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Beneath Him (Harlow Series)

Page 3

by C. Shell


  After a day of leisure and relaxation I call my best friend Jax, my male version of Jane, and plead with him to join me for a night of drinks and dancing at club twenty-one downtown tonight. He played it up as though he was doing me a favor, but truth be told he has been trying to get a date with one of the female bartenders there for several weeks and being the opportunist that he is would never turn down the chance to try once again to swoon her. Jax is a beautiful male specimen with sandy colored hair light green-grey eyes and an extravagantly toned body with an over inflated ego to match.

  Everybody including my dear Jane thinks that we need to date but that ship has sailed. I love Jax more than life but he knows me too well to turn it into anything romantic. If we had just met one night out than maybe things could have been different but Jax was my previous boyfriend Travis's best friend and when things turned bad between us Jax stayed by my side and helped me through it. He has seen too much ugliness in my life to turn anything between us into something beautiful.

  Throwing on my black shift dress that stops well above my knees with my killer blood red hooker stilettos I look pretty hot. I spend extra time and care on my make-up keeping my look natural and simple with emphasizing more color around my eyes and red lipstick that matches my heels. For once my hair has decided to behave and falls around my shoulders in soft waves instead of the usual frenzied mess that comes from the wonderful Texas humidity. One of these days I am going to take my mom's advice and move somewhere that is has hair friendly weather. Maybe Colorado.

  Glancing at the clock beside my bed I groan realizing I only have ten minutes before Jax shows up and he is never late. Taking an extra minute that I really don't have I send a quick text to Jane.

  Me: How are you love? Having fun in the sun?

  She answers right back.

  Jane: Just relaxing. We have had a small change of plans, be back early tomorrow

  Me: Everything ok?

  Jane: Everything is fine. David had to change his plane departure time due to work so we will be coming home earlier. Miss you.

  Me: Be careful driving home. Going out with Jax dancing tonight. Miss you too

  As I finish up the last part of my text I hear Jax knocking on the front door. Placing my phone in my purse I run around the apartment turning off lights and checking once more to make sure I turned off the curling iron. Jane is always cursing my horrible habit of forgetting to turn it off and unplugging it before I leave.

  Opening the front door I am greeted by a ruggedly handsome Jax dressed to impress in designer dark jeans and a charcoal pull over short sleeve shirt that hugs his glorious biceps.

  "You look handsome sweetie," I say kissing him on the cheek. Shooting me a warning look he runs to the hall mirror tying to remove the nice red kiss mark on his cheek from my lipstick.

  "If that bartender girl turns you down tonight than she needs to get her eyes examined. I am going to have to beat the girls off you with a stick to get a dance with you tonight," I tease as my eyes rove over his body.

  Leaning down he dusts a light kiss on my cheek. "You clean up pretty nice yourself baby doll and you never have to wait for a dance from me, I am all yours."

  I can't help the blush that taints my cheeks. Even when he jokes he always says the sweetest things. Every girl needs to hear a nice compliment from a sexy man every now and then even it is from her best friend.

  "You don't think the dress is too short? I don't want to look like a hooker," I ask completely serious.

  Rolling his eyes dramatically he laughs. "Hell no. You look sexy." Swatting my bottom on his way back towards the front door he murmurs. "Let's get going. I am ready un-wind tonight. It has been a long week at work."

  After locking the front door he guides me to his parked black BMW on the curb and opens the door as I slide into the soft buttery yellow leather seats. The cool leather feels nice on the back of my thighs. Opening his door he slides in next to me, starts the engine then pulls onto the freeway zipping towards downtown.

  Traffic is unusually light for a Saturday night. After singing our lungs out to several Beastie Boys songs we pull up at the club a little after ten o'clock. The place is already packed but thankfully Jax and the bouncer are gym friends and we walk in without having to wait in line like everyone else which is good because my heels are already murdering my feet.

  The things girls go through to look good.

