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The Demon's Seduction (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas)

Page 5

by Lisa Alder

  The rough pads of Zepar’s fingers against her nipples and the hot press of Leraye’s fingers holding her open for his mouth twin assaults on her body.

  She rocked forward to suck on Zepar and Leraye pulled his tongue from her body. Then he rocked her back and speared her, impaled her with his tongue. Until Zepar pulled her forward again, the pressure on her breasts a pleasure pain. She reveled in the back and forth rhythm of being pulled between two large Demons. Her head swirled with disbelief even as her body was bombarded by the sensual assault.

  Leraye’s rough tongue widened and expanded until he was larger than any cock she'd ever taken. He touched her womb and pressed against her g-spot, the rough pad teased her clitoris. As Zepar’s fingers played with her breasts and nipples, his cock filled her mouth.

  Desire, lust, longing for this moment to last forever battered her. But she could hold out no longer and she flew into the ether, her body and mind breaking apart into a thousand little pieces.


  Gods, he was going to come.

  Zepar's cock hardened as Thalia sucked him with unrestrained enthusiasm. But Zepar couldn’t take his gaze from the rounded curve of her ass as Leraye’s tongue slid in and out of her slick heat. In the close cocoon of the bed, the three of them seemed enveloped in a cloud of lust.

  His gaze flicked to Leraye’s face, stamped with desire. But Leraye was watching Zepar’s cock slide in and out of Thalia’s mouth. And Zepar realized that Leraye had fisted his own cock. While Leraye fucked Thalia with his tongue, he was working his own cock and watching Zepar fuck her mouth. Suddenly, Leraye met Zepar’s gaze over the curve of Thalia’s back.

  Leraye was thinking about Zepar. The knowledge was in the depths of his shadowed blue gaze. Zepar’s heart contracted.

  And then Leraye jerked harder on his cock. Zepar couldn’t take his gaze away from Leraye’s expanding penis as Leraye brought himself to orgasm. Leraye’s seed sprayed between Zepar’s legs and across Thalia’s breasts, smearing them both with his passion.

  Leraye's hot cum on his thighs trigged Zepar’s release. His entire body imploded as his orgasm blasted through him. Thalia swallowed and swallowed as Zepar’s wad filled her mouth and she sucked until he was dry.

  Yet Zepar couldn’t take his gaze away from Leraye as he milked his cock. A flash of something powerful skittered over Leraye’s face.

  And then Thalia was coming again. Leraye pumped his tongue in and out of her body slowly. Zepar’s cock came free from her mouth as she closed her eyes and arched her back in pleasure. Her lips were red and cum slicked her mouth, open on a hard exhale.

  Then Leraye leaned in and tongue-fucked her in earnest. Unwilling to leave them alone, Zepar cupped her breasts and pinched hard. Thalia stiffened and arched again. She groaned in pleasure.

  Zepar stared hard at Leraye then slammed his mouth against Thalia’s soft lips and sucked his own cum from her mouth. But Zepar never took his gaze from Leraye as she orgasmed around Learye's tongue. Her face cloaked in erotic pleasure as they kept up a relentless rhythm.

  Finally, as if the intimacy was too much, Leraye slithered his tongue from her channel, closed his eyes, and rested his head against the globe of her ass.

  When the connection was broken, Zepar disconnected from Thalia’s mouth and tilted his head back against the headboard. His legs were spread wide. The sleek satin beneath his ass, Thalia’s lips brushed his softening cock in a sweet caress as the hard points of her nipples stabbed his thighs.

  She collapsed into the V of his legs. Then other sensations registered, the hot muscles of Leraye’s chest along the outside of his left thigh, Leraye’s forearm heavy across Zepar’s leg as Leraye twined his fingers with Thalia’s. Leraye shifted to one side and cradled Thalia, his head resting on the curve of her back and his torso curled around as if protecting her.

  Thalia lay in the curve of Zepar’s thighs, her softer skin silky against the rough hair of his thighs.

  Leraye lifted their entwined hands to his mouth and bussed her knuckles in a simple caress. Tears leaked from her eyes and trickled over Zepar's legs.

  “It’s been an eventful day, hmm, angel?”

