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Fantasies Incorporated - The Complete Collection

Page 9

by Bridy McAvoy

  “Do it, put it in me!”

  He dropped one hand onto her ass and then moved it behind her. He could feel her wet pussy and for a moment reveled in the sensation and was rewarded with a groan as he played with the sensitive skin around it.

  “Do it! Do it now!”

  He relented and grasped his cock, amazed it remained as hard as ever and pointed it at the wet opening in front of it. She groaned again as he felt his end touch the sensitive inner folds of her pussy and then she thrust her body backward to impale herself. The sensation as he slipped into her without any resistance was overwhelming and he groaned himself. Wordless sounds emanated from both of them as she established a rhythm, controlling the speed and length of each stroke to suit her own mounting pleasure. Unable to do anything else, Ben dropped his hands to her flanks and gripped her hips tightly, reveling in the feelings she was inducing in him.

  Amelie maintained a steady rhythm for several minutes, until finally she began to speed up, her breathing becoming more and more ragged, as she neared her own climax. Ben watched spellbound, his own pleasure forgotten as her face began to contort into grimace after grimace as she mounted the wave of pleasure coursing through her. He knew the exact moment when the wave broke, her body went rigid and a scream penetrated her lips. A split second later he could feel the muscles inside her pussy pulsing as they attempted to squeeze and drag him even further inside of her. Ben couldn’t hold back, as her orgasm spent he gripped her hips and held her tightly back against himself, keeping his cock buried as deeply as possible. His first ejaculation inside her mouth had been powerful, this one buried in her pussy was even more so. Amelie had just been coming back down from her own high as she felt the first powerful spurt coat the inside of her vagina. Instantly this pushed her back over the edge and she frantically rode him until both their orgasms were spent and she collapsed on top of him, exhausted.

  It was ten minutes or so before either of them moved. Finally she raised her head and looked down into his eyes. As she did so she eased forward and this time his softened prick slid out of her.

  “I think we both need another shower, honey. You wash my back and I’ll wash yours?”

  “Sure, why not.”

  They did it again in the shower, then yet again against the counter top in the kitchen when they were supposed to be getting lunch. Finally she persuaded him to play Strip Halo, each life lost costing an item of clothing. It was the first and only time he won. Their lovemaking this time was long and leisurely, finishing only minutes before Zoe came home.

  The following morning Ben thought about skipping college to spend another day with his new found pastime. Zoe was waiting for him in the kitchen when he came down for breakfast.

  “Amelie had to go home early, I’m afraid. Tom’s taking her to the airport, she didn’t want to disturb you so she left you this.”

  As Zoe handed the open-mouthed Ben a card there was a mixture of amusement and sympathy shining in her eyes.

  Fantasies Incorporated – Shop Security

  By Bridy McAvoy

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © Feb 2010, Bridy McAvoy

  Cover Art Copyright © Feb 2010, Brightling Spur

  Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  Christchurch, 8441, New Zealand

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  Shop Security

  Smiling to herself, Leanne Andrews took the tiny gold sequined dress off the rail and held it against herself. The strategically placed mirror at the end of the aisle showed her exactly what she wanted to see. The dress was not only sexy, but very short. Her own flower print summer dress was a micro-mini, and this one was at least three inches shorter. Humming gently to herself, she headed in the direction of the changing room.

  Once inside the curtained alcove, she quickly hung the dress on its hanger from the hook and deposited her bag in the corner. Reaching over her head, she flicked the hook and eye at the top of dress open and then pushed the zip down the first few inches. Reversing her hands to come up at the zip, she drew it back down all the way before slipping the shoulder straps off and stepping clear of the dress.

  Leanne automatically checked her reflection in the mirror. Her strapless white lace bra and panty set showed off her figure almost perfectly. She almost always wore white, knowing it accented her flawless tanned skin. You got it honey, flaunt it while you can! She smiled to herself and allowed herself a tiny shudder as the thought that it just might be a two-way mirror with someone on the other side of it, admiring the view, slid salaciously through her mind.

  Quietly chuckling to herself, she pulled the dress off the hanger and stepped into it, drawing it up over her hips, which needed a quick wriggle before she could pull the top into place. The sequins on the flapper style dress glittered and twinkled in the light as she moved. The top fit perfectly but the bottom was scandalously short, even shorter than she expected. She’d intended to team the dress with a pair of hold up seamed stockings in black, but the tops would be on display if she did so, even if she were standing straight and still.

  She nibbled at her bottom lip, deep in thought, as she tried to work out what to wear to the party with this dress - a dress she was determined to have. Since the party was semi-formal, she couldn’t attend bare-legged; that would just not do. Some form of nylons was a minimum and, given the current heat wave, there was no way she was going to wear tights!

