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Paper Dolls [Book Four]

Page 8

by Blythe Stone

  “Oh,” I said, frowning. “I feel responsible even though that’s illogical.”

  “You were friends for a long time. It makes sense that your mind just brushed over the possibility. Friendships can be stronger than anything sex related. It makes sense,” Olivia defended.

  “What I don’t get is how you couldn’t know when you were watching all that lesbian activity together. Or how neither of you wanted to practice,” she teased. Ever since we told her all that stuff about The L Word she brought it up often like it was some big telling deal.

  I snorted, rolling my eyes. “I didn’t even think about it. Besides, while we were watching all of that, Skylar was talking to some girl from another school. So, there was even less reason for me to think of her that way.”

  “Aww…” Olivia thought about it. “Did that make you sad?”

  “Ooo,” she said, still thinking. “What’s your favorite sex scene? I always forget to ask you the stupid stuff.”

  “Oh god, you’re going to think I’m weird,” I cringed. “Not that you already don’t but remember after Dana died Alice and Laura hooked up?”

  “Awww… Yeah,” her voice dropped. “No, I get that,” she said. “I always love the sad sex scenes… That one in High Art always felt so relatable. Syd’s sort of powerlessness but also, how much she obviously felt for the first time in her whole life.”

  “Yeah, Alice just wanted to feel something other than grief.” I shook my head and flexed my hands. “Anyway, what was yours?”

  “From The L Word?” She asked. “Bette and Tina... After all that time. I will say though, Tim and Jenny were pretty hot there in the beginning. Oh my god and Alice and Dana with the whipped cream,” she started to laugh.

  “I’m going to give you a pass on the Tim and Jenny comment since you redeemed yourself with the Dana and Alice.”

  “The couch?!” She asked incredulous. To her that was obviously sexy. “It’s hard to choose a favorite though. There were so many good ones. That show is basically evil.”

  “What about out of everything? Favorite sex scene of anything ever?”

  “You’re asking a hard question. I have to think and you killed my brain with sex so it might take awhile. You tell me yours in the meantime.”

  I wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling her to me and bit the inside of my mouth, trying to think over the sex scenes in all the movies I’d seen.

  “Ugg… You’re right,” she said. “Too hard.”

  She rest into me, finally relaxing.

  “I will say, sometimes I’m jealous of men for having penises. Not that I really want one but can you imagine? All the other things I could do to you,” she nuzzled my neck and bit lightly to tease.

  “There are ways to get around that not having a penis thing, you know,” I teased.

  “That’s not what I meant,” she laughed. “I mean I just want to feel that. I wanna know what that feels like… To have my sex inside yours and throbbing… Your walls tight around me while we both cum at the same time…”

  “Mmmm, that does sound good. I never thought I’d wish you had a penis for a day but now I do.” I brushed her arm with my hand and then swept it up to tangle in the hair at the base of her head.

  “Maybe we should open up your drawer of toys that you never showed me,” I said.

  “Ha,” she laughed. “I forgot about that…”

  “Yes, well I didn’t and now I want to see the super-secret drawer.”

  “Fine,” she said. “Go look. It was never secret to you. And actually- now- it’s just a box under this bed. Which you would know if you ever picked up your own clothes.”

  “Ouch,” I joked. “I guess you could use whatever’s in the box to punish me for my poor housekeeping skills,” I laughed.

  “It’s not fair, I’m not strong. I want to punish you,” Olivia whined.

  “You don’t have to be strong to punish me. You just have to use your body right and whatever cool stuff you have under there.”

  “Umm, actually, yes I do,” she said. “And it’d be a lot easier to do if I had your strength. You can easily take me over.”

  “Yeah, but I won’t. Why? How do you want to punish me?”

  “Baby, you do,” she said. “And I like it. But you do.”

  “How would I punish you? All kinds of ways,” she smiled. “I’d just make you burn like you make me burn sometimes. Make you sore… Make you shaky. Make you ache... You always do those things to me, even when you’re trying not to.”

