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Two Doms, One Night

Page 4

by Angelini, Alaska

He grabbed her hand the moment she let go of the wine glass. “Why did you leave without saying good-bye?” The question had been eating him alive. He had to hear the answer straight from the source.

  “Well.” She smiled and looked down. “Embarrassment, maybe? I didn’t want it to be awkward. I had a lot of thinking to do, plus I promised my sister I’d come by and visit, so I had to get that out of the way.”

  Ugh, Janelle. Devon couldn’t keep the distaste from showing. “And how was she,” he asked out of politeness. Truthfully, he could care less. The last time he’d talked to her wasn’t the most pleasant. She’d sicked their dad on him like a rabid dog. And it wasn’t the first time he and the old man had had words. They’d gone rounds more times than he wanted to remember.

  “She’s great. My niece and nephew are adorable. It was good to finally meet them. I was actually out of the country when both of them were born.”

  Devon glanced at Jax, but brought his attention back to her. “Out of the country? For business?”

  “Sort of. The company I work for was thinking about expanding overseas. They wanted someone to go in and check things out. I was due for vacation so I volunteered.”

  Jax shook his head. “Both times? Or were you there for over a year? You said niece and nephew.”

  The question seemed to catch her off guard. “That was the first time, when Henry was born. He came two weeks earlier than expected. I thought I’d be back by the due date, but she had him just as I made it to Paris. With Caroline, I didn’t even know about her existence until after Janelle had her. She never even told me she was pregnant. My family and I don’t talk too often.”

  Well that wasn’t what Devon had expected. He thought they were extremely close.

  “So where did you go? Please tell me it wasn’t some tropical island. I can’t see you going that route, Jilly. If you’ve changed that much, I think I’ll die of shock,” Jax said, laughing.

  Jillian rolled her eyes, smiling. “I happen to like the idea of islands. It reminds me of when we all used to go to the beach. But no. Japan. Let’s just say it was work related too. Volunteering seemed to be my thing that year. Anything to get me away from…” she seemed to catch herself and stopped.

  “From what?” Devon rubbed his finger down the length of hers.

  She took a deep breath. “I dated a guy for a few months. Nothing serious. I’m great at sabotaging my own life. Let’s just say he got tired of the business trips and the avoidance really fast.”

  Devon wasn’t sure why his stomach flipped. It wasn’t like he’d expected her to stay faithful or anything. He had no claim over her. But still. The thought of another man touching her besides him or Jax set a fire in his chest. He really needed to stop. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been with other woman since she’d left. “Wow, you’ve been all over.”

  “Yep, you could say that. But now I’m back here. I like the thought of that.”

  Jax shook his head. “Jilly, I had no idea you’d been so many places. And this,” he gestured around the room. “What exactly do you do? I feel like I don’t even know you anymore. Don’t get me wrong. You look the same, but…you’re so grown up now.”

  The waiter walked up, delivering plates, and once again, Jax’s mouth parted in shock. His eyes grew wide and he looked at Jillian. The moment they were alone, he leaned across the table. “What is this? You ordered our food, too?”

  Devon couldn’t keep the smile from his face. She was up to something. Question was. What?

  “Let’s just say I can do research too. I mean, you both definitely did yours to find out where I was staying. No one was supposed to get my information. Yet, you both did.” Her eyes came to Devon. I can only imagine what smooth talker accomplished that.”

  “We both know who.” He reached under the table and jerked her chair closer toward him. The silk was smooth against his hand as he brought it up over her knees. “Talk to me, Jillian. What is this all about?”

  The speed of her breathing increased as he brought his fingers up the inside of her thigh.


  Heat met his fingertips as he brushed against the softness of her panties. She closed her eyes while he dipped his fingers under the delicate fabric. “Talk.”

  “I want to finish where we left off, last night.” The words were but a whisper, yet they seemed to scream into his heart. So they weren’t over. Not by far. If she wanted to walk away from them completely, this wouldn’t be happening right now. She wouldn’t want to be with them again. Or would she? He had to know for sure. “What if we were to say no?” He removed his hand and sat back.

