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Crazy in Love 2

Page 23

by Yoshe

  Milan didn’t answer Tuki but Sean did. “Yep! Your lover is a cokehead! I just found some cocaine the other day and now I’m hearing about this gay shit!” he screamed at Tuki. Sean’s attention went back to Milan. “It’s like . . . it’s like I married a fucking stranger!”

  Suddenly, he walked to the front door and opened it. “You know what? I want you two bitches out of my got damn house, tonight! Milan, I will arrange for you to get all of your shit out of here by the end of this week. And I’m gonna have them divorce papers drawn up, too! I’m officially done with your lying ass!”

  Milan watched in vain, as Sean walked away from the open door to run upstairs to their bedroom. He slammed the door so hard that it sounded as if it was going to come off the hinges.

  Milan’s blood was boiling. “What made you fucking do this to me, Tuki?” she asked. “I was the one who was supposed to tell my husband about us, not you!”

  Tuki laughed at her. “Oh, don’t play with me, Milan! I know that you weren’t gonna tell him a damn thing. And I couldn’t allow that to happen; that’s why I came over here to do the dirty work for you. Now who should we tell next, your family, your friends? I can help you with that. And while I’m at it, should I tell them about your little cocaine problem, too?”

  Milan sat down on the couch and covered her face. “I can’t deal with this shit right now, Tuki. Please get out of my house. I need a moment to myself!”

  Tuki didn’t budge. “I’m not going nowhere without you! You heard what Sean said. He wanted both of us bitches out of here tonight! This means that you have to come with me, right the fuck now!”

  Sean was upstairs in his bedroom, trying to calm himself down. He couldn’t believe that once again, he had managed to allow a crazy woman into his life. He felt so used. It seemed like Milan had just accepted his marriage proposal with the intention of hiding her alternative lifestyle from her loved ones. He would have felt better if she had cheated on him with another man!

  Sean crept out of the bedroom and stood by the edge of the staircase. He listened intently at the heated conversation Tuki and Milan were having downstairs. The way they were talking to each other sounded as if they were in a serious relationship, much to Sean’s dismay.

  Unable to take it anymore, Sean got up and walked into Milan’s closet. He began pulling all of her clothes and shoes out of there. He walked out of the bedroom and started throwing her belongings down the staircase.

  “Sean!” Milan screamed at him from downstairs. “What the hell are you doing with my stuff?”

  “Y’all bitches still here?” Sean yelled from the top of the staircase. He threw some boxes of shoes over the banister. Milan and Tuki jumped out of the way to avoid being hit. “I thought I told you and that bitch to get the hell out of my house!”

  Milan was dazed, not knowing what move to make. And for once, the outspoken Tuki was at a loss for words. Fearing for Milan’s safety, she insisted that they leave the house, just as Sean had told them to.

  “Please, Milan,” Tuki said, with a worried look on her face. “Let’s just leave!”

  Milan looked around at the articles of clothing, shoes, and accessories that were scattered all over the steps and foyer area. When she looked up, Sean was still throwing things over the banister. She took a deep breath, trying to build up the courage to confront him.

  When Milan got to the top of the steps, Sean nudged her, causing her to almost tumble backward. She broke her fall by grabbing on to the banister. Tuki started to run up the stairs to help her but Milan stopped her.

  “I got this, Tuki,” she called out to her. “Just chill out. I got this!”

  “You put hands on her again, motherfucker, and I’m gonna call the police on your ass!” Tuki yelled up at Sean.

  “Fuck you, you box-eating lesbo bitch!” Sean screamed back at Tuki. “You’re the one who came up in here and started all of this fucking drama! But since you wanna act like a man, come up here! I will beat the shit outta you, like a man!”

  Sean’s threats of violence and derogatory comments to Tuki were the final straw for Milan. She quickly slipped past him, and walked into the bedroom and directly into her closet to gather up some things. Sean followed her.

  “Why are you messing with that woman, Milan?” he asked. “What was it? I wasn’t man enough for you?”

  “Please, Sean, don’t make this about you, man,” she replied to him. “It’s not about you.”