  “The only kind of punishing I can do is tie you up and leave you. And even that would take complete compliance on your end. Definitely no fun.”

  “Sucks too,” she went on. “Apparently you enjoy being punished by me. Makes me wish I was better.”

  “You’re not giving yourself credit,” I said. “When you were telling me not to touch you and being like that it was punishing me. I can’t fight you when you’re like that. I just have to do whatever you say. I just go into that mode. It’s nice and kind of exciting.”

  “You don’t get it,” she smiled- frustrated with me. “With you I’ll always only be punishing you in a cute way. You can always stop me. You can always over-power me. There’s no chance of me being stronger than you. So it’s cute.”

  “It’s not cute. It’s hot.” I mean, after everything that just happened it was interesting to think she couldn't know what she was actually capable of with me. “And we could always pump you up,” I teased. “Get some muscles on you. Then you could do whatever you wanted to me.”

  “Yeah, no. I don’t want muscles and I don’t want to have to dedicate my life to trying to get them. It would just be nice if we were even. I feel like the lil weakling. I’m even scared to show you that box,” I could see the spot of sadness in her from having such doubts and feelings about her own capabilities. “You’re far better at torturing me than anyone else could ever be,” her gaze traced me. “And I do mean that as a compliment.”

  “Well, I’m not going to use anything on you that you can't handle.” I grinned and slid to the edge of the bed, peeking over and seeing a shadow underneath. It must be the box. Olivia was so good with secrets. It made me jealous. I stared at the shadow, trying to figure out a way to get at the shape. I couldn’t reach it from here so I had to get off the bed and get on my knees to get far enough under with my arms.

  Reaching in, I pulled it to the edge of the bed and then all the way out. It was a long and fancy wooden box with a clasp that could be locked. I flipped it open and looked inside. It was full of things. “Holy crap, there must be thousands of dollars’ worth of stuff in here.”

  “Sad truth?” Olivia asked. “I definitely have more in other places.”

  “That’s not sad. You’re definitely my dream woman,” I said with a sigh.

  There were toys of all kinds. I couldn’t even take it all in. It was overwhelming. I picked up a vibrator. “This looks interesting.” I got back on the bed with it and waved it between us. “Maybe you should use this on me. I’ve never really been able to take it for very long. Something about the vibrations or… I dunno.”

  “Sounds like you’re trying to find a way to make me feel less inadequate.”

  “What?” My brows scrunched together. “Oh… Ha... No. That’s just my sad truth for the night.”

  She got up on the bed and sat her back against the headboard. “Come ‘ere,” she said, opening her arms and spreading her legs to invite me in for a hug.

  I put the vibrator on the bed and crawled over to her, turning to settle my back into her front. Her arms came around me and squeezed. I could feel her breathing, chest rising up and down against my back.

  “Now, give me that,” she whispered. She was still holding me to her but she wanted the vibrator. Her breath was sweet and soft as it tickled my ear. I reached over and put the toy inside her hand. “Thank you,” she said, kissing my neck. I felt her shift and move her legs over mine as she kissed my neck again lovingly.

  My heart took off and I swallowed. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing,” she lied, tone rising.

  She had one arm over my collarbone and I felt and heard as she managed to turn the vibrator on.

  “Why? Is this bothering you?” She wondered.

  Her legs were so tight on mine, she had them pinned and steady, her feet hooked under my calves so I would probably have to fight her to get away, not that she was considerably strong.

  “Umm,” I said, enjoying the feeling of her around me and the anticipation of what she was about to do. “Only because I know that once you do what you’re about to do you’re going to make me beg.”

  “Shhhhh,” she said, teasing me. I could feel her hand drop down onto my thigh as she led her other hand down my side and used her fingers to part my sex.

  Lightly, she tested the waters.

  As soon as the vibrations touched down on my clit I felt her arm come up and hold me around my stomach, she knew I would fight.

