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A Rogue's Surrender: Regency Novellas

Page 21

by Lauren Smith

  Stepping through the door, she began walking toward her favorite bench, the one she’d been using to read while they stayed.

  Her head dropped to her hands. There was no choice to make really. She loved him, she’d sworn patience and she didn’t want to be married to anyone else.

  But it made her ache a little to think about.

  Sitting up, she took a ragged breath. She had to remain positive. Those feelings would come in time if she just loved him.

  But she had no more thought it when arms wrapped around her, and a hand clamped around her mouth. Trying to scream, the sound was completely muffled.

  Twisting, she searched for more men, sure the assailants from before had returned. But she saw no one and turning her head, she caught the profile of the man behind her. William Wurts Jr.

  “Hold still now,” he gasped in her ear. His strong arms locked tighter around her. “I’m sorry about this, but my father wants you in the family. He’ll be able to get what he needs out of the duke that way.”

  She tried to protest but his hand muffled her words.

  “You’re beautiful.” His lips were pressing to her ear. “I’m sure we can make a match work.”

  She fought harder then as he started pulling her through the back gate toward an alley. A carriage came into view, parked with a driver sitting above. He looked petrified as his eyes landed on them.

  Knowing if he wrestled her into that carriage, she’d never get away, her movements became frantic.

  The elder Wurts stuck his head out the door and gave them his slimy smile. “Relax, my dear. We simply need to speak with you. Something your guardian would not allow.” He winked at her. “We thought it might be less frightening this time if we came for you ourselves.”

  This time? The attackers’ words came back to her then. She’d been so focused on the fear she’d forgotten that they’d referred to delivering her to someone. Wurts had been behind it the entire time.

  “He still won’t.” Loudoun growled from her right.

  And then he was on them and his fist connected with Willy’s face. The man staggered and she was sure they would both fall, but Loudoun spun her out of his arms and was carrying her at lightning speed back into the garden bellowing for help.

  She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight as servants began pouring out of the house. “Send word to the police,” he barked. “Find His Grace.”

  Before the maid had even moved, Barrett came barreling out of the house. “What has happened?”

  “Wurts and his son tried to steal her through the back gate. I only just arrived to find them.”

  “Hold off on the police,” Barrett bellowed and he sprinted through the gate, motioning for a few of the stable hands to follow.

  Loudoun stared after them for a moment, but she buried her head in his shoulder. “Stay with me.” She wanted to touch him, be near him. An understanding settled over her heart. Maybe he’d never tell her he loved her. But every time she needed him, he was there. Whether he was saving her or offering for her hand in marriage.

  “Are you hurt?” he murmured gruffly.

  “No, just frightened,” she replied.

  He dropped his forehead to hers, capturing her lips in a kiss. “I’ll see that they pay for this mistake.”

  “They were behind the last attempt too. Wurts admitted as much.” She shook her head. “To think I actually considered marrying him.”

  He made a guttural noise deep in his throat. “I will tear him apart with my bare hands.”

  She shook her head and then leaned her forehead against his chest. It didn’t matter when she was next to him like this. Here, she was safe. “You’ve done enough. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come.”

  He whisked her into the house, swinging her into his arms. “It was pure chance.” He captured her lips again.

  He’d nearly lost her. His heart was still hammering in his chest. The other night, he’d been following, her, closing the gap. He’d seen the men stalking her and he’d in turn stalked them.

  But today, he hadn’t seen Wurts coming at all. He’d simply come around the corner, on his way from the jewelers no less, to see Willy trying to stuff her into his carriage.

  He’d like to have pounded his flesh several more times, but his fear had overridden his anger. Just getting her to safety had been all that mattered.

  “I’m so fortunate to have you.” She kissed him as he put her feet back on the ground while still holding her in his arms.

  The feel of her body sliding against his had his body humming with need and he pressed her closer to him. “No, love. I’m lucky to have you. I couldn’t—”

  The door swung open. Barrett walked through, growling at Loudoun as his eyes raked up and down their embrace. “The Wurts are in your study. Shall we?”

  Loudoun gave a nod. “I’ll escort May to her room then meet you there.”

  Barrett frowned but nodded as he turned and left.

  Five minutes later, he entered his study. William held a bloody cloth to his nose as he stood to the side while the elder Wurts sat in front of the desk.

  Barrett, rather than being behind the desk, had stationed himself against the back wall. Loudoun raised his eyebrows, but for the first time since Barrett arrived, he took his seat behind the desk. The message was clear. He was in charge of this interaction, both on a personal and business level.

  “I want you to tell me why I shouldn’t have the police here to arrest you.” His voice was deadly quiet as he allowed his eyes to do most of the talking.

  Wurts cleared his throat. “William is so smitten with Miss Stanly that he had to try—”

  “Try again,” Loudoun growled. William certainly found her attractive but not nearly as much so as the gaming tables. This was not about love.

  “Are you accusing me of lying?” Wurts had paled but he held his ground.

  Loudoun narrowed his eyes. “Even in America, our position within the peerage affords us luxuries other men don’t have. In this interaction we will be given the benefit of the doubt. Start giving me actual answers or I will beat them out of your son. Nothing would give me greater pleasure.”

