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The Demon's Seduction (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas)

Page 6

by Lisa Alder

  Zepar broke away and disengaged their fingers. His actions were clumsy as he unwrapped her fingers from his erection. A bewildered frown marred her face.

  “Feed your cock to her. In her mouth,” he commanded Leraye, his voice guttural.

  Leraye shifted so that he straddled Thalia’s face and leaned forward to nibble at the pomegranate seeds. She tilted her head back to take all of him in her throat and exposed the long white column of her neck.

  Zepar watched Leraye’s thick, hard cock slid between her reddened lips. The same mouth had worked him last night. An intense desire to be inside her blinded him. His own cock swelled even harder and he could wait no longer.

  Zepar plunged into Thalia’s slick channel. Zepar set a slow pace and Leraye matched his rhythm as they pumped in and out of her body.

  The air was heavy with the scent of crushed fruit and sex. Zepar couldn’t take his gaze from the way Leraye fucked her mouth. Thalia wrapped her hands around Leraye’s buttocks as if urging him to go faster.

  Gods, the sight caused his own climax to bubble out of control.

  Zepar worried that they were hurting her but then she lifted her legs and curled them around his buttocks. The move pulled his chest closer to her body. The bed squeaked as they rocked back and forth. Each thrust brought them nearer to their completion.

  Thalia bowed, back arched, as she moaned long and hard. As Thalia climaxed, her feminine fist milked Zepar’s cock and he let the sensations burst. He and Leraye shouted together.

  Triumph roared through him as his cum jetted from his cock into her womb and Leraye’s semen pumped down her throat. His gaze caught Leraye’s and he thought to see the same triumph there. They had fulfilled their fantasy.

  Instead, Leraye's gaze was filled with a fierce possession. Leraye curled his fingers around Zepar’s skull and pulled him closer. Leraye slanted his head and kissed Zepar. The hard thrust of Leraye’s lips against his mouth shocked him. The uncontrollable urge to kiss Leraye back thundered in Zepar’s pulse, equal parts arousal and fear.

  His cock still pulsed within Thalia. The contrast of her soft body and Leraye’s hard fingers and mouth were too much. Zepar pulled away.

  This wasn't right. This wasn't supposed to be about sex with Leraye. It was supposed to be about Thalia.

  Zepar yanked his cock from her sex and jumped off the bed. His chest heaved as he stared at them. Leraye had eased his cock from Thalia’s mouth and sat back on his heels. Thalia had rolled to lay with her head resting on the hard, thick muscles of Leraye’s thighs.

  Leraye looked at him with pity. Zepar couldn't understand why Leraye seemed without mercy.

  Zepar shifted to Thalia. Recrimination and regret shimmered in her slumberous gaze.

  He hadn't done anything wrong.

  But as he submitted to their scrutiny, he understood, he hadn't done anything right either.

  He turned on his heel and left as if a hundred Fir Bolg assassins were after him.


  “That went well.” Thalia turned away from Leraye and curled into a ball on her side.

  Leraye eased down behind her and wrapped a hard arm around her waist. “You had to know the night was doomed to end poorly.”

  She might have yelled at him if she hadn't heard the sorrow in his voice. Thalia trailed her fingertips over the deep scars on his arms, testament to his fierceness in battle. She wanted desperately to soothe him. For if she was disappointed, how must Leraye feel? He’d been in love with Zepar for years. “True.”

  She lay on crushed grapes. His body cocooned hers from shoulder to ankle. The heavy weight of his arm anchored her in place. Leraye placed a gentle kiss on the sensitive skin behind her ear. Her heart trembled at his attempt to soothe her.

  “What do you really dream of?” he asked quietly.

  She tensed. “What do you mean?”

  “You lied.” He ran his nose along the shell of her ear. His soft breath tickled the sensitive skin.

  “No one wants to know what I really want.” She shrugged off her dreams as if they were of no consequence. A heavy despair settled over her. She had made her choices years ago and she had to live with them.

  “I want to know.” Leraye rolled her over to face him. His jaw was dusted with the shadow of a beard but his eyes were clear and intent. “You matter.”