  “One might say that.” Her voice trembled.

  “I’ll take care of you,” Leraye whispered. “Sleep.”

  Something had happened here. But Zepar was too tired, too overwhelmed to put it together. And as if denying where his brain wanted to go, his body shut down.

  And they drifted into slumber.


  Thalia awoke to male voices.

  Two of them. She’d fallen asleep against her better judgement. Graces as a rule did not sleep with the Demons they serviced. They had their own private chambers. But she’d wanted to hold on to every last moment of her time with Zepar. And oddly, she had even wanted to linger in the comfort of Leraye’s embrace.

  Instead she had succumbed to slumber almost immediately.

  She was surrounded by male Demon flesh. Her head was pillowed on Zepar’s chest and behind her the heat of Leraye’s body warmed her from knee to buttocks. Leraye’s morning erection prodded the crease of her ass. She was sure that if she opened her eyes, Zepar’s cock would be at attention as well. They were both insatiable warriors.

  And once she opened her eyes, this early morning cuddling would be over. So she was going to to lie here and pretend to be asleep for as long as she could pull it off.

  “Do you not see what is right in front of you?” Leraye’s words held a strong note of reproach.

  “I see plenty.” Zepar’s voice rumbled in her ear.

  Leraye’s hiss penetrated the last remnants of her sleep. “How could you ask her to find you women?”

  She held her breath, waiting to see what Zepar said. If he even understood how he’d hurt her.

  “A lot has happened since you were frozen.” Zepar ignored the question. “We’ve discovered a secret weapon in the battle against the Fae.”

  “And it has to do with humans?” Leraye asked for clarification.

  “Yes. Love gives Demons a power far greater than the energy of the moon. I’ve been searching for a human woman to fall in love with me.”

  Leraye laughed. “Power. Like a surge of energy?”

  “Yes. So I need to find a human woman.”

  What about me? She was a woman and a human and she already loved him. The pain was so great, she swore her heart cracked and broke.

  “So, the Demon of Seduction is failing miserably at love.” Leraye mocked with venom.

  “I’ll make it happen.” Zepar’s body had tensed under cheek.

  “You will pay Thalia back for the way you used her.”

  She held still at the amount of animosity in Leraye’s words.

  “I used her?” Zepar laughed softly without amusement. “You don’t think--”

  Thalia could take no more. She didn’t want to hear what Zepar might say next. Her heart was already broken in pieces, but she couldn't let on. She yawned loudly and stretched, pushing her ass into Leraye’s hard-on and 'accidentally' bumping Zepar’s with her hand.

  “Oops.” She rolled onto her back so she was sandwiched between their chests. Thalia smiled seductively, determined that neither Demon would see how much she hurt right now. “Good morning boys.”

  “Good morning, angel.” Leraye curled his fingers around her chin. “We have a surprise for you.”

  “Oh, I don’t need a surprise.”

  “Yes, you do.” Leraye rolled off the bed and stalked toward the door, his movements almost angry. He lifted a tray of food that had been left outside the door. “You need some pampering. I’ll bet you're sore from yesterday’s activities.”

  She stretched again, her body deliciously well used. She watched the play of muscles in his body as he strode back to the bed. With a flourish, he placed a tray heavily laden with fruit and sundries at the foot of the bed. He began to bathe her with a heated cloth from the tray, paying particular attention to the dried cum on her breas
ts. His attention was not sexual, but sweet.

  He dropped the cloth on the tray and picked up a bottle of scented oil. With a pop, he unstopped the bottle and the heavy, aphrodisiac scent of spearmint wafted in the air.

  “Hold out your hands.” Leraye commanded Zepar. The Demon of Seduction stared at him. “Come, you’re the Demon of Seduction. You surely have used oil before.”

  “Often,” Zepar gritted out.

  “Then get to it.” Leraye poured the oil into Zepar’s hand and with a swishing motion indicated he should start.

  Zepar rubbed his hands together. The friction warmed the oil and the scent rolled over her.

  “And what are you going to be doing?” Zepar asked.

  “Working from the other end.” Leraye pulled Thalia into the V between his legs, her back lounging against his chest. With strong fingers slick with oil, he massaged the tension-filled muscles of her neck and shoulders.

