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as the third target of AQI
City of Mosques See also Falluja
City of Peace cemetery
Civilian Police Assistance Training Team (CPATT)
Clerics, rise of
Coalition Press Information Center
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). See Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority (OCPA)
Cockburn, Patrick
COIN Academy
COIN warfare. See Counterinsurgency (COIN)
College of Technology
Colonial case, labeling Iraq as a, effort to avoid
Combat outposts (COPs)
Commanders of the Jihad (chanting)
Confederation of Iraqi Tribes
Conference of Iraqi Sunnis
Council of Ministers
Council of Notables
Counterinsurgency (COIN)
in Afghanistan
average time period of
manual on
paradox involving
proponents of, influence of
soldiers’ perspectives on
as still violence
training in
Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice (Galula)
Crane, Conrad
Crider, Jim
Criminal Medicine Department
Critical Infrastructure Security guards
Crocker, Ryan
The Da Vinci Code (book/movie)
Dadullah, Mansur
Dadullah, Mullah
al-Damalouji, Meisoon
Damascus International Airport
Danish cartoons
Dar al-Ifta. See Sunni Endowment
al-Daraji, Abdul Hadi
Darwinian approach
Daud, Engineer
Dawa Party
de Mistura, Stefan
de Quincy Adams, Jasper
De-Arabization idea
Death squads
De-Baathification policy
Defensive jihad
Democrats and Republicans
Department for the Protection of Professors
Dermer, P. J.
Dhaher, Khaled
al-Dhari, Dhamer
al-Dhari, Harith See also Association of Muslim Scholars
Di Rita, Larry
Diab, Salim
al-Din Albani, Muhamad Nasir
Dinniyeh group
District Advisory Councils (DACs)
Diyala province
Druze revival
Dulaimi, Adnan
al-Dulaimi, Asma
al-Dulaimi, Saadoun
Dulaimi tribe
East Timor
“Eating Soup With a Spoon” (Gentile)
Economic sanctions, impact of
Eid al-Adha holiday, Saddam’s execution during
“80 percent solution” attempt
in Afghanistan
based on proportional representation, effect of the
exaggerated claims made about
groups banned from
media coverage of
public indifference to
that enshrined sectarianism
that signaled the civil war was over
threatening those participating in
waiting to be told who to vote for in
See also Political participation
El-Hindi, Marwan Othman
Ethar Association
Euphrates River
European Union
Everyday Jihad (Rougier)
in Iran
in Jordan
living as, aspects of
number of
return of
See also Iraqi refugees
Experts, self-styled
Exum, Andrew
Facility Protection Service (FPS)
Fadhil, Abu Ahmad
Fadhil area
Fadhila movement
Fadhila Party
Fadlallah, Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein
al-Faidih, Muhammad Bashar
Faisal, Ali (Ali al-Lami)
al-Faisal, Saud
Faith Campaign
Faizani, Mullah
Falah, Haji
Falcon Brigade
destruction of, shift following
status of, in 2004
al-Faqih, Sheikh Jawad
Fard al-Qanun (Imposing the Law)
Fares, Walid
al-Fartusi, Sheikh Muhammad
Fatah al-Intifada
Fatah al-Islam
Fatah Revolutionary Council
Fatfat, Ahmad
Fedayeen militia
Feith, Doug
Females. See Women
Fick, Nathaniel
Fil, Joseph
Force Strategic Engagement Cell (FSEC)
Foreign fighters
Foreign military occupation, meaning of
Forward Operating Bases (FOBs)
Franjieh, Suleiman
Frank, Pat
Franks, Tommy
Free Patriotic Movement
Freedom fighting vs. terrorism, difficulty distinguishing
Free-market economy
Friedman, Thomas
Front for Fighting the Jews and Crusaders
Fursan (Amriya Freedom Fighters/Thurwar)
Future Current
Future Movement
Future newspaper
Future TV station
Gallagher, Brendan
Galula, D.