  Thalia rubbed her thumb over his lips and marveled at how a hard Demon could have such a soft mouth. “It hurts too much.”

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  He was a study in contradictions. Hard, muscled warrior. His features were almost harsh in their spareness. Battled-hardened and tough to the core. Except his touch was the gentle, feather light as if she were a precious, delicate flower and he worried of crushing her with his brute strength.

  Fine. Thalia replied defiantly, as if daring him to mock her simple desires, “Love. A home.”

  “Is this castle not your home?”

  “It’s a shelter,” she corrected. “A very nice shelter.”

  He seemed to be thinking, his gaze narrowed as he stared at her. “Anything else?”

  “A lover.” Her gaze automatically shifted to the heavy arched doors that Zepar had recently stormed through.

  Leraye’s callused fingers cupped her cheek and brought her attention back to him. “What if I offered to give you those things?”

  He kissed a trail down her neck, and nuzzled the sensitive spot where her shoulder connected with her neck before licking his way to her breasts.

  Her heart bump-bumped with a frantic beat. “You are in love with another.” She swallowed away the lump in her throat. She couldn’t speak Zepar’s name.

  “Who is to say I couldn’t be in love with you too?” He twirled his tongue around her hardening bud as if trying to coax her body into agreement.

  Even as her heart petrified, her body melted. His sensual attention was like a balm to her battered soul. Affection and arousal eddied through her. They would be a good match. And they had at least one thing in common. They both loved Zepar.

  And Zepar wouldn't allow himself to love Leraye or Thalia. If wasn’t quite what she had dreamed of...well, that would have to be okay.


  Zepar paced the Prince’s war room. Where the hell was Leraye? And what the hell had happened in that chamber?

  “Sit down.” Gaap commanded him. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Zepar dropped into one of the chairs that surrounded the massive round table and promptly began tapping one finger on the rowan slab.

  The ornate door swung open and Leraye strode in with a jaunty swagger.

  For some reason, Leraye’s cocky grin grated on Zepar’s nerves. He glowered at his old friend.

  Old friend. Somehow that label didn’t fit right anymore. Something had changed in that room. And Zepar didn’t know how to change it back. “Why are you so happy?”

  How could Leraye be so happy when Zepar was still so confused?

  One of Leraye’s dark eyebrows rose. He stared hard at Zepar hard then shifted to Gaap. He bowed low. “Prince.”

  You are recovered, then?” Prince Gaap studied Leraye, searching for signs of ill effects from the Fae spell.

  “I am very well.” Leraye stood in front of the Prince.

  “You seem to be fully recovered. More than recovered, you appear to be thriving." Prince Gaap motioned for Leraye to sit. "So let's discuss what has happened since you were frozen.”

  “I could hear your words even though I was not responsive.” Leraye leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his massive chest. His muscles bunched and he was very carefully not looking at Zepar.

  Why wouldn't Leraye look at him?

  ‘We need to figure out what the Fae did to you.” Zepar didn’t want the same to happen to Leraye again.

  Leraye nodded. “Agreed.”

  “Any ideas? We looked for a dart, any wound on your body, but could find none.” A fine sheen of sweat covered Zepar’s face as he remembe
red the frantic search for a wound, then the raging disappointment when they found nothing.

  “I believe it was some sort of massive electrical overload that rendered me basically null. Unable to move, unable to do anything.”

  Gaap studied him. “But you were aware?”

  “I could hear you and see you but I couldn’t make my body obey any commands.”

  "How could such a strong pulse be delivered?" Gaap asked. "Smaller pulses injured me in the last battle against the Fae and rendered my magick useless for a bit."

  “Maybe that’s why they didn’t hit you again,” Leraye said to Gaap. “They used all of their energy to freeze me.”


  “I wonder why they did not employ the same tool against me in the woods last night,” Zepar mused.

  “Last night.” Leraye seemed to grow larger, his body hardened, readied for battle. “You put Thalia in danger when you went to find women.”

  Gaap raised a brow at him.