  “So who is it about then?” he asked. “The bottom line is that you’ve been lying to me. If you were gay, don’t you think that’s something you should’ve shared with me when we first met?”

  Milan slipped into a pair of Ugg boots and threw on a snorkel coat. She stuffed a duffel bag with bras, underwear, and sweat suits. After she finished packing up her essentials, she looked Sean square in the eye.

  “First of all, I’m not gay! I’m attracted to women and men. And this is about me, Sean, not you,” she said, with her voice cracking and tears running down her cheeks. “It’s about me hiding who I was all of these years! I went to college, I got my degree, I got married. I did everything that everyone else wanted me to do! I even tried to be a good wife to you and then I met Tuki and I just couldn’t continue this façade any longer.” Milan looked up at the heartbroken Sean. “The bottom line is that I need to figure some shit out and get my life together because it’s a fucking mess right now! Maybe this is the time for you to get your life together too, babe,” She put the palm of her hand on his cheek. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  Milan tried to kiss Sean but he pushed her away and watched as she walked out of their bedroom. A few minutes later, he heard the front door slam and then it was complete silence.

  Sean picked up one of the lamps off the nightstand and threw it against the wall. He looked down at the scattered pieces of the busted lamp on the floor and thought about how eerily similar his life was to it. Then it hit him. Milan is right. It is time for me to get my life together.

  Chapter 25

  Milan practically ran out of her house to her parked truck, with Tuki trailing closely behind her.

  “Milan! Milan!” Tuki yelled into the night. “Wait up for me!”

  But Milan wasn’t listening to Tuki. She quickly opened the driver’s side door and started up her vehicle, ready to drive off and leave Tuki exactly where she stood. Just as she was about to pull off from the curb, Tuki appeared on the passenger side of the vehicle. Milan glanced at her lover and refused to open the door. If it weren’t for this bitch and her big mouth, I probably wouldn’t be in this mess! Milan knew that she was knee deep in a cesspool of feces, and from the looks of things there was no turning back now.

  “Open the door!” Tuki said, as she stood outside of the truck and banged on the window. “Let me in, Milan! Please!”

  A few seconds passed and Milan reluctantly opened the door but for one reason alone. As soon as Tuki slid into the seat, she blacked out and began pummeling the unwanted passenger with her fists.

  “You dumb bitch!” Milan screamed at her, surprised at her own actions. “You ruined my fucking life!”

  Tuki balled up her fists to hit Milan back but it was pointless. Milan was definitely getting the best of her.

  “Stop! Stop!” Tuki cried out in pain, as Milan continued to give her body blows.

  She even grabbed Tuki’s long hair and began banging her head on the passenger side window, only stopping when she saw that Tuki was slowly losing consciousness. Milan grudgingly released her tight grip on Tuki’s hair. Then she sat back in the driver’s seat, trying to catch her breath. She was so physically and emotionally exhausted from everything that she’d been through that week. It was enough to make her want to leave New York for good and never look back. She glanced over at the dazed Tuki, who was leaning her head against the window, trying to regain her senses.

  When Tuki did open her eyes, she starting rubbing her head. “Why did you do that to me?” Tuki asked, in a cautionary tone. Sh
e flipped down the visor to look in the lighted mirror. “Why were you hitting me?” she asked again, as she inspected her face for bruises.

  Milan pointed her long, manicured nail in the center of Tuki’s forehead. “You’re lucky that I don’t fucking kill you!” she replied. “You just had to go and ruin my marriage, didn’t you? You just couldn’t wait for me to tell my husband about us. You just had to fuck everything up!”

  Tuki sat upright in the seat and pointed her finger back at Milan. “I didn’t do nothing that you couldn’t have done yourself! You’re the one running around here acting like this . . . this devoted wife, and you ain’t nothing but a DL lesbo, baby. Yes, I fucking said it! I know your type so well!” Tuki waited for Milan to respond but when that response didn’t come, she continued talking. “Right now, your husband is back in that house, hurting just because you wanted to live a lie. But, oh well, I wasn’t about to let you do that shit to me or to Sean! He deserved to know the truth!”