  Jillian’s mouth opened, but she quickly closed it. He’d definitely caught her off guard. She looked from him to Jax. Relief went through him at his friend’s expression. There wasn’t one. Good. Jax was great at that. Even he couldn’t read him.

  “Then I would respect your answer and completely understand it. I hurt both of you by the way I left. I’m sorry for that. I truly am. But you also have to see it from my side. Yes, I went away because my parents were pressuring me. That’s not the only reason, though. I loved both of you, but I had to see what I could accomplish in my life. Maybe I never thought I’d be gone this long. I don’t know. It was more proving something to myself. It’s a dumb excuse to some, I’m sure, but it meant something to me. Meant,” she repeated, emphasizing the word.

  She wiped a tear from her eye before it could escape. “I loved my job. I tried to use it to get over the pain from being away. But I don’t want to do it anymore. I can’t. Being in my home state. Being with both of you last night. There’s a hole in my heart that I just can’t heal. A numbness that’s taken over my body. It doesn’t matter what I try to use to fix either one. Nothing works. Last night, I could feel again. Actually feel. God, it was amazing. All I want is to experience it again. And again. And again.”

  That was a hell of a lot of, agains. “So you’re saying you’re willing to be with us more than just another night?” Devon looked down and cut into his steak. He tried keep his attention away from her, but he caught himself looking up, awaiting her answer.

  “For as long as it works out for all of us. Yes.”

  His head tilted at her answer. “No more running? If we satisfy you and everything is going great, you’re going to continue coming to the club to see us? Be clear with me, Jilly. No bullshitting.”

  “Yes. If we’re all hitting it off, and there’s no problems. Absolutely.”

  Although he felt excited, there was still something he didn’t like. “And what happens when your three years are up in San Francisco? You’ll leave us again? I hate to bring it up so fast, but we’ve all been down this road before.”

  Jillian pushed her food around her plate. “This is the question I’ve given the most thought to.” She took a drink of wine and patted the napkin over her red lips. “My boss should be calling me within the next few days. I can’t give you a straight answer on that now. Will you let me get back to you on that?”

  “Sounds fair enough,” Jax said, from across the table. His steak was practically gone. Devon looked down at his and took another bite. He nodded to Jilly, but wasn’t sure what he thought about waiting to see if she was going to be leaving them again. If they invested three years into her again, there was no way he could just let her go. And it’s not like he wouldn’t follow if she wanted him to, but what kind of life was that? One with Jilly. At least you’d have her.

  Devon pushed the mindless babble away. It might have been the truth, but he didn’t want to get ahead of himself. What if she wasn’t the same person he remembered? Or vice-versa. What if she didn’t like the man he’d turned into? And Jax. How would that work out? There was way too many questions, and not enough answers. Or time invested to know. It was best to take this day by day, and see how everything turned out.

  Chapter 6

  The whistling from the whip only lasted a few seconds before the loud crack filled the air. Jillian closed her eyes, bracing h
erself for the sting she knew was going to be quick to follow. And it did, almost immediately. The pain that blazed against her ass from the tongued tip was bordering her limited. At least that’s what she thought. Each time she’d think that, she’d be pleasantly surprised at how wrong she really was.

  “Talk to me, doll.” Devon circled back around her. She wiped the tears from her eyes. Mascara was surely all over, but she could have cared less.

  “I’m good, Sir.”

  ‘Don’t forget to use the safeword the moment you want to stop.” He walked out of view and she closed her eyes, letting the blackness cover her vision once again. The intensity of the sensations from not knowing where the whip would connected next, or where Devon was, turned her on more than she could begin to explain. The pain was certainly there now, but from the weeks the three of them had spent together, she knew the pleasure would come. And when it did, it’d make it all well worth it.

  Jillian heard the door open and knew Jax had returned. He’d been back and forth, running things downstairs. Now that Strapped would be closing soon, he could finally join them without being disturbed.

