top of his hair, pulling his face back into me.

  “Not yet,” I groaned. “You're not done yet.”

  Leo let out a soft, sexual growl. The sound vibrated into me as he resumed the work with his mouth. The pleasure returned, this time with even more intensity. It only took a few moments before I rose to orgasm once again.

  “Don't stop,” I whispered, as I gently held his face against me.

  And he didn’t stop. He didn’t even slow down. He kept his pace, easing his lips against my body and darting his tongue out in just the right way to put me over the top. I writhed on the leather chair as a final wave of pleasure filled me. My thighs were clamped around his head as my body shuddered with heavenly bliss.

  I gently leaned my head back and reminded myself to breathe. Then I relaxed my legs, letting Leo pull away. After a moment of regaining my senses, I sat up in the chair and looked down to Leo. A look of lust was on his face as he stood up from the floor. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him close to me.

  “You're incredible,” I said, as I let my fingers drag over my chest.

  Leo's eyes moved over my body and he shook his head in awe.

  “So are you,” he responded.

  The pace of his breathing had increased and the movement caused the muscles in his chest and abs to flex in cadence. The sun beat down on us and I noticed a light layer of sweat covering his skin, accentuating his defined body even further and making me want him even more.

  “No more teasing,” I begged, before gently biting my bottom lip.

  Leo placed his hands onto the top of the seat and leaned forward. He held his body over mine, making me feel tiny against his muscular frame. My legs were wrapped around his waist, and all I had to do was pull his body against me to get exactly what I wanted. It made me feel like I was in control. I lifted my hands and brought them to his face, leaning toward him for a kiss. At the same time, I used my legs to pull him into me, drawing him deep into my sex.

  My jaw dropped as he filled me ecstasy, inch by inch. The frantic throbbing in my groin finally ceased and all that was left was a deep, contented pleasure. Leo pulled away from our kiss and began bucking his hips forward, pounding me against the chair. My lips curled up into an expression of euphoria, which might have looked more like a goofy smile, but I couldn’t help it. The intense sensation that filled me made it impossible to control.


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