  “The Fae attacked and then ran away.” Zepar’s chest puffed with pride. “But not before Thalia managed to stab one with her iron knife.”

  “She was traumatized.” Leraye growled.

  “She told me she was fine." Zepar dismissed his comment, surprised at the rage he saw reflected in the depths of Leraye's pale blue gaze.

  "She wasn't fine." Leraye gritted.

  "Let's focus on the Fae." Gaap brought the conversation back to their enemy.

  “Why would they run?” Leraye asked.

  “It does bear some reflection,” Gaap said pensively. “They certainly did not resist on the same scale as during my battle with them.”

  “Maybe they thought they had the upper hand with you but not with Zepar and Thalia,” Leraye said.

  “Against one human woman and one Demon?” Gaap shook his head.

  Zepar saw the knowledge in Leraye’s gaze. Knew that Leraye understood what had happened in that wooded glade. How Gaap had carried both Leraye and his mate, Lili from the enchanted forest.

  Leraye bowed low. “I have yet to give you my thanks.”

  Gaap waved away Leraye’s gratitude. “You would have done the same for me.”

  It was true.

  “At least now we know how to break the spell.” Zepar shifted as he recalled how he and Thalia had broken the spell.

  “Thank the Gods that you recovered.” Gaap took a long draw of red wine. “You seem changed.”

  Leraye nodded solemnly. “Being imprisoned, again, made me realize that I don't want to live half a life anymore.”

  Gaap frowned. “Half a life?”

  Leraye went over and knelt in front of the Prince. “I’d like to petition for a boon.”

  Zepar’s heart thudded in his chest. Leraye hadn’t looked at him but somehow he knew that whatever the Demon had to say would not please him.


  “The Grace, Thalia,” Leraye said softly. “I wish to have her as my consort.”

  Zepar leapt to his feet. “Impossible.”

  Both Leraye and Gaap turned to look at him. Their sudden frowns triggered a wave of doubt but he didn't back down.

  “What?” Leraye’s countenance stiffened into a harsh mask.

  “She’s here to serve the Lesser Demons,” Zepar said desperately.

  “Who are all out looking for human mates.” Leraye responded. “She told me herself that she is rarely called upon anymore.”

  “Exactly,” Zepar crowed triumphantly. “We must all find human mates. We need the power of their love.”

  “In case you’ve forgotten, Thalia is human.” Leraye’s voice dropped, laden with menace.

  Zepar flushed, a blast of heat colored his face. “But did you gain power from her kisses?”

  "Her kiss revived me. Is that not power enough?" Leraye paused, fists clenched, his body tensed as if for battle. Each muscle and sinew stood in stark relief as he stalked over to confront Zepar.

  Zepar countered. “There is a noticeable surge of power. And I don't believe she gives you that." But the callous dismissal twisted his stomach into knots. She had been his anchor this past month. He’d found peace in her company. He had nothing but the greatest respect for Thalia.

  However the thought of Thalia and Leraye together caused his thoughts to spiral into panic. He didn’t want it. Didn’t want them together.

  “This battle is for the very survival of Demons.” Zepar ran agitated fingers through his mane of blonde hair. “We cannot allow softer emotions to rule our heads.”

  Disappointment flooded Leraye’s face. He shook his head, his mouth turned down. “It’s a good thing you are not in charge.”

  A sick pit grew in his chest, hollowed out and aching. He had lost the regard of his friend.

  Leraye turned to address the Prince. “What is your answer?”

  “Zepar makes a valid point.We need to gather as much magick as possible to fight the Fae,” Gaap said softly. "Did you feel a pulse of power when you mated?"

  “She has given us ten years of service.” Leraye rebutted without answering. “We are no better than the Fae if all we do is try to harvest human emotion for our own gain.”

  Zepar’s throat tightened. He didn’t want her to feel used. Of course he didn’t. But what if she were using Leraye? Zepar had taught her all of the tricks of seduction.

  Prince Gaap said, “You are correct. But--”

  “But we need the love of humans.” Zepar ground out.

  “Yes, but we cannot force them to fall in love,” Prince Gaap said patiently.

