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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 72

by Madison Faye

  “Let’s go check out the birds, then.” He led the way toward the back of the house, passing his African gray. “That’s Charlie,” he said, without pausing his steps. “He’s the only bird in the house that’s actually my pet and not a breeder or chick.”

  “Hi, Charlie,” she said. Much to Hudson’s chagrin, Kayla stopped in front of Charlie’s cage and peered in, while Hudson held his breath and prayed the bird would stay silent.

  Kayla reached out to poke her fingers through the bars, but Hudson caught her wrist gently to stop her.

  “He bites,” he explained. “Actually, that’s a good thing for you to know. All birds bite, even the nice ones. My theory is that they’re all a bit wild because they’re decedents of dinosaurs. I think that’s partly why I like them so much.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kayla replied, quickly putting her hands behind her back. The pink hue returned to her face. “That was foolish of me.”

  “No, not at all. You didn’t know,” he said. “Now, if you did it again, that would be foolish,” he said, giving her a wink. “Come along.”

  As they resumed walking, Charlie called out loudly in Hudson’s voice, “First time is funny, second time’s silly, third time’s a spanking.”

  “Yes, thank you, Charlie,” Hudson muttered. To Kayla he said, “Don’t mind him, he spouts nonsense all day long.” He glanced over to find Kayla’s face a much darker shade of pink.

  “He sounded exactly like you!” she exclaimed, blinking long eyelashes and staring at him with what looked like awe and embarrassment.

  Hudson chuckled. “Well, you caught me. It’s an old saying of my grandpa’s, and I suppose I picked it up. Then of course Charlie picked it up from me.”

  Kayla grinned. “Charlie is a tattletale.”

  “You’ve got that right, though he rarely represents me correctly. In that instance of someone putting their fingers through the bars of Charlie’s cage, the second time would be a spanking, not the third.”

  He was relieved to hear her giggle in response.

  “I’m just teasing, of course,” he said, in case she took him at all seriously. Of course, the thought of turning the delectable blonde over his knee did cross his mind—he was a man, after all, and spanking was his kink—but he would never make the presumption that a random beautiful stranger would have the same desires as he.

  Chapter Three

  Kayla’s heart beat wildly as she tried to keep her composure. She was certain her face was the color of a tomato, and she prayed her complexion would return to a normal color by the time they reached their destination. The brief interaction that had just transpired between her and Hudson was setting off bursts of electricity throughout her body.

  Her greatest unmet fantasy had been spoken aloud, and she could scarcely process the information. She was imagining being spanked by Hudson for putting her fingers in Charlie’s cage—not just a few erotic swats, but full-on, panties down, bent-over-the-knee punishment.

  Hudson opened a door, and the house transformed from Beverly Hills glamor to pragmatic workspace with long counters, three utility-sized sinks, and a refrigerator. The floor was a basic white tile, and every surface was spotless.

  “This is where you’ll prep the formula for the chicks,” he explained, “but let me show the birds to you first.” He led the way to another door, then pivoted and gave Kayla a charming half smile complete with a dimple. “Ready to be amazed?”

  She studied him, taken aback by his smile. He suddenly looked familiar to her, but she couldn’t imagine where she might have met him before. Their worlds were too different. It didn’t seem possible that they would have frequented the same stores or restaurants.

  When she nodded, he opened the door, and she understood why he’d asked whether she was prepared for amazement. Suddenly they were transported to an aviary as large as something found in a zoo. The clear netting enclosing the birds was so tall that it covered trees where birds were perched. A chorus of chirping surrounded them, and Kayla looked around in awe at the birds contained in the first enclosure. Although it first looked like one giant aviary, she realized the aviaries were actually sectioned off. A compacted dirt path with a white picket fence and flowered vines led them through the first enclosure, which housed the cockatiels and finches. As the winding path continued, the types of birds increased in size and brilliance of color. Hyacinth macaws, conures, and cockatoos were the three that struck her as the most stunning, but they were all a sight to behold.

