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Jumhuriya newspaper
Jund Allah militia
Jund al-Sahaba group
Jund al-Sham (Soldiers of Sham/Levant)
Jund al-Sitt (The Army of the Lady)
Juzu, Sheikh Muhamad Ali
Kabul-Kandahar highway
Kadhim, Imam
Kadhim Mosque
Kadhimayn Mosque
al-Kadhimi, Adnan
al-Kadhimi, Sheikh Raed
Kadhimiya prison
Kagan, Fred
Kahl, Colin
Kalyvas, Stathis
al-Kanj, Basim
Karameh, Omar
Karar Brigade
Karkh cemetery
Karzai, Hamid
Kaywan, Raed Ahmed
Keane, Jack
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Khalaq, Abdallah (Abu Obeida)
al-Khalaylah, Ahmad Fadhil Nazal
See also al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab
Khaldan Camp
al-Khaleq, Abdel Rahman
Khalid, Sheikh
Khalil, Dr.
Khalilzad, Zalmay
Khalis, Maulvi Muhamad Younes
Khamenei, Ayatollah
Khan, Dad Muhamad
Khan, Nafez
Khatib, Ismail
al-Khatib, Sahar
al-Khattab, Omar ibn
al-Khazraji, Sheikh Muayad
al-Kheiqani, Abu Haidar
al-Khirbit, Sattam
al-Khirbit, Sheikh Mudhir
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Khreis, Samih
Khudeir, Sheikh Ahmed
Khudeir, Walid
al-Kinani, Sheikh Hussein Karim
Kites, issue of
Kitson, Frank
Koran, the
Korean War
al-Kubaisi, Sheikh Abdul Ghafar
Kubeisi, Ahmad
al-Kubeisi, Sheikh Abdul Salam
Kuehl, Dale
Kufa Mosque
al-Kufi, Abbas
Kunduz province
Kurdish militias
“Kurdish north” label
Kurdish pesh merga
Kurdish revival
Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)
and the “80 percent solution,”
empowerment of the
and the execution of Saddam
following American invasion
internally displacing
periphery vs. center
and secession
and sectarian cleansing
and the shifts in sectarianism
status of
Lahoud, Emile
Lake Habbaniya
Lamb, Graeme
al-Lami, Ali (Ali Faisal)
The Lancet
Lang, Pat
Langan, Sean
Latifya, battles in
LBC television
Learning to Eat Soup With a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam (Nagl)
Lebanese army
agreement made with militias by
standing by
strength of the
treatment of Palestinians
Lebanese Civil Defense
Lebanese Interior Ministry
Lebanese Internal Security Forces
Lebanese Red Cross
Lebanese refugees
Lebanese University
aftermath of the war in Iraq on, aspects of
civil war in
conditions of the population in
and the Geneva Convention
identity politics in
Israel’s invasion of
and the July War
political tensions in, pushed to armed conflict, America’s role in and goal of
and sectarianism
war in Iraq spilling over into, aspects of
Lieberman, Joseph
Little Triangle
Loftis, Robert
Logar province
The Logic of Violence in Civil War (Kalyvas)
Lynch, Rick
Maan, Hikmat Hussein (Hakami)
Madain, battles in
Maghawir al-Dakhiliya (special police force)
Mahad al-Ansar (Supporters’ Institute)
Mahdi Army
and Al Qaeda in Iraq
ascension of
believed to be lying dormant
cease-fire of
classification of the, question of, Muqtada’s response to
eclipse of the, aspects of the
following Samarra Shrine bombings
full-scale war declared on
and the INP
legend involving
mosques and
regional differences in the
and the surge
war inside the
See also Shiites
Mahdi, Sheikh Jihad
al-Majali, Sheikh Abdel Majid
Majd al-Anjar area
Majid, Ali Hassan (Chemical Ali)
Makiya, Kanan
al-Maksusi, Adnan
Maktab al-Khidmat al-Mujahideen (Office of Mujahideen Services)
Maliki government
al-Maliki, Nuri
Maliki, Walid Abdel
Maluki Mosque
Mao Zedong
al-Maqdisi, Abu Muhammad
March 8 coalition
March 14 coalition
Marginalization, issue of
Marka military court trials
Marshall, George C.
al-Mashhadani, Adil
al-Mashhadani, Taysir Najah
al-Masihi, Amar
al-Masri, Hussein
al-Masri, Khalid
al-Masri, Muhamad
Massoud, Ahmad Shah
Mattis, James
Mayha, Rauf Aballah Abu
Mazloum, Wassim I.
