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Bryce Evans

Page 2

by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

  Mace rocked in his chair. He wanted to get mad at how Damen was talking to him, but he couldn’t because Damen was right. He needed to go and show his support to his pack and to the new members. Unfortunately, Mace was itching for a fight. “Are you trying to tell me how to do my job now, Second?”

  “If that’s what it takes to get your ass in gear—Alpha!” Damen got up and slammed the door without giving Mace a chance to respond. Damen knew Mace was under a lot of pressure, but dammit, he was, too. So instead of starting a fight, he got up and left the room.

  Mace clenched his fists as he turned back around in his chair, looking at the kids playing through his large window. He knew Damen was a great Second and a good friend to him, but right now he had to go to Adrianna and her mates’ house for lunch. No time for self-pity. He had a pack to run and a question to ask Samson.


  Amanda watched as John Robert walked into the diner, looking around for her. As his eyes searched her out, he found her sitting at the back of the restaurant. “Hey, Amanda? How are you doing? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

  Amanda used the fakest smile she had for him. John wasn’t a bad looking guy; he just wasn’t very interesting as a person. The only thing that John Robert had going for him was his lineage. His family had a lot of magic going from generation to generation. Cain said his magic would be pure and that was needed if they planned to take over the Twisters Council.

  “Hey, John. You look great,” Amanda muttered sweetly.

  “So it was a pleasant surprise to hear from you. I thought you and Cain would have been married by now. So where is Cain?”

  Amanda smirked knowing he would see Cain very soon.


  Wednesday morning, Mace drove down the long driveway to Adrianna’s house. He finally had a free moment to visit her, and ask Samson about the Reddens. The property Adrianna and her mates lived on was surrounded by lots of lush green trees, some of which stood as tall as two hundred feet and were hundreds of years old. Standing tall, these oak trees provided cover for the heated Georgia ground that played host to hundreds of beautiful wildflowers. The trees and flowers never seemed to wilt or die on the property. The trees and wildflowers bent and swayed with a touch of magic singing through the wind.

  Mace remembered the day Adrianna and her mates moved into the house. The property was always beautiful but now that Adrianna had arrived, everything seemed to be more vibrant. When he pulled up in front of the house, Mace watched in awe as a huge oak tree extended its branch releasing Adrianna back to the ground. Mace knew that it would never get old watching his sister communicate with the trees.

  Adrianna turned around and waved at Mace as he got out of the car. She walked up to him, throwing herself into his arms as he caught her.

  “Wow! It never gets boring watching that.” Adrianna looked back over her shoulders at the trees blowing in the wind.

  “Yeah, I guess so. It’s natural to me now.” Adrianna sighed. “Oh, Bubba, I love it here. I guess I never knew how much I missed home.”

  Mace noticed the creature coming around the house watching him. “What the fuck is that?” Mace growled, putting Adrianna behind him. The creature eyed Mace like a wild animal eyed his prey.

  “Oh that is a Warden and he doesn’t know who you are so I need to introduce you so he knows you're not going to hurt me.” Adrianna waved the creature over as Mace growled. “Calm down, brother. He is magical and can send you to the Nether World.”

  Mace watched as the creature walked up to Adrianna. The creature was huge with scaly skin. His eyes were the greenest eyes he had ever seen as he watched Mace with death glooming through those eyes.

  “Mace, this is Brock. He is a Warden from the Nether World, Joshua Cahill brought him here to protect me.”

  Mace didn’t smile, as he looked the Warden up and down.

  “Brock, this is my brother, Mace McDonald.” Brock stared at Mace, as he appeared to be memorizing Mace’s face in his mind.

  Mace didn’t know if Wardens were friendly but he stuck his hand out for Brock to shake it. The Warden looked down at Mace’s hand not knowing what to do. Adrianna reached and grabbed the Wardens hand and brought it up to Mace’s hand. Mace showed him how to shake hands with him. Mace pointed at himself and introduced himself. “I’m Mace McDonald.”

  The Warden pointed at himself and with perfect English, he introduced himself. “I’m Brock Campbell, a Warden from the Nether World.” Then he smiled at Mace and walked off scanning the area.

  Mace laughed as he watched the Warden walk off. “Where is Joshua Cahill at?”