  “These are the breeder birds,” Hudson explained. “They aren’t tame, but they’re quite something to look at, huh?”

  “They are absolutely stunning,” she said, looking around in awe at the colorful display. “Will you want me to feed them as well as the baby birds?”

  “No, I have another employee responsible for coming once a day and feeding, watering, and cleaning the aviaries. It’s a big job, and I think the chicks will keep you busy enough.”

  Hudson led Kayla to a temperature-controlled, insulated shed that housed the baby birds. There were twenty-two chicks total—miniature, partly bald versions of the birds she’d just seen.

  “There’s a reason I want the chicks to be handfed,” Hudson explained. “These will be sold as pets to bird enthusiasts, and handfeeding ensures they are as used to human contact and as tame as possible. It’s important to be gentle and feed with care.”

  Kayla nodded and listened with full attention as he showed her how to disinfect the tools, mix the formula, and deliver the food to the babies using a dropper. It was amazing to watch him at work performing the task. He had a determined set to his jaw, but his bright eyes betrayed his enjoyment of the hobby.

  He helped her feed three chicks on her own, guiding her with the same gentle tone he’d used before when she’d asked for help getting past his gate. Though Kayla felt she performed the task awkwardly, Hudson was quick to praise her and reassure her that the task would become easier with time.

  He then offered her the job, and Kayla quickly agreed. As they shook hands later outside his front door, she worked up the courage to ask a question that had been niggling away at her since she’d spoken to him on the phone.

  “Hudson, I hope you don’t think me rude, but I can’t help but notice how much, uh… bigger, your house is than most cops’ houses. Is that because of the income from the birds?”

  He chuckled. “Actually, the birds are more of a hobby than anything else. I pretty much break even. What I earn selling the birds I put right back into improving the aviary and acquiring rarer and more exotic breeds.”

  “I see. You don’t have to tell me why you’re rich. Even a country bumpkin like me knows it’s rude to ask, but I am very curious.”

  “Fair enough,” he said, shrugging. “I find your frankness refreshing, to be honest. Did you watch much TV growing up?”

  Kayla wasn’t sure how to answer that, and her curiosity was stoked even further. “Not more or less than most kids, I imagine.”

  He nodded. “Perhaps you’ve heard of a show called Little Devil on the Run?”

  “Of course! Everyone watched that.”

  “Well, I’m the little devil, all grown up.” He flashed her another dimpled smile.

  Kayla gaped at him. “You’re Hudson Peters?”

  “I don’t advertise it,” he said, shrugging again. “In fact, I changed my last name so I could have a normal adult career. I prefer to live a more secluded life away from the limelight, but I have my child acting career and my parents’ investment skills to thank for my big house.”

  Kayla was star-struck and stunned, though the expensive house and the fact that he looked familiar suddenly made sense. He certainly had Hollywood looks, or maybe it was his job on the police force that kept him in such good shape. His shoulders were broad and his arms muscular. Though his haircut was short, she could see that he sported a generous head of light brown locks. Everything about him seemed very well put-together, from his button-up shirt to his ironed p
ants to his shined boots. He looked more like an actor playing a cop than an actual cop because he looked too quintessentially perfect for the role.

  After she’d retrieved her car from down the street, she headed home with thoughts of Hudson and her new job filling her mind. She remembered every word he’d said, and her thoughts kept returning to their quick discussion of spanking. Though she didn’t know how she’d ever manage to work up the courage to bring it up, she wanted to discuss it again. She wanted to know everything there was to know about how Hudson Peters felt about spanking.

  Chapter Four

  Kayla settled into a routine for the summer. She quickly became accustomed to feeding the birds and enjoyed it immensely. It was a fulfilling, profitable, and stress-free job, and she understood why Hudson liked raising birds as a hobby. There was something magical about nurturing new life and watching it thrive.