McCain, John
McChrystal, Stanley
McCollough, William
McFarland, Sean
McGurk, Brett
McKiernan, David
McMullen, Chris
in Afghanistan
Arab, resentment toward
and the battle of Nahr al-Barid camp
and the COIN manual
conduct of the
embedding with the American military, criticism of
freedom of the, issue of
holed up in Lebanon
importance of the, realizing the
kidnapping involving the
killing of a member of the
Lebanese, blaming the
local Lebanese attitude towards
perceived as the enemy
Saudis use of the
and selection bias
and the surge
U.S., focus of the, since the beginning of the occupation, issue with
Media blackout
Medical City
al-Meis, Khalil
Meshal, Khalid
Mesopotamia, capture of
Middle East
euphemism for American-backed militias in the
failed U.S. policies in, effect of
identity politics in the, resurgence of
impact on the
largest refugee crisis in the
perceived Jewish and Zionist strategy in the
perception of Al Qaeda and Americans in the
Shiite vs. Sunni revival in the
youth in the, recruitment of
See also specific countries
Midhat, Kamal
Mikati, Najib
Milat Ibrahim (Maqdisi)
Milestones on the Road (Qutb)
Military Review
Military Transition Team (MTT)
Militia power, original and shifting, U.S. not understanding
Militias. See specific militia groups
Minority power
Miska, Steve
Mohsen, Amer
Mongols, occupation by
Morgado, Andy
rise of
See also specific mosques
Moussa, Ammar
Moustapha, Imad
Mubarak, Hosni
Mufti of Lebanon (Grand Mufti)
Mufti of Tripoli
Mughniyeh, Imad
al-Muhamadawi, Sheikh Karim
Muhammad, Prophet
al-Muhammadawi, Karim Mahud (Abu Hatem)
al-Muhandes, Abu Mahdi (Jamal Jaafir Mohammed Ali)
Mujahed, Zaibullah
Mujahideen Advisory Council
Mujahideen, first generation of
Mujahideen Shura Council
Mullah Omar (Taliban group)
Mullen, Mike
Multi-National Corps-Iraq (MNC-I)
Multi-National Division-Baghdad (MND-B)
Multi-National Division-Central (MND-C)
Multi-National Forces-Iraq (MNF-I)
Multinational Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTCI)
Murabitun militia
Murr, Elias
al-Musawi, Nawaf
al-Musawi, Sadeq
al-Musawi, Sayyid Hassan Naji
Muslim Brotherhood
call to all, to defeat the occupying forces
liberal, imposing strict interpretation of Islam on
original split between
percentage of Sunnis comprising
Mustafa Husseiniya (worship place)
Mustansiriya University
Muthana Brigade
al-Mutlaq, Saleh
Muwahidun group
Nagl, John
Nahr al-Barid refugee camps
Naji, Hamudi
Naji, Kanan
Nashabe, Omar
Nasir, Mullah
Nasr, Sayyid
Nasrallah, Sayyid Hassan See also Hizballah
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Accord Front
National Assembly
National Defense University
National Police Training Team (NPTT)
National Solidarity Program
NATO forces
Nazi Party
Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs)
New TV channel
New York Times
Nicholson, Lawrence
Nilesat network
9/11 attacks. See September 11 attacks
1920 Revolution Battalions
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), situation of, in Afghanistan See also specific organizations
North African community
Northern Alliance
Northern Ireland
al-Nujaifi, Atheel
Nur Muhammad (Light of Muhammad) group
Nuri, Riyadh
Obaid, Nawaf
Obama administration
Obama, Barack
al-Obeidi, Abdel Qader
al-Obeidi, Sheikh Khalid
Odierno, Raymond
Office of Mujahideen Services
Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA)
Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority (OCPA)
Oil reserves, in Iraq
Oil revenue, sanctions imposed on
Oil-for-food program
Ollivant, Douglas
Omar Mosque
Omar, Mullah
“Omar” name, targeting Sunnis based on
al-Omar, Sheikh Nasser bin Suleiman
Operation Arrowhead Strike 9
Operation Close Encounters
Operation Fard al-Qanun (Rule of Law)
Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment
Operation Mountain Fury
Operation Sawlat al-Fursan. See Charge of the Knights campaign
Operation Seventh Veil
Operation Together Forward I
Operation Together Forward II
Operation Valhalla
