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A Rogue's Surrender: Regency Novellas

Page 20

by Lauren Smith

  “Patience, my love,” he whispered against her belly. “It will be so much better if we go slowly.” He gave her stomach another light kiss. “Besides, I want to savor every second of this.”

  “Will you remember me when I’m gone?” She sucked in her breath as his lips brushed along her lower belly.

  “Always,” he whispered as he parted her legs and kissed her thighs.

  The ache was so intense that her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. “I’ll never love another. I want you to know that.”

  His lips just brushed the soft folds of her sex and she cried out. He didn’t answer, instead he began a slow rhythm with his mouth that had her body heating beyond anything she had ever experienced before.

  She was dying from pleasure and desperate to move faster but Loudoun kept the pace slow and the wanting only seemed to increase her pleasure.

  Her body tightened and tensed, toes curling as pleasure unfurled inside her. Though it was her lower lips he kissed she could have sworn he was whispering words of love as he worked her. Unable to stand the pleasure another moment, her body shattered. She cried out, words tumbling from her lips that she barely understood. If he’d asked her to repeat them, she was sure she wouldn’t remember what they were. He kissed a trail back up the line of her stomach between her breast and up her neck. “That was beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, the skin of his chest brushing hers. “Thank you.”

  “Why are you thanking me?” Her eyes had been closed in sated pleasure but she pried them open to look in his. “I should be thanking you. I came to give you a gift, but I think it is you who is giving.”

  “I could do that a thousand times and never grow tired of it. It would always be a gift to me,” he whispered.

  A sudden pang of doubt clogged her throat. Because he very well may do that a thousand more times, just not with her. “I’m sure you’ve held many women like that.”

  “Not like that. Never like that.” He held her chin as he looked into her eyes. “That was my gift.” He kissed her lips, once, twice, three times and then pulled back to look at her again. “I won’t take your virginity, May. It’s too much, even for a man as selfish as me.”

  Tears pricked her eyes then. She knew the real reason and she turned away. “You don’t want me.”

  “Oh, love. Try to understand. A man will plow nearly any field that will accept him. But that…is completely different. It is special because you are.” He took a breath. “I don’t take your virginity because I care about you too much. You’ll see. You’ll thank me for saving it for your husband.”

  He was kissing her again. Back down her body. She tried to push him away, wanting to reject him the way he’d rejected her, but he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and she cried out in pleasure, pulling him close rather than pushing him away. It was too difficult to resist now. “I’ll make you feel so good, May. Tonight will be ours.” And then he slid down between her legs again. “You are so stunning. Never have I seen a woman as perfect as you.” As he lowered his head, he inserted a finger deep inside her. She bucked against him, pleasure exploding around him, causing her body to heave and shudder.

  Her eyes were heavy as she floated back down, but she wasn’t about to let him get away so easily. If he could use his mouth on her, couldn’t she do the same for him?

  Grasping his shoulders, she pulled him back up her body, delighting once again in the brush of his chest. “So you do not want to be inside me?”

  “That is not what I said.” He brushed her hair back from her face, allowing the strands to slip through his fingers.

  “I can’t make you, can I?” she quirked a brow.

  He chuckled. “I suppose you could try.”

  “Can I touch you the way you touched me?” she asked, pushing him to the side and rolling with him so they lay facing each other.

  His breath hitched and with a nod, he began unlacing his breeches. “It won’t take much, I swear. I’ve been dying for you.”

  She gave a shake of her head. Strange how the pleasure mixed with the pain. Was that how it always was?

  She looked down to see his straining manhood between their bodies. It too looked near pained, so swollen the skin was taut. Wrapping her hand around it, she heard his breath hiss. Using his own hand, clasped over hers, he began a slow rhythm. But he hadn’t just used his hands, he’d also used his mouth and so she scooted down, feathering kisses along his belly. When she reached the tip, she placed a soft kiss there, marveling at the velvety softness of his skin.

  She heard him groan as the fingers of his free hand wound into her hair. Opening her mouth, she slid her tongue along the shaft. He was growling as his hand tightened in her hair and he increased the tempo. But like him, she kept her mouth soft, slow, teasing the most pleasure from him until his groans were gasping breaths and he was pumping into her, every muscle straining. It was so masculine that she felt her own excitement rising.

  “May,” he gasped out as his seed spilled in her mouth.

  Looking up at him, she grinned, wanting to bask in the pleasure she had given him. Wanting more for herself. She kept her hand on his shaft, kept the rhythm even though he’d let go.

  His eyes were round as he looked at her. “May?”

  “If this is our night…I don’t want to be done yet. Do you?” And then she bent down to kiss the muscles of his stomach. But her lips barely brushed the skin and he was dragging her up his body and rolling over, he was on top of her. His forearms sat on either side of her while his hand cradled her head and his lips pressed over and over to hers.

  “No, I don’t want to be done.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The truth was, he never wanted to be done. If he had thought that May was enticing before, now she was irresistible. Her eagerness, sensuality, kindness were forming around him and he was healing. Deep inside.

  A decision was being made, he had no control over it, but he wouldn’t let her go. She was his and this was where she belonged.