  The bar is crazy loud and just what I need to distract me from my scandalous thoughts about Mr. Harlow. Jax grabs my hand as we wind our way through the crowd towards one of the last empty tables in the back corner. I love coming to this club. It is by far one of my favorites due to the upscale decor and classy ambiance.

  I pull myself carefully up onto the leather barstool holding down the bottom of my dress in the process so I don't flash anyone. I am afraid I might be fighting with the length of it most of the night. Just as we get seated and comfortable a perky blonde waitress bounces over to take our order.

  "My name is Lacy and I will be working your section tonight. What can I get you two?" she asks casually eyeing Jax up and down as though I am not sitting right next to him.

  "I would love a Jack and coke and my friend Jax here would like a Bud Light in a bottle no glass please. Oh and Lacy you are free to eye fuck him all you want, we are just friends," I say with a giggle. Jax gives me a bewildered look laughing uncomfortably.

  "I will go get your drinks and thanks for letting me know," she says as she walks away sashaying her ass more than needed.

  "That was crude, even for you. I cannot believe you just said that." Jax whispers in my ear so I can hear him over the music.

  "Sure you can. Don't even try and act irritated with me sweetie, she was looking at you as though you were her next meal and she seems like your type."

  "You have no clue what my type is?" He scoffs pulling my chair closer to his so we can hear each other without having to yell.

  "Sure I do. You have two main requirements," I say honestly. "One they have to have a pulse and a vagina," I tease. "Second you always like the perky ones with fake boobs that salute you without even trying."

  Jax's eyes widen with shock and I can't stop giggling. "You make me sound so shallow baby doll. I know I can be picky but I am not that damn bad," he pouts. He is even sexy when he pouts.

  I lean over and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. "I am just playing with you sweetie. Your my best friend, you know I love you."

  He winks at me letting me know that we are good. The mood shifts as Lacy prances back to our table drinks in hand. She is so transparent thrusting her breasts in Jax's face as she places our drinks on the table.

  Lord I hope I never become that desperate.

  As Lacy sanders off shaking everything God gave her Jax and I share a look. "The girl needs to get a clue and some class. Desperation is not attractive no matter how great your tits look."

  "I know." I say in agreement to his stunned face.

  The drink feels like silk as it slides down my throat. We spend the first part of the night catching up about work and life in general. The drinks keep coming and without a proper dinner it does not take long before I am feeling the effects. Between the strong drinks and the loud music my troubled thoughts melt away.

  Grabbing Jax by the hand I lead him out onto the dance floor as Rihanna's song Umbrella begins. We get lost in the music as we bump and grind through several more tracks catching the eyes of those around us. The drinks have definitely made me brave tonight and my short dress is doing its best to keep us with my shaking hips. Tonight is my night to forget and enjoy myself so I push all thoughts to the back of my mind and keep going.

  Grabbing Jax by the collar of his shirt I pull him to me and yell over the loud music, "I'm parched and need to cool off." He nods his understanding as we make our departure from the dance floor and back to our table. I look for Lacy but she seems busy at the bar so I grab the first waitress that walks by and order
us another round.

  "So baby doll you ready to tell me what's on your mind?" Jax gives me that knowing look but I am not inclined to cave into his line of questioning yet. It perturbs me that he can read me so well. What would I even say; I met this mystery man that turned out to be my rich and devastatingly beautiful employer who wants to make me scream out his name?

  "I'm good. We are here to have fun so no doom and gloom talk," I plead.

  He eyes me curiously but drops the subject. Our new waitress arrives with our drinks and after sitting them down takes off rather quickly before I have a chance to stop and tell her that she made a mistake. She gave me water although Jax got his usual beer. Parched I go ahead and drink the water but grab Lacy as she sanders by us.

  "Hey Lacy, could you please get me another Jack and coke?"

  "Sure. Give me a second and I will be right back."