Garner, Jay
Gates, Robert
Geagea, Samir
Gellhorn, Martha
Gemayel, Bashir
General Federation of Labor Unions
Generation Kill (book/ HBO series)
Geneva Convention
Gentile, Gian
Gheit, Ahmed Abul
Ghorayeb, Amal Saad
“Ghost police” problem
Globalized jihadism
Godfather, The (book/movie)
Gottleib, Jeffrey
Graffiti, sectarian, shift away from
Grand Mosque in Mecca
Green, Toby
Green Zone
Guardian article
Gulf War
Hadley, Stephen
Haenni, Patrick
al-Haeri, Ayatollah Kadhim
Hafeez, Zerlakhta
al-Haj, Muhammad
al-Hajj, Francois
al-Hakim, Abdul Aziz See also Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)
Hakim family
al-Hakim, Muhammad Bakr
Halba attack
Halliday, Dennis
al-Hamdani, Raed
Hammond, General
Hammoudah, Mohamad
Hammoudah, Nasr
Hamza Mosque
Haqbeen, Fazel Rabie
Haqqani, Jalaluddin
Harakat al-Tawhid al-Islami (The Islamic Unity Movement)
al-Hardan, Sheikh Saad Mushhan Naif
al-Hareth, Abu
al-Hariri, Bahiya
Hariri family
Hariri Foundation
al-Hariri, Rafiq
al-Hariri, Saad See also Future Movement
Hasan, Monaem Ibrahim
Hashaika, Abdallah
Hashem, Albu
Hashem, Hassan
Hashim, Haji
sp; al-Hashimi, Saad
al-Hashimi, Tariq
Hassan Mosque
Hassan (son of Ali)
Hassanein Mosque
al-Hassani, Sayyid Jalil Sarkhi
al-Hawali, Sifr
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin
Helmand province, surge in
Helweh camp
Hill, Christopher
Hitler, Adolf
Hix, Bill
Hizb-e-Islami faction
Homosexuals, targeting
Honorable resistance, defined
Hospitals, issues facing
Hot Bird (broadcast company)
al-Huda, Bint
Human Rights Watch
Huquq political party
Hurra television
Hussein, King (of Jordan)
Hussein, Qusay, death of
Hussein, Saddam
comparing America to
comparing Bush to
comparing Maliki with
comparing the SCIRI to
coup attempts on
failed uprising against
honoring/praise for
Lebanese views of
regime of, collapse of
and sectarianism
treatment of prisoners under
trial and execution of, impact of
Hussein, Sheikh
Hussein (son of Ali)
Hussein, Uday
Ibn al-Alqami
Ibn Taimiya
Ibrahim al-Khalil convent
Ibrahim, Khalil (Abu Omar)
Identity politics
Idu, Walid
IED attacks and ambushes
Imam Ali. See Ali (cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad)
Imam Hussein. See Hussein (son of Ali)
Imam Ridha shrine
Implementation and Follow-up Committee for National Reconciliation (IFCNR)
Independent High Electoral Commission
Independent Islamic Gathering
Institute for the Study of Diplomacy
Integrity Committee
Interim government
Internal displacement See also Iraqi refugees; specific areas with displaced population groups
International Crisis Group
International Islamic University
International Rescue Committee
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)
accusations against
and Afghanistan
and the Badr Brigade
and Chalabi
exiles in
fear of
holy city of
illegals from, paranoia about
interference and money from, effect of
and the July War
and Lebanon
and the Mahdi Army
and the March 8 coalition
nuclear intransigence of, American response to
perceived gain from Iraqi civil war
possible intervention by
regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and
role of
seen as gaining more power
Shah of
as Syria’s ally
talk in Washington about
Iranian pilgrims
Iranian proxy
Iranian Revolution
Iranian Revolutionary Guards
Iranian-sponsored militias
See also Badr Brigade
Iran-Iraq war
Iraq Study Group report
Iraqi Accord
Iraqi army
critique of the, during the Battle for Baghdad
disbanding of the
former colonel of
and the impact of cooperation with U.S. troops
including leaders of the, in planning sessions
national embrace of the
vs. the police
previous support for the
viewed as the most competent of the security forces
views of the
See also Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)
Iraqi Civil Defense Corp.
