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Beneath Him (Harlow Series)

Page 2

by C. Shell

  He cuts me off before I can finish and the yelling begins. "Ms. Grayson you promised not to hold me up and yet here I am waiting on the next gentleman and you have yet to even start on his make-up. What is the hold up?"

  Swallowing the lump lodged in my throat I try and explain knowing it won't help to make me look any better in his eyes.

  "James I am sincerely sorry. I knew I had four minutes before Deacon was to arrive and my stomach was growling loudly so I went to grab a quick bite to eat and thought I could make it back before you needed me but on the way back I ran into someone and everything went wrong after that. I am really sorry."

  I stood before him wringing my hands together and rambling like a fool. He throws his arms up in the air to emphasize his exasperation with me. I should have stayed in bed today.

  "Please...Stop your yapping and just get Deacon ready so we can finish up before the next crew needs this set. No more unscheduled breaks Ms. Grayson," he barks.

  The next three hours go by in a haze. Thank God this shoot is easy and does not require me to put much thought in what I am doing. My body is working on autopilot while my mind is spinning around thinking about the mysterious Mr. Strong arms that I ran into earlier. I cannot believe I forgot to get his name not that he seemed inclined to spend any more time with me than was necessary. I have had several boyfriends and a few somewhat serious relationships in my life but never has a man affected me and had my body humming by simply touching my arm and staring into my eyes like he did. I must be starved for male attention. That is the only reasonable explanation. My dry spell is catching up with me.

  Throwing the last tube of primer into my kit I wipe off the counter and start back towards the doors leading to the elevator. I am ready to get home and soak in a hot bath to release my aching calf muscles from standing most of the day in high heels.

  As I am waiting for the elevator a distraught Kelly comes flying around the corner calling out my name.

  "Ms. Grayson! I am so glad I caught you before you left. Mr. Harlow would like to have a word with you before you leave. He is waiting for you in his office on the twentieth floor." She heaves out a harsh breath from running.

  I am flabbergasted and can actually feel the blood leaving my face. "I am sorry, I don't understand. Why does Mr. Harlow wish to speak to me," I all but stutter.

  This cannot be good. Jane is going to kill me.

  "It is not my job to question the boss's orders Ms. Grayson, only follow them," she deadpans. As the elevator doors open she scoots me inside, presses the button for the twentieth floor and gives me a quick wave good-bye.

  As the elevator shoots up I made a quick assessment of my attire and fix the few tendrils of hair that have fallen out during the course of the day. My mind is racing with what ifs and whys. The only possible reason I can come up with for my being sent to see Mr. Harlow is that James must of complained about me for slowing down his shoot. Jane and I have not been in business together long and a complaint about us from a prominent magazine like Shimmer would be the final nail in our coffin. Dallas might seem like a large city but it is very small when it comes to our profession and once the rumors start flying we would be knocked straight on our ass. I hold my hands together in front of me trying to stop them from shaking.

  I exit the elevators into a large open reception area. Overly large cream colored leather couches and chairs span one side of the room with ornate iron tables laid in between. The place oozes sophistication and class. I hesitantly walk up to a large dark mahogany desk where a small older lady sits working on her computer. She doesn't seem to notice me as I walk towards her but she is the only other person around so obviously she must be his receptionist.

  "Excuse me, I am Jessica Grayson. I was told by Kelly that Mr. Harlow wanted to see me." My voice is as shaky as my hands. I clear my throat tying to get some control over my emotions.

  She glances up and me and smiles. "Mr. Harlow had to go and handle something for a moment he said for you to go on into his office and he would be with you shortly." Standing she motions for me to follow her down a large hallway that ends at two large heavy wooden doors. I follow her in and promptly decline when she asks if I would like anything to drink.

  I would love a stiff drink right now but I am not sure that would help my situation.

  The room is decorated in the same manner as the reception area with overly large leather seating and dark wood furniture. I am stunned by the ample size of the room. The whole back wall is floor to ceiling glass that looks out over the greater Dallas area. It is truly spectacular and beautiful.