  “He said he had some problems to take care of and he would be here as soon as he could,” Adrianna answered.

  “So what’s the deal with this Warden?” Mace asked as he watched the Warden scan the area.

  “Well he doesn’t speak much to anyone except me. It’s strange but I don’t feel any kind of bad vibes from him. He just scans the area all day and then at night he stays outside, too. He gets relieved from Samson’s people, then gets up in the morning and does it again,” Adrianna explained. “Come on let’s go inside and eat.” Adrianna grabbed Mace’s hand and walked with him into the house.

  Cade was walking into the kitchen setting a plate of sandwiches on the table. He looked up and smiled. “Well, well, look what the wolf dragged in.”

  Mace laughed then shook his best friend’s hand.

  “Where you been at, buddy? We have missed you at Friday night dinners.” Mace half smiled then sat down at the table. Adrianna and Cade made eye contact with each other noticing Mace’s somber mood. Cade was Mace’s best friend. He could tell the difference in Mace, how he changed the subject whenever anyone asked where he had been.

  Samson walked in carrying pasta salad and another dish, setting it on the table. “Hey, stranger? Where have you been?”

  Mace laughed as he took a long drink from his cup trying to think of something to say. “Hey, I need to talk to you about some applicants that have applied to the Ashland Pack.”

  Samson sat down beside Adrianna giving Mace his full attention.

  “It’s about Mary and Lexy Redden. They want to apply to the Ashland Pack and to the Ward Clan,” said Mace. Samson smiled as he looked down at his plate. “You don’t look surprised about this,” Mace said when he saw Samson’s smile.

  “Well no. I guess I’m not. Mary and Lexy Redden have been with my family’s clan for many years. I know that Peter always felt like he didn’t fit in with us. Even though he was and will always be a part of my family. I think he needs to be part of a pack again. I think he feels lost,” answered Samson.

  “Well, that I can understand. I guess you know what I mean, Samson, when I say that I would go crazy if I wasn’t around the pack. If I told you that you couldn’t be with your clan, you would, too.” Mace leaned back in his chair, looking at Samson, waiting for him to speak.

  “That’s true, Mace. Do you have a problem with the Reddens becoming part of both the pack and clan?” asked Samson. Mace looked over toward the window. He stayed silent like he was thinking about that question. Samson looked over at Adrianna wondering what was going on with Mace. He seemed distance today.

  “Mace?” Adrianna looked at her brother, worried about his behavior lately.

  Mace blinked a couple of times then looked back at his sister.

  “Earth to Mace. Did you hear Samson?” Cade asked.

  “Umm no. I’m sorry, what did you say, Samson?” responded Mace.

  Adrianna glanced at her mates then back at her brother. Now she was worried about him. This wasn’t Mace or his personality. “Mace, what is wrong with you? We have hardly seen you this month and when we do, it’s only for a minute or two. Then you are distant when you talk to us. So I want to know what is wrong with my big brother?” asked Adrianna with a worried tone to her voice.

  Mace smiled then picked up a sandwich from the plate and started putting food on his plate. “Nothing is
wrong, Sissy. Just have a lot on my mind with all the new people moving into town. So Samson when are your parents moving to town?”

  Adrianna let the conversation die until after lunch then she would take Mace for a walk.

  “They are waiting for everyone to get their affairs settled, plus their house isn’t finished yet. Jamenson said it would be soon so maybe next month. Your cousin is fast and with the added people moving into town has helped by giving him more experienced people to help him with the new building,” said Samson.

  Mace liked Roman and Margret Ward. He was able to meet them when they came to finalize their plans for their house. The whole clan is moving to Ashland and houses are being put near the fifty acres of land the Ward Clan purchased.

  Mace sat at the table eating, trying to be part of the conversation but unable to concentrate. He needed to leave before he soured everyone’s mood.

  “Dang, I need to come to lunch here more often. The food was great, guys, but I need to get back to the office to finish up some paperwork.” Mace started to get up but Cade and Samson already knew what Adrianna had planned for her brother.

  “Mace, I need to talk to you for a few minutes. Can you spare your sister a few minutes?” asked Adrianna.