  The soothing motion began to work its magic and the mint tingled along her skin. “You are very good at that, my Lord.”

  “Have to be. Between battles we must ease the tenstion in our bodies.” He dug into a particularly hard knot.

  Thalia sighed. The massage soothed her weary heart.

  Zepar lifted her foot up to his chest and began with her toes. He rubbed the oil, digging his thumbs into the arch of her foot with sure even strokes. The strong touch of his hands sparked an answering tug in her womb. And her sex began to tingle.

  Her breath caught. This was not about sex.

  She shifted her buttocks and closed her eyes again, determined to relax.

  Zepar rested her foot on his thigh and then shifted his attention to her other foot.

  Leraye continued to massage her shoulders, and then spread her arms wide and smoothed his hard hands down the length of her biceps. He leaned over her shoulder, his thumbs pressed along her wrists and fingers.

  “What do you dream of, angel?”

  A home, a lover, safety. Simple things. But he didn’t really want to know her dreams. And she was determined that if she had one more chance with Zepar in her bed she was going to take advantage of the opportunity. He might not want her for the long term but she knew things about him, about his sexuality, and she wasn’t above using them to get what she wanted.

  “Naughty things.” She let her eyelids drift up and lasered in on Zepar’s erection. With a small smirk, she loosened the muscles of her thighs and let her legs fall open.

  “You little hussy.” She could hear the smile in Leraye’s voice. He slid his oiled hands down her chest and covered her breasts with his large palms just as Zepar slid the heels of his hands up her thighs until his thumbs nearly touched her clitoris.

  Thalia looked down at her body, the two pairs of very masculine hands caressed her flesh, and her sex sizzled. When they were massaging her, their touch had been impersonal, almost asexual.

  But neither Demon was unaffected. Leraye’s erection poked her back every time he leaned forward to run his palms further down her body and Zepar had moved closer to her, his member bobbed with every beat of his heart.

  Leraye slid his palms all the way down and covered Zepar’s hands with his, just for a moment.

  She loved the sight of two pairs of male hands. Their heavier touch warmed her sex and an electric silence hung in the air.

  Leraye swirled his hands away from Zepar’s. The disappointment was so acute, she nearly missed his next statement. “Time for your pleasure.”


  Zepar fidgeted as Leraye strategically placed peach halves over each of Thalia’s bare breasts. The concave pit cradled her nipples, and the air was perfumed with the sweet scent of the fruit.

  “Are you finished?” Zepar’s voice was deep with memory.

  “We used to fantasize about this,” Leraye said.

  “My Lord?” Thalia lifted an eyebrow.

  “I was a virgin when we were cursed.” Leraye’s battle-roughened fingers smoothed over the soft skin of Thalia’s belly. “But I was fortunate enough to be chained next to the Demon of Seduction.”

  Zepar listened to Learye's recollection of their years of imprisonment and remembered. Remembered the young Leraye. So eager, so responsive.

  Thalia blinked, and her gaze slid between the two of them.

  “He tutored me quite effectively in the art of seduction.” Leraye sprinkled pomegranate seeds over her collarbone and down the center of her body. “We spent hours discussing our appetites and what we would do when we rose to the surface again. Isn’t that right?”

  “True,” Zepar replied slowly. His heart constricted as he remembered thousands of years together. Until they’d broken free of their prison and then Zepar had never touched Leraye again. He had denied his longing for his former lover, focusing only on the pleasure of female flesh.

  “He gave me my first sexual experience.” Leraye’s glittering blue gaze pierced Zepar.

  The air was heavy with memory as Zepar held Leraye's gaze.

  “Well aren’t you lucky? I’m still waiting for my turn with the Demon of Seduction,” Thalia said.

  The intense moment was broken by her teasing words.

  Leraye snorted. “Yes, you are.”

  And Zepar understood, he was to give her this. In payment for her service to Leraye. In payment for the way he'd used her last night. Once they left this chamber the bond would be broken forever and she would go back to being forbidden. And Zepar would go back to denying his attraction for Leraye. So he had to make this count.

  “It's a feast fit for Demons.” Leraye’e eyes danced with mischief.