  The high pitched sound had Jillian sinking her fingers into the thick carpeted rug. Her whole body jumped against the sting. Blood washed over her tongue and only then did she realize she’d been biting her cheeks.

  “Stand.” The sound of Devon walking forward had her pushing to her feet. His arm wrapped around her chest, pulling her back. “You’ve been a good girl, Jilly.” Pressure squeezed her nipple causing her to moan. “And now I’m going to treat you. Jax has been telling me how much he’s wanted to suck on your pussy. I think I’ll let him while you pleasure my cock.”

  The soft touch of his fingertips left her breast and made its way down her stomach. At the contact with her clit her body shook with sensitivity. Jax was suddenly standing before her. Jillian had to crane her neck to look up into his face.

  “That sweet cunt is about to mine, Jillian. I want you coming all in my mouth. We’re not stopping until you do.” Jax took off his clothes and swept his arm behind her knees. With Devon holding her top half and Jax lifting her bottom, they carried her to the bed at the weirdest position imaginable to her. But she could have cared less. Jax climbed on the bed and fixed her legs to straddle his face. The size of his hands looked huge as they settled over her thighs. He pulled her down, instantly letting his tongue go into action. It licked across her slit, pushing her folds apart.

  Jillian grasped out as far as she could and held the headboard. “Fuck.” The feel of her hair brushing against her back was something she would have never paid attention to before. But now, stimulated to the amount she was, everything was a jumble of electrical currents that she couldn’t fight.

  “Come here, doll.” Devon kneeled on the bed and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. Before he had a chance to tell her anything, Jillian went right for his cock. She gripped her hand around his base and swept her tongue over the thick head. The salty taste of his pre-cum took over her senses. Damn, she could get use to this. His essence called to her. Took over every rational thought in her mind and wiped it clean until all she knew was him. The whispers that fell from his mouth were like the sweetest love words that she’d ever heard. Yet, they were dirty, vulgar, and all so sinful.

  “Deeper, doll,” Devon commanded. “Show me how much you want me to fuck your pussy.”

  Jax probed his tongue deep inside of her and she couldn’t stop from moving faster against his face. Fingers bit into her thighs, trying to slow her, but she couldn’t stop what was coming. He was too damn good with that sexy mouth of his.

  A cry came from her lips, but the sound was muffled against Devon’s cock. The thick length filled her all the way until it reached her throat. She relaxed the muscles and still tried to get him deeper.

  “Fuck yeah,” Devon breathed out. “Jax and I are going to make you cum so much tonight that you’re not going to have a drop left.” He rolled her nipple in between his fingers and Jillian was suddenly grounded still by Jax’s hands. She was so damn close. Just a little more and she’d be there. The brink of release she was being held on was downright torture.

  Jillian moved her hands to Devon’s hips. The rumbling of his deep voice just added more tightening to her core. She could feel the vibrations through every inch of her body.

  “A little longer, Jilly. Fight it. Let it build.”

  Jax’s tongue flicked across her clit and the fire that began to build against her was almost too much. A frustrated sob escaped. Jillian added suction to her mouth and withdrew Devon’s cock. She came up gasping for air.

  “You’re ready to cum, baby. Jax, do it.” Devon pulled her mouth to his and swept his tongue against hers. Two fingers pushed deep inside of her pussy. The moment Jax sucked the sensitive bud into his mouth and began thrusting hard and fast, she lost it. Screams exploded out, yet there was no sound. Air was of little consequence. Nothing mattered but the two men who were quickly taking over her life. Her mind. And her heart.


  Devon drank in Jillian’s moans like it was the antidote to the broken heart he’d had for more years than he could remember. The pleasure behind those sounds wouldn’t cure what had been done, but they were slowly mending the cracks back together. The biggest fear was wondering if the remedy he was quickly getting accustomed to would vanish like they had once before. Then were did that leave him? Addicted to a memory? A sound?