  Jax looks at me questioningly and I explain the other waitresses' drink mistake. All the dancing has left me sweaty and needing to freshen up. Excusing myself I head to the ladies room. Fighting through the crowds I breathe a sigh of relief once inside the cool bathroom. Out of habit I check my phone to make sure I have not missed any messages. Glancing in the mirror I am appalled by how worn out I look. Wiping off all of the sweat on my face I re-apply my make-up and do my best to fix my wayward hair before heading back to our table.

  Fighting once again with my dress I pull myself back onto the stool and gasp. I look up at Jax a bit perplexed and totally pissed off.

  "Is this some kind of joke? I have not had that much too drink Jax," I snap at him.

  His brows pull together in confusion. "What's wrong baby doll?" His voice is honest and full of concern so I know he did not have anything to do with this.

  "I ordered a Jack and coke and I got another glass of water instead. What the hell is wrong with the staff here?" I grate.

  Searching out Lacy I see her up at the bar retrieving more drinks. I wait until she is closer to our table than call out to her. She looks sheepish and guilty as she makes her way over to us.

  "Lacy where is my Jack and coke and why the hell do I keep getting served water instead?" I demand.

  "Umm, we were told by the boss to only serve you water until told otherwise."

  Jax and I both stare at each other astonished by her omission. I am confused and completely pissed. I have left this bar stumbling my way out before and have never had them cut me off. I don't understand why now.

  "I would like to have a word with your boss please." I demand leaving no room for compromise.

  Her eyes widen but she nods and says she will let him know. Jax looks over at me sympathetically as he places his hand over mine giving me a reassuring squeeze.

  "Baby doll, why don't we leave and go over to Daven's Bar for a while and continue our night there? I am not sure what is going on but you don't need to put up with this bullshit."

  Just as I am about to agree I hear a deep gravelly voice speak behind me." I am told you would like to speak to me Ms. Grayson"

  Fuck Fuckity Fuck!

  Every fine hair on the back of my neck prickles with awareness. So much for a night out without thinking of Mr. Strong Arms. I don't want to turn around and look at him but the magnetic pool he has on me has me doing just that. I am pinned in place by his intense stormy green eyes once again. He is so infuriating. How dare he screw around with my carefree night out with my friend!

  "You own this place?" I ask confused.

  "Yes among other things," he smirks as though it is no big deal.

  I am beginning to hate that smirk.

  This bit of information intrigues me. I thought he only owned the magazine. I am now curious about what other types of businesses he owns but I will file those questions away for later. Jax's eyes are darting between us confused.

  Reaching around me he thrusts his hand out to Jax. "I am Alex Harlow and you would be?"

  Jax shakes his hand while replying, "Jax Landcaster, a close friend of Jess's."

  "Why the hell did you tell everyone to serve me water?" I ask completely riled.

  "Watch your language Jessica. A foul mouth does not suite you," he growls back.

  "Answer my question Alex. Why did you tell everyone to serve me water?" My voice is rising and catching several glances from those around us.

  I try and keep my eyes on his but they have a mind of their own as they wander down feasting on his dark good looks. He looks edible in a white button down shirt with two buttons open at the top giving a hint at the toned chest hiding underneath and black pants that curve his ass perfectly. Damn why does he have to look yummy?

  "You have already had a lot to drink tonight," he says on a frown. He brushes his palm lightly down my cheek. "You need to slow down." Leaning over my chair he pins me with his eyes daring me to disagree.

  I can feel Jax's eyes boring into the back of my head asking what the hell is going on. I did not want to have to tell him about Alex Harlow but I don't see how I will be getting out of that now.

  "You do not get to dictate what or how much I drink," I retort sweetly. "You are such an arrogant control freak who needs to learn about boundaries."

  His presence has totally thrown me off guard tonight. My nerves are frayed and my good mood has just done a nose dive. Glancing over my shoulder I catch Jax's attention. "Can we please leave? I need to get out of here."

  Jax looks amused at our back and forth banter. "Of course Jess. Let me go pay our tab and I will be right back. Are you going to be ok here without me?" He asks shooting Alex a warning look.

