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Two Doms, One Night

Page 5

by Angelini, Alaska

  Jax opened his eyes and met Devon’s stare. The connection was so intense that it nearly took his breath away. Here they both were, joined to a woman who’d remained with both of them through the years of separation. She’d marked their souls, plain and simple. Something in that moment forever changed deep within Jax. No words were appropriate for the rattling in his chest. He swallowed hard and brought his attention back to Jillian.

  His fingers brushed through her hair, tenderly. Jax pulled his cock from her mouth and lowered his head until she was looking at him. “Kiss me, Jilly.” He pulled her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. Devon’s eyes narrowed for the briefest second, but he continued to thrust into her hard. The hunger that met his mouth sucked him into an unknown sea of emotions. Jax put everything into kissing her. He couldn’t help it. It was already too late to shield himself from falling anymore in love with her. The way he saw it, he was in deeper than he could have ever imagined. If she ended up breaking his heart in the long run, at least he’d given it his all. That’s all he could do. That, and hope for the best.

  “Jax.” Jillian broke from his mouth, breathing heavily. “Oh fuck.” A cry came from her throat and she clung to him while another orgasm shook her body. Her full breasts hit against his chest at Devon’s increasing power.

  Pressure gripped around his cock and he hadn’t even realized Jillian had moved one of her arms from around him. As she stroked his length, he took her mouth again. He’d already been so close. It wouldn’t take much for her to bring him over the edge again.

  “Tell me who you belong to, doll.” Devon’s pulled her back, breaking her and Jax’s kiss. He held her against his chest, tightly. “Say it.”

  “I’m belong to you and Jax, Sir.”

  The arm that rested between her breasts slid up and he gripped her shoulder. “Look Jax in the eyes and tell him you belong to him.” Devon pushed his cock in deep and she moaned. Her heavy lidded eyes blinked a few times. Slowly, she rose them to meet his gaze. He’d never seen her look so vulnerable or innocent.

  “I belong to you, Jax. But I think you already know that, don’t you?”

  “You’re not allowed to ask questions, Jilly.” Devon pulled at her earlobe with his teeth. She reached out her hand for Jax and he moved forward. Again, she started stroking his cock. The fact that she was so determined to please him at every available moment hit him hard. She really did mean those words, and she was right. He believed her.

  Devon eased his grip and Jax was surprised when she reached around to the back of his neck and pulled him to her mouth. Both of his hands cupped the sides of her face and he gave himself over to her. The caress of her hand increased in pressure. Within minutes he was fighting the urge to cum. He broke from her mouth and widened his eyes, trying to rein himself in. Without thought, Jax leaned forward and rested his palm against Devon’s shoulder. The sweat that covered his body was what brought Jax back to reality. He felt lightheaded and so out of it that he couldn’t even stay upright.

  “Suck Jax’s cock, love. Make him cum. He’s done good fighting off your touch.”

  Devon smiled at him and he gripped his fingers hard into his friend’s muscular shoulder. He moved back and let Jillian lower. The wetness of her mouth had his head dropping. “Fuck me, I swear, if I pass out I’m going to lock you in this room for the rest of your life, Jilly. You’ll never leave,” Jax said, groaning.

  The brush of her fingertips over his sac while she sucked his length into his mouth at a fast pace was his undoing. Jax tried to slow his breathing and picture anything else but what he was seeing, but he couldn’t. She cradled him in her hand and he looked up to Devon. “You fucking cum right now.” He knew his friend was just as close as he was. If he was going to release, he wanted Devon to do it at the same time.

  A nod was all he got, but the tremors hit Jillian first. The sounds she made had his cum shooting from his cock so hard that stars clouded in front of Jax’s vision. He wasn’t sure who moaned louder though, him or Devon. With every swallow from Jilly, he could feel himself being drained, completely. He didn’t want this end. Ever. This was heaven, and he wasn’t about to go back to the hell he’d known before she’d come back.

  Chapter 7

  Jillian stared out of the window of her new office. The view of the city was gorgeous. Countless people were going by, living their everyday lives, and she wondered if theirs was anywhere near as perfect as hers was right now. No way. She smiled. Nothing compared to the relationship that was growing between her and her men. Why had she waited so long to come back? What had she been so afraid of? Maybe she would never know, but at least she wasn’t stupid enough to give it up again.