  Milan thought about what Tuki what saying to her. Her life with Sean had become so humdrum and monotonous. She yearned for something different, something more exciting. That was where Tuki fit in. But truthfully, Milan didn’t want to be in a full-blown relationship with the younger woman. Now that the cat was out of the bag, Milan could do whatever she wanted. She could finally live the life that she had denied herself for so long.

  Before she pulled off, Milan reached into her bag and took out a vial of cocaine. She boldly sniffed the contents right in front of Tuki, who was sitting in the passenger seat and giving her a disapproving stare.

  “I can’t believe that you’re going to do drugs right in front of me,” Tuki said, while shaking her head in disgust.

  As the cocaine began to take effect, Milan looked over at Tuki with her eyes half shut and a smirk on her face. The drug made everything very crystal clear to her. How could she really be in love with some spoiled, rich brat who would stop at nothing to get exactly what she wanted, even it meant ruining someone’s life? And, after all that drama Tuki caused back at the house, it was painfully obvious that she was not only in love with Milan, she was obsessed with her.

  Most people would desperately try to get away from Tuki but not Milan. She realized that Tuki was an asset, not a liability. The woman had major money, she had all of the connections and, most importantly, Milan could get anything that she wanted out of her. In the course of Milan losing her husband, she had gained a sponsor and a damn good one at that.

  The smirk on Milan’s face turned into a mischievous smile. She held the vial up to Tuki’s nostril. “Why don’t you have some, little girl?” she said, trying to persuade her to try the coke. “Trust me, it won’t hurt you, little baby. You’ll fucking love it. Go ahead and try it. It feels so good!”

  Tuki took the vial from Milan, who showed her how to snort the cocaine from the back of her hand. Not too long after that lesson, Tuki tried it. Milan laughed, as she watched her grab her nose and squirm in the car seat.

  “Wow!” Tuki exclaimed. “It burns a little but I have to admit that’s some good shit!” she added, with a nervous laugh.

  Milan grinned from ear to ear. “Isn’t it great? I’m sure that there will be more where this comes from, right?” she said, suggesting that Tuki fund her habit.

  Tuki snorted some more of the coke and gave Milan a seductive look. “Anything for my baby,” she said. The two women started to kiss and grope each other’s body parts. Things got so heated they were practically taking their clothes off in Milan’s car.

  Milan finally came up for air and wiped Tuki’s lip gloss off her face. She started up the vehicle and drove off. “Let’s hurry up and get back to the hotel,” she whispered. “We got some things to do.”

  It was almost 11:30 at night when a worried India started calling Tuki’s phone. She dialed the number several times but there was still no answer. She looked over at the pregnant Asia. All she could do was shake her head.

  “This huzzy is not answering her phone!” the frustrated India said. “Where could she be?”

  Asia frowned. “Rah!” she yelled. Rasheed quickly appeared in the doorway of the living room. “Could you please call Sean and ask him if Tuki is still at his house? She’s not answering her cell and it’s been almost two hours since she left this house.”

  Rasheed called Sean’s cell phone twice but the call kept going to voice mail. Now it was time for him to be concerned about his friend.

  “Sean ain’t answering his phone, either,” Rasheed said. He went to grab his coat from the closet. “I’m gonna go over there and find out what’s going on. I’ll be back.”

  Rasheed got into his car and drove to Sean’s house. After parking his vehicle, he walked up the steps of the brownstone and rang the bell. When no one came to the door, Rasheed called Sean again. Shortly after the last call, he heard the locks on the front door click. As soon as Sean opened the door, Rasheed knew that something had gone terribly wrong.

  Rasheed followed the visibly downtrodden Sean into his living room. He watched as his friend lay on the couch and covered his eyes with his forearm. Strangely enough, Sean was home alone, with no signs of Milan or Tuki in sight. Rasheed sat in the armchair across from Sean, waiting to get to the bottom of what went on there.

  “What’s up, bruh?” Rasheed asked. “Where’s Tuki and Milan?”

  Sean slowly sat up. He looked Rasheed in the eye and began telling him the story from beginning to end. The angry Rasheed stood up and began flailing his arms like a madman.