  Mace nodded and followed Adrianna out of the house. He looked back at Cade and Samson, who gave him the good luck look.

  “I thought we would take a walk to Seige Field since the weather is good.”

  Mace didn’t say anything but walked by his sister toward the field. Unconsciously, Mace sighed out loud. Adrianna took her arm and wrapped it around his arm. As they walked toward Seige Field, Mace had to stop and acknowledge the beauty in the landscape. The flowers were beautiful with the vibrant colors of summer. The trees appeared to stretch their limbs high into the sky as if reaching for the clouds. As the wind blew, the leaves fell slowly to the ground. It was magical here, Mace thought.

  “So, how long are you going to make me wait?” she asked. Mace looked over at his sister, frowning at her.

  “Sorry, I was looking at the trees and flowers. Wait for what?” asked Mace.

  “Until you tell me what is bothering you,” Adrianna answered.

  Mace sighed then glanced at his sister. “I don’t have an answer for you, Sissy. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I’m...”

  Adrianna stopped and looked up at her brother. “You’re lonely.” Adrianna waited for Mace to answer. She could tell he was struggling for an answer.

  “I don’t know what I am. I can’t even explain it to you. I don’t know what is wrong, really I don’t,” he replied as Adrianna reached up and caressed his face. Mace leaned in toward her tender touch. She soothed him with her kindness. She always did. He regretted not sharing all his feelings with his sister, but Adrianna had enough to deal with.

  “I understand. You are going through the motions of what needs to be done and you get them done, but you can’t figure out what is missing, but you know something is missing from your life,” Adrianna said to Mace then he looked at her as if a light bulb moment just happened.

  “Yes that’s it. I want to explain it to you, except I can’t because I don’t know what it is exactly. It is just a feeling. Something I can’t describe to you either. Does that make sense?” he asked.

  “Yes it does, but remember it won’t last long, and when life changes for you, it will happen suddenly. There will be no preparing for it.” Adrianna allowed Mace to think about what she said as she started walking back toward the house, when Samson walked out the front door.

  “Are you psychic, too, Sissy?” asked Mace as he jogged up beside her.

  “No. I just remember how I felt before my mates came into my life and changed it for me.”

  Before Mace could ask more questions, Samson walked up to him.

  “So, Mace, do you mind if the Reddens become part of the pack and clan?” asked Samson.

  “No, Samson, I don’t. You trust these people and that is good enough for me. I will accept them in the pack Saturday night at the Mirage. Will you guys be there, too?” said Mace.

  “Sure, we haven’t had a night out to have fun in a while. What do you say, baby?” Samson looked down at his mate as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to him. Samson placed his hand over his mate’s stomach.

  Mace looked at them, not understanding that was what he wanted. The love two people felt for one another. Having to touch them just to feel whole. Mace shrugged the feeling off, struggling with the emotions.

  “I’m game. I’m excited to meet the woman who helped raise you. I’ve got a lot of questions to ask about little Samson.” Mace and Adrianna laughed as they looked at Samson’s scared face.

  “I have to go, guys. Thanks again for lunch and I will see you Saturday night.” Mace got into his truck as Samson picked up his giggling mate, kissing her as he carried her to the house.

  Chapter Two

  Mary Redden walked into the guest bedroom where her daughter, Lexy, was staying until she could find an apartment. Lexy was sitting on her bed with a book in her hand. Her curly hair was framed around her face as she continued to read the book. “Well I just got off the phone with Damen McDonald. He is the Ashland Pack’s Beta and he said the Alpha has agreed for us to become part of the pack and Samson’s clan.”

  Lexy looked up from the book she was reading, absorbing what her mother just said. “Mother, I don’t really care what the Alpha said. I’m going to be part of the Ward Clan whether the Alpha likes it or not. Why do we have to join the pack, too?”

  Mary rolled her eyes shaking her head at her daughter then walked over and sat on the side of her bed. “Listen, Lexy. We have a chance here to make a new beginning and for all of us to be together again. The Twisters Council will be here in Ashland so you can continue studying with Felix, and Peter can be part of a pack again.” Lexy looked away from her mother, trying to hide the tears pooling in her eyes. She felt responsible for Peter having to leave his old pack.

