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Paper Dolls [Book Four]

Page 9

by Blythe Stone

  I definitely hurt her enough to make her cry but she didn’t seem upset, at least, not at me.

  I reached out and touched her back. “Can I do anything?”

  “There’s some healing oil in the box. It’ll help with the stinging.”

  I rolled off the bed and went around to the other side. The box had other boxes inside of it so I started pulling the lids off and pushing things aside till I found one full of bottle of oil that said something about soothing. I jumped onto the bed and lay next to her.

  I opened the top and squeezed some into my hand.

  “Sit on my back,” she said.

  I reached my leg over her and straddled her body, rubbing the oil into my hands. “I’m gonna put it on,” I warned.

  “I know,” she said.

  I spread it onto her ass, touching softly and making sure it got everywhere she was red. I was careful, when I was sure it was rubbed in, I stopped.

  “Don’t stop,” she said. She’d been breathing heavily, re-feeling the pain with my touch.

  “Okay.” I put my hands back where they had been on her skin and rubbed her, massaging with my fingers.

  “Lower,” she suggested. I let my hands slide down to her thighs and get them too. It was hard not to go too far. My fingers slipped in near her sex and parted her lips a few times. Every time she made a hissing noise and I could tell that she liked it.

  “Is that good?” This time I let my fingers slip on purpose.

  “Mmmm,” she hummed, enjoying me. “Fuck, you’re good at everything,” she sighed. She seemed so relaxed now. It was night and day if you compared how she was before at the party to how she was right now.

  “Mmm, thanks,” I said. I ran my hand down her inner thigh and pushed my thumb into her.

  “So, you’ve done that before?”

  “A few times,” she said.

  “Even with the vibrator?”

  I dipped into her with my finger, curling it. She let out a gasp.

  “Uhh! Yeah,” she answered. “That kinda makes it.”

  “I saw a strap on in that box. What if I fucked you with that while I spanked you with my hand?”

  As I stopped talking I moved my finger in and out of her, adding a second.

  “I’d like that,” she said, starting to moan a little and certainly daze.

  “Future adventures,” I murmured, watching my hand as I worked her.

  “Should I stop?” I smiled, getting a kick out of how she reacted to me.

  “I want you to fuck me ‘til I die,” she said.

  “You’re not allowed to die,” I said, frowning. “Unless I go with you.”

  “I just mean forever,” she said, correcting herself. “God, I needed to hurt like that,” she sighed, pained. I heard her whimper as I pushed inside of her again.

  “Why do I just want you to hurt me tonight?” She asked.

  “Because you need to relax and unwind from all the stress?”

  I lifted my leg off of her and turned around, lying on her body.

  “Still,” she said. “That’s fucked up, right? It’s probably some deep psychological crap.”

  “No, Baby.” I kissed her back, nibbling at her shoulder. “It’s probably just how you release. A lot of people like pain. Even if it is psychology based it’s not like we’re really hurting each other.”

  I entered her again with two fingers. “Is it wrong that I want you to be able to feel where I’ve been tomorrow because it aches?”

  “It’s not wrong,” she hissed. “That’s what I want. And you are technically hurting me when you do things like the paddle. I asked you too though,” she had to stop to feel her way through the pleasure I was causing. Her arms were under her and she had her forehead pushed right into the bed, stretching her neck.

  “Exactly. You asked me and you want it and I want it. That’s not bad.”

  “I guess. It just seems wrong for me to ask you for that. Especially given...” She stopped talking and closed her eyes to concentrate on my fingers. She took a deep breath in, clinging to the covers as she buried her face in the bed.

  “It’s not wrong. Doesn’t matter about that.” I was getting distracted by how she was moving against me, trying for more.

  I leaned into her, fucking her a little faster and harder. She would be sore tomorrow and not just from the spanking.

  She had her hands tight on the covers and her toes digging into the bed to try and stabilize herself for a harder impact.