  “I knew that that bitch was shady, I fucking knew it!” he exclaimed. “She came to New York for Milan, not to visit them twins!”

  Sean nodded his head. “Yes, she did! And I’m gonna keep it real, man, this shit blindsided me. When Tuki said that she had heard so much about me, I didn’t expect for her to say that her and Milan had been fucking each other! I just thought that they were acquaintances,” he said, drifting off into deep thought.

  Rasheed sighed. He felt bad for his friend. “Never in a million years would I have guessed that Milan was getting down like that but what do I know?” He walked over to Sean and put his hand on his shoulder. “Man, listen, man, you’re gonna be a’ight! You can always find you a whole ’nother bitch if that’s what you want and live your life, son. Some broads just ain’t worth the tears or the time, know what I mean?”

  Sean wiped the tears off his face. “This bitch got me crying like a little ho,” he said, through clenched teeth. “Cokehead heifer!”

  Rasheed paused for a moment. “Cokehead?” he repeated. “Who the hell is a cokehead?”

  Sean shook his head. “Milan is a cokehead!”

  Rasheed covered his mouth with his hand. “Wow! Damn, man! Yo, Sean, man, who was you married to?”

  Sean got up and started walking around the living room. “I don’t know, man!” He paused for a moment. “I just don’t know who these bitches are anymore. They say they want a good man and when they get one, they fuck him over. I loved Milan, man, you know I did.”

  Rasheed cut him off. “Did you love Milan, homie? I mean, let’s face it, you and her got married kind of fast. And you had just gotten over that Yadira shit, too.”

  Sean sighed. “Yeah, I loved her, man. I wouldn’t have married her if I didn’t love her. But, I don’t know. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

  Rasheed smiled. “So what’s up with Brandi?” he asked. “Maybe a good piece of ass and some head will do a brother some justice tonight, you know, help you ease through the pain.”

  Sean rolled his eyes at Rasheed, trying not to laugh at what he said. “Man, fucking and getting my dick sucked is that last thing on my mind right now. I ain’t no good, homie. I’ll probably end up tearing Brandi’s pussy to shreds!”

  Rasheed started to laugh hysterically, causing Sean to do the same. “See, boy? That’s what I like to see!” he said. “I want you to be happy, man. Just keep thinking about the bullet that you dodged with Milan. You don’t have one ki
d with her and you ain’t been married long enough for her to be entitled to any of your money! Let Milan keep her licker license; you divorce her ass and keep it pushing! Life goes on, man!”

  Sean shook his head at Rasheed’s advice. “What would I do without you, Rah?” he said, giving his longtime friend a bear hug. “It is time for me to really do me. Leave the past in the past and move forward!”

  Rasheed nodded his head in approval. “Exactly!” He started walking to the door. “Well, let me get back to the house and tell these twins that their cousin is officially a home wrecking biatch!” Sean began cracking up. “I can’t wait to do that!” he said, rubbing his hands together.

  Sean kept smiling until he saw Rasheed get into his truck. But once his friend pulled off, those hurt feelings began creeping back in again, as he thought about how things had played out between him and Milan.

  After making sure all of the downstairs lights were off, Sean made his way up the stairs to his bedroom. He plopped down on the bed and picked up the house phone’s receiver.

  “Hello? Health Medical Division, Gaines speaking,” the woman said on the other end of Sean’s phone call. He gave her his name and the Rikers Island facility that he worked in.

  “I’m calling out sick for tomorrow afternoon,” Sean replied.

  “Nature of illness?” she asked.

  Sean took a pause. A broken heart!

  “Hello? Hello? Are you there?”

  Sean couldn’t come up with any illness. It was then that he decided to tell the truth about how he really felt. “I’m sick. Sick to my stomach,” he said, in a remorseful tone.

  “Oh, okay,” the clueless woman began. “I got you down for sick tomorrow and nature of illness is a stomach virus. You have a good night, sir, and I hope you feel better.”

  Sean hung up the phone and got undressed, practically crawling into his bed. “Let me get a good night’s sleep,” he said to himself. “Gotta see this damn divorce lawyer in the morning,” he groaned.


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