  Zepar knew that first hand. Out of sheer frustration, he burst out. “I don’t understand why I can’t get one single human to fall in love with me.”

  Pity and some other deep emotion darkened Leraye's eyes. “You have missed the point completely. It’s about being in love with each other.” Leraye’s mouth softened into a smile that Zepar had never seen before.

  “And that’s what you think you have with Thalia?” Zepar waited expectantly. Waited for the denial. Waited for the laughter where Leraye confessed that no, that wasn’t what he and Thalia shared. They shared sex.

  Very hot sex.

  Pictures of Leraye and Thalia slithered through his mind. Thalia with her head thrown back in ecstasy, her body flushed with desire. Thalia with the look of a woman sated. Leraye, his muscles hard, brutal, clenched while an orgasm ripped through his body.

  “Yes.” Leraye looked almost as surprised as Zepar felt. “I am in love with her.”

  The unexpected twist of jealousy struck him. He didn’t want them together. “And she feels the same?”

  Leraye hesitated.

  Triumph roared through him. “Hah. She does not.”

  “Not yet. But I hope she will grow to love me.”

  “Look at you.” Zepar snarled. “Simpering about love. Where is the warrior?”

  Leraye said, “Are you that miserable that you will not allow us some measure of happiness?”

  “You realize what she is doing?”

  Leraye raised his brows, a look of cynical disregard on his hewn features.

  “She is seducing you for her own gain.” The words spewed out of his mouth, an almost desperate attempt to turn Leraye and Thalia against each other. “I have taught her well.”

  “Enough,” Leraye roared. Every muscle in his body tensed and Zepar realized he had pushed his friend too far. He also noted the lines of tension around Leraye’s eyes. His friend was thinking, assessing strategy as he did when he prepared for battle.

  “I want her,” Leraye said calmly, softly.

  “I’ll allow it.” The Prince, who both had forgotten was even in the room, acquiesced. “For now.”


  Thalia tugged playfully at Leraye’s hand. “Come with me.”

  “I thought I already did that.”

  She giggled. Actually giggled.

  The last few days had been amazing. Since she had agreed, and the Prince allowed she and Leraye to be consor
ts, her days had been filled with training her replacement, Judy, the blonde from the awful night with Zepar, and her nights had been filled with Leraye and love.

  A sense of contentment settled over her.

  He was an adventurous lover. They’d engaged in sex play all over the castle grounds, some places more fun than others. But she knew not all was well. They both had emotional demons to exorcize and she planned to help Leraye over the one place that she knew haunted him.

  She headed toward the dungeon steps.

  His fingers tightened on hers. “What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to engage in a little bondage.” She tugged him toward the cells where the Demons kept their enemies.

  “You’re going to let me tie you up?” Leraye grinned, his teeth flashed white in his ferocious face as he leered at her.

  Oops. Perhaps she'd been too playful. She didn't want to flat out lie to him but she feared if she explained he would balk, so she avoided answering. She knew he needed this to move forward.

  Thalia paused on the winding steps, her back against the cool stone wall, and pulled him into her embrace. The hard planes of his chest flattened her breasts and his engorged cock rubbed against her stomach in a slow, seductive caress. But as he tilted his head and moved in for the kiss, he had a serious look in his eyes. His fingers were hard in hers, and the tight grip belied the relaxed mood.

  With one more squeeze of his fingers, he fitted his mouth to hers.

  Thalia curled her arms around his shoulders and savored his solid bulk. His mouth devoured hers, his tongue probing and teasing before invading her mouth. He slid his rough callused palm up the fine cotton of her dress, cupped her breast, shaped her flesh and plucked at the budding nipple.

  A gentle glow seemed to surround her, a warm buzz that filled her heart with joy and hope. Hope that everything would be okay.

  Thalia broke away from the kiss. “Let’s go.”

  “I know what you’re doing.” Leraye held her in place.

  “And are you agreeable?” A sudden uncertainty attacked her. Would he be mad? She only wanted to erase the old memories, make new ones that spoke of happiness rather than reminding him of what he couldn’t have.


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