  I opened my mouth and ran my teeth along the back of her neck, stopping to sweep her hair to the side. I kissed her, taking time to bite her neck and soothe it with my tongue.

  “Yes,” I heard her gasp, her hand coming back to hold my neck and keep me close.

  I bucked into her, giving my hand even more momentum. Then I used my legs to spread hers apart more, letting me go even deeper inside her. She pushed her way up onto her knees a bit so her back was curved and her ass stuck up perfectly as I pushed my body into hers. A few more thrusts and she came. I stilled my fingers and let her come down while I was still inside her. Then I pulled my fingers out and rolled off of her, taking her body with me and spooning her.

  “I think I’m actually tired now,” I whispered.

  “I thought you were tired an hour ago,” she panted and then whimpered from the aftershocks.

  “I was but this is real tired. I don’t know if I can move until I sleep but I also need water.”

  I growled, kissing her on the back of the head and rolling away. I almost fell onto the box but I avoided it with a roll to the right. I stood up and kicked the box closed and shoved it under the bed.

  “I love you,” she said, sleepily, hugging her face into the pillow.

  “I love you too,” I replied, looking for her robe. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Mmmhmm,” she breathed, too busy now to have fears.

  I grabbed the robe and pulled it on, tying it at the waist. She had pulled the covers over her body by the time I reached the door and looked back. I took a deep breath and looked at her for a few seconds. She was amazing.

  I opened the door and walked through the hall to the living room where Holland was sleeping on the pull-out couch. I was almost in the kitchen when she spoke, scaring the shit out of me.

  “Thank god you guys are finished,” she said.

  I jumped and leaned against the wall, trying to slow my heart.

  “You’re still awake?” I flicked on the kitchen light and saw her peering at me over the couch.

  “No one could sleep through that,” she said. “You guys were literally screaming.”

  “Oh,” I coughed, blushing. “Sorry.”

  That entire time I had no thoughts other than what was going on between us. There was something to what Olivia had been saying. I hadn’t felt that connected to her in weeks. It felt good, too good for me to care about someone hearing us.

  “It’s okay,” she said, letting her arms fall over the couch. “I’m guessing you made up. “

  “Yeah, we did. It was nice.” I really didn’t know how else to describe it to her. I didn’t want to go into details. Those were between Olivia and me. I’d never been a kiss and tell kind of person and Holland wouldn’t expect that from me.

  “It sounded painful,” she joked, giving me a wry smile.

  “Well, it was at times but in a good way.” I went to the cabinet and got a glass out, turning to the fridge to fill it with water from the spout in the door.

  “So, you guys are fine. Everything is okay and she isn’t mad about the kissing thing?”

  “No, she’s not mad. She was more upset that I wasn’t seeing her like I used to before we started back to school.”

  “Yeah, we kind of had a talk about that earlier.” She got up and moved around to sit on the arm of the couch. “Why didn’t you tell her that you were diagnosed bipolar?”

  “What?” I took a drink of water and moved to one of the puffy chairs opposite the couch.

; “Back after Adam died,” she reminded me.

  “Oh, I just didn’t. I barely ever think of that. Why would I tell Olivia that? It wasn’t even that accurate.”

  “Are you sure?” Holland prodded me with her words, making me think back. “You brushed it off then and now you’ve started to have those symptoms again from what I’ve heard.”

  “You two were talking about me? About me having symptoms or whatever?” I set the glass aside and crossed my arms. I hated this. When people thought they knew more about my mind than I did, it wasn’t fair.

  “I’m not bipolar, Holland.”

  “Okay, and you got your degree in Psychology from which University?” She asked but softened in the next second. “She asked me a few questions and I told her the answers. First, I told her to ask you but she was hurt that you hadn’t told her yourself. I said that you didn't think it was important but it is. Aves, you should at least look into it.”

  “You guys had quite a talk.”

  I was glad that Olivia hadn’t been alone but the idea of them talking about me like that was unsettling. If it had to be anyone I’m glad it was those two. They were the ones I trusted.