  Taking a seat in one of the leather chairs across from the large desk I contemplate how the hell I am going talk my way out of this. Surely I will not be tossed on my ass for one minor mistake.... right? Dwelling on this thought my head snaps up at the sound of the door opening.

  "What the hell?" I squeak, my voice rising several octaves. I am completely shocked to be staring once again at those glorious green eyes as Mr. Strong Arms strolls through the door.

  "You're the reason that I have been called to meet with Mr. Harlow? It was a simple mistake," I shout. "I already apologized for running into you. What else do you want, my first born?" I exclaim as I run my hands through my hair to keep from strangling this confusing, gorgeous man standing before me smirking.

  Even with that damn smirk he looks delicious. This is insane. I am lusting after a man that could possibly ruin me and cause of me to lose one of our largest clients.

  Clearing his throat he finally speaks and damn if he does not have the sexiest deep gravelly voice. "You don't exactly sound very sorry Ms. Grayson," he drawls out taking the empty seat beside mine.

  This man is infuriating to say the least. "I was very sorry at the time but I must admit that knowing now that you tattled on me doesn't make me the lease bit sorry anymore. It was an innocent mistake and judging by the fact that you are walking fine and do not appear hurt I would have to say no harm was done."

  He laughs loudly and the deep sound hits me straight between my legs causing me to quench them together tight. "You are a feisty one aren't you?"

  "No not normally," I say more to myself than to him. "I feel I am at a disadvantage. You have obviously learned my name but you never did tell me yours."

  I am beyond curious now. I want to know the name of this beautiful asshat!

  Smirking at me once again he leans in close and his clean scent of fresh water and vanilla envelops me. He smells divine not that I would expect anything less. Taking my hand in his he lightly kisses the tops of my knuckles, sending jolts of electricity through my body. I stare up at him in complete awe and confusion.

  What the hell is going on?

  "Sorry if I forgot to introduce myself earlier. I am Alex Harlow, but you call me Alex, Sir, or my favorite of all time, Master of the Universe," he says smirking again.

  I now agree with that saying about curiosity killing the cat.

  Chapter 3

  Fuckity Fuck Fuck...

  This is not happening. Please let this be a bad dream that I will soon awake from and have a good laugh about later over a tall glass of wine with Jane. It is no use, no matter how many times I blink the same horrible scene lays before me. How did I not see this before? I have got to start doing better research on who I am working for before showing up to jobs.... even if they are thrown at me at the last minute.

  What does he mean by saying I can call him Master of the Universe? I want to slap that smug look right off his face.

  I refuse to let this pompous self righteous man get the best of me. "Mr. Harlow would you please enlighten me on why you had me sent to your office?"

  Standing he moves over to the wet bar and proceeds to make himself a stiff drink of bourbon. Glancing back to me he asks," Would you care to join me for a drink Jessica?"

  I shake my head no. This man is intoxicating enough without liquor. I need to keep all my quits about me around him. "I appreciate the offer but no and you can ca
ll me Ms. Grayson."

  He chuckles and I cautiously allow my eyes to rove over his spectacular physique as he makes his way back to the chair next to mine. What is his game? This man no doubt does not do anything without an agenda, so what game is he playing by calling me up here?

  Setting down his drink on the table between us he looks up at me and I am immediately lost in those green eyes of his, all dark and serious. His hand covers mine as his thumb gently strokes small circles over my knuckles, never taking his eyes off of mine. I don't understand any of this. I want to ask but I can't breathe let alone speak.

  Get it together Jess. This man is out of your league and will eat you alive.

  You can cut the sexual tension in the room with a knife it is so thick. I pull my hand back and shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. "Mr. Hanson I need to know why you had me brought to your office. If this is about my job performance today than please speak up otherwise I really need to be getting home."

  "Have dinner with me tonight Jessica." He is not asking as much as telling me.