  Inspiration finally struck. She’d wear a garter belt and some longer stockings that normally came up too high on her thighs. They would be perfect. Grinning at her own reflection, having made the decision, she quickly shimmied back out of the dress and back into her own before picking her bags up and heading for the clerk to pay for the dress.

  Smiling at the clerk, she handed over her credit card, her mind already awash with thoughts about the party tomorrow night and what her partner, Steven, would say when he saw the sexy little dress. Thinking about his reaction, and the way he would attempt to get under the dress before they left for the party, brought a throaty chuckle from her lips. The sales assistant looked at her and cocked an eyebrow, causing Leanne to blush. There was no way she would tell another person about the things roiling through her mind at that precise moment.

  Still smiling, she stepped out of the shop door and turned to head for the coffee shop.

  “Excuse me, ma’am.”

  Leanne looked around to see who was speaking, and to whom, and was surprised to see the security guard looking straight at her. The tall, imposing, uniformed man took a couple of strides to close the distance between them, moving with a graceful purpose that belied his large frame.


  “Would you mind stepping back into the shop, please, ma’am?”

  “No, of course not. Is there something wrong?”

  She turned fully to face him, a frown covering her face as she tried to work out what could be the problem.

  “Please, ma’am.”

  He gestured silently to the doorway. Still confused, Leanne allowed him to usher her back into the store without him once needing to lay hands on her.

  “What is the problem?”

  Once back inside the shop, the guard visibly relaxed but still seemed poised to prevent a sudden flight by the confused woman.

  “That is, ma’am.”

  Leanne looked down where he was pointing, at one of her own shopping bags. Hanging over the edge of the bag, and in plain sight, was a price tag from the shop. The bag was from the shoe shop she’d visited
a half an hour earlier.


  “If you would come this way, please, ma’am…I’m sure we can clear this up in very short order.”

  “I never…I have no idea how that got there.”

  “This way, please, ma’am.”

  The security guard was being very polite, but at the same time very firm, and steered the completely confused Leanne towards the back of the shop and through an unobtrusive door marked ‘Staff Only.’”

  Once through the door, his manner became far more formal and rather less polite.

  “That way, please.”

  He indicated another door at the end of a short corridor, and this time took hold of her elbow to steer her in that direction.

  “You have to know this is some kind of a mistake, Officer. Nothing more.”

  “As I said, lady, through here.”

  He pushed the door open, guided her through, and then shut the door behind them. Leaning against it, he trapped her within the windowless room, facing a small desk behind which another security guard sat, regarding her impassively. Neither man was overweight, but they were both very tall and well built. Leanne got the impression this guy was even bigger than his compatriot who was leaning back against the door behind her with his arms folded.

  “What have we got here, Luke?”

  “Lady bought a dress but left with this in her bag as well, without paying for it, Ethan.”

  “I didn’t know it was there!”

  The man behind the desk merely looked at her, and Leanne subsided into silence.

  “She went into the changing room, supposedly to try on the dress. When she came back out of the room this was hanging from the bag. It wasn’t there when she went in. Check the CCTV if you like.”

  Leanne blushed furiously.

  “You mean there are cameras in the fitting room?”

  Ethan chuckled.

  “We wish! Sorry to disappoint the exhibitionist streak in you, honey, but the camera is mounted to cover the entrance.”

  Ethan swiveled his chair to face the screen behind him and began to work at the keyboard.

  The picture on the screen flickered then stabilised on a view of the fitting room exit. It then began to stream backward, as they searched back through the last few minutes, looking for her emerging.


  “Got it.”

  Leanne watched as the screen stopped on an image of her, grinning like an idiot, as she exited the fitting cubicles. There, showing very clearly on the screen, was the distinctive red and purple tag hanging out of her shopping bag.

  Continuing to manipulate the controls, Ethan deftly split the picture in two, leaving the incriminating one still on half of the screen, with the video image continuing to move backward on the other half until it focused on her entering the fitting rooms with the dress slung over her arm. The incriminating tag was clearly not present in this image.

  “I didn’t put it there. Someone else must have.”

  Ethan brought up a list of words and numbers down the edge of the screen and checked them off. The list was slightly too far away for her to read them but the titles at the top of the two columns were larger and she could see they read ‘In’ and ‘Out’.

  “Sorry, honey. You’re out of luck. There was no one else in the changing room with you at any time. So…no one else could have done it. I’m afraid there’s no excuse and no get out. We’ve got you absolutely and utterly bang to rights.”

  Leanne felt her knees go weak as she realized for the first time exactly how much trouble she was in, despite not knowing how the item had got there in the first place. She grabbed the edge of the desk for support.

  “But, I didn’t…”

  Her voice sounded weak, even to her, not exuding her normal confidence.

  She watched as Luke passed the offending bag across the desk to his boss, and continued watching as he drew the item from the bag. Pulling on the tag produced a very fetching, and extremely skimpy, black underwear set.

  “Simple test, honey. What dress size are you?”