  Camaraderie and friendship rolled over him. He would make this about Thalia and sex. Nothing more. “And feast we shall.”

  Succulent fruit food adorned her body, slices of apple ringed her belly button, strawberries rested in the valley between her breasts. “We just need the final ingredient.”

  Leraye nestled a bunch of grapes in the V of her thighs.

  They had spoken of this. In the long years of imprisonment, Zepar had combined the banquet of sex and food and lust for a woman into an elaborate scenario where he could slake all of his hungers at once. He realized now that in all of those scenarios, Leraye had been present.

  Clearly Leraye had never forgotten.

  “Where to start, where to start.” Leraye rubbed his hands together like a general anticipating battle. Then he gestured to Zepar. “Why don’t you do the honors.”

  Breasts. Zepar loved a female’s breasts. The most feminine of attributes. “I’ve a yen for her breasts.”

  “Most excellent.”

  By silent agreement, Zepar and Leraye lay on either side of Thalia. As one, they extended their tongues, with a delicate lick, Zepar caressed the side of Thalia’s rounded globe. “You have the most exquisite tits,” Zepar murmured.

  Zepar curled his tongue all the way around her breast and squeezed. Leraye did the same, as they created twin peaks and crushed the peaches over her nipples. Juice from the ripe fruit leaked down and exploded on Zepar's tongue with sweetness.

  Zepar lost himself in the glory of Thalia's breasts, nuzzling the underside and curling the tip of his tongue around one generous globe as Leraye mimicked his action with her other breast. She arched, her breath a soft sigh. But that was not what he wanted to hear. He wanted her writhing in ecstasy. He slid the palm of his hand over her hip avoiding the fruit that blocked his path, tracing his finger over her soft skin. She arched up to press her breast into his face. Zepar glanced at Leraye but he was lost in the glory of Thalia's breasts as well.

  As Zepar edged his hand toward her slit, his fingers collided with Leraye's. For a moment, the simple contact gave him pause, the callused pads of Leraye's fingers skimmed over the back of his hand and stunned him with a sensual shiver. Leraye twined his fingers with Zepar's and lead them to the promise of Thalia's wet sex. They avoided the grapes, and rubbed their joined fingers along her cleft. The scent of her musk was heavy in the morning air a
long with the sweet juice of the peaches. His pulse thudded in his cock as his body responded with an unusual urgency to the sensual play between the three of them.

  Thalia's softer, smoother fingers curled around his cock and her thumb swiped over the head. Leraye's cock was receiving the same attentions. For some reason the sight of the three of them intimately entwined struck a chord within his chest. They were his best friends these two. A swell of emotion thundered in his heart.

  Zepar speared their middle fingers into her feminine channel. Their thumbs trilled against the swollen bud of her clitoris and the press of their joined hands smashed the grapes against her hot sex. Cool grape juice coated their fingers and her cleft.

  Thalia arched and moaned.

  “You like that, angel?” Leraye growled. The sound arrowed through Zepar like a lightening bolt.

  Zepar devoured the peach over her nipple then caught the hard bud in his lips. The steady pressure of her fingers around his cock was a seductive pleasure. And the erotic slide of his fingers with Leraye's into her sex set up a sensual rhythm against her clit. The sounds of sex and moans filled the air. It felt as if they were connected on some other surreal plane, intertwined so that it was difficult to tell where one started and the others left off.

  The surge of Thalia's hips became more frantic. Her fist tightened on his cock and everything in Zepar readied. He could feel the clench of her walls around their fingers.

  His arousal built and built as his cock grew harder. Sweat slicked her skin, and the scent of their three bodies filled the air.

  She was near her climax. His own cock had swelled, the orgasm about to crescendo through him.

  As one he and Leraye leaned into Thalia and swept down to give her a kiss.

  Their three mouths met in a zap of pleasure. For a shocked moment. Zepar froze and stared into the depths of Leraye’s pale gaze.

  Their fingers were still joined and pumping in and out of Thalia. Her fingers curled around their cocks.

  Pleasure threatened to overwhelm him. But he wanted inside her body. Wanted to give her everything she'd asked for earlier.


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