  I think I could use that drink about now.

  "Excuse me? I squeak. "I thought I was asked up here because I ran into you today and caused the set to slow down?"

  "Yes that was misfortunate but I am not such a hard ass that I would hold that over your head. Although in the future you really should eat before coming to work," he huffs. His voice is reprimanding and for some odd reason it turns me on.

  Is he scalding me? He does not even know me. I need to get out of here before I say something I will regret. This man oozes enough sex appeal to drive a nun to orgasm.

  "Jessica you have not answered me about dinner. What would you like to eat? There is a new Japanese restaurant not far from here that I have heard is marvelous. I do believe that is your favorite food, is it not?"

  This man is insane and way over confident. My favorite food? Has he been checking up on me? There is no way I can have dinner with him and keep a professional relationship with his magazine. My mind is screaming no and yet my body is begging me to say yes.

  "Checking up on me? That seems a bit stalkerish," I muse. "I appreciate the offer for dinner but I do not like to mix work and pleasure so I must decline," I snap.

  Take that Mr. Strong Arms

  He gives me a don't-be-stupid stare. "Mmmmm.... Well that won't be a problem tonight. You are already done with work for the day so that only leaves us with pleasure; no mixing involved."

  Leaning in and closing the distance between us he whispers in my ear, "What pleasures you Jessica? You spread out naked bent over my desk screaming out my name while I make you come. Would that pleasure you?"

  Holy shit, I just drenched my panties.

  I stare up at him in shock, my mouth agape not only from his words and the images it spurs but from the bluntness in his tone. Did he really just say that? This man is seriously messing with my libido and causing my blood to flame. He can easily have any woman he wants, so why me? He must see me as a challenge or a new play thing to have fun with.

  I don't need some rich boy fucking with my head; I have had enough of that to last a life time.

  I feel the flush creeping up my face. "Like I said before I appreciate the offer but I must decline," I murmur. "I am sure you have many women on your speed dial that would be delighted to join you tonight. As for what pleasures me, that is really none of your concern."

  Before I lose my courage I stand and make a beeline for the door. I need some fresh air and time to absorb the frenzied emotions and feelings coursing through my body.

  He stands up as I do grabbing my elbow as I try and brush past him halting my escape. Placing his index finger under my chin he lifts my face up until it is even with his. I am practically panting like some sex starved lunatic. Our eyes latch on to each other's and those damn green eyes drown out all thought.

  I can feel his warm breath on my skin and that his clean water scent invades my senses. My eyes scroll down to his mouth as I watch his tongue slowly dart out and wet his bottom lip. I want to take that bottom lip of his and pull it into my mouth, suck it gently before slowly releasing it. Leaning forward he presses his lips against my cheek then slowly darts light kisses down my jaw line until he reaches my trembling mouth.

  My body is completely betraying my mind and refuses to stop him, I need to run. But I don't.

  His hand snakes out grabbing the back of my neck and crashes our lips together. I melt into him. The kiss is hungry, carnal, and oh so hot. I moan against his lips as his tongue strokes inside my mouth tangling with mine and scorching everything it touches. My hands reach up grasping his broad shoulders for support as my knees go weak.

  I shudder when his hot mouth descends and sucks on the delicate skin under my ear. This is insane. I barely know this man and yet he works my body like he owns it. He pulls me closer leaving no room in between us. I can feel the evidence of his attraction to me between our bodies, igniting a fire storm of emotions and need deep inside me.

  My nipples pucker through my lace bra as his chest rubs against my breasts causing me to gasp. I pray that he does not notice but I am not that lucky. Groaning into my mouth, his hand dips down taking an elongated nipple and rubbing it between his fingers hard causing a flood of wetness between my thighs.

  "You like that don't you baby? Are you wet for me?" He growls against my lips.

  "Mmmmm.." is all I am able to say. This man has me spiraling out of control and turning into a puddle of need.