  William looked over the top of the cloth he was still holding to his bleeding nose. “No one is more aware of the position you hold than my father.”

  “Ahh, I see. You hoped to tie your business and your family to His Grace’s so that you might enjoy the same benefits.” Loudoun looked both men up and down, his lip curling in disdain. “You’ll give us the contract. We will receive an increased margin of profit and in return, the police will not be involved. If you ever step in the same room as Miss Stanly, I will make sure that you don’t walk out of it.”

  “What profit margin do you have in mind?” Wurts’ voice shook a little as he spoke.

  “You’ll receive the papers this afternoon. I expect them back on my desk by this evening. If I don’t, the police will be by to personally collect them.” Loudoun wanted to toss them both in jail, it’s what they deserved. But, it would not be in the best interest of either him or Barrett, and most especially not May. He didn’t want her introduction to her new home to be as a witness for a kidnapping trial.

  Wurts gave a nod and Willy continued to hold his nose. Both men rose, and Barrett stood, escorting them out the door.

  He returned shortly. “Will it bother you if I have a drink?”

  “Not at all,” Loudoun answered truthfully. Now that May was his, the urge to drink was completely gone. It had been May he’d craved all along.

  Barrett looked at him. “You seemed to be struggling for a bit.”

  “It turned out that what I wanted all along was May. She was what I craved. Now that I have her, my ship has righted, so to speak.”

  “I’d say I would be worried for you but May will never give you reason to doubt. She has picked you and that girl is as loyal as she is stubborn. She should have been born a Maddox.”

  Loudoun grinned. “You’ve
made yourself a wonderful family. Thank you for allowing me to join it.”

  “Seven years ago, or now?” Barrett winked at him. A most unexpected gesture. “I wouldn’t have helped you if I didn’t think you had true merit. And that made you family then.”

  Loudoun swallowed. He realized that all this time, Barrett had been like a father to him too, much the way he’d been to May. “You’ve done so much for me.”

  “I know you’re smart enough to see people for who they are. If you open your heart to the ones who are good inside, no matter what is on the surface, you will see how much your own life benefits. I have gained so much since I let Piper into my heart. You, May, my other friends, they only make my life better. Remember that, Loudoun. You remind me so much of myself. If you can really let them in, there is so much that will be returned to you.”

  He swallowed. He knew it was true and he believed that he must open his heart to May, if no one else. “Thank you, Barrett. I will do my best.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Loudoun waited until the house was quiet. He needed to see May, hold her in his arms. He needed to slip his ring on her finger, and he wanted to do it privately.

  Striding down the hall, he headed for her room, a grin lighting his face as he saw candlelight flickering under her doorway. She was awake.

  He knocked softly and then called her name, “May.”

  In seconds, she had the door open, grinning at him as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into the room.

  He managed to close the door behind him with one hand as the other arm wrapped around her waist to crush him to her chest. It had only been a few hours since they had been at dinner but he ached for her company, her smell, the feel of her pressed against him. “I couldn’t stay away.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t,” she murmured against his lips. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too, sweetheart. When I am here with you, I know you’re safe. I’m afraid after we’re married, I might not let you out of my sight.”

  She giggled against his lips and then gasped as his hand travelled down the small of her back to grasp her bottom and hold her close. “What will we do with all that time together?”

  His other hand started pulling up the hem of her night rail, his fingers tickling the bare flesh of her legs, travelling from her calf to her knee and up her thigh. “There are so many possibilities.”

  She pulled back then, as his hand was reaching the apex of her thighs. “I know there are many women who admire you…” she trailed off looking away.

  He cocked his head to the side as he assessed her. “What does that have to do with anything? No women are trying to kidnap me.”

  But she moaned rather than answer as his finger lightly brushed the delicate folds of her flesh. He longed to plunge into them but her pleasure had become more important than his own.

  “It’s difficult to argue with a truth like that.” Her breath hitched as he increased the pressure. “But what if you grow tired of me?” And then she truly pulled away, putting a few feet between them as she leaned against the bedpost.

  “Oh, May,” he whispered coming up behind her, kissing her neck. “I’ll never grow tired of you. I love you. You are everything to me.”

  She twisted to look at him then, hope and love shining in her eyes. “Do you mean it?”

  “Of course, I do, my love.” His hands pulled the hem of her nightgown back up. “Let me show you how much.”

  His hand wrapped around the front of her and as one began to fondle her still-covered breast, the other reached under her night rail to cup her mound. She moaned then as he used the heel of his hand to place pressure on her sensitive bud with slow circles.

  Slipping one finger inside her, he continued to work her as her body tightened around him. But he wasn’t done yet. Slowly, he bent her over the bed until she was on her hands and knees, night rail up around her waist. Then he began to lick her as his fingers moved in and out. Her moaning grew loud and fast and her muscles clenched around him until she shattered for him in a way that had him pulsing with need.

  Before her body could even calm he was unlacing his breeches and grasping her hips, and he thrust into her. His hand came around to once again work her nub as her body pitched against him and he knew neither of them would last for very long.