  “We did and she has some points. You need to talk to her. Tell her everything, not just what you think is important,” Holland suggested.

  When I’d gone to see that Therapist I was depressed and trying to handle everything internally. I couldn’t talk to anyone but Holland and even then I held back because I thought I was supposed to. When I got stressed I reacted in weird ways. Everyone had stuff like that. I never thought it got to the point that I needed a diagnosis.

  “I get it and I’ll talk to her about it.” I laid my head back, looking up at the ceiling. “I very much preferred the part of this conversation where you were making fun of hearing us having sex.”

  “Yes, about that,” she pointed at our bedroom door. “Did I just listen to you spank your fiancé for two minutes straight?”

  I covered my face with my hands. “I swear, I literally forgot about you being out here but… yes,” I peeked through my fingers at her to find her smiling. “Hey! You could have turned on the TV or something. You didn’t even have to listen to us.”

  “And miss the free show? No way.” She laughed and watched me die a little inside.


  “Maybe I am,” she answered, blushing. “Your life is so much more exciting than mine and if I have to live vicariously through you then so be it.”

  “Ugh, I’m so disturbed right now,” I teased.

  She and I hadn’t really gotten to talk since she arrived. It was one thing after another. The airport, then my parents, and then the party. I shrugged a shoulder. “Sorry that tonight was a disaster.”

  “Oh god, it was,” she rolled her eyes. “But seriously, are you okay? You got drugged and kissed. You passed out and then had crazy, wild sex. That’s a lot for one night.”

  It always came back to Holland making sure I was alright. It was just her nature.

  “Surprisingly, I’m fine. I need a lot more water but I feel okay and things with Olivia are great. This night could have ended so much worse.”

  I really thought about it. How I could have lost Olivia and even ended up in the hospital. “I’m really thankful. Every time something like this happens Olivia and I seem to only get closer in the end. It’s weird. I really am just thankful that she listened to me. She trusts me.”

  “Good. You should be thankful. If it had been me I’d have kicked your ass.” Holland laughed and resettled herself on the sofa bed. “Now, get the hell out of my living room. I need to actually get some sleep.”

  “Fine!” I got up, taking my water with me. “You’re welcome for the audio erotica.”

  “Shut up!” She covered her head with a pillow and watched me as I slipped back into the bedroom, gulping down my water on the way to the bed.

  Olivia was in the same place she had been before. She’d maybe moved an inch on the pillow since I left. I got in the bed and cuddled up to her.

  She leaned back into me but she didn’t wake up. I hugged her tight, sneaking my arms around her and breathing her in. I really was lucky.

  Chapter Five


  At least there was one thing we’d always be good at.

  I woke to sun spilling in from outside. A warm cheek. A soft burning. When I shifted, I felt my body. Everywhere hurt, everywhere. Last night, I’d tensed all my muscles and gone far beyond what I’d done sexually in a long long time; since Natalie, to be exact.

  Things with Avery, they were always complicated. I’d been desperate to keep her, desperate to hold on just a little while more and stretch the time out.

  Sleep meant: the end.

  Sleep meant: good luck tomorrow, kid, ‘cause every day is a crapshoot.

  I shifted to catch the time. It was well past 1pm.

  I listened.

  No Avery. No soft gentle breathing, no moving air.

  My phone was on the nightstand and I picked it up.

  Missed calls left and right.

  Everyone called me. Even people I forgot to know.

  Mostly though, Skylar called. Why she would try kinda hurt me.

  I put my hand on my forehead and rested a second wondering if I should even try to listen. Betrayal of trust. I wasn’t used to having friends but I’d considered her as such.

  I pushed my body up carefully to lay on the headboard with a pillow in between my back and the wood. That was all it took to remember about the spanking. My ass stung. Probably dark now and bruised, I felt the ramifications of it and tried to be careful as I moved.

  I remembered then about the spanking. My ass stung.