  Though she enjoyed her job, Kayla was disappointed to discover that her path rarely crossed with Hudson’s. Occasionally she would run into him in the aviary, and her heart invariably would skip a beat. Everything he did, from walking to talking to caring for the birds, projected a kind of easy confidence and masculinity. He was always polite to her and grateful for the work she did, and Kayla took the slightest attention he gave her as hope that he might find her half as interesting and attractive as she found him.

  She allowed herself to fantasize about him because she knew he was single. No women ever came to the house, and from what she could tell he’d never been married nor had children. The only photos around were of what she assumed were his parents with him on vacations as well as some photos of him with friends snorkeling in Hawaii.

  Always in the back of her mind was his mention during the interview of spanking, and finally she came up with a brilliant way to learn more about Hudson without having to ask the questions outright. She would visit Charlie the African gray parrot, of course, and get him talking again.

  Although she had total access to the house, including Hudson’s sitting room, there was no reason for her to be there when Hudson wasn’t. It would mortify her if he caught her snooping, so she made sure he was away at work when she visited the bird.

  “Hello, Charlie.” She stood outside his cage and smiled at him, as though that might convince him she was a good confidante.

  The bird bobbed his head and squawked at her while Kayla thought of how to get him talking. “Do you like being Hudson’s bird?”

  She could swear the bird was looking at her in a judgmental fashion, but she persevered. “You’re a very pretty bird.”

  “Pretty bird,” Charlie repeated in Hudson’s voice.

  Delighted, Kayla praised him. “That’s right, you’re a pretty bird.” She glanced around just to make sure no one was around. “Okay, pretty bird. I want to find out about Hudson, so let’s just see if you have anything to say.” She cleared her throat and said, “Spanking. Do you have anything to say about spanking?”

  The bird stared at her and squawked, then started crawling around the bars of the cage. Blushing, and at the same time feeling silly for blushing when it was just a bird who really didn’t understand what she was talking about, Kayla spoke aloud one of her fantasies. “I’ve been a bad girl, I need a spanking.” She repeated it again, watching the bird carefully. He continued to bob his head and walk around.

  “You’ve been very naughty,” she tried. “You need a spanking.”

  The bird stopped walking for a moment and squawked something unintelligible. Kayla sighed and decided that was enough prying for the time being. She would return later and try again. As she was walking away, however, Charlie said quite clearly in Hudson’s voice, “Come here, naughty girl.”

  Kayla stopped and whirled around. “What did you say, Charlie?”

  “Come here, naughty girl,” he repeated, and then squawked.

  “Oh, my God!” Kayla exclaimed, clasping her hands together gleefully. “Thank you, Charlie. That was very helpful.”

  “Thank you for spanking me, Daddy,” the bird said, this time in a quivering female voice.

  Kayla could hardly believe what she’d just heard. Her mind raced, assimilating what the words implied. It seemed that Hudson had been involved with a woman who liked to be spanked and called him Daddy. Kayla felt a sudden warmth rush to her pussy. In her fantasies, she’d never envisioned actually calling her spanker Daddy, but now it seemed like the hottest thing she’d ever heard of.

  She rushed back to her studio and performed three hours of research, her search criteria on Google starting with ‘Daddy spanking’ and taking her on a wild ride complete with videos, e-books, and blogs about the daddy dom/submissive lifestyle. She read a list on one of the blogs about rules for the submissive in that particular relationship was required to follow. By the end, her panties were soaked and she was practically insane with need.

  Submissive will observe the following rules in day-to-day life:

  Respectful tone when responding to Daddy. Either ‘yes, sir’ or ‘yes, Daddy’ is acceptable.

  No swearing.

  Bedtime is at 9:30 unless submissive asks and is granted a later time. Daddy reserves the right to put submissive to bed earlier if she is tired or grumpy.

  Submissive will not wear panties while in the presence of Daddy. Daddy will order submissive to expose her bare pussy to him at random times during the day.