  As she cried his name his own climax broke through him and they collapsed in a heap onto the bed.

  He pulled her close and as she nestled into his side she murmured, “I love you too. Always.” And then she was asleep.

  In the early morning rays of the sun, he woke, knowing he needed to slip back to his room. He thought about waking her, but she looked so lovely sleeping there. Her hair tumbled around them both and her face was soft in her sleep. Slipping out of her arms, he placed a light kiss on her temple. Then, reaching into his discarded jacket, he pulled out a box. Setting it under her outstretched hand he slipped on his clothes and headed out of the room.

  May woke reaching for Loudoun, only to find him gone. But in his place sat a box. Curling her fingers around it, she sat up and flipped open the lid. A sparkling diamond ring met her gaze along with a note carefully folded up and tucked in the back.

  Setting the ring aside, her trembling fingers unfolded the vellum.

  My dearest May,

  It is difficult for me to always find the words but never forget that I will love you forever. Please accept this ring as a token of my affection so that when you look upon it, you will remember how I feel for you. Though I will do my best to never let you forget.



  Her eyes teared up as she clutched the note to her chest. Jumping out of bed, she raced across the room to wash and dress, eager to go down to breakfast so that she might see Lucius. She pulled the cord to summon her maid and then went to her vanity to begin brushing her hair.

  With a cry, she realized she’d forgotten to put on the ring. It was stunning, and she loved it, but the note had been the real gift and she’d likely read it a thousand times before the words didn’t make her heart flutter.

  Once ready, she practically skipped down the hall, holding her skirts as her feet barely touched the thick carpet.

  The note was tucked against the skin of her chest and the ring sparkled on her finger.

  She rounded the corner of the breakfast room, grinning like a fool but she didn’t care.

  With a start, she stopped in the doorway. Before her stood Piper, Chris, and Lizzie alongside of Barrett and Lucius. No one looked happy.

  Lucius’s face was pinched and stoic while Chris appeared furious. Both Piper and her cousin Lizzie had worry lines etching their faces. Only Barrett appeared relaxed, wearing his usual look of indifference.

  Chris rounded on her and she tried to put her happy smile back on her face. “How wonderful to see all of you.”

  Lizzie had been her caregiver for much of her life and when she’d married Chris, he’d taken on the mantel of guardian. Of course, as Chris had only inherited the title of earl, it was Barrett who had seen to her introduction into society. The two men had shared the role of father figure and she loved them both dearly. “And you as well,” Chris’ tone did not match his words. They were clipped and his eyes narrowed. “We’ve missed you terribly and wisely decided we could not be parted from you any longer.”

  She crossed the room and gave each of her family a hug, ignoring Chris’s implication that his presence was needed. “How was the journey?”

  “Dreadful,” Chris groused as his eyebrows drew together. “And I am not much looking forward to the return trip, but obviously it’s what must be done.”

  Lizzie gasped, “Christopher.”

  May’s hands shot to her hips, fear and irritation beginning to bubble inside of her. If Chris thought she would leave now, he was sorely mistaken. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re not staying here and certainly not to marry this heathen of an earl,” he shot back.<
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  Barrett let out a low growl. “I’ve already approved—”

  “’Twas not your right!” Chris exploded. “I am her guardian. I should never have let you go gallivanting off with her. Your desire to make her a member of the peerage is clouding your judgment.”

  The unfairness of the claim washed through her. Both she and Barrett knew Loudoun’s true merit.

  “You take a step back,” Barrett voice was deadly quiet as he glared at his longtime friend.

  “Please,” Loudoun stepped in between them. “You’re angry with me, not him.”

  “Damn right I am,” Chris roared as he took a swing at Loudoun. “You’re a drunk. I’ve heard the stories. A womanizer and a ne’er do well is all you are.”

  Loudoun easily dodged the punch. He was fifteen years younger than Chris and in excellent shape. But he made no move to counter attack as Chris swung again.

  Loudoun was backing away from the others as Chris followed, trying to make contact with a blow. Once they had moved around the table, Loudoun stopped and Chris swung again landing a punch on Loudoun’s cheek that sent him crashing to the ground. May stood not five feet from them and she screamed as he fell.

  Ignoring the sound, Chris stepped above Loudoun and raised his fist as if to hit him again.

  May hurtled herself across the room and over his body as Chris’s fist came down in a straight line. She knew it was going to hurt but she couldn’t let Chris hit Loudoun again on her account.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she braced for the impact, and she heard the sick sound of flesh hitting flesh. Her eyes flew back open to see Loudoun holding Chris’s fist in his hand, their grip no more than an inch from her face. “Move back,” he barked at Chris.

  Chris’s face was ashen as he followed the command and May was stunned beyond speaking. “May,” he whispered.

  “If you’ve need to hit me further, we shall step outside. I won’t swing back.” Loudoun was on his feet and so was she, though she had absolutely no idea how he’d gotten them both upright so quickly. He was tucking her behind him. “But you will not do anything that will endanger May.” He stepped closer to Chris. “I won’t have it.”


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