  He’d been through withdraws from her before. They consisted of restlessness. Sleepless nights. Loss of appetite, from food and sex. Body and chest aches. Yeah, he wasn’t going that route again. Jillian might not have given them an answer on where her future was ultimately going to end up, but he couldn’t part from her now. Where they’d left off so long ago, magically had picked right back up, excepted now it was multiple by infinity. Their connection and chemistry couldn’t have been any stronger. Now that Jax was a part of their lives, fully, it was perfect. As if he’d always been the missing link, and now they were complete.

  The spasms began to fade and Jillian swayed in his arms. He pulled her into his chest and let Jax rise. Jillian’s juices were all over the lower half of his face, and he couldn’t have looked any happier about it. “Fuck, Jilly, you taste so good.” His hand lowered to her pussy, from behind, and her nails embedded into Devon’s back.

  “It’s time, Jillian.” Devon’s hand came under her chin and brought her face up. “You better catch your breath while you can because I’m about to fuck you so hard, you’ll be lucky to walk afterward.”

  A wicked smile came to her face. “Yes, Sir. But if you fail, I’ll hold it against you.”

  He raised one of his eyebrows at her and looked over to Jax. “Do you hear this? I think that’s a challenge. If I recall,” he looked back up down at her, “you were having a hell of a time even sitting down this morning at breakfast. Now you don’t want to walk. Be careful what you wish for.”

  Jillian lowered her eyes, and looked back up at him, seductively. “I wish this never ends, Sir. Is that such a bad thing?”

  The pounding that took over Devon’s heart sounded in his ears. His whole body began shaking. He spun Jillian around and pushed his palm against the middle of her back until she was on all fours. As he molded himself to her, he made sure to inhale her perfume before he spoke into her ear. “No, that’s not a bad thing. But be carefully, Jilly. If the time comes, I might not ever let you leave again. How’s that for the answer to your wish?” His fingers wrapped in her hair and he pulled it back as he stood up on his knees.

  Jax tore open the package to the condom and handed it to him. He slid it down his length and eased inside of her, slowly, letting her adjust. A growl came from his mouth as he entered her fully. The tightness of her pussy clenched around him almost painfully. And he couldn’t get enough.

  “Fuck this bed. I’m not kneeling on it.” He kept his grip on her hair and wrapped his arm around her waist. As he came to stand on the
ground, he positioned Jillian where her knees were on the edge of the mattress. “There.” He smiled. “Hold on to Jax’s hips, baby girl. I’m about to pound that pussy like never before.”


  Jillian’s nails gently pressed into his ass while she gripped onto his sides. Jax braced himself for what he knew was going to eventually come. Their Jilly was a scratcher, an embedder. Her nails were always involved whenever it came to anything sexual.

  The slow thrust that Devon began with were going to quickly end. Jax knew that. If there was one thing his friend enjoyed, it was a hard fuck. But if he’d learned anything in the last three weeks, it was that as rough as he could be, Devon was extremely slow and passionate when the time called for it. He put time and care into pleasuring Jilly. Hell, it had even taught him a few things. Maybe it was from the love his friend harbored. He sure as shit hadn’t acted that way toward anyone else that Jax had ever seen. There was just something about Jilly that made him know she was perfect for the two of them. Which was odd in itself. Not everyone could share a woman and be perfectly content with the way things turned out. Usually there was jealousy, or uncertainty. Not with the three of them. It was an open love for each other. Jax was sure that although he didn’t have sexual feelings for Devon, he still had feelings equivalent to the love he had for Jilly. How could he not? They’d been inseparable now for over a decade.

  Pleasure explode as Jillian’s lips encased the head of his cock. Devon’s thrust were increasing, but with the way he held her hips, she wasn’t moving very much. It was perfect for her to keep giving him attention.

  Moaning vibrated Jax’s length and he felt it at the base of his spine. As her mouth sucked him inside, he closed his eyes, basking in the caress of her tongue. Fuck, she knew what she was doing. It all went back to his thoughts on Devon. They both acted out of their want to pleasure one another. And he wasn’t any different. He put everything he had into making it the best for Jillian. He tried to imprint the pleasure forever into her mind. To burn and stamp it so deep into her subconscious that she’d never want to replace him.


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