  “Lexy, please don’t cry. He doesn’t blame you. We did what we had to do to get away from him. Peter loves you and thinks of you as his daughter,” said her mother.

  Lexy sniffed then got up and walked over to the window, looking out. “Do you think he will find me?”

  Mary got up and put her hands around her daughter, hugging her. “No I don’t, and if he does, he will regret it. Your magic is so strong now; he won’t be able to hurt you anymore. His father promised we would never hear from him again. Plus—”

  Lexy pulled away from her mother. “Mom, you didn’t tell anyone, did you?”

  Mary didn’t look Lexy in the face but turned around, walking toward the door. “Lexy, I will never apologize for protecting my daughter. I spoke to Samson in private and he assured me that he would protect you. He won’t tell anyone. It’s been ten years since it happened. Look, perk up, we have the ceremony with the Alpha tomorrow night that will welcome us into the pack. They call it the Mirage Dance. It’s a way for all the different groups to come together and mingle. We were requested to attend tomorrow night.”

  “Mom,” said Lexy.

  “Lexy, do it for Peter. We owe him this.” Mary didn’t look back at her daughter as she walked out of her bedroom.

  Lexy watched as her mom left her bedroom. She knew she owed Peter everything. He had given up his pack to take Lexy and her mom away from Cain Holliday, the evil son of a bitch. He has caused my family so much pain, and for what? Lexy mumbled.

  Lexy couldn’t help but remember all the things Cain did to her growing up. Instantly, the memories began to flow into her subconscious like a snowstorm. He was a wizard and his family was part of the Twisters Council. Well, his father was on the Council, he was a rich and powerful man. He thought Lexy and her family were trash since her mom wasn’t married when she was born. Malcolm Holliday knew that Mary had an affair with a human. He told everybody she was an abomination, bringing tainted blood to his race. He tried to have them thrown out of the Twisters associa
tion, but Felix put a stop to it. However, it didn’t stop Cain and his friends from tormenting her at school. Day after day Lexy had to endure Cain’s relentless torture. He would have the girls in his group gang up on her in the bathroom, knocking her down to the nasty floor, telling her she was fat and that nobody liked her. Amanda Fullington was the worst one of Cain’s minions. She adored Cain so she would do anything Cain wanted her to do. She was beautiful but if you looked beyond the beauty, one could see she was just as evil as Cain was. Amanda brought a pair of scissors with her to school every day. She had told Lexy that she was going to cut her hair off since it looked like medusa with snakes crawling all over her head. Amanda would walk down the hallway with them in her hands tormenting Lexy. Amanda knew Cain liked her hair and she was jealous. Lexy would make excuses so she didn’t have to go to school. Her mom believed she was a sickly child when she complained of stomach pains and migraine headaches. On the days Lexy went to school, she would huddle in the corner praying that Cain or his minions wouldn’t notice her. Her beautiful curly hair would always get the attention of Cain. He would smile as he watched her coming down the hall and yell out remarks to her, getting everyone to join in as he delighted in her torment. Lexy cried as the kids chimed in, wanting to please Cain and his group. They were just as scared of him as she was. The only problem was the other kids had two parents that were witches and wizards.

  Lexy wasn’t as fortunate. Her dad was a human and when her mom told him she was pregnant, he left them. Lexy’s dad wasn’t his mom’s true mate or he wouldn’t have been able to leave them. Peter Redden was her true mate and Lexy loved him as if he was her real dad. She owed Peter a lot since he protected them. Peter may not be my blood, but he was a dad in every other way that counted.

  Lexy could feel something dripping from her hands. She looked down and saw blood dripping from where she had her hands balled up so tight that her fingernails were cutting into her palms. As the blood dripped, the lights blinked on and off from the power of her magic. The windows rattled as the air shimmered around Lexy. Her lips and chin trembled, remembering the fear she felt each and every time she encountered Cain. Her body shook uncontrollably as she tried to calm herself. Lexy released her hands and ran into her bathroom, turning on the sink faucet while she watched the blood run down the drain. Stop this, Lexy. He is gone now and you don’t have to be afraid of him anymore. That’s right, you are stronger now, better than him or any of them. You are a beautiful person. Tomorrow you start a new life with new people…maybe even new friends.


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