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Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection

Page 8

by Bridy McAvoy

“Well, he’s been here for two months now, since the semester started and I don’t think he’s been out once. He just spends all evening in his room studying.”

  Zoe gave a throaty chuckle.


  She giggled again and then blushed.

  “Honestly Tom, he’s not studying all the time, well at least not the way you mean.”

  “You’ve lost me…?”

  “A couple of weeks ago I called up to him to ask if he wanted a coffee and some Oreos. He said yes so I took them up. I don’t think he was expecting me that quickly and I walked in without knocking, both hands were full. He was sitting at his screen and he blanked it quick, but not quick enough.”

  Tom raised an eyebrow and Zoe chuckled again.

  “The images he was looking at were very interesting indeed.”

  “The little bugger was watching porn?”

  “More than just watching, hon.”

  Zoe leaned across to her husband and kissed him gently on the lips as she allowed her hand to slide up his thigh to his crotch where she could feel his prick hardening under her touch.

  “He was playing with himself. God. He was so embarrassed he didn’t speak to me for nearly a week.”

  “Well, I wondered what had gone on between you two, but neither of you said anything so I let it lie.”

  “Someone, seems quite interested in the fact his brother was watching porn. He is nineteen, it’s not illegal, even in this state.”

  Tom’s cock twitched in her hand and he kissed her back, harder this time.

  “No, my little friend isn’t interested in my brother more in what you are doing with your hand.”

  “Good. Anyway, I think I can bring our little geek out of himself. Do you remember my cousin Amelie? We haven’t seen her since our wedding.”

  “You mean the gawky one, all elbows and legs, and braces. About twelve if I remember?”

  “That’s right, well she’s shed those braces hon, and grown up besides. It’s been eight years and she’s about the same age as Ben.”

  “She’s grown up then.”

  “According to her mother she certainly has. Well, I invited her to stay for a week next week, she’s flying in on Friday. She can have the spare room. According to her mother she’s a bit of a geek herself and I think the two of them will get on famously.”

  “You matchmaker!”

  Zoe giggled and squeezed his now fully erect member.

  “There’s only one match I want to make at the moment and it most certainly doesn’t involve your brother…”

  She jumped up and strolled toward the stairs, her hips rolling very suggestively in her tight cut-offs. Tom leapt up from the couch with a fake growl and she shrieked softly in delicious mock fear before sprinting up the stairs with her husband scant feet behind her.

  * * * *

  Zoe was sitting at the kitchen table chatting with Amelie when Ben walked in from college that Friday afternoon. As soon as his eyes hit the pretty blonde girl sitting with his sister in law he stopped dead in his tracks. Amelie smiled and Zoe tried hard to suppress the giggle that welled up inside her.

  “Ben, this is my cousin Amelie, Amelie this is Ben.”


  He struggled to even get that one word out but Amelie didn’t seem to notice.

  “Dinner’s in thirty minutes. You’ve just got time for a shower.”

  “Oh, right. See you.”

  Ben took the stairs two at a time, his mind wrestling with the thought of the beauty he had just glimpsed. By the time he’d dropped his rucksack on his bed he was half hard. By the time he’d shed his clothes on the floor and turned the water on he was fully erect and needed to do something about it before he could concentrate on anything else. As a result he was still toweling his hair dry when he heard his sister-in-law call dinner was ready.

  Dinner went by in a flash and before he realized it the four of them were sitting in the den, surprisingly Tom and Zoe were occupying the chairs whilst he was sitting next to Amelie on the couch. Not that the blonde was taking much notice of anything, him included, seemingly intent on the IPod Touch in her hands, headphones in her ears. He watched idly as she played a game he recognized and then started as he noticed the smooth speed with which the game play was flowing across the screen.

  “That’s fast!”

  It took a moment for Amelie to realize he was talking to her. She slipped the earpiece out of her left ear.


  “I said, that’s fast! My IPod doesn’t play that one that quickly.”