  I twisted, squirming in her arms. I couldn’t free my legs and she had me in such a vulnerable position. I reached back, trying to find something to hold onto, wishing she’d just bound my hands so I didn’t have to worry about them.

  I couldn’t even talk. I just made noises, little moans and grunts.

  “Baby, you’re so sexy like this,” she whispered, tasting my earlobe, as she squeezed a hand on my breast.

  My hand went up to hers, meshing our fingers as she squeezed. This was a different kind of torture. It was sweet.

  “Is it too much?” She asked. “I can stop. We don’t have to.”

  I shook my head, wanting her to go on. I did want her to overpower me. “Keep going.”

  “Okay,” she said, kissing my neck softly as she teased me some more with her toy. When she licked and worshipped my neck it made everything down there more intense. She moved the vibrator down, through my folds and pushed the tip inside me. I gasped and pressed back into her. She quickly pulled it out.

  “Too much?” She asked, wanting to make sure.

  “Fuck… Baby… Just do it.”

  I felt Olivia use her feet to push my legs further apart and I prepared myself as much as I could before she slowly pushed it inside of me. I jerked my legs, trying to close them but she held them open with hers- enough pressure to get me to let up. I squeezed her hand and she wrestled it away, grabbing my wrist and pulling it behind my back. It was trapped between our bodies; she had stolen it away.

  Then she reached back around and pinched my nipple hard, pulling the vibrator out to the tip and pushing it back into me. It was too much but I couldn’t do anything. My mind was frozen. She kept going and I felt the first orgasm come over me, shaking my entire body, and then the second. I was weak by then but she built me up to a third and then my eyes closed tight and I lost myself in her.

  Our legs moving together, her chest against my back, her hand on my breast. It was all hitting me at one time. She was still going and I had to make her slow down to get the vibrator out but then the fourth orgasm hit me and I sank against her. Then, she knew what I was feeling, such exhaustion, and she stopped.

  “You okay?” She asked. We hadn’t been talking, just breathing and touching, and making sounds.

  I didn’t know. I honestly didn’t have a clue but I just nodded and tried to stay awake. I’d never done that. Four times in a row was a lot for me.

  After a moment I felt a little more capable. The soothing feeling of her breathing lulled me. “Is it possible to die from too many orgasms?”

  “I doubt it,” she whispered, kissing me softly and rubbing her hands over my skin.

  She’d been so secretly loving me for what felt like hours now. Never aggressive and never bored.

  “Good, because someday when I’ve recovered we should do that again.”

  “I’d love to do that forever,” she said softly, still kissing me and treating me kind.

  “Um, like in a continuous forever or with days in between because I’m pretty sure I would die.”

  I pulled my hand from between us and rotated my wrist, resting it on my leg.

  “I’d stop to feed you and give you water,” she smiled, humming into me and kissing my cheek.

  “I see. You’re a devil woman. That’s okay. I’d be your sex slave.” I leaned my head back on her shoulder. “Now, I have to find something equally evil to do to you.”

  “I’m easy to break,” she laughed. “You don’t need toys for that. You do perfectly fine all on your own.”

  “No fair,” I grumbled.

  “Okay, fine,” Olivia sighed. She pushed out from behind me and walked around to the box and pulled something out.

  In the corner of the room she had this chair. It had no arms. It was stylish but different- wooden and fancy. I mostly just thought it was for decoration- some midcentury modern touch for her decorating fancy. I watched her pull this chair over and place it in the empty space near the bed.

  She took her robe all the way off and stood.

  “Sit,” she said, motioning her hand to the armless chair.

  I did what she told me, got up from the bed and sat down. Wondering what the hell she had planned, I bounced my legs a little, waiting.

  “What now?”

  She walked back to the bed and got the vibrator back and turned it on. As she walked back I noticed the other thing she had grabbed from the box. It was hanging from her wrist, discrete, it looked like a small hand held cutting board or something.

