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Crazy in Love 2

Page 22

by Yoshe

  “Why don’t you sit down, Kane?” she asked. Kane limped over to the couch but he didn’t sit down. “Why are you limping? Did you hurt your ankle?”

  Suddenly, Kane grabbed Brandi’s arm and shook her. “You must think I’m fucking stupid, right?” he said, through clenched teeth.

  Brandi’s eyes almost popped out of her head. She tried to wrestle her arm from Kane’s vice grip but to no avail. “Get the fuck off me!” she screamed at him. “Get off me, Kane!”

  Kane held on to her arm and practically dragged Brandi into her bedroom. He slammed the door behind them and forcefully pushed her onto the bed.

  “I just saw you get out of the truck with Dollar! And I saw you kissing him. Are you fucking this dude or something?” Kane asked.

  Brandi paused for a moment. “I don’t . . . No, we’re just . . .” she said, trying to find the words to explain the situation with Dollar.

  Kane threw his hands in the air and stopped her from going any further. “Do you wanna know what happened to me after I left your house last night?” he asked. Brandi had a blank look on her face. “Somebody threw . . . threw a fucking cocktail through my got damn living room window and my house caught on fire!” Her eyes widened with surprise. “Yes, my fucking house caught on fire! I could have easily been killed, Brandi. And this all came about after I had a fight with Dollar. Now answer me this. The night of the shower, did he drop you off at my house to get your car?”

  Brandi didn’t open her mouth to say a single word.

  Kane chuckled. “Of course he did! He dropped you off and came back that very next day to kill my ass! That’s what the fuck happened!” Kane yelled, while walking back and forth in Brandi’s bedroom.

  Brandi stood up. “You don’t have any evidence of Dollar doing anything to your damn house, Kane!”

  Kane walked up to Brandi and pushed her back down on the bed. ”Oh, so you’re taking up for this bitch-ass dude now?” He put his finger in her face. “It was because of yo’ ass that this creep knows where I live. If you wouldn’t have called him to come and pick you up from that shower, my house would probably still be intact today!”

  “So you’re going to blame me for this, Kane? It’s not my fault that Sean . . .” Brandi stopped herself from talking by covering her mouth with her hand.

  Kane frowned and got up in her face. “What the fuck did you just say to me? Did you just say Sean?”

  Brandi sighed. “Nothing.”

  “Don’t tell me nothing! What about Sean?” Kane asked, even though he already knew the truth.

  Brandi covered her face. “The truth is that I used to be involved with Sean a few years back. When I saw him walk in there with his wife, I’m not going to lie; I kind of lost my cool. Then this India broad approached me about you; it was just so messy! I just decided that it was too much going on for me and I had to get out of there.”

  Kane nodded his head. “I see. So instead of you keeping it real with me about you and Sean, you had a third man come pick you up.”

  Brandi shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t know that things were going to escalate, Kane, I didn’t know shit!”

  Kane mushed Brandi in the face. She tried to jump up again but he pinned her down to the bed.

  “You don’t get it, Brandi,” Kane whispered. “Dollar is trying to kill me.”

  Brandi struggled to get out of his grasp. “Dollar is not trying to kill you, Kane! You’re bugging out right now!”

  Kane began trying to kiss Brandi on the mouth but she resisted. He slapped her and grabbed her face, this time forcing his tongue down her throat. Kane began removing her clothing and pulled down his pants and turned her over. Brandi fought him tooth and nail but that didn’t stop Kane forcefully entering her vagina. After a few strokes, she stopped protesting. She closed her eyes and began moaning loudly. Kane’s aggressive behavior was obviously turning her more on than off.

  “Kane, Kane, please stop,” Brandi moaned between strokes.

  “Shut the fuck up! This is my pussy,” Kane said in her ear. “Don’t you ever fucking forget it!”

  “It’s yours, baby, it’s yours,” Brandi willingly agreed.

  After their hot and sticky makeup sex, all was forgiven and shortly after Kane was giving Brandi blow by blow details of the fire at his home. She kept trying to convince him that Dollar had no involvement in the incident but it fell on deaf ears. In addition to the accusations, Kane insisted Brandi stop seeing Dollar. That was when she put her foot down. She made it perfectly clear that she wasn’t going to do that.