  “You had it over-clocked?”

  “You can’t do that!”

  Amelie chuckled.

  “Wanna bet?”

  “You can’t get into it to do it.”

  “A friend of mine could, and did.”

  “No way!”


  “Wow! Cool! How much did it cost?”

  Amelia glanced sideways at him and he noticed she blushed slightly.


  “Oh …”

  Ben coloured up, realizing what she meant.

  She punched him lightly on the arm.

  “Not that, silly …”


  “I just did his history assignment for him. I’m not like that.”

  “I over-clocked my X-Box. But it runs a bit hot. Haven’t found out how to do the Wii yet.”

  “You Live on the X-Box?”



  “My bro let me set up both on the TV in my room and the PC’s got a 24inch monitor.”

  “Real trick! Can I see?”

  “Sure, why not, mind I’m not supposed to take a girl to my room.”

  She slapped him on the arm.

  “Doesn’t count, silly. I’m family!”

  Ben thought about saying something about not being his family but decided not to at the last minute. As he showed Amelie up to his room he caught the knowing look Zoe gave Tom and frowned at her. Zoe stuck her tongue out at him.

  * * * *

  Over the weekend Ben had almost accepted Amelie as a fixture in his room. They were either pouring over something on the Internet or playing one game after another on the X-Box or Wii. Amelie could kick his ass on Halo 3 on the X-Box but he was a master on all the games on the smaller console.

  Monday was Ben’s lazy day. He didn’t have any classes on Mondays, so usually laid in till lunchtime since he had the house to himself, Tom was at work and Zoe ran a kindergarten at the church Mondays through Wednesdays. Amelie’s presence changed that this morning at about ten o’clock, an hour he had forgotten existed on a Monday. As a result he was fast asleep when she bounced in.

  “Wakey, wakey!”


  “Come on sleepy head. I’ve been up hours!”


  Amelie shook him by the shoulder.

  “Time to get up. I wanna use the Wii Fit for my work out and I can’t do that if you’re still in bed, now can I?”

  Ben rolled over and sat up on his elbows. Glancing down he realized his morning boner was clearly tenting the thin duvet, a sidelong glance confirmed Amelie had noticed it as well.

  “Come on big boy, hit the shower. I wanna get my work out.”

  Her peal of laughter followed her as she left the room, leaving the door wide open. Giving in to the inevitable he levered himself out of bed and crossed to the door where he checked the hallway was clear before dashing into the bathroom, willing the tent in his shorts to subside, which it stubbornly refused to do.

  Fifteen minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom a towel draped around his waist and rubbing his hair with another, cursing the fact he’d forgotten to take clean clothes into the bathroom with him. The aerobic music issuing from his bedroom confirmed her presence meaning he would have to work around her to get his clothes. Cautiously he pushed his door open and stared open mouthed at the sight in front of him.

/>   Earlier he hadn’t been awake enough to take any notice of how the pretty blonde was dressed. Now though he could look to his heart’s content. Amelie was engrossed in her workout, stepping on and off the board to either side in perfect unison with the cartoonish figure on the screen. Her long blonde hair caught up in a pony-tail, she was wearing a very tight black sports bra, cropped very high. Below this was a pair of very tight matching workout shorts. From behind, where Ben stood in the doorway, the shorts fitted her tight ass like a glove, and there was no way she was wearing anything underneath.

  Ben stood there for a couple of minutes, mesmerized by the way Amelie’s tight buns moved as she continued the step class right there only a few feet in front of him. The morning boner had gone, but he could feel his cock rising to the occasion inside the soft towel as her athletic figure moved in front of him. The workout program changed and she was suddenly stretching in front of him. Her arms moved up toward the ceiling as her back arched, and Ben felt an overpowering urge to run around in front of her and see how her breasts stretched the fabric of her top. A moment later she changed position and he was glad he hadn’t moved. Still with her hands high above her head she bent forward at the waist, her legs slightly parted. The thin material of the shorts stretched across the cheeks of her ass until he thought they’d rip. He couldn’t help it, a low groan left his lips as he surveyed the delectable flesh in front of him.