  “I am so fucking dumb,” I huffed out to myself in the empty room.

  My hand hit a piece of paper and I pulled it up to see.


  Taking Holland to breakfast, didn’t want to wake you up. I’ve dealt with that wrath.

  Love, Avery


  Well, that explains that.

  I lifted my phone up to my ear and let it all come unimpeded.

  “O-Olivia, I am so sorry.” It was Skylar, barely audible between tears and hiccups. I’d never seen or heard her like this. “I don’t even know. I don’t even know what I was doing. I’m such an asshole, really. I understand if you hate me. I just need you to know that I didn’t mean to do what I did. The drinks were really strong and by the time Avery came around I was already close to passing out. God. I shouldn’t be saying this to you. I don’t deserve to even talk to you. I really don’t. And I know… I know you were good to me and you cared. And I’m a fucking idiot and I don’t deserve to have friends because this is what I do.”

  Her tone was breaking me.

  She felt exactly how I knew she would.

  I checked my texts.

  Skylar: I know this doesn’t help but I really am sorry.

  I already knew she was sorry. I already knew.

  I shot her a text just to rest her mind.

  Olivia: Please, stop beating yourself up.

  Then I noticed Avery’s text.

  Avery: You up yet? Want me to bring you something? We’re thinking of a beach day. I understand if you’re too tired ;)

  “Devil woman,” I said to myself. Head shaking, lips twitching, as I licked and bit my thumb nail absentmindedly.

  I heard a knock on the back door and pulled the sheet up over myself, wrapping it around me like it was a dress. It appeared Avery at least hid our toys. They weren’t all over the ground and the chair was back in the corner where it usually stayed.

  “Come in,” I said, not knowing who it was.

  The backdoor opened and it was my mother there in her loungy swim cover-up.

  She looked flushed like she’d been laying in the sun after a swim.

  “Are you alone?” She asked, her smile twisting up.

  “Yes,” I smiled.

  “Good,” she said, walking over to the
bed and sitting down close but not too close. “Where’s Avery?”

  “Breakfast, I think,” I tried to act normal but I didn’t know exactly why my mother had come.

  “But you’re here?”

  “We stayed up late,” I said. “I was exhausted.”

  “You look happier now,” she noticed, pushing a few strands of hair back from my face carefully.

  My smile spread like the plague. I probably had that, just fucked, look. Kind of embarrassing given the woman who was with me now in the room.

  “You were right,” I said. “And I knew you were right but it’s hard not to be scared.”

  “That girl is so in love with you, Olivia. Anyone can see it from ten miles away.”

  “Ten miles?” I raised an eyebrow. My mother didn’t often like to exaggerate to the point of improbability. Things like that just didn’t fly with her occupation.

  “Ten miles,” she said knowingly, raising her eyebrows and guaranteeing me with her surety.

  “It wasn’t just the kiss,” I said, sniffling at the memories. “Ever since our first month I feel like I’ve dropped my whole life for her and if anything she’s become more busy.”

  “You’re just different,” she said. “Believe me, it would never work if you weren’t.”

  “What do you mean?” I laughed awkwardly. How come everyone else could just breeze over this huge monumental things?

  “Your father and I are nothing alike. He’s silly and his jokes are stale like old bread. He’s stuffy but he’s kind- in his way. He’s the stiff and I’m the head case. We balance each other. We stop each other from thinking crazy thoughts and acting certain ways.”

  “What do you mean? How would you act?” My mom never said anything about ever feeling crazy. I always thought I was this random mess in her life.

  “Well, for one, when you told me about Ben I wanted to act just like Mr. Lockhart. I wanted to let loose and allow myself to momentarily go insane.”


  I didn’t know that.

  “Oh yeah,” she said, confirming it without a doubt. “That whole proceeding, right after you saw him in the courthouse, I had dangerous thoughts. I’m no stranger to those.”

  “Me either,” I said, wondering why she was telling me this.


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