Iraqi civil war
burn out of the
civilian casualties during the surge vs.
and the cleansing of Amriya
context behind the
continuing civilian deaths due to, and the surge
elections that signaled the end of
end of the, and the changes that were apparent, aspects of
escalation of the
fiercest battles of the, sites of the
first outbreaks of
and how it made the U.S. occupation good
Lebanese blaming Americans for
and the Mahdi Army cease-fire
and Muqtada’s influence
names for the
power during the
restart of the, speculation over
and the rise of the mosques
road to the, aspects of
and the Sadr Current
signal indicating ending of
Sunni and Shiites reflecting back on
Sunnis accepting their loss in the
U.S. acknowledging the
vital battleground during the
warning about regional destabilization from
winner of the
See also Sectarian cleansing; Shiite militias; Sunni militias
Iraqi Constitution
Iraqi death toll
Iraqi Governing Council (IGC)
Iraqi government integration, failure to achieve See also specific governmental agencies, institutions, and people
Iraqi Homeland Party
Iraqi Islamic Party. See Islamic Party of Iraq
Iraqi military. See Iraqi army
Iraqi Ministry of Defense
Iraqi Ministry of Education
Iraqi Ministry of Health
Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education
Iraqi Ministry of Information
Iraqi Ministry of Interior
Iraqi Ministry of Justice
Iraqi Ministry of Migration
Iraqi Ministry of Oil
Iraqi Ministry of Transportation
Iraqi National Alliance
Iraqi National Congress (INC)
Iraqi National Guard (ING)
Iraqi nationalism
Iraqi National Police (INP) See also Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)
Iraqi Office of the Prime Minister
Iraqi Parliment
Iraqi police. See Iraqi National Police (INP)
Iraqi Rabita website
Iraqi refugees
composition of
crisis of displaced
and Fatah al-Islam
following the 2005 elections and violence
in Jordan
number of
in Saudi Arabia
in Syria
See also Exiles; Internal displacement
Iraqi resistance. See specific organizations and groups
Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)
and the Awakening groups
composition of the
confidence expressed in the
linked to Shiite militias
and the Mahdi Army
monopolized power of the
obstacles to ISV/Awakening integration into
power of, not understanding
professionalism and nonsectarianism exhibited by some members of
rebuilding of the
responsibility for training
sectarianism of the
smuggled weapons originally from
transitioning authority to
Zarqawi pushing the, effect of
See also Iraqi army; Iraqi National Police (INP)
Iraqi Security Volunteers (ISVs)
See also Awakening program/groups
Iraqi Special Operations Forces
Iraqiya Part
Iraq-U.S. relationship, previous
Islam Memo website
Islam, radical, spread of
Islamic Army of Iraq
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Islamic Group of Egypt
Islamic Party of Afghanistan. See Hizb-e-Islami faction
Islamic Party of Iraq
Islamic State of Iraq
Islamists, power used against, effect of
Al Qaeda and
defiance of UN rulings
difficulty of going to fight
future security of
and the July War
and the Lebanese army
seen as the common enemy
Israeli peace process
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jaafar Al Tayar shrine
al-Jaafari, Ibrahim
Jabril, Ahmed
al-Jadri, Bassima
Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM)
meaning of
See also Mahdi Army
Jalil, Sayyid
Jalul, Nabil
JAM. See Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM)
Jamaa Islamiya movement
Jamiyat al-Turath al-Islami (The Society of Islamic Heritage)
Jan, Abdul Rahman
Jarrah, Ziad
Jassim, Abdul Qader Muhammad
al-Jayusi, Azmi
Jeish al-Fatihin group
Jeish Muhammad group
Jeish Nasr Salahedin (The Army of Salahedin’s Victory)
Jewish militias
Jews See also Israel
Jihad and Reform Front
Jihad fighters/jihadis
being among, aspects of
following Zarqawi
Iraq considered a loss for
of Muqtada
Sunnis as
See also specific jihadist leaders/people and organizations
Jihad, four conditions of, breached by AQI
Jihadism, globalized
Jisr, Samir
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnston, Rob
Joint security stations (JSS)
Jolles, Lorens
attitude towards Palestinians
civil war in
closed borders of
and the Geneva Convention
and the impact of jihadis
Iraqi refugees in
July 7 attack in
monarchy of, Zarqawi’s hatred of
as part of Iraq
poll on attitudes in
population of
possible intervention by
Saudi Arabia aligning with
and sectarianism
Sunnis being trained in
and a U.S.-backed military alliance
Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate
Jordanian Ministry of Education
Journalism/journalists. See Media
al-Jubauri, Mishan
al-Juburi, Fatthi Yusuf Saleh
al-Juburi, Omar
July War
Juma, Saad
Jumblatt, Walid