  The list continued, with further instructions on what to wear, how to behave in public, and various chores the submissive was expected to follow. Kayla reread the conclusion several times:

  Failure by the submissive to follow Daddy’s rules will result in punishment, including but not limited to time out in the corner, spanking, orgasm denial, and anal punishment.

  Seeing someone’s lifestyle laid out in black and white caused Kayla to feel a burst of envy and longing. It seemed to her that she was so very far away from having that type of relationship. She’d barely been able to ask her boyfriend to smack her ass erotically during sex, and the thought of achieving something so intimate in day-to-day life seemed impossible. Still, it was deeply appealing to her, and she knew she’d stumbled upon something she’d never be able to forget. She also understood for the first time that she wasn’t alone in her kinky desires—not by a longshot.

  Kayla needed to masturbate. She lay on her bed naked with her knees bent. She traced her fingers around the plump outer lips of her trimmed pussy. If she had a daddy dom, would he order her to shave her pussy? A shiver of excitement bolted to her clit. She tugged lightly on her soft inner lips, which were slick with her juices, and glided her middle finger into her aching center. The walls of her vagina clamped down, and she whimpered—part arousal, part frustration. She needed something much bigger inside of her to soothe her ache.

  She removed her fingers from her vagina and used them to swipe back and forth over her clit. She summoned images of being bare-assed over Hudson’s lap, getting spanked and scolded for being late to work. When she came, it was hard. She stifled a moan, though no one would have been able to hear her, and basked in the sensation of pleasure until it faded away.

  Chapter Five

  Kayla visited Charlie again the next day. She no longer needed proof that Hudson was into spanking. She just wanted to hear the titillating words in Hudson’s voice again.

  “Good evening, Charlie. Looks like Hudson gave you a new cuttlebone,” she commented, noticing the white calcium clipped to the side of the cage.

  The bird stared at her, looking judgmental.

  “Have anything exciting to say today?” She preferred for the bird to talk without any prompting—it was less embarrassing for her that way—but Kayla knew she’d likely have to get past her embarrassment and mention spanking for the bird to respond.

  “Do you have anything exciting to say about spanking today?” she clarified. “Any brand spanking new information about your master?”

  “Do you need a spanking?” Charlie asked in Hudson’s voice.

“Yes, I do. You have no idea how much I need a spanking,” Kayla giggled.

  “What are you doing?” Hudson’s voice exclaimed behind her.

  Kayla shrieked and whirled around, finding herself face-to-face with Hudson, looking none too pleased. His eyebrows were drawn together in a frown, and his hands rested on his hips. He walked toward her, causing her heart to leap further into her throat with each step.

  “What’s going on here?” he asked. He stood about an arm’s length away and looked down at her with every bit of parental disapproval she imagined a daddy would have for his young miscreant.

  Kayla blushed hotly, beyond embarrassed. She opened her mouth to speak but she found no words to say. He’d caught her snooping into his private life by talking to his bird, and she was standing in the middle of his sitting room where she had no business being. To make the situation even more mortifying, he might have heard her saying she needed a spanking.

  “I-I’m so sorry,” she stammered.

  “For what?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. He folded his arms in front of his chest, causing his muscles to bulge against his shirtsleeves and giving him an even more intimidating appearance.

  “For bothering your bird… And for being in your sitting room,” she said, her voice small.

  “That’s it?” he asked, his voice sounding markedly louder than hers. “That’s all you want to apologize for?”

  Kayla realized that he expected her to talk about the words spoken between her and the bird, and she felt nearly faint with mortification. Even though it was Hudson who had been exposed as someone who liked spanking, it was she who felt like a freak. She’d never talked about spanking with anyone, and she simply didn’t have the courage to talk about it with the handsome man who was glaring at her. She feared he would see right through her. He would learn that she was intrigued and yet nearly clueless about the spanking kink, and he would decide she was ridiculous.


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