Book Read Free

Bryce Evans

Page 3

by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

  Chapter Three

  Mace looked at his reflection in the mirror, talking to himself as he straightened his tie. Damen had already been in his office once telling him to get his ass out there and meet the new members of the pack. It wasn’t that he did not want to go mingle, he missed the calm in his small town before the rush of so many new members. Well, you can’t stall anymore. So get your ass out there. Mace sighed, then opened the door to his office.

  He walked out into the Pub and observed the different people mingling and dancing with each other at the Mirage Dance. Damen was speaking to a middle-aged man and woman. He watched as Damen turned and saw him standing beside the bar. Damen waved at him, beckoning him to come over. Mace grabbed his beer from the bartender and walked over to Damen. “Mace, this is Peter and Mary Redden.”

  Mace smiled and extended his hand out to Peter first. “Mr. Redden, it is nice to finally meet you.” Mary tried to shake Mace’s hand, but he reached over and hugged Mary instead. Mary relaxed as she felt the warmth and generosity coming from Mace.

  “Peter and Mary, it’s nice to meet you and welcome you to the pack,” said Mace.

  Mary and Peter both smiled at Mace. “Alpha, thank you so much for the kindness you have shown to my family since we have arrived. We love the house and when I start my job and get my first pay check, I will pay you back the rent money.”

  Mace smiled but had no clue what Peter was talking about. He looked at Damen for an explanation.

  “Peter, don’t worry about it. We always try to help each other out. Don’t worry about the money. You are family and we take care of family,” Damen responded as he looked over at Mace, letting him know what Peter was talking about.

  “Peter, where will you be working?” Mace asked.

  “Well I thought you knew, Alpha. I will be working here at the Pub as your new manager.” Peter looked over at his wife, confused and worried about the Alpha not knowing he had hired him.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Peter. It is my job to find members new jobs. I haven’t had a chance to tell Mace that you were hired.” Peter looked at Mace, wondering if he really wanted him at the Pub.

  Mace knew he needed to say something. He could see the despair in Mary and Peter’s eyes. “That is great, Peter. You don’t know what a blessing it will be to have you working here. I just don’t have the time to spend doing the manager’s work and be Alpha, too. So this will be a great fix. I understand from Damen that you have experience in this business,” Mace asked as he smiled at Peter and Mary, trying to ease their mind.

  “Um yes, Alpha, I do. I worked at the lodge in the last town we lived and it had a bar, too. I was also the manager there, so I know how to do the job. I hope you won’t be disappointed,” Peter answered.

  Mace leaned forward, putting the Reddens at ease. “Look, Peter, if you show up every day, order the supplies and make sure the Pub is running smoothly, you will be great. We will run into snags here and there, but we will get through it together. We’re pack and we look after each other.” Mace could tell Peter looked relieved to hear his Alpha tell him he would be great.

  All of a sudden, Mace tilted his head up smelling the air. It smelled like fresh strawberries and caramel. His favorite desert. The scent drew closer and closer as Mace looked around, trying to pinpoint where the smell came from.

  “Damen, did you put desserts out tonight?” asked Mace.

  Damen looked at Mace as if he was crazy. “No, Mace. You know we don’t serve desert here at the Pub.”

  Instantly, Mace looked over and watched as a beautiful woman walked toward him. He could feel his back straighten and his eyes widen as his stare fixated on the woman as she crossed the floor. The music and noise from the Pub disappeared as she glanced up through the fan of curls surrounding her face. She had curly hair with distinctive ringlets in corkscrew shapes that drifted around her heart-shaped face. Her hair bounced and shimmered as the overhead light hit it at the right angle. Mace could tell her hair, when touched, would feel springy and plush. She was a no-nonsense girl. This was a real woman with real curves. His gaze roamed up and down her body as the blood surged to his cock. She was beautiful—and that was an understatement. He was suddenly aware of his arousal pressing painfully against his zipper. He had the overwhelming desire to step forward and touch her soft pale skin. He forced his gaze up as she calmly came to stand beside Peter Redden.