  “Okay, Kane, enough is enough!” Brandi yelled at him. “You’re not my man and I’m not your woman, okay? To be perfectly honest, I still love Sean and I can’t guarantee that he and I will stop sleeping together! So there! There you have it!”

  Kane sat there with a shocked expression on his face. “What?” he began. “Did you really just tell me that shit?”

  Brandi threw Kane’s clothes at him, hitting him in the face. “Yes, I did. Now I’m asking you to leave.”

  Kane reluctantly got dressed and kept giving Brandi nasty looks. Afterward, she walked him to the door. Before Kane stepped into the hallway, he turned around to look at her.

  “You’re missing out on a good thing,” Kane said, through clenched teeth. “But if you wanna fuck Sean and Dollar, that’s fine with me. Go right ahead. And by the way, tell your boy Dollar that if I ever see him again, I’m murdering his ass! Straight like that!”

  Brandi frowned at him. “Fuck you, Kane,” she said, slamming the door in his face.

  Chapter 24

  It was ten p.m. at the Gordon household. The loud chitchat among Asia, India, and their cousin, Tuki, had Rasheed at wits’ end. The unexpected visit from his girl’s long-distance relative interrupted what was supposed to be a quiet night for him and Asia. But when India walked in the house with the woman, Rasheed could tell from the smug expressions on their faces that trouble was brewing. He had no doubt about that.

  Tuki was the twins’ first cousin from Atlanta and she was a family member Rasheed never had the pleasure of meeting before. Even he had to admit Tuki was quite the looker, although she was a little too slim for his taste. Her exotic features, flawless olive complexion, and long, wavy hair gave him the impression that aside from her African American heritage, she was mixed with another race.

  But there was also something that about Tuki that didn’t sit too well with Rasheed; he just couldn’t put his finger on it. When Asia told him that she came to New York to pay her and India a visit, he said some things that got her pretty upset.

  “So you mean to tell me that after all this time, your cousin, Tuki, decides to come to New York to visit you all of a sudden? I’ve been with you for the last four years and have never even met this chick. You don’t find her visit to be a little suspect?” Rasheed asked Asia, instantly pissing her off.

  “Rasheed, why do you always have to be so freaking negative? You don’t know all of my damn family and I don’t know all of yours, okay? Damn!”

  Asia’s angry outburst didn’t change Rasheed’s mind. He had always been a good judge of character and usually his vibes were dead on. Because Tuki walked into his home with India in tow that gave him even more reason to be suspicious of her. Any time India was around, there was always some drama looming in the distance. Rasheed did not care for his future sister-in-law so poor Tuki didn’t stand a chance.

  Rasheed let out a long sigh. It was a crying shame that he and India would probably never be able to get along with each other. That was his fiancée’s twin sister and they were extremely close, about as thick as thieves. At one point, they were almost inseparable but Asia stayed in hot water because of her fierce loyalty to India. When Rasheed put a stop to their shenanigans, India hated him for that.

  Now just when he thought that India was finally cooling her heels, she appears on their doorstep with Tuki.

  Rasheed could remember Asia talking about her uncle, Rodney Charles, who wa
s a self-made millionaire in Atlanta. Uncle Rodney had a few children; he had two with his present wife and three other children from his first marriage. Rasheed had never met the man but this uncle was no saint in his book. “How does a rich brother allow his youngest sister to struggle with her two daughters?” Rasheed had asked Asia. He found out that the twins’ mom was the black sheep of her family. She ran away from the South at seventeen years old to be with her older, dope-slinging boyfriend in New York City. And from what Rasheed knew of his future mother-in-law, her daughter India was a younger, watered-down version of herself. That explained why Uncle Rodney never bothered to extend his riches to his baby sister.

  With Rodney Charles being a part of the upper echelon, that only meant one thing: his daughter Tuki was most likely a self-absorbed brat.

  Rasheed had a close eye on Tuki. If he detected any similarities to India, she was going to be out the door. He didn’t need or want any drama around him, Asia, or his unborn child, and that was a given.