  My phone starts singing Some Nights by Fun, my ringtone for Jane, snapping me out of my lust filled state. I try reaching around to grab it out of my bag but Alex holds me tighter not allowing me pull out of his embrace.

  Finding my voice I mutter," I need to get that. Jane will be worried if I don't answer."

  Alex scowls down at me. The intensity in those emerald green eyes of his daring me to stop what is happening between us. What is happening between us? I don't kiss strangers let alone let them feel me up.

  Pressing both of my hands against his chest I push away from him, turning to grab my purse and work kit that I left by his office door. I need to leave and get far away from him.

  "Don't run away from me Jessica. There is something between us. I know you feel it too." He challenges.

  The raw emotion in his voice is enough to bring me to my knees but I cannot think straight when I am near him. I will not become some one night stand. Another notch on some rich playboys' bed post.

  Halfway out the door I turn around and his penetrating eyes lock on mine. I wish he would stop looking at me like he wants to devour me whole.

  "It was nice meeting you Mr. Harlow," I stammer as I turn and run out of his office. Pressing the elevator call button I am relieved when the doors open and the car is readily available. As the doors start to shut I look up to see Alex staring at me like the predator he is, leaning up against his receptionist's desk.

  "See you soon Ms. Grayson," he warns just as the doors close.

  What the hell have I got myself into?

  Chapter 4

  The sun streaming in my bedroom window is an unwelcomed invasion. I barely got any sleep last night. Tossing turning and sexually frustrated beyond belief. Alex fueled my dreams and my body all night long.

  Those damn dreams felt so real. His hands on my body as he slips between my legs cupping my sex. His rough voice as he tells me to bend by legs up to my chest as he leans down inhaling my scent before licking me from ass to clit. My body is strung tight just thinking about the erotic way he worked my body bringing me to orgasm three times making me call out his name each time while he told me I was his.

  His? What the hell? My mind is definitely working overtime. I have been reading too many romance novels.

  Slipping my hand down my body I gently stroke my wet folds desperate to find release. Finding my hard clit I gently run my fingers over the tight bundle of nerves, bucking at the sensitivity. I imagine it is his fingers touching me. His mouth on my nip
ples sucking and nipping at my skin. Slipping a finger in my wet channel I slowly stroke in and out while my other hand kneads and rolls my puckered nipple between my fingers. I feel the pressure building fast. I add another finger; increase my strokes and fall apart calling out his name as I ride out the wave of my orgasm.

  I am screwed. I have to get Alex out of my head.

  Dragging my sorry ass out of bed I head to the shower. The warm water helps to clear my mind. I called Jane back last night after leaving his office but could not bring myself to tell her what happened. Not that I was afraid she would think bad about me, but I don't want to say anything until I have the chance to figure out how I feel about it.

  What did he mean by "He would see me soon"? I have no plans on ever seeing him again. He is dangerous territory as far as I am concerned. A mine field that would explode around me leaving me vulnerable, hurt and having to put myself back together again. Turning off the shower I grab my towel, drying off quickly as the cold air attacks my body. Staring into the mirror my breathe catches in my throat as I notice the mark on the lower part of my neck.

  No, No, No, No! Damn bastard!

  He marked me. How did I not notice him marking me? Because I was too busy being horny and withering beneath him, thats how. I have never let a man mark me before. Luckily I am a make-up expert and have the right tools to cover the little bugger up. He better be glad he is not seeing me again or I would kill him for this.

  Throwing on my favorite pair of comfy worn jeans and a green tank top with sneakers, I scoop up my car keys and purse and head over to the coffee shop around the corner. I am in need of some serious java and my little can of Folgers is just not strong enough for handle my craving this morning.

  Today is the perfect day to drive with my top down on my car. The weather is perfect which does not happen very often in Texas. I swear Texas has the most neurotic weather around so when we get days like this where it is sunny with very little humidity you learn to savor it. The fresh air helps to lift my mood and makes me determined to turn this weekend around. I refuse to let Mr. Strong Arms drag my mood down.


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