  Still bent over at the waist she twisted her head back and grinned impishly at him. As she straightened up she looked back over her shoulder.

  “Should I take that as a compliment?”

  He blushed and finally nodded. She grinned again then turned sideways on to him as another segment of the program kicked off. She was now stepping on and off the board rapidly, in profile to him, allowing him to see the way the tight top clung to her breast and molded it just as the shorts had her ass.

  Ben continued to watch, approvingly, enjoying every second as she continued to prance in front of him, completely oblivious to the way his rock hard erection pushed out the front of the towel, the only item covering any semblance of modesty he had.

  Finally the work out slowed to a stop, finishing with yet more stretching exercises, this time facing him.

  “Should I take that as compliment as well?”

  She grinned mischievously as she stood there facing him, bent over at the waist and arms out to the side, allowing him a view straight down her cleavage.

  “Er …”

  “It’s okay Ben, it is a compliment anyway. Trouble is what are you going to do about it?”


  Her directness had caught him by surprise. Her next move was equally surprising. She straightened up, crossed her arms over her chest and grabbed the sides of the sports top. A second later and she was pulling it up, over her head until it was dangling there in her hand. His eyes were riveted to her now naked breasts. Unconsciously he licked his lips as the small pert mounts seem to point at him. As did the dark red and clearly aroused nipples that surmounted them.

  “Is the water still hot? I could do with a shower.”

  His attention was still centered on her breasts as she moved toward the doorway, toward him.

  “Come on, out of the way, I’m all sweaty. See?”

  She grabbed his unresisting hand and brought it up to her clammy stomach, the beads of sweat coating his fingertips as they were held only inches below those tantalizingly mesmeric breasts. Ben tore his eyes from her chest and looked wonderingly up into her perfect face.

  “Wait here. I’ll be ten minutes. I want a shower… And then I want you.”

  The promise in her eyes underlined her words. He stepped to the side to allow her to exit the room, his unresisting hand dropping from its contact with her skin. Wordlessly he watched as she crossed the hall to the bathroom door and paused there in the doorway. Her hands dropped to the waistband of her shorts and wordlessly pushed them down. He’d been right, there was no underwear underneath them, as he now stared at her naked ass. She stepped out of the shorts and left them lying there before swinging the bathroom door too, without actually closing it.

  Ben stood there listening as the shower started running, not sure whether to follow her, wondering if the unlatched bathroom door was an invitation or merely carelessness on her part. An agony of indecision washed through him as he tried to decide if she was coming back to fulfil her promise or had merely been teasing him. The thought of facing an irate sister-in-law if Amelie made a complaint about him following her into the bathroom won out. Discretion seemed the better part of valor and he retreated into his bedroom and pulled a pair of shorts on as he discarded the towel. Finally he sat on the bed and waited, wondering.

  Finally the water stopped and he could hear her singing to herself in the bathroom. He had visions of her running the soft towel up and down her perfectly shaped long legs, over her tightly muscled ass and flat stomach. The thought of the soft cotton caressing her breasts and her pussy mound were almost enough to make him shoot his load there and then but somehow he kept control. A couple of minutes later Amelie stepped from the bathroom, clad as he had been earlier, merely in a towel wrapped around her. The towel didn’t reach the top of her breasts and only down as far as mid-thigh. IF anything she looked more naked than she had as she’d waked in that state into the bathroom.

  “I thought you’d come and wash my back?”

  “I…wasn’t sure that’s what you wanted.”

  Ben thought his own voice sounded hoarse and he could do little to hide his obvious arousal.

  “That’s okay, I prefer a bed to a cramped shower cubicle. Maybe another time, once we’ got to know each other better.”