  The sound of a Patricia, her secretary, broke through from the intercom. “Mr. Harris is on line one.”

  An instant nausea took over. Finally. How long had she waited for him to call? Over two damn months. Sure, she’d talked to him, but he’d yet to give her an answer on what his plans for her were. Maybe he still didn’t know.

  Jillian picked up the phone and pushed the button. Shit, her hands were shaking like crazy. “Mr. Harris.”

  “Jillian,” he said, cheerfully. “Are you still liking San Francisco?”

  Her mouth twisted at his question. “Yes. I love it here.”

  “Great. So, I’ve just talked with the board about your request to stay on with the new company. Your three year term seemed adequate in the beginning. I mean, we both know sometimes a company can take longer to pick up than others. But luckily your numbers are rather impressive. I knew they would be.”

  Jillian lifted the glass and took a big drink of water.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “We spent almost four hours going over your history with Lycort and although keeping you there would be great for San Francisco, ultimately, within the year, Giovani want you back in New York. He wants you here with us, Jillian. On the board.”

  The glass fell from her hand, shattering against the wooden floor. It’d been everything she’d always wanted, and everything she never thought she’d have. It was a dream. And one she couldn’t believe was being thrown at her.

  “The promotion will be full of perks, but I think you already know that. Welcome to the big time, Jillian. That is, if you want it. Think it over and call me back by the end of the week. Giovani isn’t good at waiting. We both know that.” The line disconnected and Jillian pulled back the receiver and looked at it. Fuck. It took her a good minute, but she finally placed it down.

  The chair was suddenly behind her. Had she sat down? She couldn’t think straight. Jillian grabbed her cell off her desk and hit Devon’s number. He answered it on the second ring.

  “You’re calling to say you’ve missed me and Jax, and you’re sneaking out early to come to the club.”

  Jillian laughed. “I do miss both of you, but I’m afraid the sneaking out is impossible.”

  “How? You run that place, Jilly. Tell them you’re sick and you’re going home.” The deep sound of Devon’s voice had her sighing.

  “I did that last week. If I say I’m sick again, lord only knows the gossip that will spread like wild fire.”

  He burst out laughing. “Very true. We don’t need any baby stories floating around the water cooler. So what’s up, doll?”

  The smile vanished. “My boss just called.”

  “Oh.” Devon’s voice sobered. “What’s the word?”

  Jillian kicked at the puddle on the floor, watching the water spray out. “I think we should meet for lunch.”

  “That bad, huh?” He grew silent for what felt like forever. “Okay, let me get Jax and we’ll head downtown. You want to meet at our café?”

  Even though she knew Devon couldn’t see her, she nodded. “Yeah. Twenty minutes?”

  “We’ll be there.” Devon hung up and she tried to stop the panic. She hit the intercom. “Patricia, I need my car, and a cleanup for my floor.”

  “Yes, Ms. Wallace.”

  Fuck. Here went nothing. J
illian grabbed her purse and headed for the elevator. She’d never been so scared in all of her life. How were her men going to take her news? Not good. She knew that.

  As she made her way past the multiple cubicles, she tried to ignore the feel of everyone’s eyes on her. She was pretty used to it by now, but it was always harder the first few months at a new place. Unfortunately, if the big boss had his way, she’d never have that comfort here.

  The elevator opened and Jillian caught her reflection in the mirrored walls. The black skirt and jacket perfectly hugged to her curvy figure. With the white silk blouse underneath, she actually thought she looked pretty good today. Simple. Professional. Without overdoing it.

  “Ms. Wallace.” Fred met her once the elevator opened. “Your car is awaiting you, out front.”

  “Thank you. Fred” She didn’t skip a beat as she continued to the two door Mercedes. Anxiety had her moving fast, and she left the building just as quickly. The café was a good ten minute drive, and she had to have gotten there in record speed. As she walked inside and got them a table, she pulled out her phone and stared at it. What did she do?

  Minutes went by and finally her men walked through the front door. The dread on their faces was well warranted. She knew what she was about to tell them was their biggest fear. And she hated having to do it.

  Devon and Jax slid into the booth across from her. Both rested their arms against the table. Devon was the first to speak up. “So what happened?”

  Before she answered, she looked over. Jax’s eyes pieced her very soul. The agony that poured from his energy made talking almost impossible. She hated seeing them like this. Hated feeling their pain. Why did she always feel like the villain?