  Rasheed listened intently, as the women went on with their banter. “So, um, Tuki, why haven’t you come to New York more often, you know, to visit your cousins?” Rasheed asked, rudely interrupting their chat. He took a sip of the Jack Daniels from the glass in his hand. “It’s not like you don’t have the money to hop on a quick flight to New York. Shit, from what I heard, you probably got your own damn jet.”

  Tuki looked at her twin cousins for an answer to Rasheed’s question. They looked just as confused as she did.

  Tuki rolled her eyes at him. “Um, not for nothing, Raheem—” she began.

  Rasheed laughed. “No, no, sweetie. Let me help you out. The name’s Rasheed. Rasheed Gordon,” he said, sarcastically. “Now you may proceed with your reply.”

  Tuki rolled her eyes at him again. “Anyway, Raheem,” she continued, messing up his name on purpose, “I don’t think when or why my coming to visit my cousins, Asia and India, is any of your business. As long as they are good with me being here, there shouldn’t be an issue. Thank you very much.”

  The cynical Rasheed let out a sarcastic chuckle. “No disrespect, ma, but when it comes to my girl and my unborn seed, everything that she’s a part of is my business. I just don’t want no drama around my family.”

  Tuki looked at Asia then pointed at Rasheed, who was leaning against the wall, staring at her. “Excuse me, Asia, where in the hell did you find this ghettofied Negro?” she asked, with a frown on her face.

  “At the bottom of the barrel with the rest of the scavengers,” India mumbled under her breath.

  Asia hushed Tuki and India then stared at Rasheed with a pleading look in her eyes. “Listen, babe, could you please go somewhere? Me and India would like to talk to Tuki in private.”

  Rasheed sucked his teeth. “Okay, mama. I’ll leave these broads alone, for your sake,” he replied, pointing at her.

  “Please do,” Tuki shot back. “That’s exactly why I can’t fuck with no men, child! They’re just too arrogant and cocky.”

  Rasheed heard what Tuki said and put his two cents in. “If you don’t fuck with us men, who are you fucking with? Little boys or women?” he said, giving her a wicked look.

  Tuki swung her long hair around her shoulders. “Just put it like this, Ramel. I like what you like,” she replied, in a nasty tone. “I like pussy.”

  Rasheed walked out of the living room, dying with laughter. As soon as he was out of their earshot, he pulled out his phone to call Sean.

  “I need you to come over to the house, man,” Rasheed said, as soon as Sean answered his call. He closed the door to the family room.

  “For what, man?” Sean asked, in annoyance. “I just got off work and I’m tired as hell. As a matter of fact, I’m turning onto my block as we speak.”

  Rasheed ignored Sean’s complaints. “Listen, man, you have to come through here. India and Asia’s cousin is here visiting them from Atlanta and I need some testosterone in this house, ASAP!” he pleaded.

  Sean grunted. “Look, Rah . . .”

  “Ah, come on, man! I’m over here, sipping on some of that Jack and shit. Come have a drink or two with your bro-ham, man. Come on.”

  “Okay, okay,” Sean said. “I’m on my way. But I’m only staying for a little while. I’m kinda tired, man.”

  Rasheed ignored the statement. “How long before you get here, man?” he asked.

  “Damn, man!” Sean exclaimed. “About five minutes!”

  “Good! See you in a few, homie.”

  Ten minutes later, Sean was walking through the double doors of Rasheed’s house. As soon as he stepped into the living room, he stopped in his tracks. The twins’ cousin didn’t look half bad. She was so gorgeous that Sean was almost at a loss for words.

  “Excuse me, Cousin Tuki,” Rasheed said, with a smile on his face. “This is my boy, Sean. Sean, this Asia’s cousin, Tuki.”

  Tuki slowly stood up and reached for Sean’s hand. “So you’re the infamous Sean,” she said, in a slightly flirtatious manner. “I heard so much about you.”

  Sean looked at Rasheed, wondering how the woman knew anything about him. Rasheed shrugged his shoulders, clueless as to what Tuki was talking about. India had a smirk on her face and Asia was none the wiser.

  “You heard a lot about me?” Sean asked. “How can that be when this is your first time meeting me?” he added, looking at Asia and India to see if they told her anything about him. “Yo, let me find out y’all twins been talking about me to y’all cousin, man.”