  He swelled at the thought and her legs wrapped around his waist. She was so inviting, everything about her fitting him perfectly. He had sensed it.

  Without meaning to, he began pushing inside of her as she conformed around him like a glove. “I was going to wait,” he groaned.

  “Wait for what?” Her hands were digging into his back, her body tensing at the invasion. But he couldn’t stop now. She was his, she belonged to him and he wanted to claim her.

  Pushing all the way inside, be broke through her maidenhead as she cried, wrapping her arms around him.

  “You’re mine now, May.” He kissed her, slowly easing out of her and then gently pushing back in, allowing her body to adjust. “I won’t let another man have you.”

  Her lips met his stroke for stroke. “Are you saying we’ll marry?”

  “Yes.” That was exactly what he was saying. It wasn’t that he pushed his doubts aside or suddenly believed in the institution of marriage, but it was the only choice with a woman like her. He’d have to do his best to make her happy.

  “But I thought you didn’t want to…” She trailed off as he moved inside her again. He saw her eyes roll back as she met his stroke.

  “I want you.” He knew he was failing already. She had expressed her love and all he had talked about was desire. He made a silent plea that it would be enough.

  As if she heard him, she replied, “Yes.”

  He moved inside her, slowly, carefully, even as her body seemed to crave more. But his gentleness was his way of showing his feelings. He’d keep her safe from pain and harm always.

  The pressure was building inside him, the need for release. But he kept the rhythm slow even as she ground against him. “Lucius,” she begged.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he answered her plea by increasing the tempo as together they crashed into release.

  She lay in the circle of his arms. Her hand leisurely stroking up and down his side as her eyes drifted closed. Sleepily, she murmured, “
We don’t have to marry. It wasn’t my intent.”

  He smiled against her temple. “We will marry, despite your intent. Neither Wurts nor Rutland or any other will have you. You are mine.”

  With a sleepy smile, she drifted off to sleep. He lay watching the softness of her features as her eyelashes rested on her cheeks. She was so lovely, he ached as he looked at her. He’d not return her to her room until dawn. He didn’t care who found out. In his mind, May was already his.

  Pulling her closer, he fell asleep.

  Heading down the stairs the next morning, he was sure May was still sleeping. She’d barely woken when he’d carried her to her room. A deep satisfaction filled him at the thought.

  Making his way directly to the study, he wanted to discuss the marriage with Barrett before he did anything else.

  Voices drifted from the room and he hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should interrupt. But then he pushed the door open. It was his house and his study, after all.

  Barrett glanced up and then waved him forward.

  The elder Wurts didn’t seem to notice as he continued on. “My son was most enamored with your niece. We have substantial holdings that we would be willing to bring to the negotiating table to tie our families together.”

  Willy didn’t look smitten, he only looked as though he indulged in too many pints the night before; he was hunched over, pale and sweating.

  “How did it go at the tables?” Loudoun asked from the doorway. He no longer cared about the contract and so, rather than indulging either Wurts’ ego, he wanted to prod them a little.

  William glowered at him and he knew the man had lost. He also knew that a man enamored did not abandon his lady for the gaming tables.

  But his father stepped in. “My son came home with an excess of winnings.” He turned back to Barrett and leaned forward. “We are about to expand our line, and we’d be willing to give you a percentage.”

  Loudoun moved into the room, sitting on the edge of his desk. “What do you like best about Miss Stanly?”

  Willy gave him a bleary stare. “What?”

  “This is a love match, yes? What has you so enamored?” Loudoun crossed his arms over his chest. He would make the man squirm and then he would throw him out on his arse.

  “Besides her beauty?” Willy blinked. “Her charm, of course.”

  Wurts senior looked well pleased with the answer, but Loudoun rolled his eyes. “Is that why you spent most of the evening at the tables?”

  Understanding slowly dawned on Willy’s face as his look went from confused to surprised and then angry. “You’re the one who dragged her off.”

  “That’s right.” Loudoun leaned down wanting to be clearly heard. “She isn’t for you. Take your offer and get out of my house.”

  “Now see here,” the elder Wurts stood.

  “There will be no contract. Good day.” Loudoun stood too, towering over the other man. He was trying to rein in his temper. He anger was near irrational. But his hands were shaking again. Now he knew, he didn’t want liquor, he only wanted her. It was a damn good thing he was marrying her. He didn’t know if he’d survive without her.

  Willy stood and gave him a menacing glare before turning on his heel to exit. Wurts followed suit, but before he exited, called, “This isn’t over.”

  “There was a better way to handle that,” Barrett chimed in behind him.

  “Willy doesn’t care for her.” Loudoun stood. He clenched his fists to hide the tremor in his hands. “Their lies were insulting.”

  “To whom?” Barrett asked.

  “To you. To her. She deserves a husband who cherishes her. Not one who leaves her for the gaming tables.”

  “Like you?” Barrett voice was quiet, neutral.

  Loudoun took a breath. He’d just accused Wurts of dishonesty and so he wouldn’t commit the same act. He’d tell the truth. “I don’t deserve her either. I know that.”