  “Bust size?”

  “None of your business.”

  “I’m simply trying to ascertain if these items would fit you. Now bust size?”

  Leanne’s momentary burst of defiance evaporated under his cool gaze. She blushed again as she mumbled an inaudible reply.


  “Thirty-four B.”

  Ethan reached for the label on both the bra and the panties before laying the items on the desk in between them and gesturing for Leanne to check the size. She gasped in horror as she read the bra size as her own and the size label in the panties matched as well.

  “I think that’s the final nail in the coffin, don’t you? It’s time I called the police.”

  “Please…No. I didn’t do this.”

  Leanne’s mind was whirling, trying to prevent the indignity about to be forced upon her despite her innocence.

  “Can’t I just pay for the items?”

  The two men chuckled.

  “We get this all the time. Young women, like you, shoplifting for the thrill, secure in the knowledge they can say “Sorry”, pay for the items and walk away. The system doesn’t work like that. You are going to be arrested, face court, and possibly even a jail term for this, along with the humiliation of it all becoming public. This shop always prosecutes shoplifters. Company policy.”


  She couldn’t prevent herself bursting into tears. The two men simply stood there impassively waiting for her to calm down. Finally, Ethan spoke again.



  “Leanne what?”

  “Leanne Andrews.”


  She hesitated once more.

  “Surely…surely there is some way of dealing with this, without involving the police.”

  “Are you offering us a bribe, Ms. Andrews?”


  Leanne watched as Ethan glanced at the man behind her. Some unspoken signal passed between them, and she couldn’t quite suppress the slight, but visible, shiver of fear that ran down her spine. After what seemed like an eternity, she heard Luke speak up from behind her.


  “What? Please, tell me what I need to do.”

  She didn’t dare look behind her, but couldn’t miss the sly smile that lit the face of the seated man in front of her. Leanne blushed bright red as the implications of what she had just said. All those stories of shoplifters getting off with a caution by being good to the security guard flashed through her mind. As if to confirm those thoughts, Ethan nodded.

  Visions of her naked body writhing on the desk as the two powerfully built men ravaged her flashed behind her eyes and she nervously licked her lips, feeling her body respond to her own imaginings. Her nipples hardened against the soft fabric of her bra. A moment later, she was surprised when she heard the door behind her open and immediately turned round to see the retreating back of Luke, before he firmly closed the door behind himself.


  Ethan merely continued to stare at her, that same half-smile playing on his lips. The silence seemed to stretch for an eternity for Leanne, but it could only have been a couple of minutes before the door opened once more and Luke ushered in the young shop assistant who had served her earlier. Once more he took up his position leaning against the door, barring any thought of escape.

  Leanne was simply confused and stood still waiting for what would happen next as she felt the eyes of the three people watching her intently. Suddenly, she heard a chair being wheeled across the concrete floor and when the padded edge of it brushed against the back of her knees, she sat down, grateful for the temporary respite.

  “This is how it’s going to be, young lady.”

  “Charlotte, here, is going to help you show us the dress you bought today. Aren’t you, C?”

  “Sure am.�

  “I think we would all like to see you in that sexy dress, don’t you? Especially with these underneath it.”

  He gestured to the black flimsies on his desk.

  “Did you bring her some stockings, C?”

  “Yep, Luke insisted on it”

  “Good, so why don’t you be a good girl and pull them up her legs for us.”


  Charlotte dropped to her knees to one side of Leanne and pulled the chair round so that the unresisting woman now faced her. Unhesitatingly, she reached for the ankle strap of one of Leanne’s high heels.


  Leanne’s first reaction was to panic.

  “Sit still.”

  The authoritative tone of voice froze her in place for a second, long enough to allow Charlotte to undo the buckle to remove that shoe and start on her other one.

  “My dear Ms. Andrews, you can’t model these clothes for us if you aren’t actually wearing them, can you? We can hardly let you use the fitting rooms and mix with ordinary customers, can we? So, Charlotte will help you instead. Understand?”

  Leanne nodded her head abjectly.

  “Good. Now, lift one foot so Charlotte can do what she needs to do.”

  “I’d rather do it myself.”

  “I’m sure you would, but we’d rather Charlotte did it, wouldn’t we Luke?”

  “Oh, yeah!”

  “I think Charlotte enjoys the experience too, don’t you my dear?”


  The young assistant grinned up at her as she pulled the Leanne’s naked foot into her lap. Leanne shook her head slowly from side to side. This can’t be happening! She closed her eyes, determined to flush away this waking nightmare, only to open them wide as she felt the caress of Charlotte’s touch on her instep as she pulled the stocking over her toes. Her breath caught at the gentleness of the other woman’s touch and unbidden lewd visions flashed through her mind once more. A moment later she could feel the feather light touch on her ankle as the shop assistant eased the stocking over her heel.


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