  Peter wrapped his arm around his daughter and introduced her to Mace. “Hey, baby girl. I would like to introduce you to the Alpha of the Ashland Pack.”

  Mace couldn’t keep his eyes off the beauty called Lexy.

  “Nice to meet you, Alpha.” She extended her hand to Mace who continued to stare at her. Damen cleared his throat when Mace delayed to shake Lexy’s hand. Mace continued to stare at Lexy with hunger in his eyes until Damen nudged him with his elbow. This brought Mace out of the haze of lust that had just attacked his body. He was tingling all over as thoughts of what he wanted to do to Lexy bombarded him. He looked over at Damen, then Peter, and noticed that everyone was staring at him.

  Mace cleared his throat. “Umm, sorry, Lexy. It’s nice to meet you, too.” Mace reached out to shake Lexy’s hand and when his hand touched hers, he felt an electric jolt. Lexy jerked her hand back, examining her hand to see if she was burned. Mace had done the same, shaking it. Mace knew immediately the smell of strawberries and caramel was Lexy’s scent. Then Mace heard his wolf whisper, ‘Mate.’

  Mace could feel the magic tingling in his body. It felt strange because he never felt any type of connection to his magic. Selena had informed him that it would come when it was time. Mace’s sight immediately darkened like a door opened in his mind. Lexy was shaking as she walked toward an old farmhouse. A man with blond hair was smiling at her while he watched her walk toward him. He could feel her terror, as she got closer to the man. Then the vision left him as quickly as it came.

  Lexy couldn’t take her eyes off the Alpha of the Ashland Pack. He was simply gorgeous. Why is he staring at me? Do I have something on my face and he is embarrassed to say anything to me, or does he think I’m ugly and he hates that I’m in his pack now. Lexy couldn’t help the self-doubt that had seeped into her conscience. She hated feeling like this but everywhere she looked, there were beautiful women. These feeling were new to her. She didn’t feel like she fit and she wanted to so much. Lexy didn’t want to stand here anymore.

  “Mace, your sister and her mates just walked in,” said Damen, breaking the heavy silence. Mace was still staring at Lexy, who was looking down at the floor. Mary looked over at the door and saw Samson and his mates had just walked in. Mary smiled and looked over at Lexy, who was staring at the floor.

  “Will you excuse us, Alpha? I see that Samson has just walked in and Lexy hasn’t seen Samson in a while.” Mace looked over at Samson then back at Lexy. When Lexy heard her mom say that Samson was here, she took the opportunity to get away from the gorgeous Alpha.

  “What is wrong with you?” Damen asked Mace as he watched Lexy eagerly walk over to Samson and hug him. Mace jerked out of the trance. What the fuck was that? Was it a vision? Mace started growling as he watched Lexy hug Samson. Mace’s wolf was chomping at the bit to get out. ‘No, she cannot be my mate!'

  “Dude, what is wrong with you? People are staring, Mace.” Damen elbowed Mace, trying to gain his attention.

  Mace blinked several times and looked down at his hands as they trembled. “Damen, get me out of here.” Damen looked down at Mace’s hands as they shook. Mace turned pale and began sweating. Damon grabbed Mace and pulled him in the corner out of view.

  “Alpha, are you okay?” Mace wiped the sweat off his face with a napkin he picked one off the table and walked back toward the hallway where his office was located. Damen followed Mace at a safe distance. He didn’t know what was going on, but the look on his Alpha’s face wasn’t a happy face.

  Mace sat down at his desk, leaning his head back, trying to calm his emotions down. He didn�
��t understand what was going on and he didn’t like the way he was feeling. He grabbed his tie and pulled it loose trying to get the much-needed air into his lungs. ‘No, she’s not my mate. She is a witch, she isn’t my mate.’ Mace continued to fight with his wolf.


  Mace looked over at his Second.

  “What is wrong? You are acting as if you are sick and we don’t get sick, so I know it’s not that. One would think that you have found your mate the way you’re acting.” Damen laughed, not realizing he was dead on the money. Mace rubbed his hands together then leaned forward, placing his head between his legs. “Okay, now you are freaking me out, Mace. Talk to me. Do I need to go get your sister or a doctor?”