  I smile at up at him adoringly letting him know he does not need to worry. "I am fine and thank you for worrying about me. I will wait here for you."

  Once Jax is out of ear shot Alex steps up next to me and leans down speaking low so only I can hear. "Jessica you are trying my patience tonight." he growls. "It is bad enough that you wear a dress so short that every man in here is staring at you imagining what it would be like to fuck you but then you go and act stupid by drinking too much and shaking your ass all over my dance floor tempting all of these sick bastards."

  His eyes blaze through me as his temper unravels. I look up at him in shock. My mouth hangs open in a very un-lady like manner at his brazen words. His words hurt as though someone just physically slapped me. I refuse to let him get the best of me and damn him for thinking he has any say over what I do.

  Licking my bottom lip seductively, I say, "Maybe that is what I want Alex. Maybe I want one of these horny men to take me home and fuck the shit out of me and just maybe it will be their name I will be calling out when I come."

  I know I have pushed too far but the alcohol has given my mouth a mind of its own tonight. He scowls at me gritting his teeth. He is angry! I look past him wishing Jax would hurry the hell up but he busy talking to his lady bartender friend at the moment. Placing his fingers under my chin he tugs on my face bringing my eyes up to meet his.

  "First off watch your language," he orders firmly. "Second you will not be fucking or calling out anyone's name but mine Ms. Grayson." He slides one hand behind my head to cradle my neck while his other hand possessively grips my waist. The heat from his palm sends a spark through my body and straight between my legs. "I don't know what it is about you Jessica but you have consumed my thoughts and judging by the way your body responds to my touch you feel the same way about me."

  I struggle finding enough air to respond. I drag my eyes away from his lips trying to stop remembering how they felt the night before on my skin. "I disagree Mr. Harlow. You don't affect me," I say breathlessly. I give him my best poker face and pray he believes my lie.

  His low laugh vibrates through his chest. "You are a horrible liar. Your hard nipples say differently and standing this close I can smell your need. You want me just as badly as I want you. It won't be tonight but soon you will be all Mine Jessica. I don't share so if your friend Jax is anything more than a close friend than it would be best to send him on his way now bef
ore I have to run him off."

  Holy Hell!

  I not only turn scarlet red but I see red at his arrogant warning. Before I have the chance to respond Jax walks back to the table ready to leave. I push hard on Alex's chest making him back up off of me. Grabbing my purse I follow Jax out of the club cursing myself for letting Alex get under my skin. My legs feel like jelly but I manage to keep one foot in front of the other without landing on my ass.

  The cool air outside feels amazing on my over heated skin. Throwing an arm around my shoulder Jax pulls me against his side as we walk to his car. "You have to tell me baby doll. Who the hell was that and what was that all about? "

  "Really it was nothing, Can we just drop it?" I plead not wanting to recap the drama.

  "No way. You are not getting off that easy. I was not sure if you two were going to kill each other or fuck right there on the table in front of everyone," he says laughing as I punch him in the shoulder. "Seriously that was ridiculously intense in there. I want the whole story baby doll." He is using his big brother serious voice now which means he is not going to let this go until I spill.

  I wait until we are seated back in the safety of his car and driving down the freeway before I cave. Sighing loudly I give in and tell him about work and more importantly after work. When I am done he just stares at me wide eyed but I can see the wheels turning in that gorgeous brain of his.

  "How do you feel about him? Is it just a physical lust thing or do you think there could be more between you two?" He asks coolly. Leave it to Jax to get right down to the heart of the matter.

  I start to smart off about how I want nothing to do with the Adonis of a man but I can't finish the sentence. "The truth is a part of me is intrigued by Alex and yes he does make my body want to scream his name but it is not going to happen," I say softly.

  "Why? Is this because of Travis?" He asks knowingly.

  "Not everything has to do with Travis," I bite back defensively. I hate this conversation and yet I know he is correct. "I can't go back to that kind of relationship Jax. Rich guys like them are all the same and I will not fall back into that destructive pattern."


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