  Tuki chuckled. “Oh, no, no! I heard about you from Milan. Milan Daniels is your wife, correct?”

  Now Sean was really confused. “Yeah, Milan is my wife. But how do you know my wife?” he asked, giving Tuki a suspicious look.

  “Well,” Tuki began. “I met your wife Milan in Atlanta about a year ago and since then we’ve gotten really close.”

  India burst into laughter when Tuki made the last statement. Asia nudged her. Sean was totally oblivious so he just smiled.

  “Well, anyone who’s a good friend of my wife’s is a good friend of mine’s too. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Tuki, right?”

  Tuki nodded her head. “Likewise. So, where is Milan?”

  “She should be at home.”

  “Really? I would love to see her. Would you mind taking me by your house to see her? I know she would be so surprised to see me.”

  Sean shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t see that being a problem. Let me just call her,” he said, pulling out his phone.

  Tuki stopped him from calling Milan. “No! Don’t do that. I really want to surprise her! She is going to get such a kick out of me walking in your house. She doesn’t even know that I’m in New York right now.”

  “Oh, okay.” Sean put his phone away and gave Rasheed a pound. “I’ll be right back, man, I promise. Let me just run Tuki to the crib to see wifey.”

  Rasheed waved him off. “Ah, whatever, man,” he replied, with a serious attitude.

  Sean and Tuki got into his truck and drove a block away to his Halsey Street residence. He parked the vehicle a few doors from the house and helped Tuki out of the passenger side. Sean couldn’t help but stare at her; she was such an attractive woman. He just knew that men of all different races and backgrounds clamored for Tuki’s attention.

  Sean unlocked the doors and they walked into the house together.

  “Milan!” Sean called out to his wife from downstairs. “Are you dressed? Come down here. Someone is here to see you.”

  Less than a minute later, Milan quickly appeared at the top of steps, in her pajamas. She slowly walked the down the staircase, completely unaware of who was in the house. By this time, Sean and Tuki were sitting in the living room and all that could be heard were their muffled voices. When Milan stepped into her living room, she lost all of the coloring in her face. Sean was smiling and pointing to Tuki. He hadn’t noticed the nervous expression on Milan’s face.

  “Do you know this young lady?” Sean asked. Milan nodded
her head. “She’s the twins’ first cousin! I stopped by Rasheed’s house on my way home and she was there. She said y’all knew each other. Isn’t that crazy?”

  Tuki walked over to Milan and gave her a kiss. But this wasn’t a regular kiss on the cheek. It was a very intimate one, very similar to the ones that Sean shared with his wife on a regular basis.

  Sean was in a state of shock at the unusual display of affection. “Yo, what the fuck is going on here?” he yelled, pulling the women apart from each other. He pushed Tuki against the wall and stared at the smirking woman like she had lost her mind. “What the fuck are you doing kissing my fucking wife like that? Who the fuck are you?”

  Tuki didn’t answer or give Sean any eye contact. Instead, she was glaring at Milan. “Tell him, baby. Tell your husband who I am to you.”

  Sean took a step back and grabbed Milan’s hand. He looked at her. “What the fuck does she mean by that? Who is she to you?” he yelled.

  The worried Milan snatched her hand away and backed up from her angry husband. “Um,” she hesitated, as if she was trying to think of what to say.

  “Let me help you with that, babe,” said Tuki. “Sean, your wife and I are lovers. We’ve been talking to each other for the past year.”

  Sean plopped down onto the couch and stared at Milan. “You’re gay?” he asked her.

  Milan looked at Tuki then at her distraught husband. “I don’t what I am,” she replied, as she shrugged her shoulders.

  Now it was Tuki’s turn to frown. “What do you mean, you don’t know what you are?” she asked. “We was just at that fucking hotel together and you had your got damn face between my legs!”

  Sean stood up, grabbed the hat off his head, and threw it to the floor. “You’re gay, Milan? You’re motherfucking gay?” he screamed, in despair. Sean began pacing the living room. “So when you went missing, you was laying up with this chick in a hotel?” he asked. “You’re gay and you have a fucking coke habit?”

  Tuki was taken aback at the news of Milan’s drug habit. “You’re a cokehead?” she asked.


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