  “No! I will be fine in a minute. I just need a minute to get myself together.” Damen stared at Mace not believing him.

  “The way you were looking at Lexy Redden—”

  Damen didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Mace bit his head off. “Just give me a few fucking minutes and I will be back out there. Go do your fucking job and see to the pack,” Mace said angrily. Damen stared at him, offended. Mace knew he had hurt Damen’s feelings, but he was so messed up emotionally that he couldn’t help it. Damen turned and walked out of Mace’s office slamming the door as he left.

  What is wrong with me? Was that a vision or, fuck, I’m going crazy. That’s it. I’ve lost it now. She is only a kid, well maybe not a kid, but she smells so good and she looks good, too. She is perfect. Her hair is brown with blonde streaks. It’s long how I like. Her hazel eyes are beautiful and her body is to die for. All I want to do is lick her all over. Man, get a grip. Her dad is going to work for you and that is his daughter. Mace leaned back in his chair trying to make himself believe that Lexy wasn’t his mate and he just had his first vision. “Fucking magic,” Mace muttered.


  Mace stayed in his office for fifteen more minutes then a knock at his door brought him out of his thoughts. “Come in.”

  Adrianna opened the door, staring at her brother with concern in her eyes. “Damen said you are not feeling well.”

  Mace rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his chair again. “No I just needed a moment, Sissy. You know we can’t get sick.” Adrianna walked over to his chair and reached out and felt of her brother’s head checking for a fever.

  “I don’t have a fever, Sissy. Stop feeling my head. You know we can’t get sick.” Adrianna caressed his cheek before she dropped her hand back down beside her.

  “I’ve let it pass, Bubba, with the mood swings. Now your Second in Command is worried about you. I’m also worried about you.” Adrianna was going to ask something when someone knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Mace said it with a little bit of annoyance in his voice.

  Mace immediately jumped up as Lexy opened the door. He didn’t speak but stared at her.

  “Um, Alpha, I don’t want to bother you, but—” Lexy started.

  “You’re not bothering me,” Mace quickly sputtered as he cleared his throat, trying to find his voice.

  Adrianna surprisingly watched the interaction between his brother and Lexy.

  “Um, Lexy, do you…have you met my sister, Adrianna?” Mace wanted to crawl under the table. His face reddened when he stuttered.

  “No, sir, I haven’t yet. I didn’t want to disturb her when she was talking earlier.” Adrianna walked forward, smiling at Lexy. Lexy stuck her hand out so she could shake Adrianna’s hand, but Adrianna wasn’t having that. Adrianna pulled Lexy to her and hugged her in greeting.

  Lexy was shocked at the greeting she was given from Mace and his sister. She had never had a friend so it was strange when Adrianna hugged her.

  “Samson has told me so much about you and your family, Lexy. He loves you and your parents. He thinks of you as part of his family.” Adrianna watched as Lexy blushed when she finished her statement. She then turned her head and watched as her brother stared at Lexy. She knew something was up between the two of them. The attraction was obvious. Mace couldn’t stop staring at the girl. Mace had never responded to any girl like this, even if he was attracted to them. She started to understand what was really going on, but she knew Mace was hardheaded and would have to learn the hard way. She couldn’t help but wonder why Mace wasn’t accepting it.

  Lexy knew she was acting like a teenager because she couldn’t stop staring at Mace. “Lexy, have you found yourself a place yet to live?”

  Mace flinched when he heard Lexy was looking for somewhere else to live. “You’re moving?” Mace growled.

  Lexy stepped backwards when she heard the tone Mace had used with her. Adrianna stepped closer to Lexy and put her arm around her.

  “No, Mace, she is trying to find a place of her own and move out of her parents’ house.” Adrianna could see the relief in her brother’s face.

  “I’m sorry I interrupted you earlier, Lexy. You came in here to ask Mace something. Do you need me to leave?” Adrianna looked over at Lexy, waiting for her to answer.