  “Okay,” she said, taking the thing from her wrist. It had a leather tie and a handle made to hold in a fist. She got down on her knees next to me on the floor, the vibrator in her right hand and the hard wooden thing in her left. “This is for you, but you have to be careful,” she said, raising the wooden thing up. I noticed when she handed it to me that it had little holes in it but I wondered what for. It was now that I saw, it wasn’t as thick as a cutting board. I gulped.

  I wasn’t sure what it was but I took it.

  Next thing I knew, Olivia was sliding her naked body up onto my lap, like a pet determined to become a part of me fully. She had her knees on the ground about shoulder length apart. I heard the vibrator still and wondered why she had it and what she planned, this was supposed to be about her.

  “Go ahead,” she said.

  “Umm, go ahead and what?”

  “It’s a paddle,” she laughed nervously.

  I felt stupid. Of course it was and she wanted me to spank her with it. “Oh, how hard should I hit you?”

  “How hard do you want to hit me?” She teased. She moved her body back a second and I felt her teeth on my thigh as she bit my skin just to play with me.

  I squirmed. “As hard as you can take,” I said.

  “Start small,” she said, moving her body back over my legs and laying herself comfortably down, head hanging off to one side of the chair, legs haging off the other. I felt her move her hands and heard the muffled sound of the vibrator being pressed into something. When I looked down at her back on my lap I realized, she was pleasuring herself. Her body had tensed in just that way, that way that made me know, that vibrator was pressed to her clit. Olivia was on me and waiting.

  Looking down on her I felt strange. She basically offered her body up. I wasn’t used to this.

  “Avery,” she asked, sort of breathless at the start. The way her voice sounded when she was starting to feel things, it always got to me.

  I tapped her ass with the paddle. Not too hard but enough so that it would make her sting a little. “How’s that?” I wondered.

  “You can do better,” she said. Her body was moving on my legs since she was teasing herself with the vibrator, in preparation.

  I squared my shoulders and stopped trying to think through things. I let my instinct guide me, rearing back and really hitting her hard. The sound vibrated through the room as the paddle made contact with her skin and created a loud THWACK!

  “Oww,” she called out, her whole
body convulsing. “Ow, don’t stop,” she begged, right after.

  I hit her again and reached under her, teasing her nipple with my other hand.

  “Ah!” She jerked. “Keep going,” she said.

  I was so turned on by this point that I knew the chair would be wet when I got up. This was something new I never could’ve expected, I don’t know why. I spanked her again and then two more times in quick succession, each one a little harder than the last. When I looked at her ass it was red but perfect.

  “Uh,” she whimpered. “I’m close,” she said. “Just hit me a lot.”

  I did what she said, smacking her over and over with the paddle, listening to the impact and the noises she made after each one, how her body jumped and she fought that urged and wanted to stay. Air traveled through the holes of the paddle and I could hear it whooshing as I swung. I was close too, mastering the level of pressure Olivia needed just by judging her reaction with each little swing. She didn’t tell me to stop so I kept going. I knew that later, my arm would be a little sore, and I liked that the thought.

  At the very end I knew she was crying. She’d been screaming, yelping, but her whole body froze on me and tensed, as I hit her, she froze while she came. The noises she made were insane. I’d never heard her make noises like that.

  Spent, exhausted. She let her arms fall, dropped the vibrator and lazily turned it off. Just hanging there ontop of me, panting wildly, and trying to settle down.

  I dropped the paddle and laid my hand down over her ass.

  “Ssssssssss,” she made a hissing noise, crawling back off of me and struggling to find her way back up onto the bed. Moving was hard for her. I watched how she avoided any chance that something my scrape or touch her ass.

  Her hands found the bed, I watched her crawl onto it on her stomach and rest. From the chair I could see how red she was and how broken.

  “Olivia?” I went to the bed and crawled up beside her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” she laughed and then hissed. “Yeah. It’s- just been a while.”


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