  “I told Chris, May’s cousin by marriage, that we never deserve them. If you’ve chosen the right woman, she is better than you. We keep them safe from the evils in this world and in return, they make us better men. I didn’t deserve Piper either. Not sure I do now. But I love her with all my heart and I am changed for the better because of it.”

  Loudoun tossed himself into the chair that Wurts had just vacated. “You’ve given that speech before?”

  “I have.” He nodded. “Chis lost his parents. He used war to drown his sorrows rather than drink, but it left him scarred. May’s cousin, Lizzie, is much like May. Kind and warm, though May is more stubborn. I am not surprised they have fallen in love with similar men.”

  “Chris, is he happy?” Loudoun looked to the floor. His hands stilled as he waited for Barrett’s answer.

  “Very. And you will be too.” Barrett nodded.

  “And Liz?”

  “Oh yes. Chris and their children are her pride and joy.”

  Loudoun couldn’t help it, a grin eased across his face at the thought of being happily wed to May. “So if I offer for May, you’ll accept my suit over Rutland’s?”

  “Only if you promise to visit England often.” Barrett cleared his throat. “I don’t jest. May is like my daughter and I must see her as much as possible.”

  Loudoun gave a nod, relief near making him weak. “I’d prefer a country estate over a London town house for the second residence. Are there any nearby you for sale?”

  “You have properties already.” Barrett raised one eyebrow.

  “Do you find them to be close enough to your holdings?” One corner of Loudoun’s mouth tipped up.

  Barrett gave a grin. “I’m sure we can find something nearby that will be suitable.” He stood then and crossed the room to shake Loudoun’s hand. “I keep losing my very best employees to marriage. But then again, a new generation of Maddox will be ready soon. We’ll have to make do.”

  Loudoun stood too. “I’ll return to England with you to meet the rest of her family, but is it possible to marry before we leave? I find I don’t want to wait.” He wasn’t lying, but it would be best not to disclose that a child could possibly be on the way.

  Barrett raised an eyebrow. “I’ll allow it. But I won’t help you when you face Chris and Alex.”

  Loudoun straightened. “I’d rather face a whole army of men then cross an ocean without first making May mine.”

  Barrett’s other eyebrow lifted. “I understand.”

  A rustle behind him made him turn. May stood in the open doorway. “I was wondering where you two were. Have you had breakfast already? I find I am famished this morning.”

  Loudoun’s body tightened with desire at the thought of why she was famished this morning. She looked so lovely in a simple morning gown with her hair loosely coifed. He could only pray that Barrett was correct and they would be happy together. Because he couldn’t be without her.

  Today he would purchase a ring for her as a token of his commitment and affection. Tomorrow they’d begin planning the wedding.

  Chapter Fifteen

  May looked from Barrett to Lucius as she stood in the doorway. Something had just happened. Both men were shifty, fidgety, not making eye contact. What were they not telling her?

  “Would anyone care to join me?” she asked, since they hadn’t answered her query.

  “For what?” Barrett asked.

  Loudoun simply stared at her intently.

  She gave an exasperated sigh. “For breakfast.”

  “Of course,” Loudoun finally answered. “Let me escort you.”

  Barrett cleared his throat. “I have a great deal to do and I’ve already eaten.” Then he sat back down at the desk.

  Turning, she started down the hall but within seconds Loudoun had caught up to her, his hand snaking around her waist. The other clasped her hand as he whisked her down the hall into an empty sitting room.

  As soon as he snapped the door closed, he pulled her against him kissing her with a passion she hadn’t thought possible before breaking f
ast. It filled her with heat and excitement.

  “Barrett has consented to our match.” He spoke between kisses.

  “You asked him already?” she gasped. As soon as her mouth was open, his tongue licked across her lips to touch hers. She groaned with need.

  “I love it when you make noises like that,” he whispered as he kissed a trail to her ear.

  Her mind was becoming clouded. But there was a doubt niggling in the back of her thoughts and she needed to grasp it and voice it before it was too late. “Lucius, I am thrilled. But I have to ask. What has changed? You were adamant you wouldn’t marry.”

  He pulled back a little and, taking her hand, led her back to the door. “We should get you something to eat.” He kissed her temple. “I told you last night. I want you and I can’t deny it anymore.”

  That statement bounced around her thoughts all morning. There was something wrong with it, though she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.

  A box arrived from the dressmaker’s. Bringing it up to her room, she pulled out the white gown she had ordered as a threat to Loudoun. She should have known then what he needed was kindness.

  She’d have to try it on. What would Loudoun think when he saw her in it? Would he be overcome with lust? Would he declare his undying love?

  In that moment she understood. She had murmured over and over the words of love as he had touched her. Kissed her. He’d only said that he wanted her. Heart pounding clutched the dress to her chest. What if he didn’t love her, all the while she was mad about him?

  He told her his greatest fear was that he wouldn’t be able to give her enough? Was this what he was referring to?

  She’d told him he was wrong. But what if he wasn’t? What if he never grew to love her and she gave away feelings that he never returned. Her heart twisted painfully.

  Leaving the dress on the bed, she headed for the garden at the back of the property. She needed time to think before it was too late.


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