  The last sentence was delivered with such overtones of promise, Ben swallowed hard, feeling his cock lurch in his shorts, knowing the movement was visible to her. Amelie smiled at him, no longer a playful grin, more of a sensual pout to her lips. Her eyes flashed passion at him as her hands slowly rose to her armpit where the towel was knotted.

  “Do you want this?”

  Ben could only nod as she slowly undid the knotted cloth and allowed one side of the towel to swing away. One hand was clamped across her breasts stopping the towel from falling all the way to the floor. Nevertheless the side that did fall away revealed her naked flank in all its glory. Ben swallowed, his mouth dry as his eyes roamed over the exposed flesh. The level of exposure continued to increase as she shrugged her shoulders and suddenly let go of the entire towel, dropping it to the hallway floor.

  She stood there in his doorway, not merely naked but nude. Her breasts still as perfect as he’d seen them earlier, but this time his eyes were drawn to the magnet between her legs. She was completely shaved, no sign of any of the blonde hairs that should have been there. He gasped, and the trace was broken as she casually walked across the room toward him, her hips swaying from side to side in exaggerated motion.

  Finally she stood in front of him and placed her hands on his shoulders.

  “Should I take your lack of compliments as merely being struck dumb by my magnificence?”

  Her question sounded sombre but the girlish giggle that followed it confirmed it as light hearted.

  “This, however, is most definitely a compliment.”

  Her hand moved down and wrapped itself around his cock, rubbing the cotton fabric of his shorts against it as she moved the hand up and down, savoring its length.

  He lifted his face to look into hers, and he guessed the flush to her cheeks wasn’t from the warm water of the shower but merely an echo of the desire he was himself feeling.

  She lowered her head and kissed him softly on the lips. He responded and she kissed him even harder, mashing her lips to his. Without conscious control his arms came up and wrapped themselves around her back pulling her closer to him. She broke the kiss for a moment and swarmed up into his lap, her naked legs sinking down on either side of his, bringing her pelvis into close proximity with his throbbing penis. Mashi
ng her tits into his chest, a sensation he found exhilarating, he began to kiss her with more abandon. Her lips parted under the pressure of his tongue and he pushed it deep into her oral cavity, feeling for and then fencing with her own. Her breath was coming in ragged pants as her own arousal mounted to match his own. Finally he pulled his mouth away.

  “We have to slow down, Amelie. I’m going to come if we don’t slow down.”

  “That’s okay, sweetie. We’ve got a lot of time yet.”

  She leaned back from him and then pushed him so he fell back onto the bed. She dropped off his lap and then to the floor in front of him. Her hands rose to his waistband and slid the briefs off him, revealing his cock already coated in pre-cum as it jerked on contact with the cool air.


  Before he could react she’d moved forward one more, this time with her face close to his thighs followed by a long lascivious lick up the entire length of his cock from base to the tiny hole at the end which continued to leak pre-cum as if it was a tap.

  “Hmm… Sweet.”

  Her comment caught him off guard and before he could react she had engulfed his end in her warm wet mouth. He could only look down as she expertly swirled her tongue around it alternating with a sucking motion that took his breath away. Her hand had moved up to surround the base and began to jerk up and down in a pumping motion. Ben couldn’t help it, he lost control and he heard her gag as first one and then another string of sticky cum spat from the end of his cock with huge velocity.

  Finally his orgasm subsided, and he realized Amelie hadn’t withdrawn him from her mouth at all, was still holding his prick, which hadn’t even begun to soften, in her mouth. Finally she released it with her mouth but kept her dainty fist wrapped around it. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke to him.

  “My turn, hon.”

  His cock remained hard as she swarmed back onto his lap, this time her naked snatch in close contact with his rod.

  Wordlessly he let her take the lead and lay back as she expertly positioned herself above him. As soon as she was straddling him she began to work her wet slit up and down the length of his cock, coating it in her own juices which he could feel leaking copiously from her. His hands rose to cup and caress her breasts. She moaned in appreciation and then moaned once more as his fingers and thumbs circled and then tweaked her nipples.


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