  "Uhm, no, I mean, I just wanted to…uhm.” Lexy wanted to crawl under the table. She couldn’t ask this man for anything else. She panicked when he looked at her. “No, that’s okay. Never mind,” she said, a tremor was heard in her voice as she backed up and walked quickly out of the office.

  Mace stared at the door as it closed, his stricken face showed pain as Lexy ran out the door. He looked over at his sister then masked his feelings, shoving them far below so she couldn’t see them.

  “I think you scared her, Mace, with the Alpha voice you just used.”

  “I know, I think I need to apologize to her now.” Mace walked around the desk when Adrianna stopped him.

  “Wait, Bubba. Let me talk to her. I don’t think she is used to men in her life except her father. Samson said she is looking for a job and a place to live. She wants her independence from her parents and she wants her privacy as well. Samson told me a little bit about her. I think she was going to ask you if you knew of any jobs around here. Do you?” asked Adrianna.

  “Do I have what?” Mace looked at Adrianna as if she was an Alien. He wasn’t even listening to what she was saying.

  “Bubba, what is going on in that head of yours? Lexy? She needs a job and a place to live. Do you know of any jobs or any small apartments open?” asked Adrianna. She was not sure at that point if she wanted to yell at her brother or shake him.

  Mace immediately thought of the small cottage near his house. It was used as storage now, but it had a small kitchen and it had a small bedroom and living room area. It was great for one person. Now the job issue was something he needed to think about.

  Adrianna smiled as she watched the wheels turn in her brother’s head.

  “Yes, I know of a place she can live with cheap rent or better yet, she can exchange the rent money for cleaning my house that is next door, so it shouldn’t be a hardship for her. The job, hmm, I don’t know.” Mace came back around to his desk and sat down, thinking.

  “What about Lexy being the liaison between the pack and the witches and wizards coming into Ashland. She will be part of the pack and she is a witch. We need someone keeping up with everyone,” suggested Adrianna.

  Mace looked up at his sister. “Are you trying to make up a job for her, Sissy?”

  Adrianna leaned up against her brother’s desk. “Bubba, you do it all the time. So don’t look at me like that.”

  “I don’t know yet because there may be is a job out there for her. I need to speak with Felix first. He may need her for something,” said Mace.

  “Okay, Bubba, so do you want me to tell her about the cottage?” asked Adrianna.

  “Yeah, I think it would be better if you did. Maybe she could get used to me that way.” Mace didn’t want his sister meddling and he could already see that she was about to try when someone knocked on the door again. Mace frowned as he yelled out, “Come in, everybody else is.” Mace wanted to talk to his sister about the vision he just had, but he did
n’t want her to think he was crazy because he had never had one before and maybe it was the stress and just being around Lexy.

  Adrianna turned around and hit Mace in the shoulder. “Stop being a grouch.”

  He smelled her scent at the door, but the door didn’t open. He could hear her footsteps as Lexy ran down the hallway. “Dammit,” Mace grumbled as he listened as Lexy ran away again.

  “You know, if you keep acting like that she won’t ever come to you and ask another question again. She has had a hard life, Bubba, and she needs love and friendship now. Not what you are giving her. This isn’t like you at all, Mace. You need to go and apologize to her, now” Adrianna said.

  Mace shook his head then got up and walked to the front of his desk. “Can you go and tell her about the cottage, tell her she can move into it tomorrow. I will get the cleaning crew to come and clean it out and get it ready for her.”

  Adrianna shook her head as she left her brother sitting on the edge of his desk. She knew it, Lexy was his mate, and he was fighting it. Adrianna smiled as she walked back to the party. She knew Mace would be upset if she tried to get into his business, but what Mace didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him either.

  “What are you up to, my mate?” Samson asked as he slipped his arms around her stomach, rubbing the baby bump. “I can tell you are meddling into someone’s life with that smile and since you just left your brother’s office, well, it doesn’t take a genius to know it’s Mace. I almost feel sorry for the poor sap, but the way he has been acting lately, maybe he needs a little push.”


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