Organization of the Islamic Conference
Organized Movement of Islamic Call and Jihad
Orphans, number of
Osama bin Laden. See bin Laden, Osama
Oslo accords
O’Sullivan, Meghan
“Our COIN Doctrine Removes the Enemy from the Essence of War” (Gentile)
and Afghanistan
double game played by
new U.S. strategy for
religious schools in
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Palestinian refugee crisis See also specific refugee camps
Palestinians and Palestinian refugees
fleeing Nahr al-Barid refugee camp
granting citizenship to, issue of
as jihadists
numbers of, in Iraq
opposition to early coalition of in Lebanon
relocation of
shift in treatment of, in Iraq
status of
staying out of internal Lebanese conflict
as the Sunni army
in Syria
uprising of, in Jordan
See also specific leaders/people and organizations
Parwan province
Pashtun ethnic group, size of
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)
Petraeus, David
Pew poll
Political participation See also Elections
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
files kept on
treatment of
in Afghanistan
in Lebanon
men detained in, on scant evidence
number of men who spent years in
during peak of the surge, number of Iraqis held in
in Saudi Arabia
in Syria
See also specific prisons
Progressive Socialist Party
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)
Provincial Reserve (PR)
Provisional auxiliary police
Public Distribution Service
Qabbani, Mufti
Qanbar, Abud
Qaqa’a Mosque
Qartarneh, Yasar
Qasim, Abdul Karim
Qasim, Sheikh Naim
al-Qeisi, Sheikh Dhafer
Qiba Mosque
al-Qiblawi, Abu Jaafar
Qutb, Sayyid
Radical Islam, spread of
Radio Sawa
Rafidein Brigade
Rahman, Omar Abdel
Rahman, Sheikh Muhamad Abdel
Ramadan, Mustafa (Abu Muhamad/Abu Shahid)
al-Ramah, Basil Muhamad
Ramah, Muhamad Qasim Sulaiman
al-Rantisi, Abdel Aziz
Rashas women’s prison
Rashid, Sheikh Khalid
Reconciliation efforts
Red Cross, Lebanese
Reese, Timothy
Refugee camps. See specific camps
Refugees. See Exiles; Iraqi
refugees; Palestinians and Palestinian refugees
Refugees International
Republican Guard
Republicans and Democrats
Resistance fighters. See specific resistance groups and leaders
Resistance, honorable, defined
Rice, Condoleeza
Ricks, Tom
Rifai, Osama
Riffi, Ashraf
Rite of passage for young jihadis
Rogers, Chris
Rohde, David
Rolling Stone
Rougier, Bernard
al-Rubaei, Muafaq
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russian embasssy attack
Saadeh, Antoine
Sabean minorities
Sada Camp
Sadat, Anwar
Sadda dam
Saddam City See also Sadr City
Saddam City security prison
Saddam University
Sadr City
Sadr Current
Sadr, Imam Musa
al-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir
al-Sadr, Muhammad Sadiq
al-Sadr, Muqtada See also Mahdi Army
Sadrein camp
Sadrists See also Mahdi Army; Sadr Current
al-Saedi, Sheikh Abdel Karim
“Safawis” epithet
al-Saghir, Jalaluddin
as-Said, Nuri
Salafi chanting
Salafi Current
Salafi Mujahideen movement
Salahedin Camp
Salahuddin Brigades
Salam Mosque
al-Samarai, Sheikh Ahmad Abdel Ghafur
Samarra shrine attack
Sanctions, impact of
Sattar, Sheikh. See Abu Risha, Sheikh Sattar
Satterfield, David
Saudi Arabia
and Afghanistan
and Al Qaeda
aligning with Jordan
apprehension of
and Fatah al-Islam
ignoring involvement of
interference and money from, effect of
and Lebanon
and the March 14 coalition
regional rivalry between Iran and
sectarianism in
Saudi proxies
Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul
al-Sayyid, Ridwan
ban on attending
religious, in Pakistan
teaching jihad ideas in
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Secret prisons
Sectarian cleansing See also Iraqi civil war
artificial, in Lebanon
and Basra
blaming Americans for
continued slaughter due to, aspects of the
degree of, diminished
descent into
dividing the militias, effect of
in the Education Ministry
in Egypt
elections that enshrined
frustration over, potential for continued
in the government
history of