  “Mr. Harris met with all the big players of my company this morning for a four hour meeting concerning my position.’ She paused taking in their reaction. “Giovani wants me back in New York within the year. He wants me on the board.”

  Devon’s eyes got big. “Wow. That’s huge, Jillian. That’s…congratulations. You deserve it. You’ve given your life to that company. They’d be lucky to have you.” He may have meant every word, but the hurt was plainly written on his face.

  “You said within the year,” Jax said, lowly. “When is that, exactly? Did they give you an estimated date?”

  She shook her head. The waitress came up and took their drink orders. Jillian could feel herself squirming against the seat. Damn, she couldn’t keep still. The moment the older woman walked away Jillian placed her phone on the table and slid it in the middle. “I have until the end of the week to give them my answer.”

  “Wait.” Devon leaned forward. “You mean you didn’t jump at the opportunity the moment it was offered?”

  Why did he seem so surprised? Hadn’t she made it clear that she didn’t want to leave? “No. I originally asked to stay. Although New York would be my permanent residence from here on out, and I wouldn’t have to worry about traveling anymore, I really don’t want to leave.”

  Jax and Devon looked at each other. The hope she saw pass between them was so intimate. It was almost like she’d glimpsed into something she shouldn’t have seen. But she was happy she did.

  “It’s kind of mind blowing that you wouldn’t jump at this, Jillian.” Devon clasped his hands together. She could tell he was holding back so much. Ultimately, he wanted her to make the decision, she knew that. But dammit if she didn’t want him to be the dom she knew him to be and order her ass to stay.

  Jillian’s mouth twisted. She looked back and forth between Jax and Devon. “I’m going to take a cue from both of you and if it gets me in trouble, I don’t care. I’ll probably enjoy it too much anyway.” The waitress approached with the drinks and Jillian paused, waiting for her to leave. Damn that woman’s timing! It didn’t take long and she quickly turned back to them.

  “You both want me to stay, right?”

  “Of course we do,” Jax said, instantly. “More than you fucking know, Jilly.”

  Devon nodded.

  “Then say it. Tell me to stay and I will pick up that phone right now and turn down Giovani, Mr. Harris, and whoever the hell else I have to. I can always find another job, if it comes down to it. I’m done with letting work rule me. This is my life, and I’m ready to start living it. Hopefully with both of you, if you’ll have me.”

  Devon’s raised on of his eyebrows and turned to Jax. They both smiled. “You’re so fucking staying, Jilly,” Devon said, seriously.

  “That’s right, you’re not going anywhere. Ever again.” Jax reached out and grabbed her hand.

  Devon pushed the phone toward her. “Call them and tell them no. Then we can talk about what kind of punishment you’ll be receiving tonight when you get home. You scared the shit out of us.”

  “Home?” She tilted her head and looked at him.

  Devon shrugged. “Well, I like the sound of it. Let that thought float around in your head for a while. When you’re ready, you’ll know where we are.”

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. As Jillian picked up the phone, she let the past filter through. She’d left her men already once before. There was no way she could do it again. If that meant missing out on more money, or a bigger status, so be it. Nothing was more important than Devon and Jax. She’d come to San Francisco craving the missing pieces to her heart, and inside the one place she thought she’d find it, she did. But not with whom she thought it would be. From what was supposed to be a dom for a night, turned into two doms, hopefully, for the rest of her life.

  The End

  About the Author

  Alaska Angelini also writes under the pin names, Jennifer Salaiz, and Jenny May. She lives in a small Texas town along the Gulf of Mexico. She's a dreamer, and longs for the day when her husband and kids can load up in the car and drive until their hearts' content. Adventure and discovering new places play a huge role in Alaska's life. It drives her, and feeds the creativity of coming up with new locations for her stories.

  Within the last two years, Alaska and her family have drove across the country twice, and also drove the distance from Texas to California three times. Asked, if she could choose one place to permanently settle down right now, where would it be, she laughed, "Montana, today. Tomorrow, it may be Alaska, again. I go back and forth."dpgroup

  When Alaska’s not dreaming of spontaneously hitting the road to find a new place to write about, she's being a mother and wife. If you're looking to connect with her to learn more, feel free to visit her website at for additional information.




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